NSCI 301 laboratory management and safety

Question Description


Presentation on Product Development

See the document bellow for details

Poster Presentation

Format Instructions

(Adapted from Designing Conference Posters, http://colinpurrington.com/tips/posterdesign and )

Size: 24 inches by 30 inches

Sections of the Poster

No Abstract

Title (Font size: at least 72 points)

Introduction (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)

Materials and Methods (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)

Results (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)

Conclusion (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)

Introduction (200 words)

Minimum background information

Minimum definitions

Get to the central theme or idea

Make a convincing argument about your hypothesis, based on the background information Briefly describe the method used to test the hypothesis

Materials and Methods (200 words)

Expansion from brief description in the Introduction

Diagram experimental design (rather than using text explanations)

Diagram or take a photo of the actual experiment (rather than using text explanations) Explain analytical methods and statistics used

Results (200 words of explanatory text; exclude figure or tables; excludes figure legends)

Results section takes most of the space of the poster

Tables, graphs, charts that support or enhance the key finding

Refer each figure (tables, graphs, charts) and explain them

Figure legends for all graphs and charts

Informative figure legends that can stand on their own

Interpret the data and results

Discuss whether results support your hypothesis (as stated in the Introduction)


State main findings

State whether hypothesis was supported by the results

State the importance of the results

State the relevance of this work to past work (as presented in the background in the Introduction)

Literature Cited (in APA format)


biology discussion

Question Description

Our focus this week is on ecology. Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environments. For your primary post, respond to one of the following three topics. Also, reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Keystone Species. Watch the video entitled “Some animals are more equal than others…” (1)* Then completely describe the concept of a keystone species, giving specific examples from the video.

Topic 2 [articles]: Shrinking Red Knots. Read two of the following three articles about shrinking Red Knots (2)*, (3)*, (4)*, or research additional information on your own. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) Explain how the lifecycle of the Red Knot depends on hatchlings emerging at the same time as the insects hatch.
  • (b) What are the long-term ramifications of having a mismatch between the bird hatch and the insect hatch?
  • (c) Of the two articles you read, which of them do you feel was most informative? Why?

Topic 3 [research]: Biomes. The term “biome” is described in the textbook. For this topic, describe the biome where you grew up (or where you currently live). Identify your location, the biome of the region, and describe the major characteristics of that biome. Add enough detail and commentary from your own experience. If you’re really ambitious, you could consider looking up the EPA “ecoregion,” which will give additional details about your region.

*References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

  1. HHMI Biointeractive, May 3, 2016, Some animals are more equal than others: keystone species and trophic cascades., https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1142&v=hRGg5it5FMI
  2. Briggs, H. (2016, May 12). Shrinking bird pays the bill for Arctic warming. Retrieved from: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36266692
  3. Dussault, J. (2016, May 12). Climate change chould be shrinking these arctic birds. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from: http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2016/0512/Climate-change-could-be-shrinking-these-Arctic-birds
  4. Zimmer, C. (2016, May 12). Climate change and the case of the shrinking red knots,. The New York Times. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/science/climate-change-bird-red-knots.html?_r=0

6 step scientific reasoning and programing

Question Description

it is an assignment that needs a complete 6 step scientific reasoning choosing among theortical or causal model using an appropriate article online , here is the requirement:

You may work alone, or in a small group (from 2-4 people). The assignment is to write a report of a scientific episode (like the exercises at the end of each chapter), and then to analyze the episode you’re reporting on using the appropriate 6-step program (theoretical, statistical, or causal). I recommend basing your report on an article found in the science section of a popular newspaper or magazine: Scientific American, The New York Times, Psychology Today, etc. While you can use a news article as the basis for your own report, the report you turn in needs to be written entirely by you (and/or your group). You may need to dip into the relevant scientific paper(s) to pull sample sizes, sample frequencies etc. Whether or not you’re working in a group, every student must submit an assignment to Canvas. (If working in a group, please list each group member’s name and SID# on the assignment.) It is also required to turn in a copy of the article(s) you base your report on. It’s not permitted to use one of the reports discussed in class, or in the book. Your grade will be based on the quality of your report and the correctness of your six-step analysis. You should aim for at least one page in length. Grammar, spelling, and style will count. Use the reports in the book as models. One last word of advice: success on this project requires that you pick an episode that you’re able to provide a good analysis of. As many episodes in science use sophisticated procedures that we have not learned how to evaluate, it may be in your interest to choose a simple episode. Best of luck!

