2 Discussions

Question Description

First Discussion (600 words) — not too informative

Read http://www.wired.com/2014/11/chip-n-pin-foreign-currency-vulnerability/

Discuss the importance of vulnerability assessment in Ethical Hacking. Why we should have a good understanding of the system vulnerability assessment summary in order to perform an effective ethical hacking?

Second Discussion (500 Words)

Discuss the creation of the Database structure:


  1. What is the database structure?
  2. How many tables did you create?
  3. What SQL platform are you using?

Bookkeeping project

Question Description

I have completed this project but it seems to be wrong. I honestly don’t know where to start or how to do it. Could you please give me a step by step so I can better understand and be able to complete my project? I have attached all the instructions and documents given.

Here are the instructions:


Thank you so much!

LDR6150_Innovation and Organizational Transformation Week 5 Discussion

Question Description

In three or four paragraphs describe your organization’s culture.If you are not currently working, reflect on a previous professional environment and explain its culture. Using the information provided in chapters 12 – 14 of our text, describe the unique aspects of your organization’s culture and respond to the following questions:

The response repetition rate should not exceed 10%

develop a comprehensive network plan for an organization

Question Description

The object of the exercise will be to develop a comprehensive network plan for an organization.For example, you are to develop the user ids, groups, equipment information and firewall configurations. You will need to create a map, and detailed equipment configurations to document your network.

Week 3 Discussion-Amanda Cordeiro

Question Description

Respond to Amanda as if you’re having a conversation with her. Respond to Amanda who was assigned a different article than you by further supporting his or her critique or respectfully offering a differing perspective. $5 post one question and a few sentences

The problem in this research presented was that children in more poverty type communities are more likely to be under the influence of violence. The theory that could be used for this problem is the theory of criminal behavior, I chose this one out the few that was there because this in my eyes relates more to the problem. “Theoretically, social learning models purport that the mechanism of behavioral transmission from individual to individual, or from generation to generation, is the adoption of observed behavior of important role models within the child’s environment.” (A. Bandura. R. L. Burgess and R. L. Akers) These theories could help explain why this is a reoccurring problem that we have in the world. The other did mention that violence in children is a problem and then narrowed the perspective to those who live in areas of poverty. The purpose of the article isn’t directly stated but it is implied some on trying to help children stay away from violence especially in areas in poverty. Some variables that are included within this research are African American, Hispanic, Other, Family gang association, Peer gang association, Family/friend being attacked, Witnessing gun violence, Fear of neighborhood violence, Hiding due to gun violence, Social self-control, and Aggression (Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Unger, J. B., & Sussman, S. (2015). These variables impacted the research in their own unique way because each variable brings their own independent variables to be accounted for. Information about the sample, population, or participants are provided in charts within the research. The key results are summarized to help the audience summarize and understand what they read. There were very few critiqued with the literature provided but it was more of a comparison between the literature and their work. Some citations support the works and others done and with this article being 5 years old its hard to find one that was creditable within the last five years. The literature does help justify the importance of the topic study.
The problem is identified which does lead to for this wonderful and long study. “Empirical evidence from ecological investigations of risk behavior has established the link between community violence exposure, family processes, affiliations with delinquent peers, and a multitude of interpersonal and behavioral problems including elevated levels of violence victimization and perpetration” (Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Unger, J. B., & Sussman, S. (2015). This is the starting point with this research going through different perspectives and seeing how each factor plays a role in the problem and solution. There is no clear justification of the problem, but I believe that the main thing is that children need a positive role model at an early age to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path. The problem is constant with the research approach that the author used, and the statement does convey how the authors plan on tackling the problem. The citation of the literature is mostly updated for when it was published but not almost all us out of date.
For research to be justified in literature the literature must be with five years of the research and publication. For instance, a research paper on world hunger would need to have literature from 2015- 2019 for the research to be justified in literature. You can have literature older than five years that gets the job done it just won’t be justified. The problem with being an original using the litmus test is that it may not fit with all your research and literature. The litmus test should mostly used for political and historical documents but could be other documents if you use it correctly.
A. Bandura, Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Oxford, UK, 1973.
Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Unger, J. B., & Sussman, S. (2015). Associations between gun violence exposure, gang associations, and youth aggression: Implications for prevention and intervention programs. Journal of Criminology,
R. L. Burgess and R. L. Akers, “A differential association-reinforcement theory of criminal behavior,” Social Problems, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 128–147, 1966. View at Google Scholar

Part 1. Understanding Children’s Behavior and Parenting Practices (NAEYC substandards 1a, 2a and 2b)

Question Description

NAEYC Substandard 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics

NAEYC Substandard 2b: Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships

CDEC 1319: Child Guidance Portfolio

Instructions: The portfolio will be comprehensive project of all topics covered during the semester. Each student must submit the portfolio in a PowerPoint presentation. This assignment is intended to be prepared individually, not in groups or teams.

