Human vs Cat Superficial Skeletal Muscles

Question Description

Participation in this threaded discussion topic – Human vs Cat superficial skeletal muscles can garner you up to 3% extra credit on Exam 2!

–To gain maximum EC (3%) name, discuss and compare three (3) Human superficial skeletal muscles with the Cat versions.

See the Cat Superficial Muscle Dissection Guide and Additional Cat Superficial Muscle Illustrations for images of cat skeletal muscles.

  • Provide an anatomical description of each muscle in humans and compare the cat and human versions.

  • Do some web searching to come up with specifics! Include relevant web addresses for websites if you base your answers on information from them.

  • The more specific and anatomical your discussion is, the greater the chance that you will receive extra credit.

Note: No credit will be given for repeating material in posts of other students, so read them before posting your own!

Due 10-09 (Late submissions will not get credit)

you cannot use Gluteus Maximus, Gastrocnemius, Biceps Femoris, The Brachialis Muscle, Sartorius Muscle,Gracilis muscle, Masseter, Sternohyoid, Soleus, Mylohyoid, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi

design and manufacturing

Question Description

Wing assembly (6/8 Marks): Generate the new wing structure assembly based on the assembly drawing attached (i.e.: WSA-A001_Wing_Structure_Assembly).

  • – Students must generate full wing assembly using the combination of the parts they created and the parts provided with this assignment (i.e. Rear Wing Channel, MiddleRib 1 and Rear Rib)
  • – All components must be fully constrained (i.e. Block 6 DOF).
  • – Save the assembly file as WSA-YourStudentID.3dxml.

Complete assembly (2/8 Marks): Create the new full assembly of the T240 based on theassembly drawing attached (i.e.: CA-A001_Complete_T240_Assembly

  • – The wing structure must be added as a sub-assembly.
  • – The left wing must be created using assembly features tools in assembly designworkbench.
  • – The provided CAD components (i.e.; fuselage, stabilizer, etc.) must be re-dimensioned to your scale factor prior to the assembly.
  • – All components must be fully constrained (i.e. Block 6 DOF).
  • – Save the assembly file as CA-YourStudentID.3dxml.3. Free Design (2 Marks)

Free Design: Modify the T-240 aircraft structure to demonstrate how you would perceive the new metal wing to be attached. Schematically describe the assembly/disassembly steps for the components added to this stage. Save the file as FD- YourStudentID.pdf.

Note: A tension strut brace must be included.

I will upload the rest of the attachments.

Create 12 Geriatric ONLY Soap notes.

Question Description

Create 12 Geriatric ONLY Soap notes. Avoid repeating diagnosis. This needs to be from an FNP new perspective in a clinic setting. Include a variety of preventive visits, chronic, and wellness disorders annual exam pertaining only to this population.Include developmental appropriate stages. Every soap note needs a diagnosis and therapeutic section must have medications and full prescribing instructions specifically for the geriatric population. .Include low to medium complexity in ICD code.

Documentation Requirements

Must Include

  • Patient Demographics Section:
  • Age
  • Race
  • Gender
  •  Clinical Information Section:
  • Time with Patient
    o Reason for visit
    o Chief Complaint
    o Social Problems Addressed
  •  Medications Section:
    o # OTC Medications taken regularly
    o # Prescriptions currently prescribed
    o # New/Refilled Prescriptions This Visit
  •  ICD 10 Codes Category:
    o Include for each diagnosis addressed at the visit
  •  CPT Billing Codes Category:
    o Include Evaluation and management code
    o Provider procedure codes (pap smear, destruction of lesion, sutures, etc.)
  •  Other Questions About This Case Category:
  • o Age Range
  • o Patient type
    o HPI
    o Patients Primary Language
    o Did you chart on the patient record?
    o Discussed Management with the Preceptor Handled Visit Independently
    o Preceptor Present During Visit

 Clinical Notes Category :

PLEASE follow this format

ChiefComplaint: “***”
DIAGNOSIS: must have

Therapeutics:include full prescribing information safe dosing
Education: Include (Developmental Stage guidance)


5 days ago

physics lab report

Question Description

already have most of the data I just need to organize it and put it in one lab report in one word file. no hand written. follow the steps in lab report write up.

I need write-up for lab report.

# Include the following sections in your lab report write-up:

  • Title page – Include title of lab, name, date etc.( RC Time Constant )
  • Objectives – Can be bulleted list.
  • Equipment – Include list of all items used. Also in include sketch of apparatus, photograph is OK. ( two different resistors and one capacitor )
  • Introduction/Theory – Describe the underlying physics of the lab and any background information.
  • Equations – List all equations in your calculations. Be sure to define all variable and include units. Number each equation and refer to it in the text.
  • Procedure – Sequential list of the steps you took to complete the lab.
  • Results – Include any plots, tables etc. For plots, be sure all numbers and axes are easy to read. Label axes including units.
  • Discussion/Conclusion – Summarize your results. If an unexpected result was observed, what went wrong? Describe possible sources of error/uncertainty. Include how you would improve the experiment if you were to repeat it.

reply to this response

Question Description

The process of diffusion is the movement of a substance, or molecule from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Through this spontaneous process no cellular energy is needed or used and the rate at which it diffuses depends on the permeability of the layer that separates the higher from the lower concentrated areas.

