Observation Assignment

Question Description

For this assignment, you will observe a young child. Please choose a child between the ages of 2 and 5 years old.

Then, complete the following steps:

1) Before you begin your assignment you must:

  • Discuss this assignment with the child’s parent.
  • Inform the parent that you are not observing the child from the position of an expert.
  • Explain that you are a Lifespan Development student and are merely observing the child for a class assignment.
  • Tell the parent that you will not be using the child’s name in the report.

2) Observe the child for at least 1 hour.

  • You may not babysit or observe a child in your work setting.
  • You must try to stay as detached from the child’s interactions as possible! Kids are naturally curious, so it is fine to let them know what you are doing. But the less attention you give them, the less interest they will have in you. 🙂

3) Record any data related to the following domains:

  • Physical development
    • Estimate weight/height
    • Gross motor skills
    • Fine motor skills
    • Other physical characteristics or activities
  • Cognitive Development
    • Langauge use
    • Creativity
    • Decision making
    • Judgment
  • Social Emotional Development
    • Emotions (positive/negative and how handled)
    • Psychosocial stage (you must include this for full credit in this area)
    • Social interactions
    • Self-Concept
    • Temperament
  • Cultural Influences
    • Parenting practices
    • Multiple languages
    • Gender roles

4) Write a narrative report of what you observed of the child. Use complete sentences and paragraphs. In your report:

  • Introduction with child’s demographic information (age, gender, family arrangement – if known, and/or identify primary caregivers)
  • State that you received permission to complete the observation
  • Discuss observations and divide into sections based on
    • Physical domains
    • Cognitive domains
    • Social/emotional domains
    • Cultural influences

Be sure to use formal, clinical, development language in your report. The more specific vocabulary you use, the better!

The paper should be no less than 4 pages and double spaced. You do not need in-text citations for this assignment, as you will be writing about your observation and simply including vocabulary from the book.

MAT 154 | Chapter 4 Homework

Question Description

14 Questions. Due by midnight. I’ll post an example question below.

Website: https://moer.maricopa.edu

Login: taramay0120

Password: Elyasdean2014!


Let S = {1,2,3,…,18,19,20} be the universal set.

Let sets A and B be subsets of S, where:

Set A={9,10,11,13,15,16,20}A={9,10,11,13,15,16,20}

Set B={2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,18}B={2,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,18}

LIST the elements in the set ABAB:
ABAB = { }

LIST the elements in the set ABAB:
ABAB = { }

Enter the elements as a list, separated by commas. If the result is the empty set, enter DNE

Probabilities and Statistics – Expected Values

Question Description

Answer Questions #1-8. Do not need to show work.

1.Use the following Probability Model that represents the different amounts of money a player can win from a certain game. Use this Model for all questions on this review.

Outcome $0 $6 $10 $100

Probability 0.62 0.21 ? 0.04

Find the missing probability.

2. Find P($100).

3. Find P(~$0).

4. Find P($50).

5. Use the probability model and answer from problem #1 to find the expected value. Do not use the dollar symbol when entering your answer.

6. Find the expected value for the probability model shown below:


– $8









Enter your solution as a decimal (do not use the dollar symbol).

7. The probability model below is a little bit different. While you can not find the expected value from this table, you should be able to write two equations that must be true in the probability model. If you are told that the expected value is $0.40, which two equations must be true?



– $2








Select one:

4x – 2y + z = -0.74 AND x + y + z = 0.94

4x – 2y + z = 1.14 AND x + y + z = 0.06

4x – 2y + z = 0.74 AND x + y + z = -0.94

4x – 2y + z = -1.14 AND x + y + z = -0.06

8. If you know that the expected value for the following probability model is supposed to be $0.48, find the missing value in the table:


– $5









(do not use the dollar symbol).

graphs.requirement attached

Question Description

Week 4 Discussion: Graphs

No unread replies.11 reply.