Important note: This assignment is expected to be completed independently. The work you submit must be in your own words and must be an original creation. Any collaboration will be seen as scholastic dishonesty. If you have any question about this assignment, contact the instructor.

Child Guidance Portfolio

Title Page: The title page should include the following: title of your portfolio, student name, course name and number, and due date. Be creative!

Table of Contents: The table of contents needs to provide a brief “snapshot of what is contained in your portfolio.

Part 1: Understanding Children’s Behavior and Parenting Practices

1.1. Parent Interviews: Interview five (5) parents and ask them the following: 1) What is meant by discipline? 2) What is meant by positive child guidance? 3) Is there a difference between discipline and positive child guidance? Record each parent’s response separately. No not use parents names on your report.

Then, write a brief summary in response to the following: 1) What did you learn from the parents’ responses? 2) How can you help educate parents in “guiding” their children?

2. 2. Parenting Style: Considering the following two (2) parenting styles (Authoritarian and Permissive), write a brief summary of how you might work with a parenting representing each one of these parenting styles, recognizing that authoritative is the preferred parenting style. In your summary, be sure to ask yourself: What would be the challenges of working with this parent? What would be the benefits? How could you encourage the parent to use a more authoritative parenting style?

1.3. Typical Children’s Behavior: Create a handout for parents with typical behaviors of children with respect to the typical ages and stages (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children). For instance, why do babies cry? Or, why do toddlers feel so attached to an object? (Note: You are required to have a handout for each age group specified i.e. one for infants, one for toddler, one for preschoolers and one for school-age children.)

1.4. Respecting Cultural Diversity: List four (4) multicultural children’s books for preschool aged children that you consider to be excellent stories. Provide a brief description (2-4 sentences) of each book. Each book should demonstrate one of the following: women in nontraditional roles, people of color in leadership roles, people with disabilities doing activities familiar to children, and nontraditional types of families. Books must be cited using APA format (American Psychological Association) and an example is below. For reference about APA format, please feel free to visit the website below, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/08/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.An additional site you may choose to use is citationmachine.net.

Book must be cited in the APA format.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.

Examples using one or two authors.

Gray, L. (1993). Miss Tizzy. New York, NY: Aladdin Paperbacks-Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Guidelines such as Critical Security Controls provide details for securing digital services. Other regulations are emerging that address social media and access to electronic evidence.

Question Description

Part 1:- Discussion (400 Words)

Discuss the following Supreme Court rulings:

  • Supreme Court ruling on online sales tax
    (Involving big changes in eCommerce)
  • Supreme Court ruling on law enforcement to obtain a warrant for accessing cell phone records
    (Involving the privacy of your cell phone data)

Part 2:-

Analyze the episodes in this case including:(main Questions)(7 to 10 Pages)

  • A brief discussion of what the issue or threat is and how it could affect the company
  • What cyber security laws or compliance standards are affected
  • What actions the company should take to mitigate the issue or decrease the potential threat
  • Cite your sources in APA from reputable reference materials

Module Description: Guidelines such as Critical Security Controls provide details for securing digital services.Other regulations are emerging that address social media and access to electronic evidence.


Task 3: Analysis of Case Study on Regulating Information Security for the Company:

TransManuCo has asked for your help in dealing with securing their information while they remain within set regulations.

In order to do business efficiently and effectively the company uses eSign.However, they have concerns about the security of this especially with clients overseas.

According to the new Protecting Cyber Networks Act Sec. 103 “Permits private entities to monitor or operate defensive measures to prevent or mitigate cybersecurity threats or security vulnerabilities, or to identify the source of a threat, on: (1) their own information systems; and (2) with written authorization, the information systems of other private or government entities. Authorizes entities to conduct such activities on information that is stored on, processed by, or transiting such monitored systems.”Since this is a new act just passed by congress, the CEO of TransManuCo wants to be sure what the ramifications are for his company.With the increase in cyber attacks especially on companies such as his, he wants to take aggressive action to protect his information.

The HR department of TransManuCo needs assistance in dealing with issues that have surfaced surrounding social media.Since much of the work the company does is sensitive and secret, they have considered using social media background checks. However, they are unsure of the legalities.

