Home work questions

Question Description

  • Questions:
  • What is the value of Security Plans, Policies, Procedures, and Models? (What is the purpose or
  • values of each and how do they relate to each other?) (in terms of data context)
  • Share any experience involving “dirty data” from your personal or working environment. (If you cannot identify one, provide a hypothetical situation.) Give a reasonable explanation for it and how it could have been prevented. Discuss how data pre-processing would address this issue. Be sure to relate your discussion with the textbook readings in order to get full credit.
  • What is discretization?
  • Provide a one-paragraph discussion for each of equalinterval, equal frequency, k-means clustering discretization.
  • Compare and contrast the discretization methods above providing at least one example of when you would use each one.
  • Discussion of when and why variables should be removed from a dataset.
  • Why is it important to handle missing values in your dataset prior to beginning your primary data analysis? Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Describe at least one alternative approach for handling missing values other than replacing the values with the attribute mean. Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Discus where you provide at least two reasons why data should be sorted.
  • Discus in a one-paragraph, masters-level interpretation of what the plot function shows.

please help!

Question Description

In this project you will be programming toward a solution of a problem using decision making blocks such as if statements. Your project must contain the use of if, else, elif blocks.

You will write a program that will prompt the user for the total change amount as an integer input, and your program will output the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line.

The coin types are dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 penny vs. 2 pennies.

Example of a sample run:

Enter the change amount as integer:1231 dollar2 dimes3 pennies
Enter the change amount as integer:451 quarter2 dimes
Enter the change amount as integer:-45No Change
Enter the change amount as integer:1001 dollar
Enter the change amount as integer:1251 dollar1 quarter



23.1.1: PROJECT 1 : Finding the Exact change using Decision Making blocks

0 / 100









print(“This program asks the user to enter a change amount using integers only,”)

print(“and outputs the change using the fewest coins.”)

input_val = int(input(“Enter the change amount as integer:”))

”’ Type your code here. ”’

homework my equation is : ​ f(x) = (1 + x)e −x​

Question Description


• Make sure every line of your code has a comment that explain what it does.

• Submit the c++ code (all files with extensions .cpp or .h), the text file created and thegraph through Blackboard.

• write the two functions in a separate .cpp file and write the declarations in a separate.h file and include it into your main program.

Problem 1:

Write a C++ function that receives an argument x and returns the calculated value of yourfunction. Name your function myfunc. The format of the function heading should look like:double myfunc(double x)

Problem 2:

Write a function that writes the values of your function with the format indicated in Homework 1. The function should receive the bracket and the interval of the values that will bewritten in the file and the name of the file to be created as arguments. The format of thefunction heading should look like:void writemyfunc(string filename, double start, double end, double interval=0.01)

Problem 3

Modify your program in Homework 1 to use these functions to reproduce the same results asin HW1. For example the statement calling the writemyfunc function is the main() functionshould look something like:writemyfunc(“output.txt”,0,1,0.01)

my equation :

f(x) = (1 + x)e−x

Has to be done in JAVA and PYTHON. Final project: create a program to find out if a family needs to pay taxes on their yearly income including property, federal and health

Question Description


Final Project: Instructions: For the final assignment you will create a program to find out if a family needs to pay taxes on their yearly income including property, federal and health. You will notice that some lines on the form require the user to enter information. See lines 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 11. Other lines are calculations, which your program needs to perform for the user. See lines 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 14. In addition to these requirements there is one requirement concerning how you code this project. All of the values (entered by the user and computer) must be stored in a single array. The first value on the form can have an array index of either 0 or 1, whichever you prefer. Below is some sample output. Review it carefully. When you see a “>>” it means that what is to the right of it was entered by the user. Notice that the user does not enter computed values: The program computes them and displays the results.

Write a consoleapp in C#

Question Description

I need to write a C# program in Visual Studio that lets a user input a set of positive numbers. The program should display a result that shows the number of valid numbers entered, the largest number and the smallest number.

Your program should be implemented using two classes.

  • The class named Numbers: Implement class as depicted in the class diagram. The method readNumbers should read the numbers repeatedly from the user, until they decide to stop. You have to use a while loop for this part. After the user is done entering numbers, the result should be displayed.
  • Write a test class for that uses class Numbers. Use this class to demonstrate that your program works. This is a sample output for the program:Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 54Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 2Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 8Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 3Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 9Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): 1Entera positive number (or negative number to quit): -1RESULTNumbersentered: 6Largestnumber: 54Smallestnumber: 1

C S ​Do 4.8, 4.16, 4.25

Question Description


Do 4.8, 4.16, 4.25

Every homework assignment should be done as a report. For each report you should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 10 points: An assignment title
• 10 points: A single sentence that explains what you learned or noticed.

