MODIFY Programming Problem #3, Card Identifier,

Question Description

This lab relates to the following Skill Outcomes:

  • Students will apply the steps in the program development process
  • Students will implement object-oriented programming through predefined classes
  • Students will develop graphical user interface applications using appropriate controls
  • Students will implement the sequence control structure

This lab covers the material in Chapter 2. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the use of the following controls: Label, PictureBox, and Button. In addition the Visible Property will be implemented. See Tutorial 2-4 and Tutorial 2-5 in particular for assistance. The JPEG images for a complete deck of poker cards is contained in the attached file. An image for a card back (Backface_Blue.bmp) is also attached. See video demonstrating the functionality of the lab at the end of the problem statement.

1. MODIFY Programming Problem #3, Card Identifier, on page 113 of the textbook based on the following REQUIREMENTS:

  1. Use a different set of five cards than those used in Figure 2-80 (see JPEG images in the attached file)
  2. When the program executes each PictureBox control should display the card back and the Label control not displaying a card name (see Backface_Blue.bmp image attached)
  3. When the user clicks any of the PictureBox controls the card front PictureBox should be displayed and the card name should be displayed in a Label control (hint: use two sets of PictureBox controls)
  4. When the user clicks on the card front PictureBox, the card back PictureBox should be displayed and the Label control displaying the card name should be cleared
  5. Only ONE PictureBox control can display a card front and card name at any given time. Therefore, if the user clicks on a different PictureBox control displaying a card back, the other card front PictureBox(s) should be changed to the card back PictureBox and the Label control displaying the card should display the newly selected card name
  6. DO NOT use Button controls to display the card front PictureBox or the card back PictureBox. Write the appropriate code behind each PictureBox control click event handler.
  7. Add a Reset button which sets the form back to its original state by making all the card back PictureBox controls visible and setting the Label control displaying the card name to an empty string
  8. An Exit button should be included which closes the application

The program MUST also include standard features of a Windows application including:

  1. Change the default Text property of the form to something descriptive
  2. Appropriate naming conventions for all controls (i.e., buttons, labels, picture boxes). The required naming convention is descriptive name including control type using camelCase notation. For example: aceOfSpadesPictureBox, cardNameLabel, exitButton. The exception is controls not referenced in the code-behind of the Form1. For example, Label controls used for descriptive purposes only or PictureBox controls used for aesthetic purposes only.
  3. Remove all unused event handlers from the program code

2. Name your project using the naming convention provided in the syllabus: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabXX (e.g., 3333_SharpJ_Lab02)

3. Include the appropriate identification information per the course syllabus using comment statements above the using statements in the code-behind of Form1 (see p. 102, 2.8 Comments, Blank Lines, and Indentation): Name, 9-Digit ID, Due Date, Date Submitted, and Brief Description of Program.

4. You will need to zip/compress the project folder using an appropriate zip/compression utility such as the one found in the Windows or WinZip, etc. Please DO NOT submit .rar (archive) files.

5. Attach and submit the zipped/compressed project folder file under Assessments for Lab 02 under the Chapter 2 Module.

Story board and flowchart of (Food Restaurant)

Question Description

I. Purpose

The purpose of Flowchart and Storyboard assignment is to formally document the interaction design for the Website that you will create at the end of this semester. The flowchart and storyboard document is a major deliverable of the design phase of the Web development process. The document should demonstrate attention to detail and accurately reflect the intended design of your Website.

