Describe what IoT is; what are some of the security risks and issues with IoT devices; what steps can be taken to mitigate these risks?

Question Description

Question Describe what IoT is? What are some of the security risks and issues with IoT devices? What steps can be taken to mitigate these risks? Requirement Minimum standards for an acceptable paper are as follows: The paper must be written in APA format. The minimum length of the discussion is 3 pages. The minimum number of references is 2. You must utilize the formatted template.

Making a navigation bar and adding 5 different controls.

Question Description

The examples of different controls: text input field, radio buttons, drop box for a selection, buttons, etc. For first one, I have made a navigation bar, but it is not smart. I want him to always be used at the top of the window and not be affected by other content when scrolling the screen. This is where I need you to help me improve.

ISSC471: Compare the public and private sector regulatory requirements

Question Description


Compare the public and private sector regulatory requirements. Please list and write a brief description of each requirement

Submission Instructions:

Pleaselist and write a brief description of each requirement. You may submityour comparison in a word document using the APA style. I am looking fora one page comparison, but I will leave it up to you if you want tosubmit more.

no plagiarism. essay goes through plagiarism check.

python !! using Import request

Question Description

import requests



#How many Links are on the page <a href tags ? Show your code!



#How many times is the word SIG used? Show your code!


# Scrap

# What is the title of the page? Show your code!


# Scrap

#how many jobs are listed by default on the page? Show your code!

Creating webpage

Question Description

Follow the directions in the assignment excluding any instructions requiring you to print.

Zip your .html files into one folder and upload your submission using the link above titled Lesson 7 Assessment. Any format other than a zip folder will not be accepted. Be sure your files inside the zip folder are .html and NOT .txt!

Name your zip folder using this format

Please submit the following java programs in a zipped folder

Question Description

Please submit the following java programs in a zipped folder :

  • Song Class – (20 pts)
  • Playlist Class – (15 pts)
  • Song Driver – (25pts)

Remember to include the following as a comment in each file:

  • A description of the program

Not including the required comments will result in a deduction of 15 points for the assignment (5 points per question).

quiz revision. rewrite answer and please explain what i did wrong

Question Description

I’ve been given a chance to revise my quiz. i would like a revision as well as notes as to how you managed to answer the question.

So in a sense a how-to just explaining how you reached your conclusion.

obviously i had more problems in the second question so if you can explain that thoroughly that would be nice.

Random string program

Question Description

Write a Javascript function named RandomString(randomStringLength) that returns a string filled with random characters where the length of the random string is defined by the input parameter HINT: Use a for- loop, Math.random , and the fact that the alphabet has 26 characters ( remembering that we can have both lower- case and upper- case characters in string).

to determine whether the input file is an square or not.

Question Description

If square, inform the user, read the file into a two dimensional array, and print the square array to the output file named by the user. If not square, inform the user. I have attached the files. you need to work on program 13_1b. the testing files as well as the pictures to the output files are attached.

finish PA6

Question Description

In this programming assignment, you will be working with images. First, you will implement keyparts of an image processing library, which serves to abstract out the low-level details. Then,you’ll use it to manipulate images. Besides giving you some exposure to images, thisassignment focuses on more advanced data structures, specifically providing practice withstructs and dynamic memory.