Constructing a Computer System. Please see instruction below

Question Description

In this activity, you will design a computer system for a specific user with a specified budget. To create the computer system, you will need to determine the hardware, software, and peripherals that meet the needs of the specific user. You will make a list of the components and provide an explanation of the function of each. You must support your decision for including each component in the system by describing how it will effectively meet the needs of the user profile you selected.

Use the System Specifications Template (ATTACHED) to complete this assignment. Remember to include links or appropriate citations for the resources you use to support your selections.

Sites such as NewEgg, Micro Center, and Fry’s Electronics provide numerous options to consider when building a computer system. You may find it beneficial to use one of these sites, or you may choose to use other resources.

As you begin to build your computer system, consider the following basic questions and make decisions about items such as the system unit, CD/DVD drive, printer, monitor, speakers, microphone, keyboard, mouse, flash memory card reader, and storage (e.g., hard drive or solid state drive):

  • What input devices will the user need for the system?
  • What output devices will the user need for the system?
  • How important is processing speed?
  • How much memory and storage do they need?

Choose one user profile from the following list and create a computer system that meets the needs of that specific user.

Family (Budget: $800.00)

The family computer will need to meet the needs of a variety of users. They plan to use it to search the internet, stream videos, create a family budget, and support basic word processing tasks. They expect easy usability, the ability to connect to fast internet, clear picture, and the ability to print documents they create. In addition to the basic questions listed above, when building the computer system for this user, consider the following:

  • How much RAM would be sufficient?
  • What size hard drive would they need?
  • What type of monitor do they need, and what resolution would you recommend?
  • Connection to the internet is important, so what would you recommend to support the family’s needs?
  • Which peripherals, such as keyboard, mouse, and printer, would you recommend?
  • What email program would you suggest and why?
  • What budgeting programs should they use?
  • What internet browser would you recommend and why?

Remember to explain the function of each component you chose and support your decision for including it in the system.

Digital Art Student (Budget: $1,500.00)

The art student is creative and innovative. They not only focus on traditional school work but also rely on their computer for creating models, animation, and 3D printing projects for their major. In addition to the basic questions listed above, when building the computer system for this user, consider the following:

  • Does the system allow them to work in a variety of places?
  • Do they have the right amount of memory?
  • Do they have enough permanent storage?
  • Does the system allow them to draw directly on the screen?
  • What software will they need to create presentations and animation projects?
  • What peripherals would be essential for this student?

Remember to explain the function of each component you chose and support your decision for including it in the system.

Gamer (Budget: $2,500.00)

Most gamers want smooth, fast gameplay with sights and sounds that immerse them in the game. They are interested in streaming or recording video and communicating with other players. They do not want visuals that are grainy, pixelated, or stall mid-move. In addition to the basic questions listed above, when building the computer system for this user, consider the following:

  • What components should be used to ensure smooth and quick gameplay (e.g., solid state hard drive, multi-core processors)?
  • What components should be used to ensure the best visual experience (e.g., monitors and discrete graphics cards)?
  • What components could impact the speed of play or amount of buffering (e.g., memory, internet connection)?
  • How will you address the audio needs (e.g., microphone, speakers, headset, sound card)?
  • What peripherals would be needed (e.g., joystick, gaming controller)? This may be based on the software/games being recommended.

Remember to explain the function of each component you chose and support your decision for including it in the system.

What to Submit: Submit the completed System Specifications Template.

Constructing a Computer System Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Hardware Components Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies all hardware components needed to create a system within a given budget Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accuracy, clarity, logic, or detail Does not attempt criterion 20
Purpose Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Describes the purpose/application of each component Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accuracy, clarity, logic, or detail Does not attempt criterion 20
Software Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies specific software for a given user Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accuracy, clarity, logic, or detail Does not attempt criterion 20
Supports Decision Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Explains decision for inclusion of components Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include accuracy, clarity, logic, or detail and correct use of concepts throughout the explanation Does not attempt criterion 20
Articulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 10
Citations and Attributions Attributes sources where applicable using citation methods with very few minor errors Attributes sources where applicable, but with consistent minor errors Attributes sources where applicable, but with major errors Does not attribute sources where applicable 10
Total: 100%

