Discussion question and article summary

Question Description

Please post a brief summary for each article along with 1 to 2 questions for each of the article. Thank you!

Your discussion questions do not need to be rigidly constructed, and can include anything from conceptual clarification, to counterpoints against claims made in the paper, to theoretical speculation based on the topics presented/read.

  • For weeks when we are reading more than one article, be sure to post at least one question for each article.
  • Remember to cite any external sources mentioned in your post!

need help with my chem homework

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Complete the following exercises in OpenStax Chemistry.

    • Ch. 15 (pages 889-894): 8, 14, 28, 54
    • Ch. 16 (pages 928-930): 4, 12, 16, 24

    Contact your instructor for acceptable submission types (Word document, picture of written work, etc.).
    Submit your assignment.

    Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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article summary with discussion questions

Question Description

Hi there!

short article summary for each article (just a little brief paragraph) and 1 discussion question for each article.

Your discussion questions do not need to be rigidly constructed, and can include anything from conceptual clarification, to counterpoints against claims made in the paper, to theoretical speculation based on the topics presented/read.

  • For weeks when we are reading more than one article, be sure to post at least one question for each article.
  • Remember to cite any external sources mentioned in your post!

thank you!

Hello need help with a lab

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Read the Titration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar Laboratory Experiment.
    Complete the Separation of a Mixture lab.
    Submit the Titration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar Laboratory Assistant.
    Submit your assignment.

    Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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You can add text, images, and files.

Learning Organizations

Question Description

View the video The Importance of Learning in Organizations (10:04/YouTube). (Links to an external site.)

Further research is likely needed into what is meant by and what constitutes a learning organization. After you research this topic, answer the questions below. Be sure to cite your resources.

  1. How can the safety and health professional contribute to enhancing or developing their organization into a learning organization?
  2. What benefits do you expect to abound from these actions?

importance of international standards associated with air conditioners, heat pumps and refrigerators

Question Description

With increasing globalization, the products available to consumers in this country could be manufactured in many different places in the world. This raises concerns about safety, maintenance and parts availability, and requires the development of international standards. Please describe the importance of international standards associated with air conditioners, heat pumps and refrigerators, namely those standards related to thermodynamics such as the safe operating pressure and environmental quality of the coolant. Write two paragraphs(half page single-spaced) and cite two web-based references.

High Voltage and Condition Monitoring /MHH642683

Question Description

Check the Attached File


To design and analyze the performance of High Voltage in the power system components

Learning Outcomes

1. Outline the process of design, commissioning and testing of HV plant and the mechanisms which stress power plant and systems under typical inservice conditions.

2. Evaluate, for a given condition, the likely/possible stresses on a given item of plant or system and application of outcome to the design of power plant components and sub-systems.

Religion and Science in Education

Question Description

In an essay, you must discuss whether or not religion should be part of the science curriculum in the public school system. Please refrain from the use of personal pronouns. You will be writing a 3rd person essay.


  1. Four different sources using APA citation
  2. A minimum of 1000 words
  3. A complete thesis statement
  4. Evidence and Analysis that prove your point of view
  5. Accurate quotations from your sources / I will be checking for plagiarism
  6. Please edit your work for grammar and spelling

Thermodynamics : heat pumps and refrigerators,

Question Description

With increasing globalization, the products available to consumers in this country could

be manufactured in many different places in the world. This raises concerns about safety, maintenance

and parts availability, and requires the development of international standards. Please describe the

importance of international standards associated with air conditioners, heat pumps and refrigerators,

namely those standards related to thermodynamics such as the safe operating pressure and

environmental quality of the coolant. Write two paragraphs (half page single-spaced) and cite two web-

based references.

Answer the 3 questions. use your words answer it. just do Sort answers.

Question Description

1- Mendelian and Human Geneties Are the laboratory ratios of the pop bead modeling exercise the same as those obtained by Section: Mendel? Why or Why not?

2- Determine the P. F1, and F2 generation genotypes and ratios and phenotypes and ratios for a cross between two individuals, one homozygous for digital hair and one homozy gous for no digital hair ?

3- Explain why dominant traits may not always be the most numerous in a population?