conflict management


“Principled Negotiation,” by Fisher and Urey, is perhaps the most widely taught technique in conflict management. Many, many consultants and training organizations use it, and it may well be the most ubiquitous of the conflict management/negotiation paradigms. Research that model. In a not-to-exceed two-page double-spaced paper, discuss and describe it. Be sure to include in your discussion: (a) What is it? (b) explain its four phases; (c) In the context of its use, what does “Principled” mean? (d) describe at least one pro and one con. Where possible, explain the model through the use of an actual or theoretical example.

wk 3 Reflection


week 3 assignment:

In this assignment, you will fill in the assignment template to reflect on your values, strengths, areas of improvement, and experiences. This will prepare you for future job interviews by capturing who you are and how you’re already utilizing the 10 skills to work toward your professional.

There are three parts of this template for you to complete:

Reflect on Your Goals, Strengths, and Growth Opportunities.

Share Two Experiences.

  • Reflection.
  • week 6 assignment:
  • Describe the importance and impact of key competencies and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work.

I need help with this 1234


Make direct connections to the readings by writing a weekly response paper (bullet points are
fine) using the “4-3-2-1” format and elaborate on your bullet points:
? 4 things you learned (and elaborate on this new knowledge);
? 3 points that influenced you the most and why;
? 2 ways the material connects to social work and how/in what ways;
? 1 point you continue to question and/or struggle with and why.
Make sure to reference the specific articles that you are discussing in your bullet point. You can

religion background


A 3-page paper of your religious autobiography. Where does your religious story begin? Parents? Grandparents? Ancestors? If you don’t have a religious story, why? What takes the place of religion? What provides meaning for your life?

– my great grandparents were in the holocoust 

– my mom from the bronx 

– my dad from valley village california

– me and my two brothers are and still live in los angeles califnoria feel free to ask me any questions needed . i will upload the syllabus



The table below provides the four kinds of operant conditioning as they apply to dog training.  

After reviewing these examples, create two examples from each category but apply them to human behavior. 

You will provide 2 examples of positive reinforcement;

2 examples of negative reinforcement;

2 examples of positive punishment and

2 examples of negative punishment.

Remember, Reinforcement = increasing behavior and Punishment = decreasing behavior. Positive = applying something to increase or decrease behavior and Negative = removing something to increase or decrease behavior.

History 112


Does it make sense to refer to 1789 to 1815 as a single era or are there enough differences that the Revolution and the Napoleonic era should be divided?

Should the Revolution itself be considered a single era? If so, it’s the best time to divide it. 1794, 1799, 1801, 1802, 1804 or some other time or event?

Use one of the following articles or both.

The Brunswick Manifesto:

Napoleons Proclamation to his Troops in Italy:


Video Editing Question


Write a response based on the prompt provided. No more than 400wordso The responses should be written from the first-person perspective and incorporate yourunique perspectives of the film or episodes. Although these are more informal, yourresponses should be informed by the concepts introduced in your readings and our classdiscussions. The responses are not intended to be film reviews but rather are responsesto aspects of teen media that are repeatedly represented within the weekly screening……

Development Plan for Two Skills


  • Outline a plan for developing skills to support a successful learning experience and career. Complete the worksheet.For this assignment, you’ll identify two skills that you’d like to focus on and create a plan for developing those
    skills. At the end of the assignment, you’ll have a tangible plan for personal and professional development,
    which you can also review with the Career Center team to help you work through your career strategy

INTL 621 Growth of the Information Domain


Question: The growth of the Information Domain and the ability of the Signals Intelligence community to categorize threats within this domain represents a daunting challenge. For this week’s forum posting: Address the role of the National Security Agency (NSA) and U.S. Cyber Command in their ability to execute their mission. What are some of the challenges that present themselves to these organizations as the Information Domain continues to grow exponentially?

Viewing Response


Watch this clip from Mulholland Drive (David Lynch, 2001), and identify the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. (For reference, definitions are in the Notes section on Blackboard.)

Make a table like the one below and list the sounds according to shot number. You may find some sounds are common between shots. You can mention something like “same as above” to save time in listing sounds.