uCertify: Week 4 Performance Based Labs

Question Description

Complete the Week 4 Labs in uCertify to reinforce your understanding of this week’s objectives.

You will submit screenshots for this assignment.

Obtain a screenshot as you complete each lab.

Paste and save each screenshot into one Microsoft Word document.

Label each image with the Lab Module name, Exercise, and Task, for example:

Configuring User Access Control Settings | Ex 1

Include the week of the assignment and your first and last name in the filename, for example:


Submit your assignment.

issc343 assignment

Question Description

paper outline

topic: Best Practices for Wireless Security

For this exercise – please create the outline for your paper. The outline should include the following all in APA format:

  • Title page with title, name date, class, professor, and university info
  • Top level headers which outline what you will be talking about in your paper (major topics
  • Second level headers which outline specific detail headers for each of your top level headers.
  • A bibliography list with at least 5 sources

Online Intermediate Algebra Help

Question Description

Looking for someone to help me complete five sections of Intermediate Algebra online. The link to the online program is https://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamer… , I will give you the log in information and it is section 5.2,5.4,5.5,5.7,5.8. You will sign in, click assignments, you will see the sections in blue.. click the section and it takes you to the questions. The sections are quite smaller from 6 to 12 questions long and one is started on.

All MATLAB code and output must be provided

Question Description

The staple in the corner of the assignment should not prevent reading the text.

Work the following six problems at the end of Chapters 9 and 11:
Chapter 9 #3 (a lag controller problem), 5 (a PD controller problem), 31 (a lead controller problem)
Chapter 11 #1(a), 3(a), 4

Hints: Chapter 9 #31: Transfer function G1 is the same thing as Gp in the block diagram. Here is the MATLAB code to do Chapter 9 #30 part a

Need a wordpress assignment done. Easy work, feel free to ask me questions!

Question Description



  • Create a custom theme using the Underscores starter theme


  • Download the Underscores starter theme
  • Create a custom theme based on the _s thee
  • Customize the theme according the course instructions

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Download the _s starter them 10 points
Create a new theme based on the _s theme in your WordPress Site 10 points
Customize the styles for the page header 20 points
Customize the styles for the page footer 20 points
Customize the main page layout 20 points
Customize the blog entry layout 20 points
Total 100 points

Need expert level of Python programmer to solve this TEST

Question Description

  • Chapter 1 describes the background, requirements and files format.
  • Chapter 2 describes the expected deliverable.

New Business process

Develop a tool with any prefer programming language of choice (Python), the input of the tool is the customer sample input file (see chapter 1.2) and the expected output from the tool is three smaller files containing extracted customer data from the full extraction files (see chapter 1.1).

NOTE: All the details inside both doc files.

Create web page

Question Description

Follow the directions in the assignment excluding any instructions requiring you to print.

Zip your .html files into one folder and upload your submission using the link above titled Lesson 5 Assessment. Any format other than a zip folder will not be accepted. Be sure your files inside the zip folder are .html and NOT .txt!

Name your zip folder using this format where the X is the corresponding lesson number:

I’ll provide the name

: Project Implementation

Question Description

The IT project report draft due in Module Five should contain the following sections:o Section 2: Project Implementationo Section 3: Project Test Plans and ResultsYour draft should address the following: Describe the implementation of the project or the plan for implementation Describe the project testing or testing plan Summarize your implementation and testing or develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fullyimplemented project

finish part 2

Question Description

In this programming assignment, you will be building your very own connect-four computergame. It will let a user play against a computer AI (Artificial Intelligence), which you can make ascomplex as you like. As a challenge, your AI will be pitted against that of your classmates in aconnect-four tournament. This PA will introduce you to 2D arrays, searching through arrays andlets you practice implementing more complex logic.

​Quantitative analysis of credit

Question Description

The recent slowdown of the US economy is due in a sizeable degree to the process of extending creditto people who defaulted on their loans (typically mortgages for their houses) as they were not able torepay them. Combined with decreasing real estate prices, many of the institutions that extended theloans ended up owning property that has decreased in value, and therefore lost significant amount ofmoney.