Do 3.2, 3.10, 3.17

Question Description

Do 3.2, 3.10, 3.17

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output
• 10 points: A discussion of your solution

Question Description

Do 3.2, 3.10, 3.17

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output
• 10 points: A discussion of your solution

normal binary arithmetic and Boolean tables

Question Description

  • For this you will use normal binary arithmetic. Please use 16 bit representations (i.e. add the leading 0’s) for each and be sure you do (and show your work) in binary not decimal
  • Add the number 156 to the number 527
  • Subtract the number 178 from the number 1,282
  • Develop the full Boolean tables for the following expressions:
  • (A and B) or (C and D)
  • (not A or not B) and not (C or B)

Needs answer in Matlab

Question Description


i have homework for class ”computer methods”and all of the 3 need to be solve by matlab , and i will attached the firsthomework with feedback, so you can avoid these mistakes, replay to me ifyou have a question.

i need to get above 90%

You need to complete homework assignment 2 and additionally create a new question with solution ( create don’t copy please)

thanks in advance

hw module 6

Question Description

please follow all instructions on the word doc in detail, please make sure to follow it step by step. the instructor is very very strict and he expects everything on the document to be there. that being said please make sure you creat your own codes and not take them from anyone or anywhere els, because he will bust me he is very strict and clever

Graph Exercises for Section 10.4; Self-Check #1

Question Description

Show the breadth-first search trees for the following graphs.

Show the depth-first search trees for the graphs in Exercise 1 above.


Provide all accessor methods for class DepthFirstSearch and the constructor that specifies the order of start vertices.

Implement method depthFirstSearch without using recursion. Hint: Use a stack to save the parent of the current vertex when you start to search one of its adjacent vertices.

CSIS 208 Programming Assignment 6

Question Description

I had it working and attempted to make some adjustments and whew!!! I’m lost. I went from 0 errors to 10 errors. I had forgot to save the changes for the most recent 0 errors update so I am trying to correct the errors. I know that it needs quit a bit of corrections. I have attached the zip and the instructions.


homework with matlab

Question Description


i have homework for class ”computer methods” and it need to be solve by matlab , and i will attached the first homework with feedback, so you can avoid these mistakes, replay to me if you have a question.

i need to get above 90%

please do homework#2 and create a new question with solution ( create don’t copy please)

thanks in advance.

Cover Letter Peer-Review

Question Description

Summary: Review the letter one last time and give the writer any suggestions you have for improving the draft in the space below (70 word minimum). Then use the pop-up commenting feature in PeerMark to make any specific comments on the letter itself. Remember, the writer is trusting your judgement, just as you will trust the judgement of your own reviewer.

Three Database questions

Question Description

1- Looking at the following image, please describe the relationship between BOAT and CHARTER, and CHARTER and CUSTOMER.


2- Looking at the following Image, please explain all aspects of the relationship between INVOICE and PRODUCT.


3- Is the following table a relation? If not, please describe what is preventing it from being a relation.