chemistry lab report.

Question Description

I have done half of the report and I need help in the small part left which is, Result, discussion and conclusion.

I post my report , also I posted a photo of measurement and data with calculation that already answered.

this is the format of the ;ab report i need

  1. Abstract: This is a brief summary (200 words or less) of your experiment. Remember this should be written AFTER you complete the other parts. : What is the scope of the work? (Hints: What did you do? What techniques did you use? What are the outcomes? What comparisons did you make?)
  1. Introduction The purpose of the introduction is to give background information for a general audience so that they understand the experimental work that will be described. You can use your Pre-lab, TopHat, textbook, lecture notes or any other source. Please cite all references accordingly (EXPERIMENT SPECIFIC)

What is the objective of the experiment and why is the experiment important?

Define the key question you are trying to answer?

Describe the key concepts that need to be understood in order to answer the key question.

  1. Instrumentation: List materials and instrumentation used. Remember to use ChemSketch. Copy your ChemSketch figures here.
  1. Experimental: For this section make sure that all experimental details are described. Include all procedures performed in the experiment and techniques used. Make sure that it is written in paragraph form, in the third person and in past tense. (Example: The beaker was weighed using a balance.) Use enough detail so that the procedure can be replicated.

5. Results:

Data Include all graphs, tables and all sample calculations. (Experiment Specific)

Table 1:__________________________________________ (Insert title)

  1. Discussion:

Answer the following in paragraph form:

How does your data relate to answering the key question? What do the results mean? How do they relate to the objectives of the project? To what extent have they resolved the problem?

  1. Review data/results
  2. Compare with literature value, if applicable (are they similar or very different) – Compare results with different trials, if applicable (are they similar or very different) -Compare your results with other group results, if applicable (are they similar or very different) -Look for oddities like violations of conservation of mass (over or under 100% recovery) -Go back to detailed experimental and look for places where error could have occurred.
  3. Explain
  4. Refer to questions asked in the project. Specifically:
  1. Conclusion

Enter one paragraph with 5-6 sentences.

Did I answer the key question? If yes, what did I conclude? If no, what did I conclude? And what other approach/study/experiment should I try?

Quiz covers the properties of water

Question Description

Answer these multiple question below please and i have provided lecture!

Choose the best choice for each question below?

1-The gravity-driven descent of liquid or solid water through the atmosphere to the ground is known as

2-The largest reservoir of water on Earth is

The evaporation of water through the leaves of plants and trees is known as

Water covers ________ percent of Earth’s surface.

he separation of charges on a water molecule

The sharing of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule creates a chemical bond known as

An electronegative oxygen atom on a water molecule will attract

An electropositive hydrogen atom on a water molecule will attract

The transformation of ice directly to water vapor is known as

Heat is measured in ________.

The transformation of water from a liquid to a gas is called

When water is evaporated from a surface exposed to air, the surface is ; when condensation of evaporated water occurs, the air is .

13-The transformation of water from a gas to a liquid is called

The ________ of a substance is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules in the substance.

How many calories does it take to heat 10 grams of ice at 0oC to 50 oC water?

Density is defined as

mass / volume2

At which temperature does pure water have the lowest density?

0oC (liquid)

0oC (solid)

100oC (liquid)

4oC (liquid)

18- In general, as a substance warms its density will

In general, as a substance cools its density will

Write a manual about Radiation Safety, Following the instruction below.

Question Description

I need a radiation safety manual that includes:


Table of Contents:

1- Preface

2- Organization

  • Radiation Safety Committee
  • Radiation Safety Officer
  • Authorized Users

3- Policies

  • Using Radioisotopes Safely
  • Packaging Delivery and Receiving
  • Transportation and Shipping Radioactive Materials
  • Spills
  • Waste disposal
  • Surveys and Contamination Control
  • Pregnancy
  • Animal handling

4- In-service

  • Housekeeping
  • Security

5- Personnel Exposures

  • Radiation workers
  • Non-radiation workers

6- Licenses/Applications

7- Equipment

  • Modelsanduse

8- Emergency Procedures

9- Therapy Procedures ([I-131]sodium iodide)

10- Appendixes

  • Survey/WipeForm(s)
  • Receiving/ShippingForms
  • Declaration of Pregnancy Form

GEOL 1208.1 learning journals

Question Description

Learning Journal

•Make an entry after each class. Notebook or computer.

