HW: Statistic questions

Question Description

1.(25 pts) A researcher wishes to know:Can a child’s health in its first two years of life be enhanced by a program that teaches expectant mothers about nutrition? Identify two independent variables and two dependent variables that would be important to measure.Briefly describe the measure you would use.Identify the level of measurement (nominal ordinal or interval) for each.

Example answer

Independent variable:Mother’s education level, measured as less than high school, high school graduate, some college, college graduate. Ordinal measure.

2.(25 pts) You are the Dean of students at a college and the President has asked for some information about how the student body has changed over the years.You have collected the following information regarding the number of students in various categories for two different graduating classes:




Total in class






Attended Commencement



Finished in 4 years



Received financial aid



What will you say to the president when she asks:

a.What percentage of the graduating class was female in 1990?________2010?________

b.What proportion of the graduating class attended the commencement ceremony in


Has this proportion gone up or down since 1990 and by how much? ______

c.What percent of students received financial aid in 1990?________2010?_______

d.Write a paragraph describing the changes in the graduating classes of 1990 and 2010.

What changes seem especially important?Why?

3.(25 pts) Twenty-five people were asked about the television viewing habits.

Number of hours spent watching TV per day


















  • Calculate the mean, median and mode for this data.
  • Which measure of central tendency is the most appropriate to use in this case? Why?
    • What percentage scored above a 9.0?

4.(25 pts) In a normal distribution with a mean of 7.8 and a standard deviation of 0.8

  1. Compute a percentile rank for the person with a score of 6.4.
  1. What is the score of a person with a percentile rank of 40%

Respond to these 2 math discussions

Question Description

1) Initially I was apprehensive about doing this course. I was apprehensive because I’m currently deployed, but moreover because it’s a math course. I’ve stated before math is a finite skill, though it’s something that can be learned in with consistent practice I wasn’t sure my schedule would allow for me to dedicate enough time towards my success. However, the ALEKS program made it easy for me to learn at my own pace, and provide the guidance to set me on the right path for success. Overall I expected to remaster skill that had faded from taking years off of doing math on a regular basis, and that’s exactly what happened. I think reading the explanations and doing as many practice questions as possible ultimately contributed to that success, and I commend the professor for being so engaged with her students. I know on a few occasions I emailed her about the problem sets that may have been confusing at the time or had to ask for assistance in other areas, and she was always very prompt in responded back to me, and always very encouraging. I’ve had online professors in the past that you could just tell didn’t put their full effort in to the students success, so it makes it a lot easier when you have someone like Dr. Grubert on your sideline cheering you on. There’s nothing I would have done differently in the class, I think it was all set up to be very” user friendly” if you will.

2) So initially I felt really nervous about this course and a little intimated about MATH in general. I really didn’t know what to expect but I knew that it was going to be unconformable and that’s exactly what I was expecting. This course has really matched what I wanted to experience in this class. It has really allowed me to move at my pace and this has been good for my my work schedule. What has worked the best for me to learn has been the ALEKS program itself, the way it’s setup with videos and features, etext book really gives you many options to assist. The process of the course coupled with the quick communication really made me feel that the professor is truly there for us and will work with you no matter what you have going on. So I would have brushed up on my math since it has been so long since I touched any Math. There was nothing anyone could have told me other than having some experience with an online course.


Question Description

You will continue your analysis of the data set you obtained from the NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, in particular the two winters you were using in Module 2. Recall for Module 2 you created two new tabs with subsets of the full data set. Each tab contains the daily snowfall data for December 1 through March 31 for a different winter at a particular weather station in the county you selected and the associated histograms you created last module.

For each year of these two winters of data, use Excel to find the Summary Statistics of the snowfall. At the end of Chapter 3 in the textbook there is a Tech Tips section with instructions for doing so in Excel. When finding these descriptive statistics use the Output Option called Output Range. Select a range of cells in your worksheet that are not already being used (off to the right of everything else, yet near the top of the worksheet). Thus, the summary statistics results will appear on the same worksheet as the histogram you inserted last module. For additional help with StatCrunch see here.

