Statistics using R Studio

Question Description

#save your plots as an image file and upload separately

#save them as png with filename your_name_(question number)_(histogram/plot)

#write the commands, not just the numeric answer

#Question 1

#Create a new vector x with the following values:

# 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,10000000,10000000

#Then calculate:

#a. Mean and Median

#b. 10% trimmed mean and 20% winsorized mean.

#Question 2

#(a) Read in the homework file hw_lab2.txt and call the object hwdata. Please use the file name instead of file.choose() in the read function

mydata = read.table(‘hw_lab2.txt’, header=TRUE, sep=NULL)

#(b) How many variables are in the file? How many subjects?

#(c) Create a histogram of the fruit day variable. Will the mean of the data

#be to the left (lower) or right (higher) of the most frequent values?

#(d) Create a boxplot of the fruit day variable. How many outliers are present?


#1) boxplot(x)

#2) print(boxplot(x,plot=F)$out)

#(e) Find the mean, median, and trimmed mean (20%) of the fruit day variable.

#(f) Create a density plot of the fruit day variable.

# (g) Add vertical lines to the previous plot that show where the mean, median,

#and trimmed mean are located.

grad stats

Question Description

Complete the following exercises located at the end of each chapter and put them into a Word document to be submitted as directed by the instructor.

Show all relevant work; use the equation editor in Microsoft Word when necessary.

To determine whether a new sleeping pill has an effect that varies with dosage, a researcher randomly assigns adult insomniacs, in equal numbers, to receive either 4 or 8 grams of the sleeping pill. The amount of sleeping time is measured for each subject during an 8-hour period after the administration of the dosage. What type of design is this, and what type of statistic is needed to analyze the data?

Dr. Bill Board designs a 2 X 2 between-subjects factorial design, where Factor A is word frequency (low or high) and Factor B is category cues (no cues or cues). Assume that the data are interval. What type of statistic is needed to analyze the data?

Chapter 21, numbers 21.4, 21.7, 21.8, 21.12 thru 21.21

one question on Linear programming

Question Description

A furniture Company produces tables and chairs. Each table takes four hours of labor from the carpentry department and two hours of labor from the finishing department. Each chair requires three hours of carpentry and one hour of finishing. During the current week, 260 hours of carpentry time are available and 120 hours of finishing time. Each table produced gives a profit of $60 and each chair a profit of $40. How many chairs and tables should be made?

1) Propose an LP formulation for this model

2) Solve this model using the graphical method

3) Solve this model using the simplex method

clearly explain all steps

Need within 8 hours. Making 12 hours to avoid automatch

If possible use graph paper or desmos so i can see correctly the lines of the graph the simplex tables as well, with row reducing equations and the optimal solution
I am attaching a ppt file I found on internet where similar question is solved.

2 algebra problems with definitions

Question Description


Use FACTORING to solve:

x2 + 3x – 18 = 0

Use the QUADRATIC FORMULA to solve:

(a – 2) ^ 2 = 8

  • For the factoring problem, be sure you show all steps to thefactoring and solving. Show a check of your solutions back into theoriginal equation.
  • For the quadratic formula problem, be sure that you use readablenotation while you are working the computational steps. Refer to theInserting Math Symbols handout for guidance with formatting.
  • Present your final solutions as decimal approximations carried outto the third decimal place. Due to the nature of these solutions, nocheck is required.
  • Incorporate the following four math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use boldfont to emphasize the words in your writing. Do not write definitionsfor the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your mathwork.
    • Quadratic formula
    • Factoring
    • Completing the square
    • Discriminant

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.

QNT 561 – One-Sample Hypothesis Testing Cases

Question Description

The purpose of this assignment is to develop my abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions. I should learn how statistical analysis are used in predicting an election winner in the first case study. In the second case, I am to conduct a hypothesis test and decide whether or not a shipping plan will be profitable.

