Activity 5 Document Requirements: Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for each of your alternative solutions to your performance problem.

Question Description

Activity 5 Document Requirements: Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for each of your alternative solutions to your performance problem.

The reading (T5-Work Breakdown Structure.pdf) in the reference list leads to the IT Economics WBS reading, which includes an explanation of how to develop a WBS and illustrations of work breakdown structures. The illustrations can serve as a model for your preparation of Activity 5. The explanation and illustrations should give you an idea of the level of detail appropriate for the WBS required for each of your alternative solutions.

ITSD422 Week 1

Question Description

There is the main assignment that I have attached. Outlined are the directions to complete the question as needed. This will be the first question with four more two follow, one for each week. I’d like to have someone who does good work and I can work with for the remainder of the questions. I have also attached the discussion board question. This only needs to be 300 to 400 words. Please save the individual assignment and the discussion board as separate files.

Writing for the Web

Question Description

its suppose to be the same paragraphs just make it with your own words. 1) findings 2) mission approch 3) technology and science plan 4) education and out reach .

then you have to add a sub head for each point 1,2,3,4

and make the paragraphs in a

1. Highlighted keywords (hypertext links serve as one form of highlighting; typeface variations and color are others)
2. Meaningful sub-headings (not “clever” ones)
3. Bulleted lists

4. Web pages need to be written in active voice

Monetary Policy and Changes Over Time Paper

Question Description

Review the section of your text that covers monetary policy and changes made over time to compensate for the economic changes over the past 20 years. In addition, find and read two recent articles on this topic. Write a 500-750 word (approximately 2 to 3 page) paper that addresses these questions:

  • How does the Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) use monetary policy?
  • What changes have been made to the policy to correct for the economic challenges over the past 20 years?

create one user friendly flow chart for an algorithm.

Question Description

Build one user-friendly flowchart for an algorithm that reads an integral number x from the user, computes the areas of various shapes from the drawing bellow where AB, BD, FH, HJ, EG, AF, BH, DJ, LN, and CI are equal to x, BC, CD, HI, IJ, CM, MI, BL, DN, LM, and MN are half of x, and EF, GH, and JK are a quarter of x. and display one of the areas that the user selects.

Robot Programming Using an Arduino Controller and Matlab

Question Description

Part B:IndividualProcess capability – Collect data on the accuracy of your robot:

Determine the precision characteristics of one of the motors on your robot.Precision can be thought of as the ability to hit the same mark in the same place every time.This will allow you to determine the tolerance that your robot can hit repeatedly within. You may find that electric motors have different performance characteristics from one to another and when running forward and reverse.


Computer science java programming

Question Description

3. The following program reads three integers and prints the average. Fill in the blanks so that it will work correctly.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Average


public static void main(String[] args)


int val1, val2, val3;

double average;

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

val1 = scan.nextInt(); // get three values from user

val2 = scan.nextInt();

val3 = scan.nextInt();

System.out.println(“Please enter three integers and ” +

“I will compute their average”);

average = (val1 + val2 + val3) / 3; //compute the average

System.out.println(“Average is ” + average); //print the average



​Do 6.10, 6.22, 6.30

Question Description

Do 6.10, 6.22, 6.30

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output

• 10 points: A discussion of your solution

Do 7.23, 7.24, 7.29

Question Description

Do 7.23, 7.24, 7.29

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output

• 10 points: A discussion of your solution

Do 5.11, 5.16, 5.34

Question Description

Do 5.11, 5.16, 5.34

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output
• 10 points: A discussion of your solution