For your discussion post, address all of the following. Compare the average snowfall for each winter. Do these averages differ? What, specific to your data set, may have caused these averages to differ? Compare the median snowfall for each winter. Do these medians differ? What, specific to your data set, may have caused these medians to differ? Compare the standard deviation of the snowfall for each winter. Do these standard deviations differ? What, specific to your data set, may have caused these standard deviations to differ? What do you think the best measure of center and spread are for this data set. Simple sentences and multiple paragraphs might make your discussion clearer to others. Attach your Excel file to the discussion.

In addition to your main post, you are to respond to at least two other students’ main posts. Substantive responses to other students’ main posts might include the following: (1) a detailed comparison of your results to their results including proposing why the results might (or might not) differ between your two regions, or (2) detailed and polite recommendations for improvements should their work be incorrect or not fully meet the assignment’s requirements.

Grading for this assignment will be based on the Discussion Participation Rubric in the Course Information Tab.

Reply to two peers discussion posts on Mean and Median.

Question Description




1st Peer Michael

Yes and no. All continuous information has the median, status and mean. Yet, strictly speaking, ordinal information has the median and status But, and nominal information has just one status. This manner is the least used of these methods of central tendency and can only be applied when dealing with specified information. For this reason, that status can take the greatest method of central tendency (as it is the only one appropriate to take) when dealing with specified information. These mean and/or average are normally chosen when dealing with all different types of information, but that does not mean it is never used with these information types (Woods, D., Jan. 2018).

Are the standard deviation or the interquartile range factors? The standard deviation is a measure of the degree to which an individual’s knowledge or understanding about a topic is related to its level of relevance. In other words, if you know something about a topic but don’t know much about it, then you probably have no idea what to expect from your research on that topic. This means you can always find out more about the subject by reading books, articles.


Woods, D. (Jan. 2018). Can Failed Data Lakes Succeed As Data Marketplaces? Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/danwoods/2018/01/10/c…

2nd Peer Keyla

Hello classmates and professor,

The question I decided to answer for this discussion is I read in the newspaper that a study of a new drug for cancer “increased survival by an average of eight weeks.” It turns out that this is a median, and it is used for complicated statistical reasons. But in a perfect world, would you prefer to know the increase in mean or median survival? In the perfect world I would prefer to know the mean vs median. Like Andrew Vickers mentions at the end of the video, “means are good for decision making, medians are good for describing data”. When it comes down to something that a dangerous and life threatening condition it’s probably best and most comforting to know the average survival versus a number that’s calculated by the “middle”. Median is something that results in a number/value and cannot appropriately calculate the survival rate for someone with cancer.





I need help with my wk 3 statistics homework

Question Description

Question 1 – Binomials

Sixty percent of the students applying to a university are accepted. Using the binomial probability tables or Excel, what is the probability that among the next 9 applicants:

  1. Exactly 6 will be accepted? (Hint – for 1-4, I strongly suggest using the link to the table if you are not strong in Excel)
  2. At least 8 will be accepted?
  3. Exactly 5 will be rejected?
  4. Four or more will be accepted?
  5. Determine the expected number of accepted students. Remember you are talking about people. Work is required. Hint: Notations and Symbols has a formula for this. Expected…
  6. Compute the standard deviation.- Make sure you have looked at page 245. Work is required. Another hint: Notations and Symbols has the formula for variance right under the formula for the expected value . Standard deviation is the square root of the variance. If you use the formula to find the variance, then all you have to do is take the square root…

Here is a website with binomial tables in case you prefer this table to the book’s table.


Question 2 – Normal distribution

Scores on a recent national statistics exam were normally distributed with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 3.