Diffusion can be very effective over smaller distances. So, it is more productive in smaller organisms. The reason is as the ratio of surface to volume decreases, diffusion becomes less systematic. The best way to counteract this limitation larger organisms have developed specific systems and tissues that have taken the role of completing nutrient and waste duties.

Other limiting factors over organisms can be anything that limits its size, or stops its growth. These factors can include competition for food and other resources, and even the environment.

Endothermic organisms can maintain steady and specific body temperatures through the use of homeostasis since they rely on internal metabolic heat, for example mammals, such as humans, or birds. Ectothermic organisms rely on the environment to maintain body heat, and example of these are amphibians or reptiles.

Consumer Genetic Testing

Question Description

Advances in genetic technology like genetic and genomic testing and gene editing are transforming human biological sciences, but are creating new ethical dilemmas. Here, we address the implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

**Note–link to NPR story below is now functional
FDA Approves Marketing of Consumer Genetic Tests (NPR, 4/7/17) (Links to an external site.)

I had My DNA Picture Taken, With Varying Results (New York Times, 12/30/13) (Links to an external site.)

Read the two articles (links below) and then address the following questions in your post.

  1. Would you be interested in having such a genetic test done? Why or why not? If you have had a consumer DNA test done and would like to share your experiences, you are welcome to do so.
  2. Would you want to know if you were destined to contract an incurable degenerative disease such as Huntington’s disease or Alzheimer’s later in life? Would the results of such a test cause you to alter your lifestyle?
  3. What concerns (with regard to ethics, privacy, etc.) might arise with the widespread use of such tests?

4.6. Discussion Forum 2: Consumer Genetic Testing

Question Description

Advances in genetic technology like genetic and genomic testing and gene editing are transforming human biological sciences, but are creating new ethical dilemmas. Here, we address the implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

**Note–link to NPR story below is now functional
FDA Approves Marketing of Consumer Genetic Tests (NPR, 4/7/17) (Links to an external site.)

I had My DNA Picture Taken, With Varying Results (New York Times, 12/30/13) (Links to an external site.)

Read the two articles (links below) and then address the following questions in your post.

  1. Would you be interested in having such a genetic test done? Why or why not? If you have had a consumer DNA test done and would like to share your experiences, you are welcome to do so.
  2. Would you want to know if you were destined to contract an incurable degenerative disease such as Huntington’s disease or Alzheimer’s later in life? Would the results of such a test cause you to alter your lifestyle?
  3. What concerns (with regard to ethics, privacy, etc.) might arise with the widespread use of such tests?

Analyze a news article and write a report

Question Description

Pick the topic in the second column in table 1.

1. Choose your Project Topic from the Approved Topics listed in Table 1

2. Find a news article related to your Project Topic. This must be a news article from a reputablenews website such as a newspaper, periodical, or local/national news affiliate and can be fromany date within the past three years. This article should not be from a blog or from a purelyscientific periodical such as Astronomy Magazine or NASA News, but a resource known fordistributing news on more topics than just science. Some examples would be ABC, CBS, CNN,NBC, Fox or the Washington Post, New York Times, or Forbes.

3. Email your Instructor both your Project Topic and a link to the news article you will be analyzingfor approval. Everyone must choose a different article.

4. Read your article. Identify and list any scientific terms within it, preferably ones that you are notfamiliar with. You should have at least 4 scientific terms that you will be defining within thereport.

5. Start your report, following the Report Outline below.

Information Management – Defining the Scope

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. IIn this assignment you further define your project scope and identify data sources that help you determine how to address your selected problem.
    Determine the scope of your selected problem. Consider/Discuss both qualitative and quantitative data points in your paper, for example:· Leader and peer interviews· Patient/customer surveys· Quality reports· Benchmarking studies/baseline data. If baseline data is available: · What are the goals?· Are current practices meeting the organizational goals?· Are the prescribed practices followed?
    Review and aggregate the data.
    Determine the level of risk (what is the impact of not addressing your problem?) and frequency of the problem to determine the importance of the project.
    Looking at the information you have gathered so far, determine whether the project lends itself to an evidence-based practice approach or a quality improvement project.
    Cite a minimum of three (3) scholarly/peer reviewed articles/sources.
    Format your assignment as one of the following:· 18- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes in APA format (total slide count does not include the title and reference slide)· 875 to 1000 -word paper in APA format (title and reference page not included in word count)

Hazard Communication Program

Question Description

There are four items below that you will need to answer or address. Please submit your responses in a word document using current APA format. The paper should be presented with four separate sections. Each section should address the items below. This assignment is worth 100 points. The SDS required for item 4 should be included in the appendices.

  1. Discuss how the required components of the hazard communication standard can be used to identify occupational health hazards associated with chemicals.
  2. Describe how you can use the components of the hazard communication standard to formulate a plan to control occupational health hazards associated with chemicals in workplaces.
  3. Describe the sections contained in a safety data sheet (SDS), formally called a material safety data sheet, and explain the relevance of this information.
  4. Find an SDS for a chemical in your workplace or a chemical that you may use or be exposed to personally (e.g. gasoline, bleach, etc.). Include a copy of the SDS in this assignment. Present the recommended or required personal protective equipment that should be utilized with this chemical and under which circumstances, if applicable