The CEO and his immediate management team have concerns that as the company has grown rapidly, access to passwords and administrative privileges are too widespread. They would like to implement the Critical Security Control Regulations to help them get control of access to their systems and decrease vulnerabilities.

They are also concerned about wireless access from company employees traveling on business, especially overseas, whose computers become infected through remote exploitation during air travel. They believe this provides backdoor access to the network when the employees return to the main office and reconnect to the network.

Assignment: Relationship Between Qualitative Analysis and Evidence-Based Practice

Question Description

Submit a 2-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Choose two qualitative research studies from this week’s resources and analyze the relationship between qualitative analysis and evidence-based practice.
  • Consider how the qualitative study contributes to social work practice and how this type of knowledge would fit into building evidence-based practice.

Choose Two of the Following Articles:

Browne, D., & Moloney, A. (2002). Contact irregular: A qualitative analysis of the impact of visiting patterns of natural parents on foster placement. Child and Family Social Work, 7, 35–45.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Crandall, M., Senturia, K., Sullivan, M., & Shiu-Thornton, S. (2005). Latina survivors of domestic violence: Understanding through qualitative analysis. Hispanic Health Care International, 3(3), 179–187.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Jackson, L. A., Marentette, H., & McCleave, H. (2001). Teenage moms living in Nova Scotia, Canada: An exploration of influences on their decision to become a mother. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 20(1), 117–138.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Larios, S. E., Wright, S., Jernstrom, A, Lebron, D., & Sorensen, J. L. (2011). Evidence-based practices, attitudes, and beliefs in substance abuse treatment programs serving American Indians and Alaska Natives: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 43(4), 355–359.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Luke, N., & Banerjee, R. (2012). Maltreated children’s social understanding and empathy: A preliminary exploration of foster carers’ perspectives. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 21(2), 237–246.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Shek, D. T. L., Tang, V. M. Y., & Han, X. Y. (2005). Evaluation of evaluation studies using qualitative methods in the social work literature (1990–2003): Evidence that constitutes a wake-up call. Research on Social Work Practice, 15(3), 180–194.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Venkatesh, S. A. (1997). The three-tier model: How helping occurs in urban, poor communities. The Social Service Review, 71(4), 574–606.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Zeira, A., & Rosen, A. (1999). Intermediate outcomes pursued by practitioners: A qualitative analysis. Social Work Research, 23(2), 79–87.
Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Homework Question 3

Question Description

Using the textbook Childhood & Adolescence: Voyages in Development (6th) Rathus to answer the questions below.

Homework Assignment #3 (15 points)

Required APA formatting:

  1. Correct APA title page, APA headers, margins and font
    1. -2 points for incorrect APA


  • Please read the questions carefully and write the answer directly below the questions using an indented bullet point. Points will be deducted if you write this in an essay format.
  • Points will be deducted if examples are missing from questions that require them.
  • Please upload your homework to the turnitin folder no later than 30 minutes before class on the due date indicated on the course calendar.
  • Reading the course book will significantly increase your chances of doing well on this 15 point assignment.


  1. In your own words, describe the cognitive characteristics of the concrete operational child. The minimum terms that need to be defined and integrated into your overall answer include conservation, reversibility, decentration, transitivity and seriation. Simply defining these terms without a discussion about how they all connect will not earn you any points (4 points).
  2. In your own words, please define and provide an example for the idea of Zone of Proximal Development. In addition, state the theorist associated with the term (2 points).
  3. In your own words with the use of examples, define and describe the difference between divergent and convergent thinking (2 points).
  4. In your own words, describe the premise behind the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. In addition to discussing the 3 areas of this theory, mention the associated theorist. Simply defining the associated terms without a discussion about the theory as a whole will not earn you any points (3 points).
  5. Discuss what is meant by an information-processing approach to cognitive development (2 points).

In your own words with the use of examples, describe the difference between metacognition and metamemory (2 points).

Help me write the perfect college entrance letters by these questions?

Question Description

Hi, I will give a brief introduction/ things that are related to each question for me but i just need a well written and advanced answers to each questions. Thank you i really want to attend my dream University.

  • Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.
    • I am prepared because i work hard in my education and strive to the top. I will not give up on achieving my dream of becoming a dentist in the future and i will not stop even when the courses are unbarring or hard. I have prepared on my success by working hard and doing great in my courses. (you can change it to sound perfect)
  • Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time.
  • Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.
  • What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
  • Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
  • What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
  • Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?