•Think about what you have learned. What does it mean to you? Do not write a chronology of the class.

•As you reflect you will begin to see how you are learning and how you connect your learnings to your life to make sense to you.

Writing Learning Journal Entries :1.Purpose (#1): help you think more deeply about –

qWhat you are learning,

qWhat it means to you, and How it connects with your thoughts, life experiences, and/or the media

2.Purpose (#2): reflect and connect.

3.Purpose (#3): practice an ‘art-form’ that will add greater depth and enjoyment to your learning.

4.Purpose (#4): give powerful intellectual tools with critical thinking for success.

Basic Requirements for a Good Mark

•Have enough entries.2 to 5 are too few.Have more than 6.

•Length: 100 words to 1000. Your choice, depending on your interest.

•Use the pronoun “I” so I know you are ‘speaking.’ Think about what you are learning and what it means to you
•You may begin with what happened in class.Move onward in your writing to reflect on what this meant for you.

•One entry per class. Date each entry.

•Low marks (<12/20) for simply listing what happened in class.

Examples of Poor and good writing

We began the class with Dr. Howard telling us about the class.He then had trouble with the computer system.He asked us a question about cosmic dust.After that he talked about the models he brought to class.We listened to him tell us about nucleus and electrons and some of the forces. ……..

Class started with a problem of the computer working; Dr. Howard reflected that sometimes looking at the problem overall will offer a solution.I have begun to do this and it is surprising how many problems I can solve with this idea.Then he asked if we thought we were stardust.What a question! I talked with my group and we began to get an answer.We think we are stardust because we all came from the primal explosion. I had never considered this question.So I am thinking, what else haven’t I asked myself?………..

Final word on journals

•Journals are fun to write.

•They may have short entries but > 6 entries.

•Date each entry.

•They help you learn.

••Use reflection.

•Talk about how you connect your learnings to your life!

•Suggest ways you might apply your knowledge.

Answer these question based on the provideing readings?

Question Description


Please Answer these question based about these readings :1- Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 (Links to an external site.) (pp 282-292, 298-304) and Critical Concepts 14 and 15 2- Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (pp 293-297)

3- Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 p. 287-288, 297-298 and Ch. 15 p. 410-416

Primary Production and Limiting Factors

· Name the macronutrients necessary for primary production.

· Distinguish between the major types of phytoplankton found in the ocean.

· Compare and contrast phytoplankton to zooplankton.

· Explain what a limiting factor is.

· Describe the limiting factor(s) to primary production in at low latitudes.

· Describe the limiting factor(s) to primary production in at mid-latitudes.

· Describe the limiting factor(s) to primary production in at high latitudes.

Coastal Upwelling

· Describe the physical process of upwelling of the U.S. West Coast. Include the directions of wind and water movement.

· Identify the characteristics that indicate areas of recent upwelling.

· Describe the significance of upwelling zones to large primary producers and large predators (e.g. tuna and marine mammals).

Seasonal Cycle

· Explain the major factors that determine seasonal changes on Earth.

· Describe how the seasonal changes affect the surface ocean.

· Other than temperature, explain how else Earth’s seasons change throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Food pyramids, food webs, ecosystems

· Arrange the following trophic levels in increasing order:

apex predator, primary producer, carnivore, primary consumer,

· Describe the important factors and processes necessary to maintain a sustainable, healthy ecosystem.

· Explain how nutrients are cycled within an ecosystem.

· Describe the relationship of trophic levels and biomass.

Marine Ecosystems

· For each ecosystem: High Latitude (Polar), Kelp Forests, Coral Reefs

  • Describe the physical conditions of each location
  • Compare the primary producers in each location
  • Explain the role of top predators in each location and how it contributes to the sustainability of the the ecosystem.

· Describe the different challenges in polar ecosystems. Explain the role that ice places in these ecosystems.

