Complete Short Science Disc (UMUC)

Question Description

Week 4 Lab Activity Concepts:

  • image formation by lenses
  • image formation by mirrors
  • real and virtual images

Research each of these concepts/topics. Choose one of the first two topics and provide a real-world example.

You may use the Internet, textbook, etc. to find information or get ideas — but explain or summarize in your own words — and DO NOT copy something from any source you might find. That is a big academic no-go zone that could mean you won’t get credit! Be sure share any information source you found useful.

Environmental health assignment. I need Top notch work,Excellent English need in this paper. Plagiarism free and grammar free work need.

Question Description

Environmental health assignment. I need Top notch work,Excellent English need in this paper. Plagiarism free and grammar free work need.

Note Note

for bibliography- has to be Vancouver style format

This assignment is worth 30% please be keen on everything and make sure you use the sources and reference them appropriately

I will attach articles once I assign the paper. Please i need you to use articles and reference them appropriately.

Attached find

Questions that needs to be answered and modules for environmental assignment

BEHS – Dis Stu – WKTH & WKFR – Journals

Question Description

Please see attached document “GUIDE on HOW TO KEEP A JOURNAL.pdf” to complete the task for this week. Please make sure to review the “Evaluation of Journals” as that is how this task will be graded. I have also attached an example of an completed journal for you to reference and follow as a format.

I have attached the two weeks lecture notes, summaries, and additional information.

There are two different weeks so please be aware to provide two different weeks worth of journals.

answer all 9 questions attached

Question Description

please show all work, in legible handwriting.

1. state the symbols of the following physical quantities and provide their standard units in their abbreviated forms.

2 a 1000 kg car is accelerating at a rate of 2m/s2 to the right. what is the net force (both magnitude and direction) in the car

3. a 800 kg car accelerates from 10m/s to 18 m/s to 18 m/s in 2s. what is the net force acting in the car?

all 9 questions are attached please check below.

Biology Lab Report

Question Description

Need someone to write a good, detailed, biology lab report on antacids complete with the required tables and graphs. Can provide all instructions along with lab results from class. Need to have on or before 9/25 Format is 12 point Times New Roman, 1″ margins on all sides, double spaced, IMRaD, scientific format with CSE citations, third person, past tense and passive voice for Materials & Methods and Results sections. No plagiarism. 3 cited References from peer reviewed scientific journals.

Complete Short Biology Worksheet (CRUTCH)

Question Description



To complete this assignment, complete the steps below.

  • Click here to download the Unit V Assignment Worksheet.
  • Save the document to your computer using your name and student ID in the file name.
  • Follow the directions to review and research the website.
  • After selecting and studying your species, answer the questions in the “What Information Did You Find?” section.
  • Once you have completed the worksheet, upload it to Blackboard for grading (make sure your name and student ID are provided).


Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words:

What is the process of diffusion, and how does it limit the size of an organism? Can this be counteracted? What else might limit the size of an organism? What is the difference between an endothermic animal and an ectothermic animal? What is the purpose of a phylogenetic tree? Why do you think it is helpful for science and non-science majors to understand the purpose and components of phylogenetic trees?

How are they expressed?

Question Description

1. How is the hereditary information in genes expressed? Are there outside factors that can control the expression of genes? If so, what are they?

2. Research epigenetics and discuss two factors that you did not know about this new research on the eipgenome.

Respond to the discussion with a researched response that is cited using APA format. Must have at least 2 scholarly sources. No Plagiarism.

Answers do not need to exceed a paragraph each.

Find five articles and write a brief summary paragraph about each article.

Question Description

So I would like you to find five articles and write a brief summary for each (about 200 words). The topic should be about one of the energy resources and an issue of your choice. I am interested in the fossil fuels espicially in the oil field. So you could find many issues about this field like: middle east geopolitical tension or the Saudi Arabia attack that happened recently. Please see the full assignment in the attachments.

chemistry density lab

Question Description

Report Style:

Cover Page (50 points)

Include pictures be crative

Introduction (50 points)

Typed data and observations (400 points)

I attached my data sheet in this question

you can watch the expierment in youtube about density expierment to give you an idea about what we walked through

and include some pictures of the eqiupment we used and the devices during this experiment

What’s Up (200 points)

how is this experiment related to engineering what the use of in the engineering world

Conclusion (100 points)