CS 320 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Question Description

CS 320 Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricOverview: In this milestone, you have the opportunity to practice and receive feedback on the summary section of your final project. The following prompt is amore specific list of the same essential questions that you will need to address in your final submission but with added details and supporting information toassist you in successfully meeting the requirements.Prompt: Describe your experience developing and writing JUnit tests for each of the three features by addressing each of the following questions:  How many JUnit tests did you create for each of the features (i.e., Doctor Information Feature, Medical Records Feature, and Allergy Find Feature) andwhy? In other words, what was your level of testing for each of the features? Explain your reasoning based on the best practices you have learned in thecourse.  How did you organize your tests for each of the features? For example, did you group any of your tests into test suites for any of the features? Why orwhy not? Explain your reasoning based on the best practices you have learned in the course.  Did you address all the software requirements? Describe how you met each of the requirements from the test plan (listed below).○ Doctor Information Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to log in and add a doctor to the list of doctors. Doctors’ names donot have to be unique, but doctors’ IDs should be unique.○ Medical Records Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to add a medical record to a patient.i. Add a patient.ii. Add a medical record with treatments, medications, and allergies.o When you create a medical record, it is necessary to create a patient history, which will contain 1 to many treatments, 1 to manymedications, and 1 to many allergies. Medications cannot be assigned to a patient history unless there has been a treatmentfirst.○ Allergy Find Feature Requirement: The system shall allow the user to search for allergies and print all patients with allergies.  How did you ensure that your code was technically sound and efficient? Include screenshots of your code demonstrating that it is the following:○ Syntactically accurate (style and syntax)○ Logical (how well your program satisfies the requirements of the assignment)○ Concise (how thoroughly you have tested your own code)○ Modular (how you organized your tests)  Defend the effectiveness of your tests by answering the following final questions:○ Did you find at least five errors? How many did you find in total?○ What were the errors?RubricGuidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should be 2 pages in length with double spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Any citations should be in APAformat.Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) ValueLevel of Testing Defends the level of testing for each of thefeatures using specific examples of testingbest practices discussed in the courseDefends the level of testing, but fails to fullyor appropriately explain the level usingspecific examples of testing best practicesdiscussed in the courseDoes not defend the level of testing for eachof the features13OrganizationalApproachDefends the organization of tests for each ofthe features using specific examples oftesting best practices discussed in the courseDefends the organization of tests, but fails tofully or appropriately explain the level usingspecific examples of testing best practicesdiscussed in the courseDoes not defend the organization of tests foreach of the features13Alignment to DoctorInformation FeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7Alignment toMedical RecordsFeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7Alignment to AllergyFinder FeatureRequirementDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement withspecific examplesDefends the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement, butfails to fully or logically explain using specificexamplesDoes not defend the alignment of the testingapproach to the feature requirement7SyntacticallyAccurate CodeDefends the accuracy of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the accuracy of the code, but failsto fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the accuracy of the code 7Logical Code Defends the functional logic of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the functional logic of the code,but fails to fully or logically defend withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDoes not discuss the functional logic of thecode7Concise Code Defends the conciseness of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the conciseness of the code, butfails to fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the conciseness of the code 7Modular Code Defends the modularity of the code withspecific evidence and appropriatescreenshotsDiscusses the modularity of the code, butfails to fully or logically defend with specificevidence and appropriate screenshotsDoes not discuss the modularity of the code 7Effective Tests Defends the effectiveness of the tests byciting at least five identified errors anddescribing the nature of eachDefends the effectiveness of the tests, butfails to cite at least five identified errors anddescribe the nature of eachDoes not defend the effectiveness of thetests20Articulation ofResponseSubmission has no major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganizationSubmission has major errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that negatively impactreadability and articulation of main ideasSubmission has critical errors related tocitations, grammar, spelling, syntax, ororganization that prevent understanding ofideas5Total 100%

Database Design and Analysis. Use the Accidents_2016.csv file below to implement the following steps for your database project.

