For this Assignment, you will create a design document for a restaurant website.

Question Description

Assignment – Create a design document for a restaurant website

For this Assignment, you will create a design document for a restaurant website.

Outcomes addressed in this activity:

Unit Outcomes:

  • Identify elements of Web pages.
  • Explain the website design process.
  • Construct a planning document for the design of the final project.

Course Outcome:

IT117-1: Complete a detailed plan for a website project in a formal design document.


Throughout this class, you will create web pages that will result in a Final Project website. Your goal is to create a website for an imaginary restaurant. You will be learning about HTML, CSS, and forms. You will use these concepts to build the web pages for the restaurant website. The Assignment for each week will build pages and elements to form a Final Project website.

Assignment Instructions

For Unit 1, use the Website Planning Worksheet located here to complete the Design Document for your final project website.

Assignment Requirements

The Assignment involves planning for your Final Project Website for a fictitious restaurant. Your final website will be seven pages as specified below. This Assignment is the first step in creating a website.

While you will not be creating any actual Web pages this week, you will be compiling the information needed to get started and efficiently work on your pages throughout the course.

Your Final Project Website will include the following:

  • You will create a complete website for a local restaurant
  • Your website must include the following pages:
    • index.html (home page)
    • aboutus.html
    • menu.html
    • contactus.html
    • chef.html
    • history.html
    • additional page (topic of your choice)

Files must be named as specified. Arrows should connect pages in the site map to show linkage (connection) between pages as shown in sample sitemap diagram.

  1. Download the Website Planning Worksheet and complete all sections. You will use this document to answer important questions about your Final Project Website.
  2. Using examples from the unit reading assignment, research from the Web and the sample_sitemap.pdf document, create a site map for your Final Project Website. Be sure to include all required pages in your site map. Create the site map in MS Word or PowerPoint.

Construct an entity-relationships diagram (ERD) using MySQL and state your assumption

Question Description

Task 2. ERD

Schuffyland Park is a medium-sized amusement park in suburban Philadelphia. The park is required to provide periodic safety reports to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certifying its rides have passed inspection. They must also keep a record of all safety-related incidents (such as accidents) for each ride. This information also has to be ready for “surprise” audits that can occur any time.

An incident involves both a ride and an operator. All operators and rides are included in the database whether or not they’ve been involved in a safety incident, and the date and shift are recorded each time an operator runs a ride at the park. A ride is described by a name and type. An operator is described by their first and last name. When an incident occurs, its date and time are recorded along with a description of the incident.

Operators must be trained and certified on the rides they operate. An operator can be certified for multiple rides, and the certification is valid for two years from the date they complete their training. The title of the certification indicates the ride for which they are certified. When an incident occurs, it is important that the park can produce a list of current certifications for the operator.

Inspection records are also recorded in the database. An inspection occurs at a particular date and time, with a numeric score from 1 to 5, and notes about the outcome of the inspection. There is only one ride per inspection, even if multiple inspections are done by the same inspector on the same day and time. The information that needs to be recorded about the inspector is their first and last name.

A. Construct an entity-relationships diagram (ERD) using MySQL Workbench for the entities in question A and ensure that you have correctly defined the minimum and maximum cardinalities. B. Please make sure that you clearly state your assumption.

delete from array

Question Description

#include <stdio.h>#define N 10int search(int a[], int n, int value) {    int i;    for (i = 0 ;i < n ; i++ ) {        if (a[i] == value)            return i;    }    return -1;}int main() {    int i;    int length, element, value, array[N];    printf("Enter the length of the array: n");    scanf("%d", &length);    printf("Enter the elements of the array: n");    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {    scanf("%d", &array[i]);    }    printf("Enter the value for searching: n");    scanf("%d", &element);    value = search(array, length, element);    if (value == -1)        printf("%d", -1);    else        printf("%d", value);    return 0;}

Modify the program so that it deletes all instances of the value from the array. As part of the solution, write and call the function delete() with the following prototype. n is the size of the array. The function returns the new size of the array after deletion (The array after deletion will be the same size as before but the actual elements are the elements from index 0 to new_size-1). In writing function delete(), you may include calls to function search(). The main function takes input, calls the delete() function, and displays the output.

int delete(int a[], int n, int value);

Example input/output #1:

