paraphrase the sentences below in order

Question Description

just paraphrase these in order:

1. Friction factor (f) is a dimensionless empirical factor. The friction factor that is used in the Darcy Weisbech equation depends on the Reynolds number (Re)nd the pipe roughness. It is used to determine pressure loss (“Summary”, 2012).

2. Aluminum pipe with roughness of 0.0013-0.0015 mm (Roughness of Pipes).

3. Schedule number means the pipe thickness (Milbury).

4. Pipe size refers to nominal size not the actual size. The actual outer diameter (OD) is larger than its nominal diameter (“Pipe Vs Tube.”).

5. Tubes come in different shapes such as cylindrical, and rectangular. Pipes always come in a circular shape; this shape help the pressure force to distribute evenly throughout the pipe (“Pipe & Tube Industrial Applications. What’s the Difference?: IA Academy”).

Biology question 6

Question Description

1.Discuss at least two ways in which we, as a society, can lessen our impact on ocean life. In what ways can you personally reduce your impact on ocean life? answer in couple sentences. using document is attached

and then agree or disagree post below in 2-3 sentences

2.This phytoplankton uses oxygen from the water and is limiting the oxygen other species depend on to survive causing many fatalities. As a society we should limit the amount of fertilizers we are using. There is no really good way to avoid them from washing into our waters. We also need to focus on redirecting waste water back into the soil rather than into our waters.

Answers should be numbered as it is in questions.


​Robotic Ethical decision-making

Question Description

Individual act differently when faced with a situation that needs decision marking. Unlike the robot’s ethical decision making process is designed to close to human assumption. Some complex areas need to address the nature of their ethical decision making, such as:

Is there any ethical framework that guides decision marking in robots?

What is more important, following the right of robots or the positive outcome that they provide?

To whom will the benefit of the robots go to, the society or its owner?

Will society or culture plays a vital role during decision marking?

Is their time where the social norms adhered in place of their principles?

What role is in play by moral emotions (empathy, shame, and guilt)

Make it 1 page

APA fomart

Answering some questions for Environmental Control in Buildings

Question Description


I need help in answering those questions which is related to Environmental Control in Building class. I’ll provide the slides lecture and the book! Answer could be through word document or directly here. You may also use any other online source to find out the answers.

  1. Define grounding
  2. Define valence shell
  3. Explain the purpose of a GFCI
  4. What is covered under the NEC?
  5. What does the National Electrical Code (NEC) says in article 90.1?
  6. What does AHJ means?
  7. What does the terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate?
  8. What does it mean for a panel to be “readily accessible”?
  9. What is the definition of a dwelling unit?
  10. What is the definition of a building?
  11. What is considered concealed wiring?
  12. What is “disconnecting means”?
  13. What is a “grounding electrode conductor”?
  14. Define “qualified person”
  15. Define Ampacity

discussion post Toxicology needs to be 75 mim

Question Description

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was an effective and inexpensive pesticide used to kill malaria-spreading mosquitoes. The environmental effects of DDT have been highly debated between scientists. While some scientists believe studies support a negative impact of DDT on the ability of birds to produce viable offspring, other scientists claim that there are major gaps in the research data that leave uncertainty in the findings. With this debate underway, do you believe the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a proper position in banning the use of DDT in the United States? With the emergence of other mosquito-carrying diseases, such as the Zika virus, do you think the FDA should revisit its position on the use of DDT?

Biology question 8

Question Description

1.What was the most surprising thing you learned in this course? Was there any material that you struggled with? What is one thing you learned in this course that can be applied to your life right now? Answer in couple sentences.

2. One of the most useful things I learned in this course was to see how we have such a negative effect on our environment. How the snowball effect takes place from something we think is so small, like dumping out some extra fertilizer, we have no idea how that small amount of fertilizer can be washed away and carried through the soil, then washed into our waterways.

agree or disagree to post within 2-3 sentences

This week’s discussion topic deals with the four forces of evolution discussed in Chap. 4.

Question Description

It’s clear that human genes have evolved in the past few thousand years. For example, the allele for lactase persistence (the ability to digest milk products) became much more common in human populations who raised cattle. This is an example of biocultural evolution, because a human cultural practice influenced the evolution of a gene. In our current environmental, what kinds of mutations or gene variations do you think would be most likely to evolve in humans through the process of natural selection. Provide a few examples. Try to be relatively realistic here and focus on single gene changes; you’ll get a chance to wildly speculate about human evolution later in the semester!

Discussion Question 3

Question Description

It’s clear that human genes have evolved in the past few thousand years. For example, the allele for lactase persistence (the ability to digest milk products) became much more common in human populations who raised cattle. This is an example of biocultural evolution, because a human cultural practice influenced the evolution of a gene. In our current environmental, what kinds of mutations or gene variations do you think would be most likely to evolve in humans through the process of natural selection. Provide a few examples. Try to be relatively realistic here and focus on single gene changes; you’ll get a chance to wildly speculate about human evolution later in the semester!

BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology

Question Description

Discussion Question #1: During a microscopy exercise in the anatomy laboratory, a student makes the following observations about a tissue section: A) the section contains some different types of scattered protein fibers–that is, they exhibit different widths (some are branched and some are long and unbranched); B) the observed section has some “open spaces”–that is, places between both cells and the fibers that appear clear with no recognizable features; and C) several connective tissue cell types are scattered throughout the section, but these cells are not grouped tightly together.

What type of tissue is the student observing? Where might this tissue be found in the body?

The state of water presentaion : greatest water challenges in the Arab World

Question Description

Your goal is to conduct research to identify and understand the greatest water challenges in The Arab World Based on your findings, prepare a brief but cohesive presentation (no more than eight slides recommended, one of which should be a quick summary of the region’s geo-socio-economic current situation) to share with the class.

Hint: Use colorful maps to illustrate issues and pinpoint critical areas.

Time is limited. Focus on the greatest challenges only and do your best to identify the source and timeline of the problem (e.g. cultural, political, economic – always there or recent?) for the current state of water in your region.