Question Description

  1. Create a MySQL schema named “accidents.”
  2. Within the accidents schema, create a table named accidents_2016 with the following columns:
    • accident_index as a varchar(13),
    • accident_severity as an int
  3. Within the accidents schema, create a table named vehicles_2016 with the following columns:
    • accident_index as a varchar(13),
    • vehicle_type as a varchar(10)
  4. Within the accidents schema, create a table named vehicle_type with the following columns:
    • vcode int,
    • vtype as a varchar(100)
  5. Next, you will load the data for the three tables.
    • Load the accidents data. Note that @dummy is a placeholder for a column in the .csv file that you want to ignore during the load.
load data local infile '…\data\Accidents_2016.csv'into table accidents_2016fields terminated by ','enclosed by '"'lines terminated by 'n'ignore 1 lines(@col1, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @col2,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy) set accident_index=@col1,accident_severity=@col2;
  • Load the vehicle data.
load data local infile '…\data\Vehicles_2016.csv'into table vehicles_2016fields terminated by ','enclosed by '"'lines terminated by 'n'ignore 1 lines(@col1, @dummy, @dummy, @col2,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy,@dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy, @dummy)set accident_index=@col1,vehicle_type=@col2;
  • Load the vehicle type data.
load data local infile  '…\data\vehicle_type.csv'into table  vehicle_typefields  terminated by ','enclosed by  '"'lines  terminated by 'n'ignore 1  lines
  1. After the data are loaded, you will perform the analysis. First, find the average accident severity and the number of accidents for vehicles of type motorcycle. Note the performance of your query. Your query may run so slowly that MySQL aborts running completing.
  2. Improve Query Performance
    • Look at the explain tool output and save the results to a graphic file.
    • From the explain results, how many rows have to be read per join?
    • Add an index named “accident_index” of type “index” on the accident_index
    • column in the accidents_2016 table and another index named “accident_index” of type “index” on the vehicles_2106 table.
alter table accidents_2016add index accident_index (accident_index asc);
alter table vehicles_2016add index accident_index (accident_index asc);

After adding the indices, rerun the query explanation tool and determine the number of rows to be read per join.

  1. Find the median accident severity.

MySQL does not have a median function so to find the median accident severity, you will have to write a Python script.

  • You’ll need to install Python and the PyMySQL module.
  • Install Python version 2.7 or 3.4 from

To install the PyMySQL module, run the following command in a Windows command prompt after Python has been installed:

python -m pip install  --index-url= --trusted-host PyMySQL

b) Create an accident median table

create  table accident_medians(       vtype varchar(100),       severity int);
  • Run the following Python script:
import pymysqlmyConnection  = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='****', passwd='****', db='accidents')cur = myConnection.cursor()cur.execute('SELECT vtype FROM vehicle_type WHERE  vtype LIKE "%otorcycle%";')cycleList = cur.fetchall()selectSQL = ('''                SELECT  t.vtype, a.accident_severity                FROM accidents_2016 AS a                JOIN vehicles_2016 AS v ON  a.accident_index = v.Accident_Index                JOIN vehicle_type AS t ON  v.Vehicle_Type = t.vcode                WHERE t.vtype LIKE %s                ORDER BY  a.accident_severity;''')insertSQL = ('''INSERT INTO accident_medians  VALUES (%s, %s);''')                for cycle  in cycleList:                cur.execute(selectSQL,cycle[0])                accidents = cur.fetchall()                quotient, remainder =  divmod(len(accidents),2)                if  remainder:                                med_sev =  accidents[quotient][1]                else:                                med_sev =  (accidents[quotient][1] + accidents[quotient+2][1])/2                print('Finding median  for',cycle[0])                cur.execute(insertSQL,(cycle[0],med_sev))myConnection.commit()myConnection.close()

Write each query you used in Steps 1 – 8 in a text file. If a query produced a result set, then list the first ten rows of each row set after the query.

c# programming

Question Description

This lab relates to the following Skill Outcomes:

  • Students will apply the steps in the program development process
  • Students will implement object-oriented programming through predefined classes
  • Students will develop graphical user interface applications using appropriate controls
  • Students will implement primitive data types for variables, constants, and fields
  • Students will implement the sequence repetition structure
  • Students will select appropriate arithmetic operators
  • Students will analyze, design, implement, test, and debug domain-specific applications which demonstrate basic computation, input/output, control structures, and operators

This lab covers the material in Chapter 3. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the use of TextBox controls for input, the use of constants, declaration of variables and fields, arithmetic calculations, conversion of data using the Parse and ToString methods, accumulation, counting, simple exception handling, and more GUI details.

1. Complete Programming Problem #14, Stadium Seating, on page 199 of the textbook. A revised form (original form provided in Figure 3-49) is provided below based upon the Additional Requirements. Data is also provided to test the application.

The ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS described below MUST also be implemented:

  • Apply the currency format string for displaying monetary output (i.e., displays a leading currency symbol, digits, comma separators, and a decimal point)
  • Apply the number format string for displaying non-monetary output with no decimal places (i.e., the precision must be specified)
  • Implement simple exception handling to catch any exceptions that are thrown and display the exception’s default error message
  • Implement named constants where applicable (i.e., the cost of the different classes of seats)
  • Calculate the total tickets sold for each individual transaction
  • Implement the following fields:
    • Sum of revenue which accumulates the overall revenue (i.e., running sum of the Total Revenue)
    • Sum of Tickets which accumulates the total tickets (i.e., running sum of the Total Tickets)
    • Count of Transactions which counts the number of times the Calculate Revenue button is clicked (i.e., adding to the Count of Transactions)
  • Add the following Label controls to the form (Note: GroupBox controls are used to group the various TextBox and Label controls):
    • Total Tickets (descriptive and output)
    • Sum of Revenue (descriptive and output)
    • Sum of Tickets (descriptive and output)
    • Transactions (descriptive and output)

The program MUST also include standard features of a Windows application including:

  • Change the default Text property of the form to something descriptive
  • Appropriate naming conventions for all controls (i.e., buttons, labels, text boxes). The required naming convention is descriptive name including control type using camelCase notation. For example: classATicketsTextBox, totalTicketsLabel, exitButton. The exception is controls not referenced in the code-behind of the Form1. For example, Label controls used for descriptive purposes only or PictureBox controls used for aesthetic purposes only.
  • Button(s) with standard keyboard access key(s)
  • AcceptButton and CancelButton properties should be assigned to the Calculate and Clear buttons, respectively
  • Ensure tab order for form is logical (i.e., check the Tab Order)
  • When Clear button is clicked the controls in the Tickets Sold and Revenue Generated GroupBoxes should be cleared and the focus set to the appropriate text box for the program (i.e., typically the first input value). Do NOT clear the controls in the Summary GroupBox. Do NOT reset the values of the fields.
  • Appropriate naming conventions and data type declarations for variables and named constants
  • Remove all unused event handlers from the program code

2. Name your project using the naming convention provided in the syllabus: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabXX (e.g., 3333_SharpJ_Lab03)

3. Include the appropriate identification information per the course syllabus using comment statements above the using statements in the code-behind of Form1 (see p. 102, 2.8 Comments, Blank Lines, and Indentation): Name, 9-Digit ID, Due Date, Date Submitted, and Brief Description of Program.

4. You will need to zip/compress the project folder using an appropriate zip/compression utility such as the one found in the Windows or WinZip, etc. Please DO NOT submit .rar (archive) files.

5. Attach and submit the zipped/compressed project folder file under the Lab 03 link under Assessments in the Chapter 3 Module.

6. See Revised Form based on Additional Requirements and Sample Test Data below:

3333 Lab 03 Form
Tickets Sold Revenue Generated (output) Summary (output)
First Transaction
Class A: 320 (input) Class A: $4,800.00 Sum of Revenue: $19,650.00
Class B: 570 (input) Class B: $6,840.00 Sum of Tickets: 1,780
Class C: 890 (input) Class C: $8,010.00 Transactions: 1
Total Tickets: 1,780 (output) Total Revenue: $19,650.00
Second Transaction
Class A: 500 (input) Class A: $7,500.00 Sum of Revenue: $46,950.00
Class B: 750 (input) Class B: $9,000.00 Sum of Tickets: 4,230
Class C: 1200 (input) Class C: $10,800.00 Transactions: 2
Total Tickets: 2,450 (output) Total Revenue: $27,300.00
Third Transaction
Class A: 100 (input) Class A: $1,500.00 Sum of Revenue: $56,550.00
Class B: 300 (input) Class B: $3,600.00 Sum of Tickets: 5,130
Class C: 500 (input) Class C: $4,500.00 Transactions: 3
Total Tickets: 900 (output) Total Revenue: $9,600.00

Complete the last section of your RMP, the Risk Treatment plan

Question Description

Using the RMP template that you have been using for the last two weeks, work with your supervisor and complete the last section of your RMP – the Risk Treatment Plan by midnight Friday night.

Details of fields in the RMP Risk Treatment plan are described in this week’s seminar

1. Complete the last section of your RMP, the Risk Treatment plan

There are five columns to be completed in the Risk Treatment Plan:

  1. Treatment Strategy,
  2. Treatment Description,
  3. Treatment Resources,
  4. Risk owner, and
  5. Deadline

A. Treatment Strategy

This is the risk response that you will apply to the risk. You will recall from week 6 that there are only 4 possible risk responses:


Changing the project plan (e.g. the scope statement, the schedule, etc) so that a particular risk can’t happen.