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • OpenStax Textbook Readings
  • Lesson in Canvas
  • Assignments in Knewton
    • Graphing Linear Equations
    • Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
    • Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Substitution
    • Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Elimination

Initial Post Instructions

Before we begin graphing systems of equations, a good starting point is to review our knowledge of 2-D graphs. These graphs are known as 2-D because they have two axes. Find an online image of a graph to use as the foundation of your discussion. (This is easily accomplished by searching within Google Images.)

Using your graph as the example:

  1. Select any two points on the graph and apply the slope formula, interpreting the result as a rate of change (units of measurement required); and
  2. Use rate of change (slope) to explain why your graph is linear (constant slope) or not linear (changing slopes).

Embed the graph into the post by copying and pasting into the discussion. You must cite the source of the image. Also be sure to show the computations used to determine slope.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers in a substantive, content-specific way. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) with first post by Wednesday
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO): 1, 2

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday

Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

help with this assigment

Question Description

In-class Assignment Four

  1. Suppose the scores on a recent exam in your statistics class were as follows: 78, 95, 60, 93, 55, 84, 76, 92, 62, 83, 80, 90, 64, 75, 79, 32, 75, 64, 98, 73, 88, 61, 82, 68, 79, 78, 80, 85.
    1. Create a stemplot for these test scores using each 10a value once on the stem.
    2. Create a stemplot for these test scores using each 10 values twice on the stem.
    3. Compare the stemplots created in parts (a) and (b). Are any features of the data apparent in one of them but not the other one? Explain.
  2. Refer to the previous test scores.
    1. Create a histogram for the test scores.
    2. Explain how you decided how many intervals to use for the historgram.
    3. Comment on the shape of the histogram.
  3. Refer to the previous test scores.
    1. Find the median for the test scores.
    2. Find the mean for the test scores and compare to the median. Which one is larger, and why?
    3. Find the standard deviation for the test score.
    4. Do you think the standard deviation would be smaller or larger if the test score of 32 were to be removed from the data?
  4. Refer to the previous test scores.
    1. Create a five number summary.
    2. Create a boxplot.
    3. The test score of 32 should have been identified as an outlier. Which of the three reasons would you use to explain this outlier? Should the outlier be removed when a description of the test scores presented?

nitial Post Instructions One of the most famous formulas in mathematics is the Pythagorean Theorem. It is based on a right triangle,and states the relationship among the lengths of the sides as a2+ b2= c2, where a and b refer to the legs of a right trian

Question Description

Week 6 Discussion: Square Roots

11 unread reply.11 reply.

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • OpenStax Textbook Readings
  • Lesson in Canvas
  • Assignments in Knewton
    • Understanding Square Roots
    • Simplifying Square Root Expressions
    • Multiplying Square Root Expressions
    • Dividing Square Root Expressions
    • Adding and Subtracting Square Root Expressions
    • Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem
    • Solving Radical Equations

Initial Post Instructions

One of the most famous formulas in mathematics is the Pythagorean Theorem. It is based on a right triangle,and states the relationship among the lengths of the sides as a2+ b2= c2, where a and b refer to the legs of a right triangle and c refers to the hypotenuse. It has immeasurable uses in engineering, architecture, science, geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and in everyday applications. For your first post, search online for an article or video that describes how the Pythagorean Theorem can be used in the real world. Provide a one paragraph summary of the article or video in your own words. Be sure you cite the article and provide the link.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers in a substantive, content-specific way. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) with first post by Wednesday
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO): 6

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday

what are the

Question Description

RStudio code

This project will be from chapter 4 to chapter 6 in the R book file. See the link


This project will contain 3 files.

The written report should contain the following six sections:

(1) Introduction to the project; talk about the data and what are they, what are going to do.

(2) Explanations of the data;

(3) Details of the methods;

(4) Results of the data analysis (tables and graphs) explain the data, is it cont or disc. And calculate the mean, median and some statistical functions that you think you should do.

; (5) Discussions and conclusions depend on your datasets.

