R program questions


Problem #1. (15 pts)

Use the “College” data set from the package “ISLR”, do the following:

  1. Get familiar with the data set. How many variables the data set has? What is the class of the variable “Private”? (3 pt)
  2. Add a new column “Enroll.rate” which is the ratio of Enroll v.s. Accept, to the data set. (4 pts)
  3. What are the top 10 Universities in terms of “Enroll.rate” (highest student enrollment ratio)? (4 pts)
  4. Get a new data frame “Mysubset” with all rows with an “Outstate” fee between 8000-9000 USD. (4 pts)

Problem #2. (12 pts)

Download and import the csv file “R_Data_Hack_Problem2” from Canvas under Module R Data Hack and rename it as “testdata”. Can you reject the hypothesis that the mean of “Fertility Rate” in 2013 is greater than in 1960 based on 99% confidence interval? Explain your rationale. (6 pts) Is it appropriate to use t test for this problem and why? (2 pts) Can you assume equal variance for the two groups? (2 pts) Clearly state your H0 and H1. (2 pt)

Problem #3. (18 pts)

Use set.seed(194) to generate the data set mydata = rep(sin(seq(0,10,length.out = 25)),4) + rnorm(25*4), and do the following:

1. Create ‘myts’ which is a monthly time series of ‘mydata’, starting from June of 2014. (3 pts)
2. Plot the data, and explain the statistical characters of the data. (2 pts)
3. Use 80% of the data as the training set and the rest as the test set. (3 pts)
4. Set up two forecasting models using the Average method and the Drift method with the training set. (2 pts)
5. Get a plot with the two forecasts of the models, and add a legend. (2 pts)

6. Get the error measures of the two forecast methods and compare them in terms of the training set and test set; Which method looks more promising? Explain your rationale. (6 pts)

Programming Question


CSC 261: Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Spring 2024

Assignment 2

Question 1 (20 points):

(a) Find the range of unsigned decimal integers that can be stored in a dword.

(b) Find the range of signed decimal integers (smallest to largest) that can be stored in

2’s complement form in a dword.

Question 2 (20 points): Perform the addition operation, giving the sum in hex using the

same number of hex digits as the original two operands; State whether or not overflow

and carry occur; Interpret the operations as 2’s complement signed and convert the

problem to the equivalent decimal problem; Verify that the signed interpretation is

correct when there is no overflow; Interpret the operands as unsigned and convert the

problem to the equivalent decimal problem; Verify that the unsigned interpretation is

correct when there is no carry.

2A 44 + D9 CC

Note: See chapter 1 slides. I did a bunch of questions similar to this.

Question 3 (20 points): Instructions are the same as in Question 2 but repeat them for 5E

+ 4B.

Question 4 (20 points): Consider the byte length 2’s complement representation and show

that FF is -1. Now consider the word length 2’s complement representation of FF FF and

show that it is also -1.

Question 5 (20 points): We learned how to take the 2’s complement of a number by

subtracting it from an appropriate power of 2. An alternative method is to write the

number in binary (using the correct number of bits for the length of the representation),

change each 0 bit to 1 and each 1 bit to 0 (this is called “taking the 1’s complement”),

and then adding 1 to the result (discarding any carry into an extra bit). Show that these

CSC262 300 Word Explore Industry Java Certifications Discussion


Acquiring industry Java programming certificates can give individuals pursuing a career in the field of software development and programming a competitive advantage. Certifications provide tangible evidence of a candidate’s skills and knowledge in the Java language and can open doors to better job opportunities and career advancement. Some companies offer higher starting salaries or give higher raises to certified professionals compared to peers without certification. In a competitive job market, having certifications can give the candidate an edge over other candidates, making his/her resume stand out and demonstrate the candidate’s commitment to continuous learning. Earning certifications from reputable organizations or companies can also enhance the candidate’s professional credibility. Employers and clients are more likely to trust a candidate’s abilities when he/she has recognized certifications. Some certifications are globally recognized, making it easier to find job opportunities and work in different regions or countries. 

However, it’s important to note that certifications are not a replacement for practical experience. They should complement a candidate’s real-world work and projects. Additionally, the value of a certification can vary depending on factors such as the reputation of the certifying organization and the specific needs of employers in your region or industry. Therefore, it’s essential to research and choose certifications that align with a candidate’s career goals and the demands of the job market targeted. 

Please conduct extensive research on the contemporary industrial certifications for Java programming language. Choose 4-5 certifications to report the following: 

Name of certification and its offering organization 

Industry reputation of the certification and the organization. 

  1. The process to acquire the certification. 

Resources available to prepare for obtaining the certification and the links to the resources. 

Business Computer Languages IT401 java


You should read the instructions in the file. 

Q1) Explain two roles of the java virtual machine as part of java runtime environment?

Describe the intermediate representation of a Java program that allows a JVM to translate a program into machine-level assembly instructions. 