II. Steps

  • Review the example Flowchart and Storyboard documents (template and examples) on Blackboard (in the “Project 2” folder) to gain an understanding of the format and content for these documents. Be sure to study both the template and the completed documents.
  • Using the project company type that you wrote about in your Review Paper (Project #1), pick a fictional company that you will use to create your own Website.For example, if you wrote about a Non-Profit organization then your fictional Website should be a Non-Profit organization.
  • Consider the design of Websites that you researched, and use your own creativity and multimedia design knowledge to envision the design and interaction for your own fictional Website. Once you have an idea about the type of Website that you want to design, you will formally document your design for this assignment.
  • Using the template and examples provided on Blackboard (in the “Project 2” folder), develop a flowchart and storyboard for your fictional Website. It will be a single MS Word document containing the flowchart and storyboard for your Website as follows:
    • The first page of your document will be the flowchart of your Website.
    • The Home page of your Website should be based on a responsive web design (RWD), so the layout and content adjust according to different device and screen sizes, i.e., desktop (769px~1232px), tablet (481px~768px), and mobile (480px and below).
      • *for the mobile panel layout, please make sure that your content adjusts into a single-column layout in order to receive credit
    • For the panel layout portion, please either mock up the page layout (w/ a description of the unique page content) using image editing software of your choice *or* write out a description of the page layout, paired with a description of the unique page content
      • *the panel layout does not need to be in color (I already know your color specifications)
    • The rest of the document will be your storyboards. There will be three storyboard pages for the Home page (i.e., desktop, tablet, and mobile) and one storyboard page for every other Web page in your Website.
    • Your Website will have a minimum of 8 pages; therefore, there will be a minimum of 10 storyboard pages in your document (in addition to one page for your flowchart).
    • Your site should include a location for a logo (Project #3) as well as a 20-second Flash animation (Project #4) which is no larger than 800×600 and delivers some message about your organization.These will be designed in later projects; for now, just make sure you identify where they will go.
    • Your site should include a navigation bar/menu/tab with rollover buttons/links, which can be graphical, link or CSS-based.
    • You will define all font information and color specifications to be used on each page of your Website by specifying the hexadecimal code or illustrating the actual color in your storyboard.
    • Use of FRAMES is not permitted!

just follow the question

Question Description

Lab 4: 30 pts

The main new components in this lab are discussed in Chapter 3’s section on singly linked lists and were reviewed in class.

IMPORTANT: This lab builds on Lab 3, so if you didn’t do it, then complete Lab 3 as a part of this lab, but see next comment on GRADING to understand how that works.

GRADING: I won’t be deducting points if you didn’t do parts of the Lab 3 piece correctly.

I will only be grading your implementation of the Linked List and how you use it and the player move count.

  1. Add to Lab 3 by tracking the player’s moves in a linked list. Then, before printing out the maze at the end, cycle through all the nodes of the linked list and change the cell value of each grid spot where the user has been to a number like 8 or 5 or 3 or any integer other than 0 or 1. This way the grid print out at the end will show the player’s path.
  1. Secondly, track the number of moves the player makes and print that out at the end as well.
  1. This lab will involve the following new features:
    1. Singly Linked List
  1. There won’t be as much detail on the singly linked list since we went over an implementation in class.
  1. Classes and Adjustments to Lab 3.
  1. Node – This is a new class that needs to be added to Lab 3.
    1. Instance variables:
      1. xPosition – int type.
      2. yPosition – int type.
      3. nextNode – Node type.
  2. LinkedList – This class will hold the linked list.
    1. Instance variables:
      1. headNode – Node type.
    2. Methods:
      1. addHeadNode
        1. Takes in two parameters, x and y, which are integer types.
        2. Returns nothing.
        3. With the x and y params, it creates a new node object and sets the nextNode on the new node object to the existing headNode object.
        4. It then assigns this new node object to the headNode variable.
      2. removeHeadNode
        1. Takes in no parameters.
        2. This is tricky so you need to carefully think through how to do this, but the following is what it needs to accomplish:
          1. It needs to change the current head node to the node that is in the head node’s nextNode variable; and it needs to return that previous head node to the method caller.
          2. Essentially, you’re taking the head node out of the linked list and returning it and setting the next node in line as the new head node.
  1. Updating run method in GameGrid class.
    1. You need to instantiate a LinkedList instance.
    2. In the while loop, use the iUserRow and iUserCol values to call the addHeadNode method on the LinkedList instance to add a node for every user move.
    3. Create second while loop: AFTER the existing while loop exits but BEFORE the grid print out.
      1. This loop will run until all LinkedList nodes have been processed.
      2. In the loop, call the removeHeadNode method on the LinkedList instance and use the returned node’s xPosition and yPosition to update the grid at that position with any number you choose besides 0 and 1.
      3. You can also use this loop to count the number of player moves.
    4. Print out the total number of player moves at the end when printing the grid.

