discussion form on Enhancing Treatment Integrity in School-Based Interventions


In the realm of special education, ensuring treatment integrity—the faithful implementation of evidence-based interventions—is paramount for the success of interventions designed to support students with autism. For this discussion, we will focus on insights from Strohmeier et al. (2014) and Stahmer et al. (2014).

In addition to these foundational texts, incorporate insights from at least two additional peer-reviewed journal articles that contribute to the discourse on treatment integrity in school-based interventions.

Discussion Questions:

Social Validity Assessment: Reflect on the findings presented by Strohmeier et al. (2014) regarding the social validity assessment of training methods. According to the participants, what were the most acceptable and effective methods for improving treatment integrity? How might these findings inform the design of training programs for special education service providers?

Procedural Implementation Fidelity: Analyze the study by Stahmer et al. (2014) that examines procedural implementation fidelity of evidence-based practices for students with autism. What were the key factors influencing teachers’ ability to implement these practices with fidelity? How can educators be supported in reaching and maintaining moderate procedural implementation fidelity over time?

Intersection of Insights: Explore the intersection of insights from both sources. How might the preferences identified in social validity assessments impact the design of training programs aimed at improving procedural implementation fidelity? What considerations should be taken into account to align training methods with the unique needs and preferences of special education service providers?

  1. Additional Research Contributions: Summarize insights from two additional peer-reviewed journal articles you selected. How do these articles contribute to our understanding of enhancing treatment integrity in school-based interventions? Identify any emerging trends, challenges, or innovative strategies discussed in the literature.

literature review


By now you would have selected your topic from the list for your final project. This week you are going to start working on your literature review and upload your draft for feedback, Your final version is due next week. If you haven’t already watched the lecture entitled “How To Write A Literature Review,” please do that now. The lecture explains the process, assignment instructions, AND what is required to submit. 

Even though this is a draft, you should still submit the best version you can as you will only have one more week to work on it until you must submit the final version. 

Important Considerations:

1) Your title needs to be explicit and include the words Literature Review your reader should know exactly what you are writing about.

2) You need to fully explain your methods when you first run a search, you will likely come up with hundreds or maybe thousands of articles you need to state this info.

3) Your charts need to reflect the info in YOUR paper and not just copy my example.

The draft is not due this week, but you MUST starting working on it early in order to meet the deadlines.

There are no points allocated for the draft, but you will lose points on your final draft for not submitting it. A draft is an important part of the process for academic writing and possible publication. 

Introductory Speech Using an Object


I have to write an introductory speech for my oral communications class, and I’m struggling to figure out a good and impactful way to use an object I already own. This is the directions for my assignment: ” In preparation for this speech, students need to select an object that represents a significant aspect of their background, personality, values, ambitions, etc.

Using the chosen object as a point of departure, each student should develop a speech that explains how it relates to her or his life.

    • For example, a journalism major might select a newspaper as a way to explain her or his professional goals.
    • A new father might select a child’s toy as a vehicle for discussing his experiences as a parent.
    • An avid tennis player might settle on a tennis racket to illustrate her passion for the sport.
    • If possible, students should show the object (within your speech introduction) during their presentation.
    • The purpose of this speech is not to explain the object in detail, but to use it as a vehicle for the speaker to introduce themselves to the class.
    • This speech is not the adult version of “show and tell” we may recall from our early childhood.
    • Also, please do not use your speech to serve as a kind of list of accomplishments or as a resume of personal accomplishments.”

Prepare and illustrate a budget for the project.


1.  Prepare and illustrate a budget for the project. This is done in MS Project, or Project Libre, or an Excel Spreadsheet, or other software, by actually assigning resources (labor categories, material, other expenses) and their costs to the various items of the WBS.  The projected Cash Flow Report (Project Reports Cost Cash Flow) is what MS Project uses as a budget.   Expanded out to whatever timescale is set (days, months, quarters), it’s done by WBS Item.  MS Project then summarizes the data in the Cash Flow Report into another Report called “Budget Summary” (Project Reports Cost – Budget Summary). Check the mpp file you developed in Part 5, Task 3 specifically, in the Cash Flow Report look to ensure that:

(a) You have  Reserves to accommodate risk.  Per the PMBOK (read the definitions), break it into two components: “Management Reserve,” and “Contingency Reserve.”  
(b)  It is time phased (not just a summary)
(c)  Capital Costs are so identified.

Then, print out and show in this document the “Budget Summary” of the mpp file.If you are using equivalent software, such as Project Libre or an Excel Spreadsheet, make sure that the above three issues (reserves, capital costs, and time-phased) are addressed, and paste it in the document.   

NURS 330: Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice



Select a topic identified from your required reading in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Conduct a search of the databases noted on the Trinity Library Research Guide. Complete ALL of the following steps:

1.Identify the total number of resources available from the Trinity Library. 

2.Narrow the date range to the last five years. 

3.How many of these are “peer reviewed”?  What do you think are the benefits of including peer reviewed resources in your database searches?

4.How many are “full text”?  How might full-text searching be a strength/weakness or both?  