Forum 4: Biodiversity and Extinction

Question Description

We’ve recently discussed how new species arise and also how they end: the process of extinction. Recent research suggests that we may be in the middle of a sixth mass extinction event, in this case caused by humans.

The following articles deal with aspects of world biodiversity and extinctions. Read through at least two articles and draw from them in your posts and comments.

There Have Been Five Mass Extinction Events in Earth’s History. Now We’re Facing a Sixth (Washington Post) (Links to an external site.) Interview with Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the recent book The Sixth Extinction.

Mass amphibian extinctions globally caused by fungal disease (Links to an external site.) A third of all amphibian species are threatened with extinction.
(Links to an external site.)
New Madagascar conservation map protects maximum number of species in biodiversity hot spot (Links to an external site.). The island of Madagascar is home to thousands of rare species found nowhere else, including lemurs.
(Links to an external site.)

Climate Race Separates the Weeds from the Trees (Links to an external site.)(New Scientist). An interesting possible future trend is the rise of “weedy” species that flourish in disturbed environments and crowd out existing plants and animals.

This is a fairly open-ended forum. In your posts, please address two or more of the following. You can also draw from other sources you’ve read independently, or make other relevant comments on the topic of biodiversity and extinction.

  • Madagascar, Indonesia and the Amazon basin have some of the greatest numbers of different species concentrated in a single area. What kinds of environments do you think encourage greater biodiversity?
  • What are some examples of non-native “weedy” (hardy, easily adaptable) species of plants and animals that have entered North America and have caused or are starting to cause major problems for existing plant and animal (and human) communities?
  • How are humans and human activities contributing to extinctions of plants and animals?
  • Can humans realistically do anything to reverse these trends described in the articles? If so, what sacrifices (economic, demographic, etc) are we willing to make in order to preserve biodiversity?

BEHS – WKFR – Dis Stu – Proposal – Applied Project

Question Description

Proposal for the Applied Final Project:

1) The project proposal will indicate the Title for the selected topic of the final project;

2) a brief Abstract describing what the Applied Final Project paper is going to be about;

3) at least 4 or 5 Subtitles to organize and elaborate the paper’s content;

4) a brief explanation about the proposed project’s Conclusion and closing message; and

5) a list of 6 to 8 proposed References that will be in-text cited to write the project’s narrative. All in-text citations should be added, as a reference, to the list of References, in APA style. References should include documents from the learning resources and other related academic resources that you may find in your search. Information from Newsletters, Blogs and Twitters are NOT academic sources.

Applied Final Project

For this assignment, write a paper that involves either extensive interviews with a person with a disability or an application of the principles of this course to at least two current events involving disability and/or people with disabilities. In this paper, you will integrate information from readings and what they learn from the interviews or additional readings. The paper will synthesize academic material with the experiences of a person(s) with a disability. A brief proposal for final project that provides the subject to be discussed, or the person to be interviewed or the books to be utilized and including some the references that will be cited in-text.

Format Requirements for Applied Final Project:

  • Font = 12 point; Arial or Times New Roman. Line spacing 2.0. If you do not adhere to this format, points will be deducted.
  • The paper will be 8 – 10 pages in length not including the abstract or references.
  • Please use in-text citations in American Psychological Association (APA) style, as shown in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  • List all documents used in a bibliography at the end of your paper, and follow bibliographic formatting as shown in the APA style guide mentioned above.
  • Be sure to use appropriate language; do NOT use colloquial language; this is an official written assignment.
  • Grammar and spelling are important to this assignment.

GGS 101 introduction to geograhy questionnaire.

Question Description

GGS 101 Exercise 2 (4 points)

Question 1 (1 point)

Without using Google Earth or any maps (at first), figure out the general direction of the cities below. Follow the example.

City Name



San Diego (e.g.)



Paris, France

Auckland, New Zealand

Seattle, USA

Lima, Peru

Tokyo, Japan

Question 2 (1pt)

Answer the following questions about Russia

Russia is divided into ___Republics.

_______ Oblast is an exclave of Russia in Europe that was once ruled by Germany.

If you are flying over 43.4⁰ N and 45.5⁰E, you are flying over the _____ Republic.

