economic question

Question Description

If you use R for those empirical questions, you need to submit a pdf file generated by R markdown. The file should include your answers for each question as well as specific R codes to calculate those answers. Please check the Lab materials if you missed the lab session covered R markdown.

If you use a software package different from R, you need to type your answer and the codes. There also exist markdown methods for Stata, Python, and Matlab. The course will only provide TA sessions for R, so you need to learn appropriate markdown syntax by yourself if you plan to use other software packages.

Regular Pre-Cal Warm Up question

Question Description


I just need the following questions answered. All that is needed is a graphing calculator or desmos. Just please list work in the simplest form with all steps included. Thank you!~

  1. Let P = ( x, y ) be a point on the graph of y = x^2 – 8.

(a) Express the distance d from P to the point (0,-1) as a function of x

(b) What is d if x = 0?

(c) What is d if x = -1?

(d) Use a graphing utility to graph d = d(x)

(e) For what values of x is d the smallest?

Determining the relationship between scores on the multicultural values scale (scores vary from 0 to 100) and grade point average in the major.

Question Description

A university department has established an internship abroad. The 100 students going abroad were required to complete a multicultural values assessment. The department was interested in determining the relationship between scores on the multicultural values scale (scores vary from 0 to 100) and grade point average in the major. The null hypothesis stated, “There is no relationship between multicultural values and grade point average in the major.”

(5 points)

  1. Were the data to be related or compared?
  2. How many groups were studied?
  3. Decide the following:
  4. a. What is the dependent variable?

    b. What kind of measurement scale is used?

4. Identify one statistical test that would be appropriate for analysis.

Graphic equations

Question Description


Type of service:
Case Study

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
1 source

Paper detalis:

A doctor measured a patient’s resting pulse rate at 85 beats per minute. Draw a
graph to show the relationship between time and the number of times the patient’s
heart beats.
Use it to estimate how many times the patient’s heart will beat in 20 minutes. Write an
equation in Y = mx + b form.


Create a presentation explaining your step-by-step approach to solvingthe problem below. Successfully completes the calculations and includesrequired work. Presents information using clear and concise language inan organized manner.

Statistics – Tree Diagrams

Question Description

4. Draw an accurate tree diagram for the following situation:

Megan, John, and Emilie are the three finalists for the President and Vice-President positions for a local chess club. The President will be chosen first. Draw a tree diagram showing all of the possible ways that these positions could be assigned. (hint: when you are finished, there should be a total of 6 outcomes in your tree and only names of individuals should appear in the diagram)

5. List the sample space near your tree diagram (all of the possible outcomes for this scenario). Please use M for Megan, J for John, and E for Emilie.

Algebra Topic Write Ups

Question Description

Hi again, You did a couple of topic write ups for me before. Would you consider doing a few more for me and what would you charge to do them? Topics being

1. Solving linear equations containing fractions

2. solving a mixture application (such as 60% of a pure product is added to 10% of another product to produce a 20% product

3. distance rate and time problem

4. multiplying polynomials

5. factoring a difference of squares / sum of squares

6. factoring polynomials

7. factoring trinomials

8. multiplying rational expressions

9. dividing polynomial by a monomial

Finite Math Project

Question Description

Please see the attached list of Finite Math project selections to choose from.

Please select one math project from the attachment to do, complete the math problems to their entirety then please do the following additional work as a draft:

Discussion Question 5 – 1:Choose a project and explain…

  • Which project did you choose?
  • Why did you choose the topic?
  • What type (concept) of Finite Math does the problem involve?
  • What method will you use to solve the problem?

Thank you! If you have any questions or need anything additionally please let me know! I am looking forward to receiving an A+.

WEEK 7 Math

Question Description

College Algebra – Week 7 Assignment


Please complete the follow problems neatly. Clearly label each problem, show all work, and use Microsoft Word’s equation editor to properly format all mathematics.

1.Solve the following equations






2.Describe the transformation of the graph of that yields the graph of

3.For the following function

a.Find the domain.

b.Find the x-intercept.

4.Use the properties of logarithms to expand:

5.Use the properties of logarithms to condense:

Each problem/part is worth 5 points for a total of 50 points. Points are awarded as correct or not correct – there is no partial credit for these probl

Business Statistics – Homework Assignment 1

Question Description

Homework Assignment 1

Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do, and sequentially list the various actions you take in order to complete this activity. Consider the complexity of your list and the amount of steps required to complete the activity.

Answer the following questions in the space provided below:

  • Differentiate the main actions between doing and improving your activities.
  • Determine the overall manner in which variation has affected your activities.

Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 1 of the online course shell:

Statistics Test 1 hour

Question Description

This question will only require one hour of work. The assessment needs to be completed and the calculations typed beside the questions (on half the test). Half of the test is multiple choice. Anything below an A is unacceptable. I can provide the practice problems and study material for the assessment. I will provide the assessment at 730 pm EST tomorrow 10/4/2019 and it needs to be completed by 830 pm on 10/4/2019. If this goes well there will be a number of statistics labs and another assessment avalible in the future.