IHP 340 NEIT The Happy Planet Index Statistics Question



The website TED.com offers free short presentations called TED Talks, which cover a variety of interesting subjects. One of the talks is titled The Happy Planet Index. In it, Nic Marks comments that we regularly measure and report economic data on countries, such as gross national product, when we really ought to be measuring the well-being of the people in the countries. He calls this measure “Happiness,” and the larger the number in a country, the greater the level of happiness, health, and well-being. In addition, Marks believes we ought to be measuring the ecological footprint per capita of the country, with larger numbers indicating greater use of resources (such as gas and electricity) and more damage to the planet. Both variables are quantitative (continuous).


For this short paper assignment, complete the following:

  1. For the graph, interpret what the graph is telling us about happiness and ecological footprint, as described above.
  2. Estimate and provide a range (minimum to maximum value), with a width no more than 0.2, for where you think the correlation statistic falls and support your decision with an explanation of the data points you see. Note: You are being asked to estimate the correlation statistic, you do not have to calculate the exact value.
  3. What could affect the size of the correlation statistic?
    1. In regard to the actual data points (hint: what are we assuming about the data?)
    2. In regard to how the variables were measured (i.e., what information is used to define them, as well as other potential information not considered?)

Statistics lab



Part 1:

Your instructor will provide you with a scholarly article.  The article will contain at least one graph and/or table. Please reach out to your instructor if you do not receive the article by Monday of Week 3.

Part 2:  

Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]” 

  1. State the Author:

Summarize the article in one paragraph:

Post a screenshot of the article’s frequency table and/or graph.  
Frequency Distribution -OR- Graph

Answer the following questions about your table or graph.   

What type of data does the graph, chart, or table from your screenshot above display (Quantitative or Qualitative data)?

Explain how you came to that conclusion. 

What type of graph, table, or chart did you choose from your screenshot above display (bar graph, histogram, stem & leaf plot, etc.)?

  1. What characteristics make it this type (you should bring in material that you learned in the course)?

Describe the data displayed in your graph, table, or chart from your screenshot above. What is the graph displaying in the context of the article?    

  1. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph, table, or chart from your screenshot above in the context of the article.  Make an inference based on the data displayed.  
  2. How else might this data have been displayed?
  3. Pick two alternate graphs/charts/tables that could be used to display the same data as your selected chart/graph/table from your screenshot above. List the pros and cons of these alternative graphs.   

Explain how the graphs/charts/tables that you selected above (Part E) would be structured to display the data in the article.

WESU Spring Music Concert


Your roommate is about to submit a scope statement for a spring concert sponsored by the entertainment council at Western Evergreen State University (WESU). WESU is a residential university with over 22,000 students. This will be the first time in six years that WESU has sponsored a spring concert. The entertainment council has budgeted $40,000 for the project. The event is to occur on June 5th. Since your roommate knows you are taking a class on project management she has asked you to review her scope statement and make suggestions for improvement. She considers the concert a resume-building experience and wants to be as professional as possible. Following is a draft of her scope statement.

What suggestions would you make and why?

WESU Spring Music Concert

Project Objective
To organize and deliver a 6-hour music concert

Product Scope QUESTION
An all-age, outdoor rock concert

Provide entertainment to WESU community and enhance WESU’s reputation as a destination university


  • Concert security
  • Contact local newspapers and radio stations
  • Separate beer garden
  • Six hours of musical entertainment
  • Design a commemorative concert t-shirt
  • Local sponsors
  • Food venues
  • Event insurance
  • Safe environment


  1. Secure all permissions and approvals
  2. Sign big-name artist
  3. Contact secondary artists
  4. Secure vendor contracts
  5. Advertising campaign
  6. Plan set-up
  7. Concert
  8. Clean-up

Technical Requirements

  1. Professional sound stage and system
  2. At least five performing acts
  3. Restroom facilities
  4. Parking
  5. Compliance with WESU and city requirements/ordinances

Limits and Exclusions

  • Seating capacity for 8,000 students.
  • Performers are responsible for travel arrangement to and from WESU.
  • Performers must provide own liability insurance.
  • Performers and security personnel will be provided lunch and dinner on the day of the concert.
  • Vendors contribute 25 percent of sales to concert fund.
  • Concert must be over at 12:15 A.M.

Customer Review: WESU

PHE5020 CSU Biostatistical Contingency Tables Questions


The purpose of this assignment is to learn about categorical data and the statistics used to analyze this type of data.

You can expect to research and provide your own definitions of these concepts. You will also discuss in what situations to use each statistic, how these statistics are used to test for significance of relations among the data, and how to interpret each statistic. The takeaways from this assignment are an understanding of contingency tables as a representation of categorical data, two statistics used to analyze this type of data, and an understanding of how to interpret these statistics in the context of a public health analysis.

Using the SCHOOL Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

Contingency tables

The chi-square

  • Fisher’s exact test (FET)
  • On the basis of your research, respond to the following:
  • Find and state a definition of a contingency table that you feel is easy to understand.

In your own words, explain what contingency tables are and what they are used for.

Explain what type of data is displayed in contingency tables.

  • Explain how contingency tables and their related statistics are used to test for significance of relations among the data.
  • Two statistics that can be used in contingency tables are chi-square and FET. Distinguish between the two statistics.
  • Explain when you would use the chi-square and when you would use the FET.
  • Explain how you would interpret each statistic.

