Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty.

Question Description

This assignment has two cases. The first case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so he or she doesn’t run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in operations management.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set, Case Study Scenarios

Write a 1,050-word report based on the Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set and Case Study Scenarios.

Include answers to the following:

Case 1: Bell Computer Company

  • Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?
  • Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of minimizing the risk or uncertainty?

Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

QNT 561 – Week 3 – Expansion Strategy and Establishing a Re-Order Point

Question Description

This assignment has two cases. The first case is on expansion strategy. Managers constantly have to make decisions under uncertainty. This assignment gives students an opportunity to use the mean and standard deviation of probability distributions to make a decision on expansion strategy. The second case is on determining at which point a manager should re-order a printer so he or she doesn’t run out-of-stock. The second case uses normal distribution. The first case demonstrates application of statistics in finance and the second case demonstrates application of statistics in operations management.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set, Case Study Scenarios

Write a 1,050-word report based on the Bell Computer Company Forecasts data set and Case Study Scenarios.

Include answers to the following:

Case 1: Bell Computer Company

  • Compute the expected value for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?
  • Compute the variation for the profit associated with the two expansion alternatives. Which decision is preferred for the objective of minimizing the risk or uncertainty?

Case 2: Kyle Bits and Bytes

  • What should be the re-order point? How many HP laser printers should he have in stock when he re-orders from the manufacturer?

Statistical Error: What is the mean job satisfaction for employees who have worked for more than 4 companies? What is the mean job satisfaction for employees than have worked for 4 or less companies?

Question Description

The Vice President of HR is tasked with overseeing the hiring of all new staff. She has noticed a disturbing trend recently. Employees who are younger and have only worked for a few companies are less satisfied with their work. She thinks this could be because they fear they are missing out on other opportunities.

However, she wants to know if there is data to support this. Therefore, she needs to know if there is a difference in job satisfaction between employees who have worked for more than 4 companies and employees who have worked for 4 or less companies.

Use the dummy database to answer the following questions:

1. What is the mean job satisfaction for employees who have worked for more than 4 companies?

2. What is the mean job satisfaction for employees than have worked for 4 or less companies?

3. What is the t-statistic for the difference of those means?

4. What is the p-value for that t-statistic

Group of answer choices:

  • <.05 and >.01
  • >.05
  • <.01 and >.001
  • <.001

5. Is the difference in job satisfaction between employees who have worked for more than 4 companies and employees who have worked for 4 or less companies significant?

Group of answer choices:

  • Yes, the p-value <.05
  • Yes, the p-value <.01
  • No
  • Yes, the p-value <.001

short discussion (Mathmagicland)

Question Description

To earn credit for this assignment, you must include an example from the video and connect the example to today’s technology

Please watch the above video and discuss the foundations of math in everyday life. Support your statements with specific examples, do not plagiarize. Make sure you cite and reference your work.

1) Consider what available technologies you have available today that exist or the progress life has made because because of math I might state something to the affect….

For example, music, computers, history, architecture, science, social sciences, farming, gaming,pharmaceutical industry and medicine are all founded in math, specifically in microbiology/pharmacology. The progress of testing new antibiotics is dependent on the use of logarithms to calculate the efficacy of drugs during R/D (Bristol-Meyers-Squibb, personal experience, 1990’s).

You will earn 5 points for your initial post – 1 paragraph (using 3-5 sentences, clear and concise, proper grammar)

You will earn 5 points for a substantial peer response that adds to the discussion. 1 paragraph (using 3-5 sentences, clear and concise, proper grammar)

A- acknowledge what your peer writes, B- Build on that post by agreeing or disagreeing, C- Contribute to the post by adding to the knowledge, asking questions or adding in personal experience to the post.

cite one reference

Statisical Error

Question Description

1. The practice this week is about whether the relationship between two variables is significant.

Sydney is an HR rep who sits in on the promotion decisions for the company. She is concerned because it seems that people are getting salary hikes because their managers like them, not because they deserve it. She wants to know if there is a significant relationship between PercentSalaryHike and Years with Current Manager.

What is the correlation between PercentSalaryHike and Years with Current Manager (round to 2 decimal points ex. 1.22)?

2. Is the correlation between PercentSalaryHike and Years with Current Manager significant?

a. Yes, the p-value <.001

b. Yes, the p-value <.01

c. Yes, the p-value <.05

d. No

3. What can Sydney conclude from the data?

a. There is not evidence that the number of years someone is with their manager does not predict their salary hike.

b. Managers do not give salary hikes to employees they like more

c. Managers do give salary hikes to employees they like more

d. There is evidence that the number of years someone is with their manager does not predict their salary hike.