Typically this means removing something from the scope of the project to completely remove the risk, so it is 100% impossible. E.g. you have to produce website that will display on Windows Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. There is a big risk that Opera will not display it correctly, so you remove “Opera” from the scope statement. Now that risk cannot happen.


Taking action to reduce the likelihood and/or the impact of an identified risk. E.g. there is a risk the project might be late because the team has not much expertise with SharePoint. You can mitigate the risk by providing training to the team and/or contracting a SharePoint specialist.


Paying someone to take the risk on your behalf (usually outsourcing or purchasing insurance)

Note that to transfer a risk, you must transfer it OUTSIDE the company. You can’t transfer to another team, or transfer by employing experts, because the company still owns all the risks of its employees.


You simply decide that you will accept the consequence of the risk if it occurs. This may be because you think:

  • There’s virtually no chance of it happening (e.g. a major earthquake in London), or
  • The impact would be negligible,
  • It is too expensive to deal with (e.g. the cost of insurance may be more than the impact of the risk event), or
  • You simply have no idea what you would do!

When you accept a risk, you don’t have to do anything further. If you try to plan anything for this risk then it becomes a mitigation.

B. Treatment Description

Having selected the strategy, this field is where you enter the details of how this strategy will be implemented.

C. Treatment Resources

People, equipment, budget, etc required for this strategy.

D. Risk Owner

The risk owner is the person responsible for ensuring that the risk strategy is put in place, and is also responsible for checking that the risk is dealt with according to the plan, if the risk occurs. This person may not be the same person who actually treats the risk. For example, the IT Manager may be the risk owner for the risk “Some laptop computers may be offsite and not upgraded”, but it will not be the IT Manger who actually recalls and checks each laptop, that is a task for a technician.

E. Deadline

Enter the date when the strategy has to be finalised (e.g. of the strategy is to buy insurance, then this will be the date that the insurance has to be purchased.

and just answer these questions

CSR Analysis of your project

Examine your project and then answer the following three sets of questions. You will probably need your supervisor to assist you.

The principles:

Principle of institutional legitimacy

Would the technology I develop be welcomed by society?

Principle of public responsibility

Is the benefit greater than the risk?

Principle of managerial discretion

Is my work and behaviour ethical and socially responsible?

The processes:

Environmental assessment

Have I asked the right questions?

Stakeholder management

Have I asked the right questions of the right people?

Issues management

Have I been thorough in thinking this through and prepared as well as I can?

The outcomes:

Social Impacts

Will the software/services I provide work to benefit the company and society?

Social programs

Does the software/services take into account all relevant legislation and compliance requirements?

Social policies

Can I take my knowledge into the community to enhance the reputation of my company and support the community in which my company operates?

Homework – c++

Question Description

Black or White is a one-player puzzle game played on a 5×5 grid with 25 identical pieces. Each piece is a disk, white on one face, black on the other—thus the name. One piece is placed in each grid square. Initially pieces are placed randomly as to whether the white or black side is up. The player may pick any piece to flip, thus reversing its color. BUT—when any piece is flipped, then every piece in the same row and same column, regardless of current color, must also be flipped. The object is to make a series of flips such that the pieces are either all-white or all-black. Your task is to write a program that can generate a random Black or White puzzle, and then find a solution, or demonstrate that no solution exists from that starting configuration.

If a solution exists, give the user the option of seeing just a list of the moves that must be made, or a more comprehensive version showing the state of the board after each flip. Allow output to a text file, since the number of flips necessary may be large.

Programming notes:

  • You may use C++.
  • Note that there are 25 pieces, and each may be in 2 states independently. Thus there are 225 = 33,554,432 possible states, of which 2 are goal states. Data representation will be important and a compact representation may make the difference between a program that works and one that runs out of memory. You may want to consider a bitstring representation for storage, since each possible board configuration maps directly to a 25-bit integer.
  • Note that any position has a dual, consisting of the same position with all pieces reversed. If a series of steps from this position would lead to an all-black state, then a corresponding series from the dual would lead to an all-white state. This makes the code more complex but cuts data storage in half. But be careful that you keep track of which goal state you’re headed towards….
  • Algorithm choices: Since moves are reversible, any forward search will have to track which positions have already been examined, to avoid cycles. There will not be a monotonic metric allowing you to assess progress; it may be necessary to temporarily increase the number of disks of the “wrong” color to reach a solution. You will probably want to use retrograde analysis: If this is a winning position (monochrome), what must the position have been just before this? Each of those 25 positions can be stored and marked as 1 step from the goal, with what the winning move is. Now, what position would have led to each of those positions? Those positions should be marked as winning in 2 moves, and for each, what the correct move is. (The branching factor is 25, so the number of positions expands quickly, and remember to omit any position that’s already in the database.) This continues until all possible positions have been marked and stored in the database.
  • Interacting with the user then consists of presenting a random board, getting input as to which disk the player wants to turn, and showing the updated board. The player should always have an option for the program to show the steps necessary to reach a solution from the then-current position, if it is possible to do so.
  • You may want to write 2 programs: One that generates the database of moves, and the game-playing program that uses the database to interact with the player.