Distinguish the features of a desktop operating system. Complete security and maintenance tasks.

Question Description


During this Assignment, you will complete several steps that cover the use of operating system tools and features for helping improve the performance of your computer system. All tasks are part of Chapter 25, “Managing Hard Disks and Storage Spaces.” Additionally, you are encouraged to complete the ungraded Learning Activity section and the lab in this unit before beginning this Assignment.

Assignment Instructions

Before beginning the Assignment, please note:

  • It is strongly recommended that you use your favorite search engine (e.g., Google) to answer the questions and provide the screenshots.
  • Label each screenshot using the proper naming convention and add an in-text citation.
  • Submit only one Word document to your Dropbox.
  1. Read and perform the steps under “Hard Drive Health States” in Chapter 25 of your text.
    • Take a screenshot of the Security and Maintenance window, displaying the Drive status of your machine. (See Fig. 25.1 in the textbook.)
    • If a problem is found, click the Run scan button and take a second screenshot of the required fix once the scan in completed.
    • If no problem is reported, then select the Troubleshooting option (rather than Recovery), select and execute any of the possible four options that are available (Programs, Hardware and Sound, Network and the Internet, System and Security), and take a screenshot substituting the previous Run scan task.
  2. Read and perform the steps under “Checking Free Disk Space” and observe how space is allocated among different files types. Take a screenshot capturing the storage usage of your system.
  3. Read and perform the steps under “Deleting Unnecessary Files.” Execute the Disk Cleanup utility. Make sure to safely remove certain types of files only (e.g., Recycle Bin, temporary Internet files). Take a screenshot of before and after the Disk Cleanup utility takes place.
  4. Read “Defragmenting Your Hard Disk.” Read and perform the tasks under “Running the Optimize Drives Tool” and use the Optimize Drives utility. Take a screenshot of the Optimize Drives window before and after execution of the chosen hard drive optimization process. (See Fig. 25.9.) Change the automatic optimization schedule frequency for daily. Take a screenshot of the new schedule.

Assignment Requirements

Here are the paper requirements:

  1. Include a cover page.
  2. Include a separate page with the title “References” as the last page in the Word document.
  3. Include the screenshots in the body of the paper.
  4. Use Font Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt. Double spacing is required.
  5. Include any sources you used for your research.

The paper is due by the end of the unit.

In your paper you must demonstrate knowledge of this week’s topic(s). Your goal is to demonstrate to your professor that you understand this material.

The paper must be written in your own words. APA style formatting, a cover page, and a reference page are required. Cite all references used and include them on the reference page.

How to reference a website in APA style

Structure: Last Name, F. (Year Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL

Example: Young, A. (2015). More on operating systems. Retrieved from

How to cite a source in APA style

Structure: (Last Name, Year Published).

Example: (Young, 2015).

ER model and relation schema

Question Description

Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario. We will discuss Relational Schema’s in Module 4.

  • The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.
  • Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.
  • Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.
  • Write down your assumption clearly if necessary
  • Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.
  • There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.

PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document) to Canvas, Assignment 1. At least one entity class name and attribute name should start with your initials.

Case Description

Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.

Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.

Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.

MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.

MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:

  • Facilitate order acceptance and tracking
  • Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries
  • Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
  • Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).
  • To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.
  • To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.

This should be completed individually, not as a group.

here are the websites i got from the professor that might help

WWW SQL Designer

Create a Web Site with one ASPX page

Question Description

Create a Web Site with one ASPX page, the default page automatically created is sufficient. Create a folder called “Files” on the site.

If there are no files in the folder, the web page should show a message indicating so in a box. The outline of the box should be a double line and the spacing between the two lines should be 7 pixels all around (hint: nested div’s and css). The message should be centered. The message, no matter how long, should not word wrap. The following is a reference:

If there are files in the folder, you will list them. One row per file showing the file name, file size, and date of the file. It’s your choice on the aesthetics. The following is a reference but does not need to look particularly like this:

(Hint: gridview control makes this easy)

The page will have a file upload control where you can upload files to the folder (hint: research fileupload control). You do not have to worry about duplicate files, however as a bonus you can. If the file exists you can save the file with an alternate name such as appending 1, 2, or 3 to the name.

