4 causal loop diagrams, at least 5 references, APA, 8-10 pages

Question Description

Present four general causal loop diagrams (CLDs), one each for the four phases of the spread of nonnative forest insects and pathogens: Absent, Localized, Spreading, and Pervasive (see Lovett et al. Fig 2).

For each diagram depict the appropriate policy(ies) that would reduce impacts.

Limit the number of elements to 10 for all four CLDs.

Provide supporting background discussion of the diagram, the technical viability of the policy, and the costs implications.

Draw from your readings and class discussion. As noted in the Homework 2 rubric, this essay must focus on one nonnative species. Please note that Lovett provides a robust treatment of the absent and localized phases, but that additional research will be necessary to provide a balanced approach to all four phases.

Please use the Kumu tool to draw your CLDs.

Submission: Maximum paper length including diagrams but not references: 10 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, minimum of 5 references, APA citation style.

writing a lab report about separation of a mixture of solids

Question Description

write a lab report and be extra details on how we you did the experiment

the lab report should include the following :

*Report Style:

A) Cover Page (50 points)

(include picture like a cover page something related to the experiment )

B) Introduction (50 points)

(about the separation of a mixture of soiled )

C) Typed data and observations (400 points)

I attached my data sheet in a pdf file and I attached some pictures of the tolls we used in this experiment

D) What’s Up (200 points)

(explain how is this expeirment related to engineering what the use of this experiment in the engineering world )

F) Conclusion (100 points)

make a nice conclousion about it and what we learned.

Important cite your work if you are going to take something from the internet.

****** there are going to be a plagiarism checker so please make it free of that.

University Physics 1 My Math Lab HW

Question Description

Option #1: Spacewalk—Paper Assignment Imagine you are an astronaut on the International Space Station, and you are about to take a spacewalk to remove a faulty station component and replace it. Using Newton’s three laws of motion, discuss the challenges

Question Description

Option #1: Spacewalk—Paper Assignment

Imagine you are an astronaut on the International Space Station, and you are about to take a spacewalk to remove a faulty station component and replace it.

Using Newton’s three laws of motion, discuss the challenges you will face in unbolting and removing a massive component and replacing it. If you do not wish to use this example, choose your own scenario and describe it in detail before applying the three laws of motion to describe challenges associated with the situation.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages long and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.). Provide support for your statements with in-text citations. Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Pre-Lab for the Coefficient of Drag Experiment

Question Description

Read the Coefficient of Drag write-up in the lab manual. Answer these questions either on a print-out of this sheet or in your lab notebook. I will initial them and grade them 0/0.5/1 based on whether they are complete and correct as usual. Neatly tape/staple them into your lab notebook with the correct lab entry.

1. Why are coffee filters used in this experiment?

2. How is the position of the coffee filter(s) as a function of time measured?

3. Sketch the velocity vs. time graph you expect to get from the Capstone software and indicate how you will know terminal velocity has been reached?

4. When we make our graphs in excel, what quantity are we ultimately trying to determine, and how do we get it?

5. Why do we use the logarithms in our analysis of the data?

Primary Production and Phytoplankton

Question Description

Answer the question below base on the readings ?Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 (Links to an external site.) (pp 282-292, 298-304) and Critical Concepts 14 and 15

  1. Describe how energy moves through afood web. Ultimately, where does the energy come from and how is istransferred or change form?
  2. Name the major nutrients necessary for primaryproduction in the ocean. Describe the distribution of nutrients in thewater column, i.e. where does there tend to be lower and higherconcentrations of nutrients.
  3. Explain why phytoplankton tend to be smaller, singled celled organisms that are higher in abundance than larger organisms.
  4. Explain what a limiting factor is and what factor(s) limits growth of phytoplankton.
  5. List the major types of phytoplankton. Explain how phytoplankton differ from zooplankton.

Ethics related to science: Personal response

Question Description

Our discussion of ethics has been mostly about ethical norms within the world of science, but what about ethical issues that are related to science? Attached is an article with 10 of the most pressing moral dilemmas that relate to the world of science. Read through these 10 short pieces, choose ONE issue and read it carefully, and then write a short personal response on that ethical issue. First, tell me which ethical article you are responding to (the title will suffice), and then tell me how that article helped you to think about the ethical issues discussed. Then, tell me what your position is on that issue along with why you have that position (defend your stance). Please write in complete thoughts, with full sentences and paragraphs. Your writing should be about 2 paragraphs long.

Assignment: Food Webs and Marine Ecosystems

Question Description

Assignment: Food Webs and Marine Ecosystems

Reading requirements

{Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 p. 287-288, 297-298 and Ch. 15 p. 410-416







https://vimeo.com/162786257 }

After reading the required reading answer these question :

  1. Contrast a food chain and a foodweb. Describe how the biomass at the bottom compares to the biomass atthe top of each. Which model is a more accurate description of realecosystems?
  2. Describe the causes and process of wind driven upwelling.
  3. Explain why upwelling zones are generally major fishing areas.
  4. Describe the food web or trophic interactions in polar ecosystems, include the major primary producers and predators.
  5. Explain why it is beneficial forbaleen whales, some of the largest animals on Earth, to feed at lowertrophic levels rather than higher trophic levels.

Can someone please help me Answer these four essay questions

Question Description

Question 1:

Discuss metabolic scaling. Think about all factors that contribute to metabolism and how these change with body size. For simplicity, use the prairie dog and bison as your examples.

Question 2:

Think about the organelles, the cells, and the tissues used in maintaining endothermic body temperatures. How are these different in a slow-moving sloth versus a cheetah that need burst of energy to chase prey?

Question 3:

Explain how the nervous system works. Start with the resting potential, describe a stimulus, and continue until the signal has affected a motor neuron. Be very specific.

Question 4:

We have discussed the blubber in whales a few times. With regard to the topics discussed, how does the breeding season fast affect whales and their blubber. Consider all physiological relevant topics.

Science review #2

Question Description

You will complete 1 Science Literature Review designed to acquaint yourself with teacher-oriented literature in science education. For each review, choose a different journal article relating to science education, dated within the last 5 years.

For each literature review, you will prepare a 2-3 page typed report, including a summary and a reaction or analysis that describes how you would use the content in science teaching. Each review must include a title page and reference page andmust be in APA format. Refer to the rubric for grading criteria.

Use headings to divide your literature review into 2 sections:

Summary: Main points of the article are summarized in at least 1 page.

Reflection: Reflection page contains well-thought-through ideas of how to apply article content to teaching science.