Q2)Create a Java program that does the following:

Prompt the user for an input.

Enter your first and last names as the input.

  • Read the entered input into two variables (one variable stores the first name while the other stores the last name).
  • Using the printf function, print the variables in upper-case characters and each in a separate line. 
  • (include screenshots of all program execution steps) . 
  • IMPRTANT NOTE question 2): Submission from the Replit program. The important thing is that I write my first name, Razan, and my last name, Khaled.

Also you can change the category name to any name and the scanner name to any name?

Q3) The cubic polynomial function of the third degree can be represented as:

y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d

Write the correct Java representation of the function without using parentheses using the Rules of Operator Precedence.

Evaluate the java representation of the function and find the value of y when,

x=3, a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4

Make sure that you show all the steps in detail.

  • Use parentheses to rewrite the java representation. 
  • .

Q4)Write a java program that asks the user to enter his/her name. Print a welcome message and ask the user to enter a number. Then, tell the user the type of the number (positive, negative, or zero).

Note: you must take a screenshot of the output that shows your name in the run.

Fundamentals of Data Science


Part 1: Understanding Data and Measurement (15 points)

Data and Information Hierarchy (5 points): Describe the difference between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, explaining the hierarchical relationship among them. Provide a specific, real-world example to illustrate each level of the hierarchy.

Variables and Measurement Scales (10 points): Explain the different types of variables (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio), and describe the associated scales of measurement. Provide a specific example of each type of variable and explain why it is classified as such. 

Part 2: Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Analysis (30 points) 

  • Frequency Distribution and Summary Measures (15 points): Select a dataset (this could be publicly available data or a dataset from your workplace). Create a frequency distribution for a chosen variable, calculate common summary measures (mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation), and provide a short interpretation of these measures.
  • Bivariate Analysis (15 points): With the same dataset or a different one, conduct a bivariate analysis that includes both an association between two qualitative variables and a correlation between two quantitative variables. Interpret your findings. 

Part 3: Probability and Distributions (30 points) 

Probability (10 points): Discuss the basic rules of probability, conditional probability, and Bayes’ theorem. Illustrate your discussion with unique examples.

Random Variables and Probability Distributions (20 points): Define discrete and continuous random variables. Give a real-world example of each and describe the associated probability distribution for each variable.

  • Part 4: Sampling Techniques (20 points)
  • Sampling (20 points): Define and differentiate random and non-random sampling. Discuss how to determine an appropriate sample size for a given study. Include an illustrative example from a real or hypothetical research study.

Display relational schemas here Show me list of tables, columns, and constraints (PKs, FKs)


Upload the projects relational schemas here. 

Show me the list of tables, columns, and constraints (PKs, FKs) created for your projects.

Data: 1)List attributes for your listed entities (PKs, FKs, Composite, and derived if any)

Professional Staff:

Staff ID Primary key

Staff Type (Picklist): (Pharmacist, Physician, Midwives, Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Patient, Medical Technician)



Non-Professional Staff:

Staff ID Primary key


Type of staff (Picklist): (office Admin, Receptionist, Bookkeeper)

Patient Details:

Patient ID Primary Key

Contact Details

Medical History

Guardian Name

Insurance Details


Appointment id: Primary key

Patient id: Foreign key

Coverage Schedule:

Schedule ID (Primary Key)

Schedule Time

Staff Id (Foreign Key)

Patient Monthly details:

Statement id (Primary Key)

Patient id (Foreign Key)


Payments Received

Daily Laboratory Log

ID (Primary key)



Master Schedule

Practitioner ID (Primary)

Patient Id (Foreign)



Insurance Provider

Insurance Id (Primary Key)

Clinic Information

Practioner Information

Visit ID (Foreign key)

Type of Visit

Operating Log

Log id (Primary key)


Surgery Details

Operating Room schedule

Schedule Id (Primary Key)


Surgery Info

Delivery Log

Log id (Primary key)

Delivery Information


Recovery Room Log

Log id (Primary Key)

Recovery Details


Monthly Activity Log

Report Id (Primary Key)


Activity Centric Details


Facility Id (Primary Key)

Type of Facility


Rx Number (Primary Key)

Patient id (Foreign Key)

Patient Information

Doctor Name

Total Price

Balance Due

2)List relationships (1:1, 1:M, and M:M if any)

§Staff – Coverage Schedule (One to Many Relationship)

§Patient – Appointment (One to Many Relationship)

§Patient – patient Monthly statement (One to Many Relationship)

§Practitioner Provider’s statement (One to Many Relationship)

§Professional staff Appointment (One to Many Relationship)

Please make sure Physician, Midwives, NP, RN should all be in one entity called Staff. How would you operate the visits? A patients calls in to schedule an appt. a Staff will conduct the visit. Visit will use many rooms (1: M) Visits will have referral, Visits will incur charges Visits will produce prescriptions (for Medicine or for Labs), diagnostics, procedures, labs.