Prepare a short 1 report explaining your program and the algorithm you chose, and how well it worked. How well would your solution scale up to a larger board?

(Time: 1 day and 6 hours), Due at 3:00 am 09/09/19.

Homework – Programming (C++)

Question Description

Black or White is a one-player puzzle game played on a 5×5 grid with 25 identical pieces. Each piece is a disk, white on one face, black on the other—thus the name. One piece is placed in each grid square. Initially pieces are placed randomly as to whether the white or black side is up. The player may pick any piece to flip, thus reversing its color. BUT—when any piece is flipped, then every piece in the same row and same column, regardless of current color, must also be flipped. The object is to make a series of flips such that the pieces are either all-white or all-black. Your task is to write a program that can generate a random Black or White puzzle, and then find a solution, or demonstrate that no solution exists from that starting configuration.

If a solution exists, give the user the option of seeing just a list of the moves that must be made, or a more comprehensive version showing the state of the board after each flip. Allow output to a text file, since the number of flips necessary may be large.

Programming notes:

  • You may use C++
  • Note that there are 25 pieces, and each may be in 2 states independently. Thus there are 225 = 33,554,432 possible states, of which 2 are goal states. Data representation will be important and a compact representation may make the difference between a program that works and one that runs out of memory. You may want to consider a bitstring representation for storage, since each possible board configuration maps directly to a 25-bit integer.
  • Note that any position has a dual, consisting of the same position with all pieces reversed. If a series of steps from this position would lead to an all-black state, then a corresponding series from the dual would lead to an all-white state. This makes the code more complex but cuts data storage in half. But be careful that you keep track of which goal state you’re headed towards….
  • Algorithm choices: Since moves are reversible, any forward search will have to track which positions have already been examined, to avoid cycles. There will not be a monotonic metric allowing you to assess progress; it may be necessary to temporarily increase the number of disks of the “wrong” color to reach a solution. You will probably want to use retrograde analysis: If this is a winning position (monochrome), what must the position have been just before this? Each of those 25 positions can be stored and marked as 1 step from the goal, with what the winning move is. Now, what position would have led to each of those positions? Those positions should be marked as winning in 2 moves, and for each, what the correct move is. (The branching factor is 25, so the number of positions expands quickly, and remember to omit any position that’s already in the database.) This continues until all possible positions have been marked and stored in the database.
  • Interacting with the user then consists of presenting a random board, getting input as to which disk the player wants to turn, and showing the updated board. The player should always have an option for the program to show the steps necessary to reach a solution from the then-current position, if it is possible to do so.
  • You may want to write 2 programs: One that generates the database of moves, and the game-playing program that uses the database to interact with the player.

Prepare a short (1 Page) report explaining your program and the algorithm you chose, and how well it worked. How well would your solution scale up to a larger board?

Due date: 09/09/19 at 3:00 am.

Analyze data through ( IBM SPSS statistics program)

Question Description

please do this work by using ( IBM SPSS statistics program)

Data file download attached

Now, here are the things I want you to provide:

1. Correlation Table and Means and Standard Deviations. This is super easy—I’ve already done the work of cleaning and coding the data for you. All you’ve got to do is go to Analyze➡ Correlate➡ Bivariate. Make sure under options, you check the box for means and standard deviations. Run it.

2. Answer a few questions:

a. What is the correlation between optimism and extraversion? Is it statistically significant?

b. What is the correlation between neuroticism and self-esteem ? Is it statistically significant?

c. What is the correlation between creativity and proactive personality? Is it statistically significant?

d. What is the correlation between creativity and creativity? (not a typo—you’ll need to think conceptually for this one.)

Is it statistically significant?

e. What variables have a negative correlation? (name some; all are not necessary)

f. What variables is proactive personality significantly correlated with?

