Employee Management System – Functionality 5


For this interactive assignment, you will apply all the concepts you learned in previous weeks and apply the use of sequential input and output operations to add two new functionalities to your Employee Management System.

Export employees’ information to text file: This functionality will allow the user to save the employee information saved in the list to the file system. Each list entry should be saved into a new line. You may notice by now that closing the script will cost your Employee Management System to lose all entered employees’ information. Exporting the current system data into a file system will help you to save this information permanently on the hard disk and be able to use it at later time.

Import employees’ information from text file: This functionality will help you to import preexisting employee information from a text file saved on the file system. Each line in the text should be saved as a new list entry. When you run your Employee Management System for the first time you should be able to populate the system with preexisting employee information, if there are any, instead of adding this information manually to the system. 

Java Question


Programming Assignment

Write a program that will display the top 3 items of your life bucket list (ex. life ambitions). Save the class as LifeBucketList.java. The output should have one line for each item

(My life ambitions)
Buy a house
Find a new high paying job
Graduate college

Also ensure that the following requirements are met:

1) Java file is named correctly.
2) Name, date and assignment information is included at the top of your Java code file as a comment.
Gonzalo Gonzalez

3) Java code is properly indented and readable.
4) Code comments are present within each major section of code.
5) Use 3 separate println() statements within your program to achieve the required output.

Once you verify that your program runs correctly and you have met the requirements, create a Word or PDF document with the following:

1) Your name, date and assignment identification at the top of the page (Ex. CIS-210 Week 1 Programming Assignment)
2) Full Java source code listing
3) Screenshot of the code compiling successfully in the IDE with the timestamp showing.
4) Screenshot of the code running showing the correct output.

Week/Unit 4 Discussion Topic


Discussion Assignment

Welcome to the Unit 4 Discussion Forum!

Section 6.9 Debugging of your textbook lists three possibilities to consider if a function is not working.

  • Describe each possibility in your own words.
  • Define “precondition” and “postcondition” as part of your QUESTION.
  • Create your own example of each possibility in Python code. List the code for each example, along with sample output from trying to run it.

The code and its output must be explained technically whenever asked. The explanation can be provided before or after the code, or in the form of code comments within the code. For any descriptive type of question, Your answer must be at least 150 words.

End your discussion post with one question related to programming fundamentals learned in this unit from which your colleagues can formulate a response or generate further discussion. Remember to post your initial response as early as possible, preferably by Sunday evening, to allow time for you and your classmates to have a discussion.

Risk management


After receiving your briefing of the threat analysis, the Executive Board has an increased interest in your security program. The CEO has asked for an overview of your plan for implementing the fixes to the problems. You advise that risk management is a continuous process but offer a briefing on the framework and some of the immediate “fixes” that will be implemented in the initial projects.

Based on your research for Unit 3:

Explain the overall RMF process to the board and how it will improve security overtime.

Select the categorization of the corporate network using the Low-Moderate-High impact levels for confidentiality, integrity, and availability and brief that decision to the board.

Give some examples of planned fixes to improve security for those areas.

Explain how this effort will require financial and organizational support.

Explain how the impact levels selected for categorization will aid in resource allocation.

Time series analysis


Consider the following time series plot of daily morning gold prices, based on the gold data from the forecast package:



We’d like to add a note about the spike due to incorrect value to the plot. First, we wish to find out on which day the spike appears: 

spike_date <- which.max(gold) 

To add a circle around that point, we add a call to annotate to the plot: 

autoplot(gold) + 

     annotate(geom = “point”, x = spike_date, y = gold[spike_date], 

              size = 5, shape = 21, colour = “red”, fill = “transparent”) 

Using the figure created above and the documentation for annotate, do the following: 

  1. Add the text “Incorrect value” next to the circle.
  2. Create a second plot where the incorrect value has been removed.
  3. Read the documentation for the geom geom_hline. Use it to add a red reference line to the plot, at y=400. 

CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language


CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Spring 2024

Assignment 1


Question 1: What would be displayed if you output each of the following

sequences of ASCII codes to a computer’s screen?

24 33 38 39 20 34 35

Question 2 (20 points): Find the word-length 2’s complement representation of each of the

following decimal numbers

(a) 33

(b) -54

Question 3 (20 points): Find the byte-length 2’s complement representation of each of the

following decimal numbers

(a) -78

(b) 89

Question 4 (20 points): Each of these 16-bit words can be interpreted as either a 2’s

complement number or an unsigned number. Find the decimal integer that corresponds

to each interpretation.

(a) FF FA

(b) 53 A2

Question 5 (20 points): Each of these bytes can be interpreted as either a 2’s complement

number or an unsigned number. Find the decimal integer that corresponds to each


(a) FF

(b) 53 



The goal of this assignment is to segment the iris region of an eye and convert it into a co-centricity invariant representation (from Cartesian to polar coordinates) of a nxm matrix.

Use all images in “eyes.zip” in the Files section. For each image:

1. Use (a) the Hough transform for circle detection (any Matlab/Python implementation you find), and (b) Daugman’s integrodifferential objective to calculate both boundaries of the iris (inner and outer)

2. Convert the iris region into a polar coordinates representation (as in the lecture slides). 


Matlab/Python code with any additional external functions you used.

A  screen recording of your execution, for each image, where you will show: (i) the hough transform results superimposed on the image; (ii) Daugman’s method results superimposed on the image, and (iii) the “unwrapped” iris.

Programing C++


Question 4:

Write a program that allows the user to enter the last names of five candidates in a local election and the number of votes received by each candidate using dynamic arrays. You must ask the user for the number of candidates and then create the appropriate arrays to hold the data. The program should then output each candidate’s name, the number of votes received, and the percentage of the total votes received by the candidate. Your program should also output the winner of the election. A sample output is:

Candidate Vote Received % of Total Votes

Johnson 5000 25.91

Miller 4000 20.73

Duffy 6000 31.09

Robinson 2500 12.95

Ashtony 1800 12.95

Total 19300 9.33

The winner of the Election is Duffy.

Project 2 – System Development – An information system (IS) is a system application.


Week 2 Project Tasks

This week, you will continue with your application from your W1 Project and complete the following tasks:

Describe the mechanisms that you used to solicit input from stakeholders to produce your requirements for your use-case specifications and your declarative requirements.

Determine at least three (3) nonfunctional requirements categories and produce a minimum of twelve (12) declarative requirements, paying attention to quality criteria discussed this week.

Define at least three (3) subjects of use-case models that you will specify in Week 3. For now, you need to discuss how you arrived at your subjects and provide a brief QUESTION for each. This week, you do not have to produce the actual use-case models.



Create an outline for your paper, ideally which will serve as guidance to help facilitate your writing of your first draft in two weeks. There is not a set structure you need to follow for the paper, although the outline provided here is similar to what is ideal. You are not locked into this outline for your actual paper, but this portion of the research project is designed to help you create a flow to the paper, which you will then fill in with information that you synthesize from the scholarly literature you will incorporate.


Online Support Groups for Anxiety

Analyzing the Effectiveness of Virtual Support Communities in Alleviating Anxiety Symptoms