  • Develop a 700 to 1050 well written word flow statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. In addition, word flow and calculations need to be WITHOUT ANY PLAGIARISM other than unavoidable assignment information.
  • PLEASE – NO cutting and pasting because it causes an inability to format, document properly.
  • The report must include calculations and the use of information requested in the assignment.
  • Include References from Chapters 10 & 11 which are attached.
  • All information needed to complete this assignment are attached.

Assignment 2

Question Description

Question 1. [7 marks] [Chapter 3]A group of students was interested in testing whether the speed of wooden (non-motorised) gocarts depends on the type of wheels used. They had two different options of wheels to choosefrom: either fitted or not fitted with bearings. Based on past experience, they believed that thewheels fitted with bearings would rotate easier and the go-cart should go faster.They decided to conduct a series of 24 test runs using the different wheels and record the speeds.They had one cart on which they could quickly change the wheels. The same driver was used foreach test run. Each test run was randomly assigned to use either wheels with bearings or withoutbearings.The data is stored in the file “Go-cart2.csv” which can be downloaded from Canvas. Thedata contains 2 variables:Time The time it took to complete a 200m run (in seconds)Wheel The type of wheel used (either Bearings or NoBearings)

Week 5 assignment

Question Description

Please complete the follow problems neatly. Clearly label each problem, show all work, and use Microsoft Word’s equation editor to properly format all mathematics.

1.Given the following polynomial

a.Find the degree of the polynomial.

b.Give the maximum number of turning points.

c.How many zeros does this polynomial have?

d.Use the leading coefficient test to describe (or draw) the left-hand and right-end behavior.

e.List all the possible zeros using the Rational Zero theorem.

f.Use Descartes’s Rule of Signs to determine the possible numbers of positive and negative real zeros.

g.Use the above information and synthetic division to factor the polynomial.

h.List the zeros of the polynomial and their multiplicity.

i.Sketch a graph of the polynomial.

2.The power produced by a wind turbine is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed . A wind speed of 37 miles per hour produces a power output of 750 kilowatts. Find the output for a wind speed of 40 miles per hour.

Statistics is about people, even if you cant see the tears.

Question Description


200 words




Video 24makes the point that though nobody wants to think that they are a statistic, acting as if you are a statistic can help you make better decisions. That said, statisticians should never forget that the numbers they analyze correspond to real people, who have friends, relatives, and stories to tell.

Respond to one of the following questions in your initial post:

  • Why do you think people often feel that “the statistics don’t apply to me”?
  • The reason why so many of us now live long, healthy lives is due to statistical analysis of health data. What other statistical analyses have had a large impact on how we live our lives?
  • Why do you think statistics often has a bad name?

analysis t test

Question Description

Review the t test scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the three different approaches of t tests:

    • Independent sample t test
    • Paired sample t test
    • One sample t test
  • Based on each of the three research scenarios provided, open theHigh School Longitudinal Study dataset or the Afrobarometer dataset fromthis week’s Learning Resources using SPSS software, then choose and runthe appropriate t test.
  • Once you perform your t test analyses, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2 to 3-paragraph analysis of your t testresults for each research scenario and include the SPSS syntax andoutput. Do not forget to evaluate if the t test assumptions are met,justify the selection of type of t test, and report the effect size.Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implicationsof social change might be.

Math test and assignment

Question Description

Assignment 1: Answer the questions attached in a word document


Prepare a lesson plan for your class or a group of students to do an in-depth research on a topic in geometry and then prepare a PowerPoint presentation illustrating the topic. Your lesson plan should include the following: lesson title, objectives, grade level, materials, lesson duration, procedure, assessment, technology component, and lesson extension. Prepare a two-page evaluation of the lesson.

Scoring Rubrics for Assignment #4

Comprehensiveness of the research 5 points
Comprehensiveness of the lesson plan 10 points
Evidence of field testing/reflection of the activity 5 points
Use of technology 1 point
Accommodation of different learning needs 2 points
Include assessment 2 points
Clarity of the two-page evaluation 3 points
Presentation of the lesson 2 points
Total 30 points

Total Value: 30 Points

Presentation and Submission Due: Session 8

Objectives: #1, 5, 16, 21, 25

AP: # 1 – 12