The idea of Abortion and how is it related to Biology

Question Description

Topic : Should we protect Abortion

-perspective about people who against and who support the idea of abortion

-biological insights of abortion

-How is related to feminist ideology and biology?

Gather information about your topic Assignment: Prepare a brief literature review (3-4 pages). Your selection of articles should include some that discuss (1) background and history, (2) global and personal impacts, (3) ongoing relevant research. You will also be expected to prepare a list of references. You should cite at least three types of sources: (1) reliable source with background biological information – such as a textbook, (2) current primary research article, and (3) current mainstream news article.

rubric :

PART ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW Possible Points Earned Points
Overview and background information about your topic (as described in sources); Quality and Sufficient Number of sources used (at least six references) 6
Summarize at least one recent, new, or active area of research and/or current controversy or debate about your topic (as described in sources) 4
Provide global and personal health impact of the topic (as described in sources) 4
Integrate information from multiple sources to present a cohesive summary; Writing is compelling and clear 3
Information presented in your literature review is biologically accurate, and includes in-depth biological information 6
Provide separate page (not counted in four page limit), with list of references, properly formatted 1
In-text Citations are used and properly formatted 1
Proper formatting, Double-Spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins

Answer the following questions.

Question Description

(Explain your answers):

  1. Do you think it is appropriate that the consumer bears part of the burden of pollution fees in the form of higher prices? Why or why not?
  2. In the U.S., landowners have the mineral rights to all minerals that might be found under their property (e.g, oil and natural gas). In most European countries, the government, not the property owner, has the rights to any minerals found in the ground. Fracking occurs in several U.S. states, but remains unpopular in Europe. If national governments in other nations agreed to share the profits from fracking with the landowners on whose property the drilling takes place, how might that change attitudes toward the fracking process?
  3. A few years ago we became aware that disposable diapers were a major item being put into U.S. landfills. Some communities discussed banning disposable diapers from their landfills. There were protests from parents groups whose members found disposable much more convenient than cloth diapers. Rationally evaluate this policy from both the community environmentalists and the parents groups’ viewpoints.
  4. What do we mean when we say that industrial policy can lead to inefficient use of resources (Think of how lobbying can influence government policies)?
  5. Should income in the U.S. be distributed equally? If not, should there be at least a greater degree of equality than we presently have? What are the advantages and disadvantages of greater equality?

Evolution Discussion

Question Description

In simplest terms, evolution can be defined as a change in allele frequency over time. A fact of nature is that allele frequencies for any given gene are always in a state of flux and for that reason evolution is a fact of nature. At the same time we have evolutionary theories that help us explain why allele frequencies change in the first place. For this section we will explore these evolutionary mechanisms.

The purpose of this discussion board is meant for you to share an article or a news story that specifically deals with how evolutionary mechanisms are shaping nature around us (Natural selection, gene flow, genetic drift, mutations).

Your job will be to do the following:

  • Give a short summary of what you read.
  • State the evolutionary mechanism involved and explain how that evolutionary mechanism is working to transform the population in question.
  • Lastly, you will have to give an explanation of what is promoting the evolutionary change in the first place.
    • For example, a bacteria will evolve resistance to antibiotics if antibiotics are always present. In the absence of antibiotics, bacteria will have no need to evolve resistance to antibiotics. Its the excessive use of antibiotics that is selecting for bacterial genes that enhance a bacteria’s level of fitness.
    • Make sure you cite your work so that others can follow the news article.

Environmental Science

Question Description



[5 points] Using the data on water withdrawal in the U.S. and the plot you created in question

11, create a testable hypothesis to explain the trends in water withdrawal. This scenario does

not have to be true it has to be testable (able to be supported with further research or

experiments). Keep them appropriate.


[5 points] There are two trees, Tree A and Tree B, that grow under very specific temperature

conditions. Design an experiment that tests for what temperature ranges Tree A and Tree B

grow best.



[5 points] What are the four ways we can measure the wealth of nations? What are the

problems with only using GNP and GDP to measure national wealth?


[5 points] Explain why understanding the impact human activity has on the environment is

important to determining economic policies?



[10 points] Most plastics are considered organic compounds (made of combinations of

carbon with hydrogen and oxygen). What happens to plastics that are in landfills, dumps, or

in the ocean? (In other words: How long does it take them to decompose?) Using this

information and the Law of Conservation of Matter, what is happening to the carbon,

hydrogen, and oxygen used in plastics? Why might this be a problem?

Readings in Biochemical Sciences 1 – Extra Credit Opportunity

Question Description

PLAGIARISM; taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
Your name and last four digits of your student ID number MUST be included at the top of

the first page to be eligible for extra credit points.

Read the two attached articles: How Enzymes Work by Dagmar Ringe and Gregory Petsko, (2008) Science 320:1428-1429, Industrial Enzyme Applications by Ole Kirk, Torben Borchert, and Clause Fuglsang, (2002) Current Opinion Biotech 13:345-351.

Your combined answers to all of these questions should be in the range of ~300-600 words. ********************************************************************************************************

1. What five lessons were learned from studying the structure and function of lysozyme?
2. What types of biochemical experiments were used to provide evidence for these five lessons? 3. Industrial grade enzymes are a multibillion-dollar business.

3A. Describe the primary difference between classical enzyme development, and present enzyme development, with regard to isolating desirable enzymes with improved biochemical properties.

3B. What three steps are required in both development processes to scale up from mutant isolation to a commercialized product ready for the market? Briefly describe each of the three steps.

4. Briefly describe the role of enzymes in each of the three biochemical process listed below and include the name of at least one enzyme used in that process.