  1. What is the probability that a randomly selected exam will have a score of at least 58? Work is required. Here’s a hint. You calculate the z score and you look at the table to get the probability. That value is the probability to the LEFT of the z score. “At least” means you have to look to the RIGHT of the z score. What does your last step have to be???
  2. In the question above, you should have calculated a z score. Why isn’t the z score the answer to the question?
  3. What percentage of exams will have scores between 46 and 54? Work is required.
  4. What percentage of exams will be two standard deviations from the mean? (Find this in the book in words – do not do math)
  5. If the top 6% of test scores receive merit awards, what is the lowest score eligible for an award? Work is required.

A hint from Dr. Klotz: This is my favorite online z table. http://www.z-table.com/ Don’t lose that link!

Solve the eqations

Question Description


Ministry of Higher Education


College of Business Administration Department of Quantitative Methods

Assignment 1

Semester 1 Academic year 2019-2020

Course of Basics of Mathematics Dr Faten Toumi

Name Academic number Section Serial Number


– Deadline for delivery: Second lecture of the sixth-week.

– The delivery date must be adhered to and no duty is accepted after that date.

– Reproduction, transfer or collective work is strictly prohibited, and if any of these is established, a grade of zero shall be assigned

كلية إدارة الأعمال قسم الأساليب الكمية


Exercise 1


Find the domain of each function

(a) 8x + 3 = 4 + 8x

(b) 7(x – 2) – 2x = 5x – 14

(c) 12 + 4x = –2(2x – 6) (e) 12 + 4x = –2(2x – 6)

Exercise 3





3−2 ( ) ( ) = 2 2−3

( ) ( ) = √| | ( ) ( ) = √ 2 − 9 ( ) ( ) = √5 − 2








( ) ( ) = √ − 4 − 5……………………..


Let f be a function defined by ( ) = ( − 2) function f.

, ≥ 2. Find the inverse of the …………………………………………………………………………………………



The function ( ) = | | is invertible on R (i.e. admits an inverse)? Explain. …………………………………………………………………………………………



Exercise 2

Determine if the equation has one solution, no solution or infinitely many solutions.

Solve each equation or inequality for x. Plot your solution on a number line

1. ( −3)2=49

2. 4(2 −3)+5=9

3. 3 –5>16 4. −( +5)≤3

5. ( 2−2)≥0


Exercise 4

Solve each equation or inequality

1. 2 2− =−3






2. 2 2− <−3 …………………………………………………………………………………………






3. = − 2 2 2






4. +2=2√2 −7 …………………………………………………………………………………………





Exercise 5

Solve the systems

1. {4 −3 −2=3 −7 }

+ 5 − 2 = + 4







2 + + 6 = 3

2. { − +4 =1 }

3 + 2 − 2 = 2









Exercise 6

A person invested $ 120,000, part at an interest rate at 4% annually and the remainder at 5% annually. The total interest at the end of one year was equivalent to an annual 4.5% rate on the entire $ 120,000. How much was invested at each rate.







Exercise 7

The Davis company manufactures a product that has a unit selling prices of $20 and a unit cost of $15. If fixed costs are $600,000, determine the least number of units that must be sold for the company to have a profit.








ASSIGNMENT 04 BU340 Financial Management I

Question Description

Part A: Given the following cash inflow at the end of each year, what is the future value of this cash flow at 6%, 9%, and 15% interest rates at the end of the seventh year?

Year 1 $15,000

Year 2 $20,000

Year 3 $30,000

Years 4 through 6 $0

Year 7 $150,000

Part B: County Ranch Insurance Company wants to offer a guaranteed annuity in units of $500, payable at the end of each year for 25 years. The company has a strong investment record and can consistently earn 7% on its investments after taxes. If the company wants to make 1% on this contract, what price should it set on it? Use 6% as the discount rate. Assume that it is an ordinary annuity and that the price is the same as present value.

Part C: A local government is about to run a lottery but does not want to be involved in the payoff if a winner picks an annuity payoff. The government contracts with a trust to pay the lump-sum payout to the trust and have the trust (probably a local bank) pay the annual payments. The first winner of the lottery chooses the annuity and will receive $150,000 a year for the next 25 years. The local government will give the trust $2,000,000 to pay for this annuity. What investment rate must the trust earn to break even on this arrangement?

