1.5 – Research Log: Entry 1

Question Description

Each module week you will be required to submit a new, stand-alone,research log entry, in the format outlined below, to identify new sources andtypes of materials you have been reviewing in association with research foryour proposed design. Do not reuse past entries.

For this module week, create your research log and enter eachreference you found while developing your abstract (at least five from Activity1.5). Place these references in alphabetical order, in the proper current APAformat, along with a brief (two to three sentences), paraphrased description ofthe resource and its applicability to your proposed project. Be sure to keep these files for use when you complete your final design project. You will need to add any applicable items from these logs to your final project. The citations should reflect appropriate graduate-level materials, taken from peer-reviewed publications, government reports, and other materials found. Attached is the proper way the professor wants it done.

Listening: podcast (10 thousand years) + Image Folder

Question Description

A) Please listen to this podcast for our next class:

https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/ten-thousand-years/ (Links to an external site.)

Please come to class with comments and questions

B) As discussed in class, please create 3 folders for images (diff themes that come from your poem) and collect 3 images at least for each folder/theme.


A) Please sign up for are.na

Look at are.na channels for the terms I will mention for the first assignment and create your own channels of inspiration (borrow from other people’s channels as well)

Please share the link to your are.na here.

B) Please browse through https://theuselessweb.com/ (Links to an external site.) and generate some thoughts on what we consider useless or useful. How do we define “value” in artistic practices? And in general have some thoughts on “use,” “practicality,” “purpose,” “value,” “shift in value”

my name is Ali Alajmi

Create two lisp functions.

Question Description

Create two lisp functions.

  (apply-sub expr sub)> (apply-sub '(p ?x (f ?y) b) '((?z ?x) (?w ?y)))  (p ?z (f ?w) b)> (apply-sub '(p ?x (f ?y) b) '(((g ?z) ?x) (bill ?y)))  (p (g ?z) (f bill) b)  (compose sub1 sub2)> (compose '((?x ?z) (?w ?y)) '((a ?x) (b ?v)))  ((a ?z) (?w ?y) (a ?x) (b ?v))> (compose '(((g ?x ?y) ?z)) '((a ?x) (b ?y) (c ?w) (d ?z)))  (((g a b) ?z) (a ?x) (b ?y) (c ?w))  (defun isvar (x)     (cond ((null x) nil)           ((pair x) nil)           (t (equal "?" (substring (symbol->string x) 0 1)))     )  )> (isvar '?x)#t> (isvar 'bill)#f

Need help with a python program.

Question Description

Please keep it as simple as possible we have just started programming.

This is activity is to be solved on your own or with your pair programming partner.

This activity is graded based on performance.

Create a python script (program) based on the narrative below.

Name your file A012_Last name. For instance, my file would be named A012_Huerta

Points will be deducted if you submit a file with an incorrect file name.

Upload your python file.


The program calculates the final grade based on the following rules.





Term project


Exam 1


Exam 2


Exam 3




An average of 70% or more on the exams is required to pass the class.





> 950

Pass with A

Input: activities, group project, exam 1, exam 2 and exam 3 (keyboard).

Output: final grade. When the average of exams is above 70% also display total points (screen).

Create your own test data to test the program under all different possibilities.

Difference between implicit parameter and explicit parameter in Java. Extend your explanations please”

Question Description

Difference between implicit parameter and explicit parameter in Java. Extend your explanations please”

1- Please answer this question (1 Mark)

2- Please reply one comment on any answer of your classmate (0.5 Mark)

Between the parentheses is what will be answered

((The implicit parameter in Java is the object that the method belongs to. It’s passed by specifying the reference or variable of the object before the name of the method. An implicit parameter is opposite to an explicit parameter, which is passed when specifying the parameter in the parenthesis of a method call. If a parameter isn’t explicitly defined, the parameter is considered implicit.The implicit parameter in Java is the object that the method belongs to. It’s passed by specifying the reference or variable of the object before the name of the method))


1st, 2nd and 3rd Take-home Midterm Questions

Question Description

I want you to write comprehensive essays for etch question NO RESOURCE

Q-1: How would you make sure M-CORES results in Cities that (1) incorporate smart growth and sustainability principles, (2) create jobs and strong economic growth but still protect the environment, and (3) promote healthy living.

Q-2: There is no more undeveloped land in South Florida. As such, the “old” American dream of owning a single-family home on a 1/3 acre lot in a suburban subdivision will not be available for all of the new people coming to South Florida. What will the “new” American dream look like for South Florida if we are going to meet population growth in a sustainable manner?

Q-3: Select any city outside of Florida and illustrate how their zoning code implements their comprehensive plan.

Adding 2 more required features for a simple react / redux game

Question Description

So the game here is in the development.


Currently not making use of React redux thunk but need to create a function ( action creator ) to enable that and make use of that to fetch data from api that is being used.

i need someone to add 2 more features which are :

show the user a random picture of a dog ( the app is now able to do that) and it must ask the user to choose the correct breed name from a list of 3 options.4. When a user makes the correct choice, they proceed to the next question.5. If the user makes the wrong choice, the game should show them the right answer, then pause for 2 seconds before proceeding to the next question.

csc202 Create a visual logic program that outputs the summation of odd numbers from 1 to the number the user input or n(see question details)

Question Description

Write a Visual Logic program that prompts the user for a whole number, N, that is less than or equal 50and greater than 0. If the user enters an invalid number end the program. Output the summation of theodd numbers from 1 to N (if N is odd or N-1 if N is even. For example, if the user enters 15, the outputshould be 64 (1+3+5+7+9+11+13+15.) If the user entered 12, the output should be 36 (1+3+5+7+9+11.)

So far i have gottten the number to print out for what ever number the user input, for example if the user inouts 12 the numbers 1-12 show up in the console. Can you please show the chart in visual logic after you’ve come to an answer?

Short Paper

Question Description

Research one countermeasure or information security service that is available today for information assurance. Evaluate it based on the specifications and reviews. Identify who would use this particular countermeasure or service and why it would be appropriate for their needs. Illustrate this using an example of an online activity (e.g., banking, shopping) that could use this countermeasure. Create a visual representation in MS Visio of the activity to include in your short paper. Provide a short description of the visual representation, identifying the various information assets and the information states that pose vulnerability. How would the countermeasure that you identified apply? What vulnerability would it mitigate? What are its limitations?

For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper Rubric.

Write a python program via script file.. If I leave my house at 6:52 am and run 1 mile at an easy pace (8:15 per mile), then 3 miles at tempo (7:12 per mile) and 1 mile at easy pace again, what time do I get home for breakfast?

Question Description

Write a python program via script file

Question: 2. If I leave my house at 6:52 am and run 1 mile at an easy pace (8:15 per mile), then 3 miles at

tempo (7:12 per mile) and 1 mile at easy pace again, what time do I get home for breakfast?

Include comments in your script stating your name and question number. Also, please name your variables appropriately. Please ensure your file runs and produces the right output!

If possible after solving in python can you write the code in Microsoft words so I can write in my python along with running the code.