Social statistics


In Class Assignments instead of class:  The book has you doing pie chart and histogram.  I also want you to practice creating a table with percentile change using the database I put below and choose three other types of charts that you want to display visually using any variable from any of the databases you have access to.  Make sure you match the level of measurement to the right type of chart. There are many videos to help you here and under the SPSS and Dataset Assists.  

Grading criteria: 

Multiple types of charts using SPSS or Excel-10 points

Correct Level of Measurement used for each chart AND correct labeling and titling of charts (each axis is correctly labeled and there is a title at the top of the chart/table/graph 10 points

Use of datasets you have access to 10 points

One sentence explanation for each chart or table demonstrating that you can explain what the chart means.  10 points

MATH112 graph functions


This discussion re-visits the concept of a function. You will explore the online graphing tool Desmos and graph algebraic functions.

  1. Access the attached Desmos User Guide and review all sections except for Regressions.
  2. Use Desmos ( to graph three assigned functions, as follows: Start by graphing either y = 1/x or y = 1/x^2 and modify that function to create the graphs of three other algebraic functions with the following properties:

a. one vertical asymptote (no horizontal asymptote)

b. one horizontal and two vertical asymptotes

c. one horizontal asymptote (no vertical asymptote). Ensure that the entire function 2c is in the positive halfplane.

3. Using the graph of each function, state the domain and range, and write the equations of the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.

4. In five to ten sentences, explain your rationale for determining the domain, the range, and the asymptotes from the graph. What ideas have you studied previously that were useful in the analysis?

BUAD 310 Business Statistics – Index Match



1. Use formulas to fill in the red boxes for Questions 1 and 3 listed on the sheet ‘Data’.

2. Question 4 – Create 5 data visualizations that help you decide whether gender discrimination exists at FitLife Connect Inc.

3. Question 5 is styled as a findings report that your firm would give to interested parties (e.g., FitLife Connect Inc., law firms hired on behalf of employees and/or the company). You will see a text box with 3 headers in bold. Fill in your responses right below each header. 

For Question 5 you will do three things: 

   1. State the reason your firm has been hired to analyze this data. 

   2. In a few sentences, give your conclusion on whether gender discrimination exists at FitLife Connect Inc.

   3. In a short paragraph, discuss the evidence you generated that supports your conclusion. If you find evidence of gender discrimination, be sure to state which gender is experiencing the discrimination. 

PHE 5020 CU Differentiate Between Parametric and Non Parametric Methods Questions


Using the School Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

Levels of measurement

Parametric and nonparametric methods

  • On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:
  • Find and state the definition of levels of measurement that distinguishes the four types of data used in statistical analysis.

In your own words, compare the four types of data and explain how they differ.

Find and state a definition of parametric and nonparametric methods that distinguishes between the two.

  • In your own words, explain the difference between parametric and nonparametric methods.
  • Explain which types of data require parametric statistics to be used and which types of data require nonparametric statistics to be used and why.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using parametric and nonparametric statistics.
  • Describe how the level of measurement helps determine which of these methods to use on the data being 

Need quick response for my question


Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing mathematics question and need guidance to help me learn.

Pump P can fill an empty water tank in 7½ hours while pump Q can fill the same tank in 11¼ hours. On a certain day, when the tank was empty, both pumps were opened for 2½ hours.

a. Determine the fraction of the tank that was still empty at the end of the 2½ hours.(4 marks)

b. Pump P was later opened alone to completely fill the tank. Determine the time it took pump P to fill the remaining fraction of the tank.(2 marks)

c. The two pumps P and Q are operated by different proprietors. Water from the full tank was sold for Ksh 15 750. The money was shared between the two proprietors in the ratio of the quantity of water supplied by each.

Economic Ordering Quantity



The annual requirements for a particular raw material are 2,000 units costing Re. 1 each to the manufacturer. The ordering cost is Rs. 10 per order and the carrying cost 16% per annum of the average inventory value.

1. Based on the above

Find and explain the economic order quantity and the total inventory cost per annum.

The costs of placing an order are Rs. 150 per order. It is estimated that 1000 units will be used in the next 12 months. The carrying cost per month is Rs. 2.50. Assuming that the demand is deterministic and continuous and that no stock-outs are allowed, determine the optimal order quantity.

2. Based on the above, explain the following

What is the time between the placing of orders?

The procurement lead time is one month.

What is the re-order point based on the on-hand inventory level?

data as evidence


your Final Project consists of four written assignments that culminate in the submission of your Final Project to your Instructor in Week 11. Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 will focus on key elements of inferential tests. In the Final Project submission, incorporating cumulative feedback you receive from your Instructor on preceding assignments, you will compile these elements into your Final Project.

The four parts of the Final Project are:

Part 1: Descriptive Statistics (due in Week 3)

Part 2: Inferential Test – t-test Statistical Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 7)

  • Part 3: Inferential Test – ANOVA Statistical Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 8)

Part 4: Inferential Test – Correlational Analysis and Interpretation (due in Week 9)

  • The following will be added in for the Final Project:
    Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix

For question #1, you need to use an Excel formula for this calculation.


For question #1, you need to use an Excel formula for this calculation. Please refer to the live classroom on what to use. We don’t use tables in this course.

#2 is incorrect. Again, make sure you are using the Excel formulas.

  • #3 is a perfect example of how you should set up the problems. It looks great. 🙂
  • For #4, you need to explain where the student went wrong with their setup.
  • For #5, include what the input represents. So, “=norm.s.dist(____)”. What variable goes in the parentheses? Make sure to explain. Also, include an explanation on why you subtracted from 1.
  • #6 is incorrect. This is what the student did incorrectly. State what the student did wrong and then correct it in the cells.

UCirvine Foundations of Professional Nursing NUR3846 Find Correlation Analysis


Correlation is the process of establishing a relationship between two or more factors. Correlation is an important concept that can be misused. One misuse is saying that factor A is caused by factor B just because correlation is found. Cause cannot be implied simply from correlation. Find two examples in scholarly articles within the last 10 years that use correlation analysis. One of the articles must use correlation to imply causation correctly and one article should not have justification to imply cause.

Explain why cause was appropriate in one article and not in the other.

What would be needed for the second article to justify a statement of cause? 

Houston Community College Inc Algebra


Before we begin graphing systems of equations, a good starting point is to review our knowledge of 2-D graphs. These graphs are known as 2-D because they have two axes. Find an online image of a graph to use as the foundation of your discussion. (This is easily accomplished by searching within Google Images.)

Using your graph as the example:

  • Select any two points on the graph and apply the slope formula, interpreting the result as a rate of change (units of measurement required); and
  • Use rate of change (slope) to explain why your graph is linear (constant slope) or not linear (changing slopes).