Watch Assigned Videos in MCN.Master Clinician network

Question Description

The first assigned MCN video is Shane. Shane is 8 years 8 months old. He began speech therapy at age 4 with multiple misarticulations. He has remediated all sounds except the /r/ sound. Shanes articulation treatment includes traditional articulation therapy techniques and oral motor exercises.

Notice how Molly reviews with Shane the purpose of the activities. She reinforces correct productions in spontaneous speech as they come up.The use of the sucker appears to help his awareness of where his tongue needs to be for correct productions. Molly incorporates his school work into the session by having him identify /r/ words as he reads his report. Our focus is not to discuss the treatment methods at this point but try to align our Speech Sound Disorder definitions with what you are seeing. Where does he fit?

After you watch, answer the following questions within MCN

For the 2nd video you will watch Fox. Notes from clinician. I recently started speech therapy with three little boys. All were late talkers. The youngest, WL., was two years, four months, the next, Fox., was 2 years, 8 months, and the oldest, JJ. was 3 years, two months old. The little boys began speech therapy within three months of each other. I saw each boy by himself with a parent watching. The boys demonstrated receptive language within age-appropriate expectations but were all well below age-level expectations in sentence length, speech intelligibly, and in their ability to imitate sounds, single syllables, and especially two syllable phrases. The first two were not really talking. W. was using just a few single words and was relying on gestures, vocal expression, and his parents to make his needs known. F. was using 10 to 20 fairly clear single words but had really no clear or useful two-word utterances.

After you watch, answer the following questions within MCN

BEHS – WKFR – Dis Stu – Applied Project

Question Description

Applied Final Project

For this assignment, write a paper that involves either extensive interviews with a person with a disability or an application of the principles of this course to at least two current events involving disability and/or people with disabilities. In this paper, you will integrate information from readings and what they learn from the interviews or additional readings. The paper will synthesize academic material with the experiences of a person(s) with a disability. A brief proposal for final project that provides the subject to be discussed, or the person to be interviewed or the books to be utilized and including some the references that will be cited in-text (see attached labeled “Proposal for Applied Final Project“);

Comments and feedback about the Proposal:Be sure to this is a good proposal and a good title. The references will support your paper very well but you should also to add some of the modules we discussed in class that are relevant to the title. Ex. social model of disability, UD, and ADA, etc.

Please let me know if you need additional information from the course work to help address the professor’s comments.

Format Requirements for Applied Final Project:

  • Font = 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman. Line spacing 2.0. If you do not adhere to this format, points will be deducted.
  • The paper will be 8 – 10 pages in length not including the abstract or references.
  • Please use in-text citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style, as shown in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • List all documents used in a bibliography at the end of your paper, and follow bibliographic formatting as shown in the APA style guide mentioned above.
  • Be sure to use appropriate language; do NOT use colloquial language; this is an official written assignment.
  • Grammar and spelling are important to this assignment.

Volcanic Activity Lab Report

Question Description

Don’t forget to begin your lab with a cover sheet and an introduction.

For this report, answer each discussion type question with one or two paragraphs that provide the answer with justification. For numerical answers, give the number and how it was determined (where it was found online, show calculations, etc).

1) What is effusive volcanic activity and how does it help planets to form their crusts?

2) Find the radius and mass of Mercury. Using the search engine of your choice, determine how long ago Mercury ceased to be volcanic. As a result, roughly how long was Mercury volcanic?

3) Find the radius and mass of Mars. Using the search engine of your choice, determine how long ago Mars ceased to be volcanic. As a result, roughly how long was Mars volcanic?

4) Find the radius of both Venus and Earth and give the average of these two values. Repeat for the mass of both Venus and Earth. Based on your answers to questions (2) and (3), are you surprised that Earth and Venus are still volcanic? Why or why not?

5) What type of volcano is Olympus Mons? How did it form? What is the height of Olympus Mons?

6) What is the tallest volcano on Earth? Explain how plate tectonics results in smaller volcanoes on Earth even though Earth has been volcanic longer than Mars. You may wish to consider the formation of the Hawaiian Islands to help you with this question.

7) Research how the Tharsis Region on Mars formed. How did the lack of plate tectonics lead to such a violent event?

8) Consider your answers to questions (6) and (7). Give your opinion as to whether or not Mars’ habitability is affected by these events. There is no right answer, but you must explain why you gave the answer you did.

Finally, don’t forget the conclusion.

Biology assi 8

Question Description

After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to gather more information.