(6) References of the data.

Calculate the mean and median.

Do some functions and explain the code, the data in the tables and graphs.

https://libguides.uakron.edu/statistics but it should be at least 3 columns and 50 rows. Or any datasets from the internet but, you have to put the link.

you have to put all the code (see the link of R book). You have to use all the code from chapter 4 to chapter 6 in your datasets.

# the code of chapter 4

/* all the code

# the code of chapter 5

/*all the code

# the code of chapter 6

/* all the code

Two math problems and 1 class discussion

Question Description

1) Upon examining the contents of 38 backpacks, it was found that 23 contained a black pen, 27 contained a blue pen, and 21 contained a pencil, 15 contained both a black pen and a blue pen, 12 contained both a black pen and a pencil, 18 contained both a blue pen and a pencil, and 10 contained all three items. How many backpacks contained exactly one of the three writing instruments? Also, Please include a Venn Diagram for question 1 only.

A) 3

B) 15

C) 2

D) 11

2) Howard scored in the 60th percentile rank on an exam. If 500 students took the exam, how many students scored lower than Howard?

A) 301

B) 299

C) 302

D) 300

Class Discussion:

Reflect on what you have learned so far in this class, and use your experience to provide some advice to future MATH 105 students. The course includes consumer math, exponential and logarithmic functions, logic, statistics; and probability. Please address the following:

  • How did you initially feel about taking this course?
  • What did you expect to learn? Did your experience match your expectations?
  • What worked well for you in learning the material (text, videos, ALEKS Objective problems, LEO problem sets, discussions, interacting with the instructor, other)?
  • Is there anything you would have done differently? Is there anything that you wish someone had told YOU at the beginning of this class?

Statistics/ Excel Lab

Question Description

Click to download the Week 6 Lab Document (Links to an external site.) to complete the lab for this week. All of the directions are included in the document.

The document includes places where you need to input the answers. Any place where you see a gray box is where you need to put an answer.

The data for this lab was distributed by your professor. Week 6 Lab Data (Links to an external site.)


Each student will submit a lab. Below is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Category Points % Description
Questions 1-5 8 points each, 40 total 50% large and small sample confidence intervals for a mean
Question 6 16 points 20% normal probabilities compared with data outcomes
Question 7 24 points 30% normal probabilities compared with data outcomes
Total 80 points 100% A quality lab will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Required Software

Microsoft Office: Word and Excel

Use a personal copy or access the software at https://lab.devry.edu (Links to an external site.).

Lab Steps

Prepare and Submit Lab

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Open the lab Word document.
  3. Follow the steps in the lab Word document to do calculations in Excel.
  4. Copy and paste from Excel into the Word document or retype the answer, and then complete the answers to the questions in complete sentences (fill in each gray box in the Word document).
  5. Save the lab Word document, and submit it; no other files should be submitted

Submit your lab.

Minitab Assignment 1

Question Description

You must upload a Word document or PDF for this assignment. Only files with extensions .doc, .docx or .pdf will be accepted.

In this assignment there are 2 questions worth a total of 25 points.

You should work on the assignment in your discussion sessions. You may work in groups, but every student must upload an individual document. Carefully read each question and follow all directions.

Grading details:

If a pie chart does not have an appropriate title and labels, 1 point will be deducted. If a pie chart does not include percentages for each category, 1 point will be deducted. If a bar chart does not have an appropriate title and labels, 1 point will be deducted. If a bar chart does includes percentages instead of counts, 1 point will be deducted.

Read each question carefully and follow all directions. For this assignment you need to use the Restaurant_Tips data file, which includes data collected from a restaurant during a five-day period. Each row includes information for a single table of customers, who were charged a single bill.

  • (10 points) Open the Restaurant_Tips data file. You will create a pie chart for a variable and answer questions related to the distribution of the variable.
  • Restaurant_Tips data file. You will create a bar chart and a table for a variable and answer questions related to the distribution of the variable.