You should start this project as soon as possible. You can ask questions and additionally help colleagues by answering questions if you know the answer in the facebook group. The answers should not spell out solutions, but should also not be too omitting where it is of no help – I’ll moderate accordingly.

Initial hints: ⁃ Tackle the project in steps ⁃ First use a boolean variable to indicate if file exists or not to show the no file message and a box to show where files would go and test it by changing the boolean variable. ⁃ Then place some sample files in the folder and use code to determine if the boolean variable should be set or not ⁃ Then, put some some sample files in the folder, and work on displaying & formatting those files on the web page. ⁃ Finally, when the site seems to be working fine, work on adding the upload file control and saving files into the “Files” folder.

Grading: – I can open project and it compiles with no errors and runs fine, 25pts – When running shows the no files message as described, 25pts – Make sure one or more files upload, 25pts – Make sure listing of files appears when files are present in the folder 25pts

Apache Project. Pretty straight forward, all needed files and images will be attached.

Question Description

Project I – Measuring Response Times

  1. Configure your server with two document directories ‘compressed’ and ‘uncompressed’. In each directory place the files “large_image” and “large_text”.
  2. Configure Apache to use HTTP compression when serving files from the ‘uncompressed’ directory but not to use HTTP compression when serving files from the ‘compressed’ directory. Place all configuration directives associated with this project in an “Include” file named “project1.conf”. Do not include any directives that are not directly associated with this project in this file.
  3. Add a custom header to report the response time for Apache when serving these files from both the ‘compressed’ and ‘uncompressed’ directories and record the values. Record at least 3 values from 3 different requests for each file in each directory in order to find an average response time. You will want to clear your cache before each request in order to get a valid response time. Use the browser’s developer tools to view the response times and take a screen shot that shows the response time header value for each file in each directory for a total of 4 screen shots.
  4. Log the compression ratios for both the image file and the text file using the “CustomLog” directive when serving files from the ‘uncompressed’ directory.
  5. Is the response time better when serving files from the ‘compressed’ or the ‘uncompressed’ directory? Is the compression ratio higher when serving image or text files? Explain why your are seeing the results that you see in a brief report. Include the response times and compression ratios in your report.
  6. Submit your config file (project1.conf), screen shots, log file, and report.

Grading Rubric:

Objective Points
Configure your server with two document directories ‘compressed’ and ‘uncompressed’. In each directory place the files “large_image” and “large_text”. Create an “Include” file “project1.conf” and place all directives associated with this project in this file. 40 points
Add an HTTP header to capture the response time when requesting a file and record at least 3 response times for each file in each directory. 40 points
Record the compression ratio in a custom log file when serving files from the “uncompressed” directory. 40 points
Create a report to explain the results that you are seeing. In the report include all your recorded response times and compression ratios. 40 points
Include the “project1.conf” file, screen shots, log files, and report in your submission.

40 points


200 points

solve this programming

Question Description

  1. how to write this programming
  2. Print the output of the following exactly as it appears on the screen, x is integer with value 53.
    cout <<  "abc " << x << endl << hex << 0x1f << "def/n"         << 0x30 << setw(4) << dec << x;
  3. Print the output of the following exactly as it appears on the screen.
    Assume fixed mode has been set, z is float with value 45.67834.
    cout << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << z << "n "     << setw(9) << setprecision(1) << z ;
  4. Trace the values of the variables in the following program. Repeat the value if it is the same.
    void main(void){   int w,y,z;           w     y     z   w=6;y=12;z=18;       __    __    __   y = w % 4;           __    __    __   z = z * 3;           __    __    __   w = y / 2;           __    __    __   y = w +z*2;          __    __    __}
  5. Correct the syntax errors in the following program. Do not change what the program does.
    include <iostream>  using namespace std;int main(  void  ){   cout >> 'Enter 2 integers';   cin << x << y;   If x>0  cout << setw(7) << "Positive";}

  6. Write a nested if statement. This will be similar to the examples in class or on your program. Be especially careful with the logic and take all cases into account. Here is an example
    Write a nested if statement that prints 1 if x is positive, 2 if x is negative and 3 if x is a zero. (x is an integer variable)

