Constructing a Mill board – C++

Question Description

Your customer is asking you to develop software simulating the board game Mill, also known as Nine Men’s Morris (’s_Morris or ). The software should or allow a human player to play against either a human or a computer opponent 1. You may determine the functional and quality requirements according to the rules of the game (e.g.,placing pieces, moving pieces, and flying), future enhancement for the variants of Nine Men’sMorris (e.g., Six Men’s Morris and Twelve Men’s Morris).

However, here i just need you to Make the base code for placing pieces (for both players) and making the board. (Keep in mind we’ll need to make test cases).

Language: c ++.

Draw binary expression trees for the following infix expressions

Question Description


Draw binary expression trees for the following infix expressions. Your trees should enforce the Java rules for operator evaluation (higher-precedence operators before lower-precedence operators and left associativity).

x / y + a – b * c

(x * a) – y / b * (c + d)

(x + (a * (b – c))/d

Using the Huffman tree in Figure 6.5,

Write the binary string for the message “scissors cuts paper”.

Decode the following binary string using the tree in Figure 6.5:


For each tree shown below, answer these questions. What is its height? Is it a full tree? Is it a complete tree? Is it a binary search tree? If not, make it a binary search tree.

Complete Lab 10-1: Implement Backup and Recovery using the MindTap Access link

Question Description

Lab 10-1: Implement Backup and Recovery

  1. Review the Getting Started with Live Virtual Machine Labs Video Series found at the beginning of your MindTap learning path to acquaint yourself with this lab environment.
  2. Enter the live virtual machine lab environment where you will engage in hands-on practice that will help you learn the material.
  • Note: If you exit the lab prior to completion, progress is not saved and the next time you launch the lab it will be considered a fresh start.

Note: This lab provides hands-on experience with view disk allocation information to review storage pool data, create a Protection Group, and add members and client computers to a Protection Group.

change my code

Question Description

Using the requirements from the code I uploaded, the following changes should be made:

1. Format your code so that it is in at least 1 function

2. Perform a function call within the exception handling logic

3. Handle the following 3 exceptions:

– A custom exception for the value being out of the 0 to 1000 value range. (I.e. if the input is equal to 0 or greater than 999)

– In TypeError for the value not being an integer

– ValueError if the user enters a value of less than 0 (I.e. negative numbers).

4. The program should continue to run until the user types the word “DONE”

answer question in short sentences.

Question Description

please answer these 2 questions in 2 short sentences.(answer these in 53 words)

earlier this year, facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg , described ” a privacy-focused vision for social networking”, which seems to turn social media as we know it upside down.

1. click on the link in the tweet to read Zuckerberg ‘s note.(…) chooser one of the principles he discusses in the note, and describe how it may affect companies seeking to reach consumers on social media in general.

2. now, think of a brand you love. how might it try to resonate with consumers in the privacy- focused social media world of tomorrow.

Html Chapter 3.1 and 3.2

Question Description

hand out 3.1 Complete Hands on Exercises at the end of chapter 3 Use only one HTML document and separate each question as a DIV— also include comments for each DIV where you identify the number of the exercise and a comment about the concepts the exercises shows.Submit the html program to Drop Box 3-1

hand out 3.2 Complete the requirements for the Pacific Trails Case Study from the end of the chapter material. For each part of the exercise, include a comment indicating the number of the exercise.Submit the final html page to the Drop Box 3-2

SQL with Python

Question Description

Using the classicmodels database you installed in Module 1, write a Python script that deducts one percent from the amounts paid for purchases made in the month of December. The amounts customers paid are listed in the payments table. The output of your script should show the payments before the rebate and the payments after the rebate.

Submit your Python script and Python script output as two separate text files included in a zip file. Submit your zip file to the Module 6 folder.

Download the classicmodels database from the following MySQL website:

simple question.

Question Description

All the souse code has been attached, Please make some changes to the code to meet the requirement(see attachment).


The current code can read the file which is:

2 4 Cluster1
6 8 Cluster2
7 8 CLuster2
3 4 Cluster1
2 5 CLuster1
3 5 Cluster1
7 9 Cluster2
2.5 4.5 Cluster1
6.5 8.5 Cluster2
5.5 3.5 Cluster3
5.7 4.1 Cluster3
6.2 2.5 Cluster3
6 2.5 Cluster3
2.3 8 Cluster4
3.0 7.8 Cluster4
1.8 7.2 Cluster4
2.5 8.2 Cluster4
5.8 3.3 Cluster3
5.6 2.8 Cluster3
1.5 7.5 Cluster4

if I change the number to X.XXX it said

Error while reading line from the file. java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: “1.003 5.007 Cluster1”

I want that can be fixed.

IMAT Activity 3 &4

Question Description

This is a continuation of activity 2.

Activity 3 Document Requirements: Identify and document alternative solutions that meet the requirements identified in Activity 2. Use Template 3, located in the reference list reading titled T3T4-Identifying Alternatives.pdf. Fill in the template with your information to complete this activity. Provide at least three alternative solutions. Keep in mind that the status quo is not an alternative solution

Activity 4 Document Requirements: In this activity, you enter your three or more alternative solutions, analyze them, and rank them based on how well they meet the Activity 4 criteria.

solve this question

Question Description

MATLAB: Write a local function that calculates the volume of cylinders. Pass the cylinder height and radius to the function and have the function return the volume. Write a separate script that creates a variable that contains the height of the cylinder and another variable that contains the radius. Have the script call the function to get the volume and then the script should display the volume as cylinderVolume = xxx where xxx is the volume. Four decimal places is sufficient. The volume of a cylinder is the base area times the height.