Finance discussions

Question Description

  • Suggest one key factor that a financial manager should evaluate when determining whether to invest in fixed-income securities or Treasury notes. Provide support for your rationale.
  • Create an argument on whether the market-value weighted or equal-value weighted is a better index of the performance of the broad stock market index. Support your answer.
  • Propose three reforms to the investment markets that might reduce their exposure to the process called securitization. Support your proposals with examples.
  • Determine two ways that capital allocational efficiency contributes to the well-being of an economy. Support your answers.

Pearson math 246 Statistics online Homework

Question Description

Homework 3.1,3.2,3.3

33 questions totol.

Homework (HW) will be assigned through MyStatLab. The due dates are posted on the course schedule, MyStatLab sections of the homework and on Canvas. MyStatLab requires that students answer the problems in a format. It is important for students to read the instructions carefully before typing in the solution. There is often a “Question help” button to assist students in solving the problems. One lowest homework grade will be dropped. All homework assignments are extended for 48 hours with 10% penalty.

Research Methods Stats Assignment 300 words

Question Description

Find an article online that discusses whether some product “really works”

• In an approximately 300-word paper, include:

• The URL for the article you found

• A summary of the product, and the claims about what the product can do

• The article’s main point: does the product really work? Yes/no/maybe?

• A summary of the evidence presented in the article about the product’s claims (can

be positive, negative, or both)

• Your own opinion – were you convinced by what the article said? Do you think the

product really works? Why?

complete multiple choice 120 questions

Question Description

I am looking for someone able to answer these questions posted below. I am looking for someone who studies Technology or Education and is able to give me the correct answers. Must be someone who knows this information well. I will not accept wrong answers, I will match them with the answers I have. Looking for a serious person to help me answer these questions. I will also attach the book to help with the questions. To show the correct answer, underline your choice.

This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to analyze discrete probability distributions and expected value.

Question Description

You have recently applied for an analyst position at G&BConsulting and have been invited in for an interview. A part of theinterview requirements for the job is presenting a thorough knowledge ofprobability and statistics. Some of your future potential coworkers aregiven the opportunity to interview you and wish to test your knowledge.

What to Submit

To complete this assignment, you must first download the word document.

Your step-by-step breakdown of the problems, including explanations, should be present within the word document provided

Stone Walkways

Question Description

DQ 3.1 Stone Walkways.

In order to construct a stone paver walkway, Cheryl ordered 2 and 2/3 tons of light-colored field stone pavers for the main portion of the walkway, 1 and 9/16 tons of dark-colored stone pavers for edging, and 1 and 4/5 tons of slab-type stones for steps.

A. Convert 2 and 2/3

1 and 9/16, and

1 and 4/5 to fraction notation.

B. What is the total tonnage required for the walkway?

Data: The Art and Craft of Stonescaping, David Reed (Sterling Pub. Co.

The following are the lengths of stay (in days) for a random sample of patients discharged from a particular hospital: 13, 9, 5, 11, 6, 3, 12, 10, 11, 7, 3, 9, 5, 12, 12, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 11, 11 Draw the histogram for these data using an initial class bou

Question Description

The following are the lengths of stay (in days) for a random sample of patients discharged from a particular hospital:

13, 9, 5, 11, 6, 3, 12, 10, 11, 7, 3, 9, 5, 12, 12, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 11, 11

Draw the histogram for these data using an initial class boundary of , an ending class boundary of , and classes of equal width. Note that you can add or remove classes from the figure. Label each class with its endpoints.

Regression Diagnostics Activities

Question Description

Whenrequested, SPSS provides detailed output that allows you to perform diagnosticsof your regression model. Using the example from Activity #1, we are stillpredicting socioeconomic index from gender, number of science courses taken andlevel of education. Examine all of the output below. Detail what assumptionsare being tested and whether the model meets these assumptions.

You will only be using the attached data files: To complete these assignments

  • Logistic Regression Dataset.sav
  • Logistic Regression Output.spv
  • Logistic Regression Syntax.sps

Write the answers in detail using MS word.

Stats Exam

Question Description

Chapters 1-4

Statistics- Hand written Exam

Must show work

Chapter 1: Samples Versus Populations

Chapter 2: Summation Notation

2.2 Measures of Location

The sample mean

The median

Sample mean versus Sample Median

Trimmed Mean


Measures of Variation

The interquartile range

MAD and windsorized variance

Detecting Outliers

A classic outlier detection method

The box plot rule

The MAD- Median Rule

Chapter 3- Plotting Relative Frequencies



Chapter 4- Probability and Related Concepts

The meaning of probability

probability functions

Expected values, population mean and variance

Binomial Probability Function

The Normal distribution

Nonnormality and the population variance

skewed distributions

Complete Quiz 3,4,5 and Midterm College Algebra

Question Description

So this class is different. You basically have to open all the little lessons and check them all off before you take each quiz.

What I do is just open and immediately close then check it off…really fast and simple. You don’t have to actually read all the lessons, just check them off.

Then at the bottom you will complete the quizzes and the midterm

See pic for the example of the checklist I’m talking about