Answer biology questions


Please watch the following video:

The Facts and Knowledge of BT Corn (

Why is Bt corn not poisonous to people while it’s poisonous to insects?

Is Bt corn a Genetically Modified Organism? Explain your answer.

This video demonstrate the benefits of Bt corn. Research and list five (5) concerns that people have with this technology in general.

Chemistry Question


I need someone to make me a script of exactly what to say for a video assignment in organic chemistry and I also need drawings on the assignment if they are required. Script doesn’t have to be too complicated and should be for about 2 – 3 minutes long. I have attached everything you will need.



Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:

  • What is the pathophysiology of one STI
  • What is the etiology of the selected STI
  • What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI
  • What is the treatment for the selected STI

week 2 dis


Equilibrium can be found in everyday relationships within our own bodies (i.e., the Sodium/Bicarb pH balance for blood pH, water balance within the body, stomach acid, taste buds, etc.), in the environment, or within a species (i.e., gender in frogs) or in everyday life (i.e., a book on a table at rest).  

WCUP Sodium Chloride and Water Molecules Question

Question Question

I’m working on a anatomy writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

CHOOSE ONLY ONE of the two following topics to answer: 

  1. Explain, in detail, the chemical bond that forms sodium chloride and the chemical bond that forms water molecules.


  1. Describe, in detail, the human cell’s fluid-mosaic, plasma membrane. 

Article discussion synopsis


To prepare for class on you will write a synopsis of the article in no more than 300 words highlighting the following aspects.

  1. Why did the authors perform the experiments?
  2. What methods did you find interesting from the study?
  3. What conclusions did the authors reach?
  4. What was the significance of the main finding of the paper?

Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practitioner Powerpoint



Conduct a search on the Internet to find a certified CAM practitioner in the Miami, FL, area.  

Make arrangements to interview the selected CAM practitioner and ask the following questions:

Nature of the practice

  1. Interpersonal collaboration
  2. Environment where they practice

Requirements where to become a CAM practitioner

  • Which types of health conditions do they provide care for.

week 3 dis


Acids and bases are all around us in our daily lives from the environment in our stomach to the food we eat and what we drink. Find and describe a food item/product that is basic and describe why there are more acidic foods in comparison to basic foods.

ERTH 310 06


all your posts need to focus on the science of the Earth/Atmosphere/Ocean itself, not the life on it. For example, discussing how a polar bear is affected by climate change is off-topic. Discussing how the Earth/Atmosphere/Ocean itself is affected by climate change is on-topic.

please read the word document


the drug is orserdu(Elacestrant) I attached the information that should be included it in each section and also I attached an example for another drug and how they did it to make it easier,i want to have the same information for this drug.