Unit 5 individual project for ITCO381

Question Description


Continue to build on the skills of providing Web page content and structure with HTML and Web page style and layout using CSS. Demonstrate the skill of creating a dynamic Web page that includes JavaScript client-side scripting. Demonstrate the skill of creating a Web page that delivers audio and/or video content. Design and develop a Web site that includes at least 2 Web pages that meet the following requirements:

  • The design of all Web pages in the site must include the following:
    • A visually distinct header at the top of the page
    • A horizontal navigation bar below the header
    • Required content below the navigation bar to include elements as learned in previous assignments. A sufficient representation of headings, paragraphs, lists, images, table, figure, etc.
  • A form containing several input types and the Submit button.
  • 1 Web page must include dynamic content created by client-side scripting using JavaScript.
    • JavaScript code can be either
      • Embedded in the head element or
      • Included in an external JavaScript file that is linked to the Web page
    • You may write your own JavaScript code or implement code from a provider of free code (copyrights must remain intact).
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is free of errors that would cause it to fail to execute.
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is called to execute.
    • Ensure that the JavaScript code is included in the Web site.
    • Validate the HTML in the Web page.
  • 1 Web page must deliver audio and/or video content.
    • Deliver the content to older browsers, as follows:
      • Using the embed element
      • iFrames and/or copy and paste ‘embed’ code from YouTube or other sites are NOT acceptable.
    • Deliver the content to modern browsers, as follows:
      • Using the video and/or audio elements
      • Ensuring that the content plays in all modern browsers
      • iFrames and/or copy and paste ‘embed’ code from YouTube or other sites are NOT acceptable.
    • Ensure that the media files are included in the Web site.
    • Validate the HTML in the Web page.
  • Use a single external CSS file to do the following:
    • Provide style, presentation, and layout to the Web pages in the Web site
    • Validate the CSS style rules
  • Submit all HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files in a .zip file.

Design two UML class diagrams for the specifications described above using the Eclipse UML designer (Papyrus).

Question Description

Specification1 (50 points)

  • All Vehicles have some common attributes (speed and color) and common members (turnLeft, turnRight with a parameter). You can define the parameter for the members.
  • Bicycle and MotorVehicle are both kinds of Vehicle and are therefore shown to inherit from Vehicle. Vehicle is the superclass of both Bicycle and MotorVehicle.
  • MotorVehicle has engines and license plates. Attributes (e.g., sizeOfEngine and licensePlate) have been added accordingly, along with some member that allows us to examine those attributes.
  • Bycycle has ringBell and numberOfWheels.
  • MotorVehicles is the base class of both MotorBike and Car, therefore these classes not only inherit the speed and color properties from Vehicle, but also the additional attributes and members from MotorVehicle.
  • Both MotorBike and Car have additional attributes and members which are specific to those kinds of class.

Specification2 (50 points)

  • Specification 2 demonstrates the use of relationship.
  • Each Course maintains a list of the students on that course and the lecturer who has been assigned to teach that course.
  • The Course class has members that allow the adding and removing of students from the course, assigning a teacher, getting a list of the currently assigned students, and the currently assigned teacher. (You have to add attributes and members working on the Course class)
  • Teachers are modelled as Lecturer classes. As a lecturer may teach more than one course there is an association between Course and Lecturer. The “taughtBy” relationship shows that a Course only has a single teacher, but that a lecturer may teach several Courses.
  • Each Lecturer object also maintains a list of the Courses that it teaches.
  • There is a similar relationship between Course and Student. A course is attended by zero or more Students, and a Student may attend multiple courses.
  • The Person class will have a getName and getEmailAddress methods. Both Lecturer and Student are shown to be types of Person.

Stakeholders or customers may not provide detailed attributes and members, so you can add related attributes and members if needed for the realistic design of specifications 1 and 2.

Design two UML class diagrams for the specifications described above using the Eclipse UML designer (Papyrus).

Take two screenshots showing the UML class diagrams for each on Papyrus

Submit a zip file including both doc or pdf (containing the screenshots) and your uml files.