3. Next, I want you to compare my sections of MGMT 305—which are labeled 1 and 2. Go to Analyze ➡ Compare Means➡ Means, and put all the variables EXCEPT for Section in the Dependent List. Put Section in the Layer Box below. Run it, and then answer the following questions.

a. On average, which section of my class is most extraverted? How do you know?

b. Which section has the lower level, on average, of proactive personality? How do you know?

c. Which section has the higher level, on average—of achievement striving? How do you know?

4. Next, I’d like you to think about a theory and hypothesis—specifically, I’d like you to think about what variables might be related to other variables. (We will mostly ignore questions of time and causality for this exercise.) To test your idea, you’ll use very simple linear regression. I want you to have one dependent variable and three independent variables in your model. Independent variables are what predict, dependent variables are what is predicted. For example, in the hypothesis more money is positively associated with more problems, I could say that money is the independent variable, and problems are the dependent variable, suggesting that more money is leading to more problems, and not the other way around.

a. Write your theory/hypothesis—what do you think relationships will be, and why?

b. To test your idea, go to Analyze➡ Regression➡ Linear.

Put in the dependent variable box one variable that you think can be predicted.

And put into the independent box at least three other variables. You can put more if you choose.

Once everything is in, click OK. Now that you have output, look under the table called “Coefficients.”

c. Looking at the table, answer two questions:

i. First, was your hypothesis supported? (A helpful way to figure this out is if under “Sig.

” which means “significance,” the number is less than .05. Less than .05 is significant,

a number greater than .05 means nonsignificant.)

ii. Second, which one of your independent variables had the biggest effect on your dependent variable?

You can figure this out by looking in the Coefficients table under “Standardized Coefficients Beta.”

Whichever one has the largest absolute value has the biggest effect. What is the effect size?

iii. Which of your independent variables has the smallest effect? What is the effect size?

5. Last, a general question: after looking at all of the data you’ve analyzed, write two or three general conclusions at which you can arrive—and explain how.

answers to the questions above

Skills Required

Data Processing


R Programming Language

Statistical Analysis

SPSS Statistics

Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to style Web pages. Identify navigation strategies for websites.

Question Description


This assignment is all about formatting with CSS. You will create an external stylesheet that contains CSS style rules. These style rules will format your pages and turn text navigation links into an attractive navigation bar.

Assignment Instructions

In this Assignment, you will create an external Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). You will create a History page for a restaurant website. Since the restaurant is family-owned, the History page may include some background information about the family. This page may also tell a story about how the restaurant was started and/or how the recipes came to be part of the menu. You should include at least 50 words on this page.

Assignment Requirements

  1. Create a History page from the website template.
    • Open template.html in Notepad to edit.
    • Type the restaurant name and the text “History” in the title tag.
    • Add a level 1 (h1) heading inside the header of the page. Include logical heading text for the History page.
    • Between <nav> and </nav> tags, add navigation links to your navigation code for the History and Menu pages:
      • <ul>
      • <li><a href=”history.html”>History</a></li>
      • <li><a href=”menu.html”>Menu</a></li>
      • </ul>
    • Save the page as history.html.
    • Close history.html
  1. Create a Menu page from the website template.
    • Open template.html in Notepad to edit.
    • Type the restaurant name and the text “Menu” in the title tag.
    • Add a level 1 (h1) heading inside the header of the page. Include logical heading text for the Menu page.
    • Between <nav> and </nav> tags, add navigation links to your navigation code for the History and Menu pages:
      • <ul>
      • <li><a href=”history.html”>History</a></li>
      • <li><a href=”menu.html”>Menu</a></li>
      • </ul>
    • Save the page as menu.html
    • Close menu.html
  1. Create an external Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) document named styles.css. This code will apply to the Web page elements, adding specific styling and design to the page content.
    • Open a new blank document in Notepad
    • Format the element coded into your HTML pages using CSS. The selector identifies the element that will be formatted, such as body, header, main.
    • Notice there is an ID named #container. This is standard practice for creating an invisible “box” around the entire page content. This helps develop fluid pages for mobile devices and gives a parent element to hold all page elements. It could be named anything, but container is standard.
    • Type the code below into the page, exactly as shown:
      • @charset “utf-8”;
      • body {
      • background-color: #9b30ff;
      • font-family: Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;
      • color: #000000;
      • }
      • h1 {
      • color: #ffffff;
      • }
      • header {
      • background-color: #000000;
      • color: #ffffff;
      • text-align: center;
      • padding: 5px;
      • width: 80%;
      • margin-left: 10%;
      • }
      • #container {
      • width: 100%;
      • }
    • Save.
    • The next section of CSS formats the main content area and the footer. The footer must include the clear: both; style rule so it is placed below all other content on the page.
    • Type the code below into the page, after the last } bracket:
      • main {
      • width: 80%;
      • background-color: #ffffff;
      • float: left;
      • padding: 5px;
      • margin-left: 10%;
      • }
      • footer {
      • clear: both;
      • background-color: #000000;
      • color: #ffffff;
      • text-align: center;
      • margin-left: 10%;
      • padding: 5px;
      • font-size: 12pt;
      • width: 80%;
      • }
    • Save as styles.css. Don’t forget to select All Files from the drop menu when you save.
  1. Link your external CSS document to your Web pages.
    • Open history.html in Notepad to edit
    • Type the link tag exactly as shown between </title> and </head>
      • <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”styles.css”>
    • Save and close.
    • Open menu.html in Notepad to edit.
    • Type the link tag exactly as shown between </title> and </head>
      • <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”styles.css”>
    • Save and close.
  1. Edit CSS to apply formatting to navigation links within a Web page.
    • Type the following CSS code into styles.css. This code will format your navigation links, rendering the list and links into a decorative and functional navigation bar.
      • nav {
      • color: #000000;
      • padding: 5px;
      • width: 80%;
      • margin-left: 10%;
      • font-weight: bold;
      • }
      • nav ul {
      • list-style: none;
      • }
      • nav ul li {
      • float: left;
      • padding: 5px;
      • }
      • nav ul li a:link, nav ul li a:visited {
      • display: block;
      • width: 150px;
      • margin-right: 4px;
      • color: #000000;
      • padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
      • background-color: #ffffff;
      • text-decoration: none;
      • }
      • nav ul li a:hover {
      • color: #ffffff;
      • background-color: #9b30ff;
      • }
    • Save and close.
  1. Upload history.html, menu.html, and styles.css to the server.