For every problem that you work through, you should include:
• 10 points: A single question describing what the question is asking
• 20 points: Your code
• 10 points: Your code output
• 10 points: A discussion of your solution

*4.8 (Find the character of an ASCII code) Write a program that receives an ASCII code
(an integer between 0 and 127) and displays its character. Here is a sample run:

Enter an ASCII code: 69
The character for ASCII code 69 is E

4.16 (Random character) Write a program that displays a random uppercase letter
using the Math.random() method.

4.25 (Generate vehicle plate numbers) Assume a vehicle plate number consists of three
uppercase letters followed by four digits. Write a program to generate a plate


Apache server lab. Easy to do lab, just need to answer the questions about the lab. Will need to send an email with few attachments as studypool will not let me upload html files.

Question Description

Exercise 5-1

  1. Create a directory under ‘htdocs’ named ‘exercises’ and a subdirectory ‘week_5’.
  2. Add the file ‘ex5_1.html’ from the ‘Example Files’ folder to this directory.
  3. Add directives in your configuration file to deny access from all hosts but to allow overrides from ‘.htaccess’ files. What directives did you use?
  4. Restart Apache and try accessing this file. What do you see?
  5. What directives can you add to the associated access file to allow access from all hosts? Add these directives and try accessing the file.

Exercise 5-2

  1. In your ‘week_5’ directory add the file ‘ex5_2.html’.
  2. How can you modify your configuration to allow the display of the ‘ex5_2.html’ file but not the ‘ex5_1.html’ file using the <Files> or <FilesMatch> directives?

Exercise 5-3

  1. Uncomment the “mod_headers” module in your “httpd.conf” file.
  2. In your ‘week_5’ directory add the file ‘ex5_3.html’.
  3. Add the following directive in your configuration file: Header set ResponseTime %D
  4. Restart Apache and set your browser URL to access the file ‘ex5_3.html’.
  5. View the Response Headers using the developer tools.
  6. Do you see the new header ResponseTime? What is it’s value?

c program assignment

Question Description

Revisit your program for assignment 1. Modify it so that the user can enter the number of elements for Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Hydrogen and then your program outputs the matching amino acid and molecular weight. Your program should only be able to match one of the following from Table 2.8:

  • Asparagine
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Methionine
  • Valine

If your program cannot match the molecules to an amino acid, it outputs “No Match Found”.

For example:

Enter the number of Molecules (O, C, N, S, H): 2, 2, 1, 0, 5

The matching amino acid is Glycine. Its molecular weight is ???.??

Note: ???.?? should be replaced with the molecular weight for the amino acid

Assignment #1

#include <stdio.h>

#define OXYGEN 15.9994

#define CARBON 12.011

#define NITROGEN 14.00674

#define HYDROGEN 1.00794

int main()


double glycine;

double glutamic;

double glutamine;



glutamine = 3*OXYGEN + 5*CARBON + 2*NITROGEN + 10*HYDROGEN;

printf(“The molecular weight of glycine is %4.2f n”,glycine);

printf(“The molecular weight of glutamic is %4.2f n”,glutamic);

printf(“The molecular weight of glutamine is %4.3f n”,glutamine);

return 0;


CS 7642 experiments with sutton and temporal differences

Question Description

As noted, replicating results can be challenging. Expect some issues along the way and beprepared to resolve them.

  • ● Read Sutton’s Paper
  • ● Write the code necessary to replicate Sutton’s experiments

○ You will be replicating figures 3, 4, and 5 (Check Erratum at the end of paper)

  • ● Create the graphs
    • ○ Replicate figures 3, 4, and 5
    • ○ Graphs of anything else you may think appropriate
  • ● We’ve created a privateGeorgia Tech GitHub repository for your code. Push your code tothe personal repository found here: https://github.gatech.edu/gt-omscs-rldm
    • ○ The quality of the code is not graded. You don’t have to spend countless hoursadding comments, etc. But, it will be examined by the TAs.
    • ○ Make sure to include a README.md file for your repository

■ Include thorough and detailed instructions on how to run your source codein the README.md

○ You will be penalized by 50 pointsif you:

  • Do not have any code or do not submit your fullcode to the GitHubrepository
  • Do not include the git hash for your last commit in your paper

Java project

Question Description

Java project. Has to be sent in java

There is no grace period for this project. Please submit by the deadline.

You learned that computers follow instructions faithfully and they never get tired of repeating

the same thing over and over. You plan to write a simple program Calculator.java to see for yourself.

After bragging a bit, the program asks the user to enter 2 numbers. After receiving and storing

those it asks the user to enter one of the operations +, -, *, or /. The program then performs that

operation on the two numbers and displays the output to the user (if the user enters an operation

different from the four operations above, the program notifies the user that it does not know that

operation). It then brags some more and asks the user if they want to play again. If the user enters Y or

y, the game starts over. Otherwise the program prints Bye bye and terminates.