Part D: Your dreams of becoming rich have just come true. You have won the State of Tranquility’s Lottery. The State offers you two payment plans for the $5,000,000 advertised jackpot. You can take annual payments of $250,000 for the next 20 years or $2,867,480 today.

  • If your investment rate over the next 20 years is 8%, which payoff will you choose?
  • If your investment rate over the next 20 years is 5%, which payoff will you choose?
  • At what investment rate will the annuity stream of $250,000 be the same as the lump sum payment of $2,867,480?

Respond to two math discussions

Question Description

1. “Conceptual Error: For Me the Conceptual Error is the one that I most relate too. I believe going back to when i learned Math in high school, and not fully being able to understand the problem on its entirely. having the one on one communication with the teacher. a successful student understands mathematical ideas, and had the ability to transfer its knowledge into new situations and apply them. Now, using the Aleks Program I try to understand the program but, when is time to solve it i end up with the wrong answer. For me it is very difficult to understand it just by reading, even though, a video helps I am more of a people’s person (interaction), therefore It takes me as twice as long to solve the problem and if I do find the solution usually its the wrong answer. Practicing Consumer Math 1 for me was kind of easy, however graphs, function and system is giving me a headache and Its making fall behind the course. I think that if I want to prevent conceptual errors its not going to be easy, I will need to more time to explore and discover a new math concept in a way that will help me see and understand the why.”

2. “The error that I make most often is conceptual. I have difficulty comprehending the question especially word problems. I HATE! them. Because of this, I spend a lot of time getting problems wrong and repeating them. As a result it takes longer to complete an assignment. Perhaps this is why I do not enjoy math. This was the case last week. It took a long time to reach the minimum goal because of it. When a problem has numbers and symbols I can figure out the concept. The only way that I can figure out how to conquer this is by reading out loud and trying to understand the vocabulary words. I do not have this problem in other courses

Mathematical Modeling Homework

Question Description

1. Below is a table of the heights of a rocket over time:(a) Create a scatter plot of the data (you do not need to turn in anything for thispart).(b) By looking at first or second differences, indicate whether the graph is likely tobe linear.(c) By looking at first or second differences, indicate whether the graph is likely tobe quadratic.(d) Find a quadratic regression for the above data; list your equation with all coefficients up to two decimal places.(e) Using your answer to the previous part, estimate when the rocket hits the groundagain.12. The following table gives the average yearly car insurance rates for varying ages.(a) Create a scatter plot of the data (you do not need to turn in anything for thispart).(b) Find a quadratic regression for the above data; list your equation with all coefficients up to two decimal places.(c) Using your answer to the previous part, estimate to the nearest year the age forwhich insurance rates hit their minimum (some error will be introduced in thisstep; so do your best to be accurate).23. Enraged about the results of their first test, a student tosses their calculator off a 2mile high cliff. Suppose that it hits the ground in 1 minute; it is tossed from a heightof 2 miles; and in half a minute, it is at a height of 5/4 or 1.25 miles.(a) Assume that the height of the calculator as a function of time is modeled by aquadratic equation, i.e. an equation of the form:h(t) = at2 + bt + cUsing the information in the problem, set up (but do not solve) a system ofequations which will allow us to solve for a, b and c.(b) Using the previous part, find the function h(t) which models height as a functionof time (your answer should be a quadratic equation!)

week 2 article analysis

Question Description

Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 1” template.

Refer to the “Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial,” in conjunction with the “Article Analysis Example 1,” for an example of an article analysis.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completio

Article Analysis 1

Article Citation and Permalink (APA format)

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3





Broad Topic Area/Title

Identify Independent and Dependent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables

Population of Interest for the Study


Sampling Method

Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode; Standard Deviation)

Identify examples of descriptive statistics in the article.

Inferential Statistics

Identify examples of inferential statistics in the article.