issc471 research paper

Question Description

For week two assignment you are required to research the following:

TheSAS 70 standard was replaced by a new standard in June of 2011. Pleaseresearch the new standard published by the Auditing Standards Board ofthe American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Write atleast a one page report explaining the difference between the twostandards.

APA style

Agent-based Economic Model AND Zombie Epidemic Model

Question Description

Hello, this a project in system modeling and simulation. The details of this project is attached as PDF along with some supporting materials that might help. It is about modeling and describing stuff using NetLogo. Please take a look at it and let me know if you can do it in two days. Thanks

Discusssion post, simple and direct to the point

Question Description

HTML is the standard language used for creating websites. Often, additional languages are used as well. The complementary role of these languages is to enhance the functionality of the website in order to provide users with a better navigating experience. Identify two such languages and describe their complementary role with HTML.

Quantitative reasoning

Question Description

Complete the following steps to access the MyMathLab® Final Exam:and week 5 show what you know homework

  1. Open MyMathLab® using the MyMathLab® Access link at the top of the Course Content page.
  2. Select Homework and Tests in MyMathLab® on the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Final Exam.
  4. and Show what you know homework week 5

complete Assignments from chapter 4&5

Question Description

you have to complete the assignments from chapter 4 and 5 from the book. For chapter 4 the assignment will be on p194 and for chapter 5 the assignment will be of p 230-231. For chapter 5 you can talk about using Siri, Alexa ,and google and the book will be below

Creating a database using SQL Server

Question Description

Given the ERD in this document, write the CREATE TABLE statements to construct the tables for this database.Be sure to use reasonable data types and create all tables, attributes, primary keys, foreign keys, and “not null” constraints in your statements where appropriate. The full instruction is in the attachment file

Auto cad 3D 2019/2020 4 drawings

Question Description

I have 4 AutoCad 3D 2019/2020 program drawings must be done neatly with the dimensions and i have to be able to access it to add my name and send it to my teacher. please do not just send me pictures i need to access the drawings. Thank you

issc351 assignment

Question Description

APA format

1 page

Assignment 4:

You have been hired to perform digital investigations and forensicsanalysis for a company. You find that no policies, processes, orprocedures are currently in place. Do an Internet search to findinformation, and then create a policy and processes document to providethe structure necessary for your lab environment.

computer science assignment

Question Description

you will write a club recommendation system for a social network. Based on

the scoring system described below, your program will recommend clubs that a person may

wish to join.

This handout explains the problem you are to solve, and the tasks you need to complete for the

assignment. Please read it carefully.

Agile Project

Question Description

1. What does the definition of “done” mean, and what is its importance in an agile project? Provide an example of the definition of done.

2.Discuss an example of a real world project and howyou might have done it differently with a more agile estimation approach.