If you are flying over 54.8⁰ N and 21.3⁰E, you are flying over _____ Oblast.

____is the largest Ex-USSR Republic that broke from Russia and currently has the longest land border with Russia.

Question 3 (1 point) (no citations required)

Answer the following questions about European Union.

How many members are there in the EU currently?

What is the most populous country in the EU?

Which country was the most recent to join the EU?

What year was the treaty of Rome signed?

Name at least 5 countries within continental Europe’s borders that are NOT in the EU.

Question 4: (1 points) (no citations required)

Estonia Latvia Lithuania

Choose one of the Baltic countries. Talk about its

  • Russian population %
  • Year it joined the EU
  • Its capital
  • Countries it borders
  • Play with google earth/maps and use the “distance” tool to find how far the capital of the Baltic country is from Moscow and Brussels.

Science lab pro

Question Description

Lab project 1

For each assignment, you will use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab.

In this lab, you will see the progression of industrialization and human growth. This will help you write a scientific paper that focuses on the sustainability of groundwater.

Human Impacts on the Sustainability of Groundwater

Sustainability is based on this simple principle:

  • Everything that is needed for human survival and well-being depends on the environment

Also, sustainability:

  • Creates and maintains conditions for humans and nature to exist in harmony
  • Helps fulfill the social and economic requirements of present and future generations

Keeping sustainability in mind, address the following in your scientific paper:

  • If current human growth stays the same, will groundwater sustainability be impacted?

Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and gather your data.

Review this video for a detailed overview of this assignment: . Use the Lab 1 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection. Be certain to compete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the worksheet.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Assignment Specific Grading Criteria:

Unit 1 Individual Project Grading Criteria

Max Points

Table in Part 1 is filled out completely using simulated data from MUSE


Purpose describes the overall lab in 2-3 sentences


Introduction is a 1 paragraph about water resource availability. This may include common usages of water and environmental concerns. This not a summary of the actual lab.


Hypothesis is a one sentence prediction that relates directly to the data collected in Part 1.


Methods include a summary of using the MUSE simulation to collect data.


Results summarize in sentence form the data contained in Part 1. Table from Part 1 should either be included in this section or referred to.


Discussion is 1 paragraph that explicitly relates data (Part 1) to hypothesis, making connections between human water usages, long-term sustainability, and the impacts of continued human development on water.


Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively.



SC235 General Biology – Human Perspectives

Question Description

***My assigned niche is “An Ecologist Studying Sloth Behavior in a Tropical Rainforest”***

This assignment is 750 words in APA format.

Where do we fit in?

This week you are exploring the characteristics of our species and the role we play in our ecosystem. Two terms commonly used to describe an organism’s place in the environment is their “habitat” and their “niche.” A habitat is defined as an area inhabited by particular species. A niche is defined as the role (job), activities and resources used by an organism. For example, a polar bear’s habitat is the arctic whereas its niche is to swim, eat fish, walruses and seals, and to take care of polar bear cubs. Have you ever considered the characteristics of your habitat and niche or thought about what might happen if you were forced to move and occupy another habitat, and switch to another niche? This Assignment will give you the opportunity to compare and contrast your current habitat and niche with an assigned niche (described below).

Your essay should include:

  • A description of your personal habitat and your assigned habitat highlighting the similarities and differences.
  • A description of your personal niche and of your assigned niche highlighting the similarities and differences.
  • Consider what characteristics would provide a survival advantage to you or to the individuals who currently occupy each niche and habitat.
  • How have humans adapted to the two habitats and niches?
  • What difficulties might you have living in the assigned niche and why?
  • What types of cultural adaptations have evolved from living in your niche? Your assigned niche? What are the benefits and challenges of these cultural adaptations?
  • Your discussion should consider any biological adaptations as well; things such as dealing with food spoilage, insect vector control, food and waterborne illnesses, etc.
  • Consider the organism you have been assigned to study in your assigned niche. Would you classify it as a biotic or an abiotic component of the environment? Explain your reasoning by applying the characteristics of life covered in Chapter One.