HMGT 400 Research and Data Analysis in Healthcare


The dataset provides Herfindahl–Hirschman Index and herfindahl index categories, please use the herf_cat variable to answer the following questions:

Note: “The Herfindahl–Hirschman Index is a commonly accepted measure of market concentration used by antitrust enforcement agencies and scholars in the field. The HHI is calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in the market and then summing the resulting numbers” (NASI, 2015; pp: 14-16).  Read more from here: 


For this exercise you do not need to compute the HHI, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. However, try to learn more about this you will need that to report your findings.

Using the dataset from week 1 exercise, answer the following questions.

Comparing the following information between hospitals located in high, moderate and low competitive markets below. (Table 3)

What are the main significant differences between hospitals in different markets? (use Anova test)

Using density curves or boxplots, compare hospital cost and revenues across the three markets. 

What is the impact of being in a high-competitive market on hospital revenues and cost? Do you think being in a high-competitive market has a positive impact on hospital net benefits?  What about the number of Medicare and Medicaid discharges? Do you think hospitals in high-competitive market are more likely to accept more Medicare and Medicaid patients? What is the impact of other variables? 

PHE5020 CU Sample Size and Statistical Assumptions Discussion


Sample Size and Statistical Assumptions

Certain basic assumptions are necessary to allow for the statistical analysis of public health data. However, the validity of these assumptions can be affected by the sample size being analyzed. The purpose of this assignment is to refresh your knowledge of the basic assumptions underlying the biostatistical analysis and to consider how these assumptions are affected by the sample size being analyzed.

Using the School’s Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

  • Statistical power
  • Central limit theorem (CLT)

On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:

  • Find and state the definition of statistical power that you identify with.
  • State the definition of statistical power in your own words.
  • Compare and contrast type I and type II errors.
  • Explain how power is affected by sample size.
  • Find and state the definition of CLT that you identify with.
  • State the definition of CLT in your own words.
  • Summarize the basic assumptions underlying hypothesis testing and confidence interval methods.
  • Explain how these assumptions are affected by sample size.
  • Explain the relation of a sample size to the basic assumptions underlying biostatistical analysis.
  • As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. **** Do not use AI it will be checked

AnalyzeMyDiet Vitamins: Part 1 Auto-Graded Activity


Vitamins are divided into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins need the presence of dietary fat and the assistance of bile to be effectively absorbed. They aren’t excreted as easily as water-soluble vitamins, making them more likely to cause toxicity. However, this rarely occurs when consuming vitamins exclusively through foods. The water-soluble vitamins are generally not stored in the body so deficiency conditions of the water-soluble vitamins develop more quickly than for the fat-soluble vitamins.

In this activity, you will identify the sources of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins in your diet and compare the amount you get with the current dietary recommendations.

This activity can be completed using the AnalyzeMyDiet tracker from within your Achieve course. Click on the AnalyzeMyDiet link found on your Achieve home screen.

To complete the activity using AnalyzeMyDiet:

If you have not already completed the AnalyzeMyDiet Tutorial and tracked at least one day’s nutrition and activity, do so first.

Within AnalyzeMyDiet, go to the Reports tab.

Select “Bar Graph” on the left or find it within the Combination Report.

Select the day(s) that are a representative of your typical diet or as specified by your instructor.

Click “Show Report” to download your report.

Coefficient of Determination?


Coefficient of Determination

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the coefficient of determination (R2) statistic as a measure of the fit of a regression line.

R2 is a statistical measure of how close the data are to a fitted regression line. In general, the higher the R2, the better the model fits your data. However, while R2 measures goodness of fit, it does not indicate whether a regression model is adequate. You can have a low R2 value for a good model or a high R2 value for a model that does not fit the data.

Using the University Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research about R2.

Based on your research and your involvement in public health functions, respond to the following:

  • Find and state a definition of R2 that you feel is easy to understand.
  • In your own words, provide a substantive explanation of what R2 represents.
  • Explain what the statistic R2 is used for in regression analysis.
  • Explain how R2 is affected by sample size.
  • Describe whether a large R2 value means that a regression is significant. Provide reasons for your answer.
  • Describe how you would substantively interpret R2                                                              

Data sets


2. Start your report!

(a)  Introduce your data set including a reference to where it can be found.

(b)  Describe all relevant variables that you will use in your analysis.  Be sure to say which are categorical or quantitative.

(c)  Is your data a population or a sample? If it is a sample how was the data selected so as not to introduce bias.

(d)  What is the sample size? Discuss how the sample size may effect your ability to draw conclusions based on this data.

(e)  Include a small portion of your data that highlights why you are interested in this data.

(f)  Write a brief conclusion including something you hope to find using your data.

(g) For at least one of the categorical variables, include a frequency and relative frequency table. You may choose not to include all categories if there are more than five.

(h) Include a two-way table for two of the categorical variables and discuss any relevant proportions. Describe any possible relationship between the two variables. You may choose not to include all categories if there are more than five.

his week we have our project 2 which focuses on extending the Project 1 model by adding diffusion in one dimension


before this project, the tutor needs to watch the video of explanation of what we are doing I can send the mathlab , and video of my teacher explanation, 

A video lecture based off the Week 5 slides (attached to this announcement):


  • Passcode: .Q^nqx4N
  • A video explanation of how to solve a diffusion equation in MATLAB (code attached) together with a movie of the solution:


Passcode: 0=i2hiHyThis week we have our project 2 which focuses on extending the Project 1 model by adding diffusion in one dimension. This extension leads to a pde and these are difficult problems to be solved by hand and most of the work is done by the computer. I in my previous project, we look at the Populaltion growth of Seattle using this website and I will download my previous project.

Seattle, WA Population by Year – 2023 Statistics, Facts & Trends – Neilsbergi WILL UPLOAD new project powerpoint Also, I can download. the video of my teacher explaning the project, it is 30 mintues .