Ecosystem 500- 700 word

Question Description

Select an ecosystem in your area (forest, lake, desert, grassland).

Write a 525- to 700-word paper explaining the following:

1) Describe the structure of your ecosystem including important abiotic features and dominant plant and animal species.

2) Explain some functions/processes of your ecosystem including one nutrient cycle and one food chain.

3) Give two examples of species interactions (predation, competition, mutualism, etc.) that occur in your ecosystem.

4) Identify an invasive species in your ecosystem. Explain its effects on the ecosystem and efforts to control or eradicate it.

Include two outside references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

European GGS101

Question Description

The European Union (EU) is a broad economic/political organization created to unify Europe. Choose one of the following countries below which is negotiating, have negotiated in the past, is a potential, or official candidate status of the EU and answer the following questions.

Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo

1. Discuss its history in EU accession

2. Its potential obstructions

3. The Pros of joining the EU

4. The Cons of joining the EU

Format: 1 page minimum or 500 words, double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman, 2 sources min

Please submit via word doc attachment

Assignment – Excel and worksheet

Question Description

You will submit two files for this assignment: 1) completed Excel sheet, and 2) completed answer sheet.

Please be aware the Excel sheet has two tabs: one for computations, the other for plotting.

Submissions will only take .doc, .docx, .xlsx, and .xls files. Convert from Google or Mac format to submit. Excel help at bottom. Google is your friend for using software: “How to plot xy plot in Excel 365”

Microsoft software is also available for free through USF (Microsoft 2016 & 365, under “Productivity”):

That link would help you

10pg essay, double-spaced

Question Description

The essay topic is on evolution of sexual selection and conflict in today’s society. The essay must be at least 10 pages (approximately 2500 words) and be no longer than 12 pages. The title page and reference page are not included in the page or word count. Submit your final version of the term paper in a Word-compatible file format (.docx, .doc, .rtf). The paper must contain a minimum of 10 references, preferably more, from the primary scientific literature (i.e., peer-reviewed research articles). All in-text citations and references page must follow APA formatting guidelines.

Physics 101 home experiment

Question Description

Take-Home Experiment: Relative Velocity of a Boat Fill a bathtub half-full of water. Take a toy boat or some other object that floats in water. Unplug the drain so water starts to drain. Try pushing the boat from one side of the tub to the other and perpendicular to the flow of water. Which way do you need to push the boat so that it ends up immediately opposite? Compare the directions of the flow of water, heading of the boat, and actual velocity of the boat. Video and explain your findings

Complete Research Methods Discussion (TROY)

Question Description

  1. Go to: and look on the left side of the page for “WISE Tutorials”.
  2. Select any two of the nine choices and complete the tutorials.
  3. Post the names of your two tutorials and comment on how helpful/unhelpful they were in learning about your two choices. Include why in your description.Just saying helpful/unhelpful is not a good answer.
  • Participants are required to create threads in order to view other threads in the forum, they cannot delete or edit their own posts, and cannot post anonymously. Those options will be set for you automatically.

175 words only

Question Description

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The Industrial Revolution led to mass production of goods, rapid human population growth, and societal expansions. With these advancements, air and water pollution was rampant. The production and pollution practices occurred through most of the 20th century, until laws were implemented to reduce pollution and adverse human health effects.

Select one (1) type of pollutant (emissions chemical, pesticide, etc. – be specific of the chemical) and propose three (3) solutions to reduce negative environmental and human health impacts.

Experiment 5: Bioinformatics

Question Description

You are going to investigate a gene found in humans: its function, structure, relationship to other genes in humans and in other species. You will be using various online tools in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). I Attached a link of the website below.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govInside the database the gene you will be looking for is: o51e1_human

please follow the Bioinformatics Lab 2018 powerpoint for directions.

The document “Bioinformatics Lab Answer Sheet 2018” is an example of how the final draft should resemble

its pre lab writing no questions to answer

Question Description

its pre lab writing no questions to answer. i will attach files that have the experiment. I need you to write the Purpose of the experiment on your own words. just read its only on sentence. also i need you to read the background information and write it on your on words. Also read Procedure and write on your own words. see the files if you have any question let me know please.

Note: the purpose of the experiment and the background information should be one page.

Soil Respiration and Decomposition

Question Description



Type of service:
Lab Report

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
1 source

Paper detalis:

Hi, I just needthe introduction part A and B knowing that we measured 5 sites (randomspots) in sunny area and 5 in shaded area. it was predicted that CO2levels will be higher in the shaded sites than in the sunny sites. (youcan reword that and make it nicer). and part B in discussion(instruction in file number 5982). Don’t forget the work cited Thanks