4A. The detergent industry 4B. Starch conversion
4C. Textile applications

Answer the questions below base on the provideing reading ?

Question Description

The readings :… from page (85- 105) ,… (1,6 only)

  1. Explain what characteristic of the water molecules allows it to dissolve ionic compounds (salts).
  2. Whatis the average salinity of Earth’s ocean (in ppt)? What does parts perthousand (ppt) mean in terms of how much salt is present in 1 liter ofseawater?
  3. Describe what happens to the density of water: a)when pure water freezes b)at 4oC c)when water vapor condenses to liquid. d)when salt is dissolved
  4. Explain how each of the following processes affects the salinity of seawater: a) Evaporation b) Precipitation c)Runoff from continents
  5. Compare the salinity of the Mediterranean Ocean to the Eastern North Pacific Ocean (e.g. offshore of SoCal beaches). a) Do they have different salinities? b) Is the amount of seasalt the same? c)How do the proportions of major ions compare?
    • Contrast dissolved substances to particles in a solution (seawater)
    • List the major dissolved ions in seawater and explain the Law of Constant Proportions.
    • Identify the source(s) of dissolved substances to seawater
    • Describe how salinity is expressed
    • Identify the processes that affect the temperature and salinity of seawater. Explain how these processes affect salinity throughout the world ocean.
    • Explain how each process affects the density of seawater

IAH206 writing assignment

Question Description

: Alex de Waal on Famines


What is Alex de Waal’s main thesis? State it as clearly as you can.

[Note: He says some things about what causes famines, and he says some things about

what we need to do about it. Since he says a number or different things (just like Sen has

different main claims about democracy, about entitlements, etc.), there is not simply one way

to describe what “the main thesis” is. However, this does not mean you can choose anything;

you should be trying to pick out some way of describing something about his main line of

thought (his main goal in writing this book).]


Explain why this main thesis of his is significant or interesting.


Say whether you think this thesis is right or not, and explain why.

Citations are required; quotations are not.

Quotations, if you have them, should not be long,

and they don’t count toward the word count. (See general description of the writing

assignments on the syllabus.)

Citations: I wouldn’t expect you to use any sources outside of the class readings. Certainly you

do have to at least cite de Waal from the course pack. The style for doing the citations? You

can just cite the page number in the following way: (de Waal, p.X)

BOS4025 OSHA standards

Question Description


There are two parts to this assignment. You must complete both parts. Each part must be a minimum of one page in length, for a total of two pages, not counting the title and reference pages. Please incorporate at least two references into the case study assignment. The assignment should be uploaded as one document, following APA formatting and referencing standards.

Part I: The General Duty Clause

Using the requirements for General Duty Clause violations in Chapter 4 of the OSHA Field Operations Manual (FOM) and any additional information you can find in OSHA compliance directives or standards interpretations, describe a situation involving ergonomics that could be cited as a violation of the General Duty Clause (Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act). Explain how your citation meets the four elements listed in the FOM as necessary to prove such a violation.

Part II: Interpreting OSHA Standards

Search the OSHA standards interpretations and compliance directives for supplemental information on three standards that are important to your workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. Discuss what you found for each of the standards. Does the information change the way you view these standards or what you might need to do to comply with them in your workplace?

population genetics

Question Description

Hello please complete the population genetics worksheet that is attached.

Population Genetics

  • Visit
  • Click “Next”
  • Select the following characteristics of your choice for Bird 1: Plumage, Body Size, Beak.
  • Click “Next Bird”
  • Repeat for Birds 2 and 3.
  • Click “Next”.
  • Read the text and Click “Continue”.
  • Read the text and respond to the question:
  • Click “Continue”
  • Read the text and click “Close”
  • Click “Start”
  • The simulation will run and then stop at strategic intervals to tell you new information. Each time it stops, read the text, make any observations, and then click “Resume”.
  • Repeat until you reach the end of the simulation (500,000 years passed).
  • Click “Continue”.
  • Observe the information and read the text. Answer the following questions:
  • If you would like, you may continue the simulation. However, you may now end the simulation if you choose.
  • Consider your readings from this week about Evolution and Population of species.

Of those that you selected, how fit do you think each phenotype is in the current environment?

Were your ideas about the fitness of each phenotype you selected correct? Explain.

How do your observations relate to the readings from this week?

Calculate the phenotypes for f1 and f2 progeny for each of the following crosses.

Question Description

Genetic Inheritance Format for Exp. 1

Typed Genetic Inheritance report must be in the following format for full credit in Lab Report #1.

1) Number the figure, e.g., Figure 1.

2) State whether the cross is F1 or F2, as well as the number of the vial, e.g., F1 #215

3) Type out the genetic cross, e.g., Xw/Xw x Xw+/Y

4) State whether the cross is sex-linked, autosomal, or sex-linked and autosomal.

5) Always write the dominant allele first, e.g., bw+/bw

6) Capitalize the X and Y chromosomes. Write the gene names in lower case. Use the superscript function to raise the + sign or the genes on X chromosomes (see #3 & 5 above).

7) State the ratio of offspring’s phenotypes and genotypes (see below).

8) Always follow each F1 cross with the F2 cross of the same type (sex-linked F1 followed by sex-linked F2)


Figure 1: F1 #??? Sex-linked cross

Xw/Xw x Xw+/Y


Xw+/Xw = 100% of females

Xw/Y = 100% of males


Males are 100% white-eyed

Females are 100% brick red-eyed

Figure 2: F2 #??? Sex-linked cross

Xw+/Xw x Xw+/

cross 1: OR X 109

Cross 2: OR X 212

Cross 3: OR x 305