Need help writing and solving equations.

Question Description

Please show me how to write out these equations and solve them. I have 10 Algebra equations. Please show all work so I can understand how you arrived at the answer.

  1. If C is a 5 x 1 matrix and D is a 3 x 5 matrix, what are the dimensions of DC?
  2. Set-up but do not solve a system of equations for the following problem. For $7.52, you purchased 8 pens and highlighters from a local bookstore. Each highlighter cost $1.09 and each pen cost $0.69. How many pens did you buy?
  3. A system of equations that has at least one solution is called ________________________.
  4. Solve for x in the following system. 5. Solve for x in the following system.

3x + 4y = 8 6x + 6y = -2

y = 3x + 17 y = -x

6. Solve the system using substitution. 7. Solve the system using elimination.

Y = 2x + 4 x +2y = 1

Y = 3x 4x + y = 11

8. When graphing x >1, where does the shading occur? a. above the boundary line

b. right of the boundary line c. below the boundary line d. left of the boundary line

9. Solve for x in the following matrix equation.


Probablity questions

Question Description

Answer questions #1-8. Show work.

1) Use the formula for Permutations, nPr = n! (n−r)! to find the value for each expression. Confirm each result by using your calculator. a) 8P3 b) 4P4 c) 5P3 d) 5P0

2) How many 4 letter permutations can be formed from the letters in word rhombus?

3) For a board of directors composed of eight people, in how many ways can a president, vice president, and treasurer be selected?

4) How many different ID cards can be made if there are six digits on a card and no digit can be used more than once?

5) In how many ways can seven different types of laundry soap be displayed on a shelf in a store?

6) A child has four different stickers that can be placed on a model car in a vertical stack. In how many ways can this be done if each sticker is to be used only one time?

7) An inspector must select three tests to perform in a certain order on a manufactured part. He has a choice of seven tests. How many different ways can he perform three tests?

8) In how many different ways can 4 raffle tickets be selected from 50 tickets if each ticket wins a different prize?

Homework Assignment 1

Question Description

Homework Assignment 1

Due in Week 1 and worth 30 points

Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do, and sequentially list the various actionsyou take in orderto complete this activity. Consider thecomplexity of your list and the amount of steps required to complete the activity.

Answer the following questions in the space provided below:

1. How many steps did it take you to complete the activity?

2. What time did each step take and how much time was delayed between steps?

3. What was the average time between steps?

4. What was the average time each step took?

5. Differentiate the main actions between doing and improving your activities.

6. Determine the overall manner in which variation has affected your activities.

7. Overall, how much time were you able to cut down on when engaging in the same activity while implementing the new changes?

Math discussion

Question Description

Please address each bullet point under both of these topics in a thoughtful 1-2 paragraph response.


  • Have you figured out a study strategy that works well for you? For example, do you have a fixed time each day or certain days of the week dedicated to your studies?
  • Do you find the eText or the videos more useful for helping you learn? Have you used other resources that you would like to share with your classmates?
  • Describe how you use ALEKS. Do you jump right into solving problems, using the text and videos only when you get stuck, or do you read and watch videos BEFOREstarting the problems?

Mastering Content:

  • Which concepts or problems have you found to be the most challenging so far? What did you do to overcome this challenge? What do you still have questions about?
  • After working through the problems in ALEKS, do you feel confident in your abilities to solve problems?
  • Are you “comfortable being uncomfortable” with new material? This means you have a growth mindset and are open to new learning, even if it means being confused for a while and making some mistakes at first. If learning math makes you uncomfortable, what can you tell yourself so you feel more confident?

Probability Distrinution

Question Description

This is for a discussion post I need a reference and APA format. I also need a graph

Topic: Poisson Probability Distribution

The Poisson Distribution is a discrete probability distribution where the number of occurrences in one interval (time or area) is independent of the number of occurrences in other intervals.

April Showers bring May Flowers!! Research the “Average Amount of Days of Precipitation in April” for a city of your choice.

In your initial post,


  1. Introduce the City and State. Let us know a fun fact! ( Los Angeles California)
  2. Tell us the average number of days of precipitation in that city for the month of April.
  3. Cite your Source

Calculations ( I need it in words and graph format)

  1. What is the probability of having exactly 10 days of precipitation in the month of April?
  2. What is the probability of having less than three days of precipitation in the month of April?
  3. What is the probability of having more than 15 days of precipitation in the month of April?


Write a sentence for each of the probabilities explaining what those probabilities mean in context of days of precipitation in your chosen city. Words and graph form

Would any of the situations be considered unusual? Why or Why Not?