Tool: Please use oracle 

implement partial row pivoting on a coefficient matrix during LU factorization


In this assignment you will implement partial row pivoting on a coefficient matrix during LU factorization. In notebook #21, we show an algorithm to transform a square coefficient matrix into upper triangular form U. Then we show a modified algorithm that transforms a square coefficient matrix into L+U+I form, where L is a canonical lower triangular matrix, U is the upper triangular form from the first algorithm, and I is the identity. Consider the coefficient matrix


1. (20 points) Apply the initial upper triangular algorithm to this system. What issue do you observe? Demonstrate the problem in your notebook and explain the problem in a Markdown cell.

2. (20 points) Implement partial row pivoting in the upper triangular algorithm. The idea is to search all rows below the current row i in the row iteration to find the row j such that if rows i and j were swapped (exchanged), the swapped in row would have the largest diagonal element in absolute value.

3. (20 points) Implement partial row pivoting in the L+U+I form algorithm and save the indices of the rows that are pivoted in a data structure.

4. (20 points) Show A = LU. Note you need to first apply the same pivots to A.

5. (20 points) Use factors L and U to solve Ax = b for x where


using the forward and backward substitution methods shown in notebook #21.

Hello need help with my homework


Write a program in C and in MIPS assembly language program that:

Initializes an integer array with 3 rows and 5 columns:

1   2   3   4   5

  • 6   7   8   9   10

11 12 13 14 15

  • inputs a row and column number from the user
  • main must call a child function (using jal in MIPS assembly) that calculates the memory address of the chosen row & column like this:
  • int* arrayAddress( int row, int col, int ncolumns, array); //returns address of array[row][col]
  • use shift instead of multiply where appropriate
  • print the address and the value of the chosen array element

You must submit THREE files: 

  • 1) Your .asm MIPS assembly file – it MUST be in the style / format of the prompt and MIPS .asm example filesLinks to an external site.(labels: start in first column, tab to instruction mnemonics, tab to operands, tab to comment, etc.)  The arguments passed from your main program should be row in $a0, col in $a1, ncolumns in $a2, and base address of the array in $a3 and the address return value should be in $v0 when the arrayAddress() child function returns.
  • 2) Your .c source file accessing the array by calling the child function   arrayAddress( int row, int col, int ncolumns, array) which uses pointer arithmetic to return the address of array[row][col].
  • 3) A brief report document file in .pdf .doc or .docx including:

a QUESTION of the program

2 screen shots showing each one (C and MIPS version) working



For this assignment, you will use the full width and height of the window, by using the following code in your setup() function: createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

Project Requirements:

Shapes (20%): Experiment with a variety of shapes, including circles, rectangles, triangles, and custom shapes, to construct your character, creature, or object. Shapes should form the visual elements of your self-portrait.

Color (20%): Utilize colors creatively to bring your self-portrait to life. Avoid using plain color names like “red” or “blue.” Instead, employ RGB, RGBA, or hexadecimal color codes for precise control over colors and their opacities.

Animation (20%): Add animation to your self-portrait to make it dynamic and engaging. This could involve movements, color transitions, or any other visually interesting effects that enhance your portrayal.

Text (10%): Incorporate text into your self-portrait. This text could be your name, a short message, or any relevant text that complements the character, creature, or object you’ve created. Display this text somewhere on the canvas.

Interaction (20%): Use either mouse or key event listeners to trigger elements within your sketch. This could include audio, changing colors, size, or movement.

  1. Syntax and Comments (10%): Maintain clean and organized code. Include comments throughout your code to explain what is happening in your program. Comments should provide an overall understanding of how your code operates. While you don’t need to repeat comments for similar functions, ensure that your code is well-documented and easy to follow.

Populating Truth Tables with Boolean Functions


IMPORTANT: You will need to use the drop down above the code, below, to select “PA2.py” and paste your PA2 code in that file in order for your PA3 code to work.

For this assignment you will be provided with a function callf2(f,p,q) whose input is a function and its two arguments, and returns the value of the function applied to the arguments. You are also given a “main” to test your code.

Your task is to implement three functions: eval_tt_f2(f) and equivalent(tt1,tt2) and is_tautology(tt).

The function eval_tt_f2(f) will, given a two argument Boolean function f as input (one of the functions you created in PA2.py), return the truth table for f. Use the function make_tt_ins(n) function you implemented in PA2.py to create a list with the inputs for the truth table, and then use callf2 to append the truth value for f to each row. For example, evalttf2(iff) should return:

[[False, False, True], [False, True, False], [True, False, False], [True, True, True]]

The function equivalent(tt1,tt2) should return True if tt1 and tt2 are logically equivalent and False otherwise. For example, equivalent(eval_tt_f2(PA2.implies), eval_tt_f2(PA2.nqIMPnp))
should return True.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Her I have written the code but I am getting erros, please see the attached (feedback) picture. I want it to get it modify and get the full marks.