5.Take screen shots of your search return findings for each of the steps. Paste these into your homework document. 

6.Discuss your search output and explain how you would sort through the volume of information you have found with your search.

Post your paper in Word *.doc or *.docx format to the designated assignment Dropbox in Moodle by the Due Date. Remember to follow APA formatting for all citations and for your reference list. You will need to include a Title and Reference page in APA format.

Consider the following topics when you select your relevant, researchable topic from Chapter 4. Topics include but are not limited to:

Belmont Report

Benefit-Risk Ratio

Breach of confidentiality




Discomfort and Harm

Principle of Beneficence
Fabrication in Research

CMST 301 Digital Media and Socciety


Topic E-commerce
E-commerce is a natural byproduct of an Interconnected world. In order to claim their share of growth from the highly lucrative and evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses are under a lot of pressure to devise e-commerce strategies that are effective.
Question #1:
Select and respond to ONE of the following questions.  Please specify which of the questions you are answering by including the question number as the title of your response. For instance, Topic 1: Question 3

Describe at least THREE marketing ideas that could improve the growth of businesses.

Discuss at least THREE pros and cons of E-commerce for the consumer.

Discuss at least THREE pros and cons of E-commerce for businesses.

What are the driving factors that have resulted in the growth of E-commerce within the last decade?

How has the increase in E-commerce changed the way in which products and services are marketed?

Do you believe that social commerce is here to stay? Will it work simultaneously with e-commerce? Justify your answer with support from this week’s readings.

21 eCommerce Trends To Watch For In 2019 (web page)

Why online retailers, partners must focus on social commerce (web page)

How Amazon Controls E-commerce: Amazon.com the Hidden empire:

MGT-560: Leadership Development CT1



Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website (https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-style-quiz.htm) to determine your leadership style.Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:
?    Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style; Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
?    Based on the readings you did this week on Leadership Styles, describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style (provide in-text citations)
?    How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment?PART II
?    Which of John Maxwell’s  21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership most resonates with you and why; please provide an example of why.
?    Describe a KSA leader that embodies one of the 21 Laws and describe why (provide at least two sources)PART III
In the article by Nitin Nhria assigned this week, the author states that “as the world shifts, so should leaders”
?    In what ways have you, or will you, shift as a leader?
?    Describe how SaudiVision2030 is shifting KSA. How is the leader enabling this shift? 

Information System activity


Consider the following scenario: 

Elekota has a pricing team of 16 analysts and the Pricing Director. The new system is extremely complex for the the pricing analysts role, but enthusiasm is high for the pricing app.  

The sales team has 400 representatives. Several of the Senior Sales representatives have voiced concerns about the new system; namely that they new pricing system will produce price quotes that are too high. They fear that they will lose sales to competitors. The pricing app it self is of low complexity for the sales rep user. The senior sales reps are resistant adopters. 

1) Devise an approach to training the pricing team and the sales team (choose one of the methods  one-on-one, classroom, or computer-based training) and offer a brief justification

2) Devise a information-based communication (benefits) and a political policy (use of political power: rewards and or sanctions) to motivate adoption for the sales team. Be specific on the policy. Refer to the Elkota QUESTION if needed. The Gartner reading “Use Gartner’s Change Reaction Quadrant to Drive Transformation” may spark ideas for specific policies and communication strategies. 

Part 1 of 6 week capstone project for Social Justice and Human Rights


Write an abstract (or overview) describing what your compendium project will show, and how. This is brief roadmap version of what you will develop as the compendium takes shape. This should be in narrative/prose form (not like an outline or bullet points). 


2. Write a vision statement describing what and how you hope the capstone will benefit you beyond receiving a grade in this course.  What is your vision for the capstone?  What purpose do you hope it will serve?  Who is your primary audience and why?  How do you hope to present yourself academically, professionally, as an activist, or otherwise?  Rather than thinking of the capstone as a requirement for graduating, I want you to approach this vision statement as defining the capstone’s value and purpose for you. 

3. Create your basic e-Portfolio on Google Sites. Feel free to give it a creative title and start playing with the features as you think about what the final product will look like. 

Pathophysiology cells


Topic 1: Cells

The body’s cells have the ability to adapt and change as a result of different stimuli the body encounters. These can be normal changes or abnormal changes. 

Discuss the types of normal and abnormal cellular responses and provide examples of diseases or conditions in which they occur. 

Explain the circumstances in which the cells may or may not be able to return to their original state. 

Discuss the ways cells can be injured or damaged and how eventually cell death can occur. 

  • Discuss the role of the liver and free fatty acids in cellular changes. 

We know cell growth and renewal as well as cell death are ongoing processes in the body. We must consider what happens to the cells that are being replaced. 

  • Explain the pathophysiologic concepts related to reversible cell injury. 

Explain the pathophysiologic process and concepts related to apoptosis. 

  • Explain the pathophysiologic process of the death of a cell and necrosis. Please include the types of gangrene and explain. 

Have you ever cared for a patient with any of these cell injury or cell death-related conditions?