python programming

Question Description

Requirements: – Use the code written in previous lab for Employee, HourlyEmployee, and SalariedEmployee and make the following changes:

Update the appropriate class(es) to do the following:

  • Add a __repr__ method, so that the reference for each object is printed.
  • Add a get_id method, that will return the unique id for the object.Must also add other logic / variables to generate a unique id as we have in past examples.
  • Update the printing logic in __str__ will also print the id instance variable.
  • For all these requirements, these must be applied so that they work for all classes:Employee, HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee.Given the requirement, to which class(es) should we make these updates?We must utilize inheritance so that we make the minimum number of updates.

Update main to do the following:

Create a list and append each HourlyEmployee and SalariedEmployee to the list.Print the list.This will test your implementation for the __repr__ method.Test to ensure that the new variable, id, is printed


class Employee:

def __init__(self, fname, lname, ssn):
self.__first_name = fname
self.__last_name = lname
self.__social_security = ssn

def __str__(self):
return 'Name: {:s}'.format(

def set_first_name(self, fname):
self.__first_name = fname

def set_last_name(self, lname):
self.__last_name = lname

def set_social_security(self, ssn):
self.__social_security = ssn

def get_full_name(self):
return '{:s} {:s}'.format(
self.__first_name, self.__last_name)

class HourlyEmployee(Employee):

def __init__(self, fname, lname, ssn, hrate):
super().__init__(fname, lname, ssn)
self.__hourly_rate = hrate

def set_hourly_rate(self, hrate):
self.__hourly_rate = hrate

def get_hourly_rate(self):
return self.__hourly_rate

def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
s = s + ' Hourly Rate: ' + str(self.__hourly_rate)
return s

class SalariedEmployee(Employee):
def __init__(self, fname, lname, ssn, salary):
super().__init__(fname, lname, ssn)
self.__salary = salary

def set_salary(self, salary):
self.__salary = salary

def get_salary(self):
return self.__salary

def __str__(self):
s = super().__str__()
s = s + ' Salary: ' + str(self.__salary)
return s

def main():
hre1 = HourlyEmployee('Sam', 'Peter', 33322, 15.00)
hre2 = HourlyEmployee('harry', 'Johnson', 23422, 20.00)
ems1 = SalariedEmployee('Tia', 'Cruiz', 32344, 5000.00)
ems2 = SalariedEmployee('Tim', 'Clinton', 98934, 34000.00)
print('Hourly Employee 1 is', hre1)
print('Hourly Employee 2 is', hre2)
print('nSalary Employee 1 is', ems1)
print('Salary Employee 2 is', ems2)