Enter the length of the array: 6

Enter the elements of the array: 4 3 1 0 3 9

Enter the value for deleting: 3

Output array: 4 1 0 9

C++ programing

Question Description

Odds are a numerical expression, usually expressed as a pair of numbers, used in both gambling and statistics . In statistics, the odds for or odds of some event (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. reflect the likelihood that the event will take place, while odds against reflect the likelihood that it will not. In gambling, the odds are the ratio of payoff to stake, and do not necessarily reflect exactly the probabilities. Odds are expressed in several ways (see below), and sometimes the term is used incorrectly to mean simply the probability of an event.[1] [2] Conventionally, gambling odds are expressed in the form “X to Y”, where X and Y are numbers, and it is implied that the odds are odds against the event on which the gambler is considering wagering. In both gambling and statistics, the ‘odds’ are a numerical expression of the likelihood of some possible event. – Wikipedia

We are going to build a program that will display the winnings with a specified set of odds. This program will require you to ask the user for the input the odds:

Please input values for odds X to Y.

Enter value for X:

Enter value for Y:

Then the program will ask for the amount wagered:

Enter amount Wagered:

Then the program will calculate the odds and output the results in the following format:

For a wager of $000.00 with odds of X to Y,

You would win $0000.00! Good Luck!

The calculation for winnings with odds is amount + ((amount * X) ÷ Y). Here is a chart of calculations on a $2 bet:


Develop a C# console application that computes the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

Question Description

Develop a C# console application that computes the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The computation of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is based on the Pythagorean Theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 and the hypotenuse, c (“long side”) of the triangle can be computed with the formula the hypotenuse is equal to the square root of the side a squared plus side b squared.

The application should take as many side pairs inputs as the user desires and calculate each until the user enters a zero for both side one and side two (sentinel loop). You should use at least two (2) Math class methods.

The output should look something like this:

enter length of first side: 3
enter length of second side: 4
The hypotenuse is 5
enter length of first side: 3.44
enter length of second side: 4.88
The hypotenuse is 5.97059461025449
enter length of first side: 10.55
enter length of second side: 33.0
The hypotenuse is 34.6453820876607
enter length of first side: 0
enter length of second side: 0
Press any key to continue . . .

Note in the first example with the entries of 3 and 4 that the hypotenuse is computed as 5. If you are not getting that answer (The hypotenuse is 5) with entries of 3 and 4 respectively, then you are not taking the inputs and converting them correctly. Remember that a ReadLine brings in characters but there are differences in how the conversion methods for character and string values work. There is another way to convert a string number input to a numeric value type. You may have to do some research to come up with the right conversion method. Also note that type double values are used.

matlab coding …..

Question Description

Note: Please be sure all of the plots generated are formatted properly. Axis labels, units, figure legend, caption are required for full credit on all plots. Do not use chart titles but include figure numbers and captions.

[note that i already drives the differential l equation fro S ES p ALL U NEED TO DO IS FIND THE PLOT AND ANSWER PART A B c

i alredy wrote the code but there some eroor with and what i need help with and also with answering the other parts]

  • a)Solve the differential equations for [S], [ES], [P] using MATLAB.

Let k1 = 10,000 (M-s)-1, k-1 = 10 s-1, and k2 = 100 s-1. The initial enzyme concentration (Eo) is 0.5 mM and the initial substrate concentration is 2 mM.Note that you will solve for [S], [ES], and [P] using ODE45.Plot [S] vs. t and [P] vs. t

Hint: substitute [E]= [Eo] –[ES] in differential equation 1 and 2 solved in class to get to the equations that will be used in MATLAB

At time t=0, [P]=0, [S]= 2 mM, and [ES]=0

b) Use the code written above to calculate product at three different initial substrate concentrations.

[S]= 2, 1, 0.5 mM. Plot [P] vs. t graphs for all three concentrations on the same graph. Compare the [P] curve from each substrate concentration and comment on the trend.

c)Also plot the Michaelis-Menten relationship for rate of product formation as a function of substrate concentration using the k values above. Use initial substrate concentration=2*10^-3:0.001:1;

Plot three curves with three different k1 and k-1 conditions on the same graph.

  • k1= 10000, k-1= 1000
  • k1=10000, k-1=100
  • k1=10000, k-1=10

Discuss why change in k-1 changes the rate of product formation.

Need help to write a python(3.4.7) program.

Question Description

Please keep it as simple as possible.

This is activity is to be solved on your own or with your pair programming partner. If you work with a partner, only in person upload the program indicating the names of the team members in the “Comment” box in the submission.

This activity is graded 0 (not submitted)/100(submitted). Evidence of substantial work is required to earn credit.