There are several ideas with information throughout the unit but there is even more information out in the world! Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buy—how it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? You can also do a quick google search of “everyday activities that effect the environment” and start reading some articles for more ideas.

Remember to use reliable sources from the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding reliable information can be difficult.

Your presentation must include:

  1. What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important?
  2. Connect the activity/product to its impact on the environment and climate change. How does doing the activity or making the product use natural resources, disrupt habitat, impact wildlife or other effects on the environment?
  3. Report data and statistics, with references, on how this activity/product effects the environment.
  4. What can people do to decrease the activity/product’s impact on the environment?

Be sure to follow the formatting and guidelines provided below:

  • Include at least three visual aids.
  • Include three reliable references, and at least one source must come from the CSU Online Library.
  • Use bulleted information on slides (five lines or fewer).
  • Include details in the speaker notes (more information that you would say during an actual presentation).
  • Include a separate title slide and separate reference slide.
  • Use an appropriate font and background.
  • Include at least 11 slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide and reference slide).


Question Description

Assignment 08

SC260 Introduction to Ecology

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Instructions: Write an essay using the guidelines below. You will need to find at least three (3) outside sources for this essay, but you may need more to demonstrate a thorough examination of the topic.Do NOT copy and paste from the sources; summarize, paraphrase, quote, and document your sources correctly. Use APA style to document your sources. You may use your textbook as a source; however, this does not count in the three (3) sources and the majority of the information cannot be taken from the text.

Background:Throughout the world, there are numerous environmental problems resulting from human population pressure on local natural resources. A large proportion of ecological research is dedicated to finding solutions to these issues.

Objectives: Upon completing this assignment, you should be able to describe in-depth an ecological issue, including at least two different perspectives, and how this issue is representative of other similar issues.

Procedure: Pick an ecological crisis anywhere in the world that has attracted significant attention. Explain the history of the event including how the situation reached a crisis point. Document as many sides of the situation as possible and include the resolution, if any was reached, of the crisis. If there was no resolution, speculate on how the crisis may be resolved in the future.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

Assignment 1。

Question Description

Assignment 1。

Submit Assignment

  • Due Wednesday by 11:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, xlsx, and xls
  • Available after Aug 26 at 12am

This assignment has you being introduced to working with Excel in a basic way, and using concepts in class to interpret scenarios and assess consequences.

The assignment has 3 files: 1) the Excel spreadsheet, 2) the text questions, and 3) an answer sheet.

Answer Excel questions in Excel. Answer text questions asked in the answer sheet.

You will submit two files for this assignment: 1) completed Excel sheet, and 2) completed answer sheet.

Please be aware the Excel sheet has two tabs: one for computations, the other for plotting.

Submissions will only take .doc, .docx, .xlsx, and .xls files. Convert from Google or Mac format to submit. Excel help at bottom. Google is your friend for using software: “How to plot xy plot in Excel 365”

Microsoft software is also available for free through USF (Microsoft 2016 & 365, under “Productivity”): https://software.usf.edu/all-software-category

EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Spreadsheet.xlsx

EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Questions.docx

EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Answer Sheet.docx

Excel Plotting:Creating an XY Scatter Plot in Excel (Links to an external site.)Creating an XY Scatter Plot in Excel

Excel Computations: https://www.lifewire.com/excel-formulas-step-by-step-tutorial-3123636

my dream job

Question Description

Now that you have identified a place to start with your career, take some time to figure out what it takes to get started in that area.

Please go out and identify three different positions open that you would be excited or willing to apply for at some point in your life.

Please keep track of the company web sites you visit, the job search engines you used, and maintain your documentation in a place you can find later.

• (10 points) Describe a role or position you would like to have with an organization that allows you to do the things you want to do.
• (3 points each) Name two companies that employ people doing what you want to do. These companies should be active in the area you are excited about. List the company size, location, and annual revenue.
• (4 points) Describe one company or organization you would not like to work at and explain why.
• (10 points) Describe a job you would like to apply for right now, before you finish college. List starting salary, required skills, and where you need to be to do it. Cite a link to the job posting.
• (10 points) Describe a job you would like to apply for when you graduate from college. List starting salary, required skills, and where you need to be to do it. Cite a link to the job posting.

• (10 points) Describe a job you would like to apply for later in your career, perhaps 5-10 years after graduation. List starting salary, required skills, and where you need to be to do it. Cite a link to the job posting.
• (20 points) give a 1 minute presentation in class on your favorite job posting.