Create a python script (program) based on the narrative below.

Name your file A011_Last name. For instance, my file would be named A011_Huerta

Points will be deducted if you submit a file with an incorrect file name.

Upload your python file.


The program calculates the annual depreciation of a fixed asset using straight-line or sum-of-years’ digit. The user inputs the original cost, salvage value, the years of useful life, and the depreciation method to use through the keyboard. When the user indicates that the depreciation method is sum-of-years’ digit, the user also inputs the depreciation year. The program calculates the annual depreciation and reports the result on the screen.

For instance, when the user inputs an original cost of 5,000, a salvage value of 200, a useful life of 4, and straight-line as the depreciation method, the execution of the program should be similar to the image below.

For instance, when the user inputs an original cost of 5,000, a salvage value of 200, a useful life of 4, sum-of-years’ digit as the depreciation method, and a depreciation year of 3, the execution of the program should be similar to the image below.

please look at the attached picture to see how output should look.

follow the steps to creat the mysql

Question Description

  • Create MySQL Workbench (*.mwb) file containing the data model you have built showing your initial impression of the design needed for storing the data for a menu item.
  • Create a Data Diagram that contains all of the tables and relations you have built.
  • Submit the MySQL Workbench model file (*.mwb) for the model and diagram you have created.

Refer to the provided resources to gain insight into some of the issues involved that need to be considered when designing a relational database, such as some of the following questions:

  • How are multiple items belonging to one menu item supposed to be stored, such as a list of ingredients?
  • Can the ingredients all be stored as a part of the recipes table, or does that conflict with the basic tenets of relational database design?
  • Is it okay to store the same data in more than one place?
  • Do certain data need to be stored across multiple tables?
  • What types of relations are involved between all of the data that comprise a single menu item?
  • Should preparation and cooking time be stored as a number or text since the total time is needed and the calculation must be performed?

These are just a few of the important points to consider as a part of relational database design.

  • Create MySQL Workbench (*.mwb) file containing the data model you have built showing your initial impression of the design needed for storing the data for a menu item.
  • Create a Data Diagram that contains all of the tables and relations you have built.
  • Submit the MySQL Workbench model file (*.mwb) for the model and diagram you have created.

Web site Html/CSS

Question Description

In this assignment you will create a web page about your favorite TV show of all-time and link it to an external style sheet to apply a few CSS rules to it. Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

  • Create an external style sheet using a text editor of your choosing. In the CSS file add the following style rules:
    • Entire document should have a black background color
    • All text color on the page should be white
    • All heading elements should have a background color of red
    • All paragraph elements should have a font size of 16px
    • Create a class to make only <li> elements that are descendants of a <ul> element appear bold
  • Save this style sheet as styles.css
  • Create a web page about your favorite TV show using the HTML 5 template as a starting point. The web page should be linked to the styles.css style sheet. The web page needs to have the following content:
    • The show name in a <h1> tag
    • The number of seasons the show ran, or has currently completed in a <h3> tag
    • A description of the show in a paragraph
    • A div with the class you created above that contains an unordered list of the show’s lead actors
    • A hyperlink to a site about the show
    • At the bottom of the page include an email hyperlink to your email address
    • Somewhere in your code place an HTML comment with your name, assignment name, and date
  • Save this web page as tvshow.html

lab 3 (how to write these )

Question Description

— 9. For each track with genreid = 9, list the track name, album title, and artist name sorted by artist, then album, then track.

— 10. Modify number 9 to add the Name from the MediaType table to the display.

— 11. For every track in the Playlist named “Grunge”, list the TrackName, Album Title, and Artist Name. Sort by artist name and then album title.

— 12. For each track with GenreId = 2, list the trackId, name, unitprice and if the trackid has a match in the Invoiceline table, list the InvoiceId.

— 13. Use the UNION operator to combine 2 queries. The first query will select the trackid and track name plus a value of ‘Comedy’ for all tracks with a genreId = 22. The second query will select the trackid and track name plus a value of ‘Drama’ for all tracks with a genreId = 21.

— 14. Create a list of the album titles (list each title only 1 time) that contain a track in the Electronica/Dance genre.

— 15. Create a list of the artist names (list each artist only 1 time) for albums that contain a track in the R&B/Soul genre.

— 16. Create a list of all customers who live in the same city and country. List the city, country, and both customer first and last names. Be sure to eliminate all duplicate lines. (self-join)