I need assistance in completing algebra project that is due on Sunday

Question Description

I will be positing screen shots of everything that is needed to complete this assignment ..this assignment needs to be completed by 6:00 pm on Sunday 11/24/2019 all screen shots are attached to this question

MAT0099 order of operation

Question Description

21(1) Rakha studies 1 12 hours per day for 4 days a week. Her brotherstudies ¾ hour per day for 6 days a week. Who spends more timeon studies?

(2) Multiply −5 ∙ �− 1120�

macroeconomics #206

Question Description

Hello I need the 2 test taken for macroeconomics Econ test 1 and 2. but the test are Proctorio and want to make sure that the test can be taken by tomm 12:00 pm noon.

12.00 Exam

Question Description

Question 1

  1. Which of the following is the correct matrix representation of the Friday movie ticket sales?

    Ticket Sales for Thursday Children Adults Ticket Sales for Friday Children Adults Ticket Sales for Saturday Children Adults
    Regular 257 183 355 402 398 423
    Matinee 135 168 242 311 376 386

    a 2 by 2 matrix: row one is 257, 183 and row two is 135, 168
    a 2 by 2 matrix: row one is 183, 355 and row two is 168, 242
    a 2 by 2 matrix: row one is 398, 423 and row two is 376, 386
    a 2 by 2 matrix: row one is 355, 402 and row two is 242, 311

2 points

Question 2

  1. If A = a two by three matrix: row one is 3, 5, 2 and row two is negative 1, 8, 5 and B = a two by three matrix: row one is 7, 3, negative 2 and row two is 5, 4, 3 , find 3A + B.
    a two by three matrix: row one is 10, 8, 0 and row two is 4, 12, 8
    a two by three matrix: row one is 16, 18, 4 and row two is 2, 28, 18
    a two by three matrix: row one is negative 1, 7, 8 and row two is negative 8, 20, 12
    a two by three matrix: row one is 10, 6, 1 and row two is 8, 7, 6

2 points

Question 3

  1. Matrix A has dimensions 5 x 1. Matrix B has dimensions 5 x 1. These two matrices can be multiplied.

2 points

Question 4

  1. Evaluate a two by two matrix with row one: 1, 6; and row two: 4, 2; times a two by two matrix with row one: 1, 4; and row two: negative 3, 5
    a two by two matrix with row one: 1, 24; and row two: negative 12, 10
    a two by two matrix with row one: 2, 10; and row two: 1, 7
    a two by two matrix with row one: 17, 14; and row two: 17, negative 8
    a two by two matrix with row one: negative 17, 34; and row two: negative 2, 26

2 points

Question 5

  1. Evaluate a two by two matrix with row one: 1, 4; and row two: negative 3, 5; times a two by one matrix with terms 3, negative 2
    a two by one matrix with terms negative 5, negative 19
    a two by one matrix with terms 13, negative 22
    a two by one matrix with terms 11, negative 16
    a two by one matrix with terms 6, 3

2 points

Question 6

  1. Find the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix: row one is 1, 7 and row two is negative 2, 4

2 points

Question 7

  1. Two lines that intersect have _____ solutions.

2 points

Question 8

  1. Does the following system of equations have a solution?

    graph of lines y equals negative x minus 2 and y equals negative x plus 4

2 points

Question 9

  1. What is the approximate solution of the following system of equations?

    graph of lines y equals negative x plus 1 and y equals 2 x plus 3

2 points

Question 10

  1. Solve the following system of equations by using the substitution method.
    y = 2x + 3
    5x – 2y = -5

2 points

Question 11

  1. Solve y = 2x – 4 by the substitution method.
    7x – 5y = 14

2 points

Question 12

  1. Solve the following system of equations by using the elimination method.
    3x – 3y = 5
    -x + y = 7

2 points

Question 13

  1. Solve the following system of equations by using the elimination method.
    2x – 3y = -10
    3x + 5y = 4

2 points

Question 14

  1. Solve the following system of equations using matrices.
    3x – 7y = 25
    5x – 8y = 27

2 points

Question 15

  1. Solve the following system of equations using matrices.
    2x + 4y = 16
    -4x – 8y = 32

2 points

Question 16

  1. A collection of dimes and quarters has a total value of five dollars and contains 29 coins. How much of each kind of coin are there in the collection.

2 points

Question 17

  1. Which of the following is a solution to the following system of inequalities?
    solid line at y equals negative x plus one, solid line at y equals two x plus 3, shaded above the first line and above the second line

2 points

Question 18

  1. The following is the solution of x – 2y > -4.
    x + y ≥ -3

    dotted line at x minus 2 y equals negative 2, solid line at x plus y equals negative 3, shaded below the first line and above the second line

2 points

Question 19

  1. Solve x + 2y = 10
    -2x – 4y = 24
    5x + 5y + 5z = 15

2 points

Question 20

  1. Solve x + y + z = -6
    -2x – 2y – 2z = 12
    5x + 5y + 5z = -30

2 points

Question 21

  1. The sum of three numbers is 12. The first number is the difference of the other two numbers. When you add the other two numbers and subtract 8, the result will be the first number. Find the numbers.

2 points

Question 22

  1. Which of the following are NOT perpendicular?

2 points

Question 23

  1. YWXZ is a rhombus with diagonals that intersect at point S. Side WX measures 4a + 12. Side XZ measures 6a. Find the value of a.
    rhombus YWXZ with diagonals WZ and XY that cross at point S

2 points

Question 24

  1. YWXZ is a rhombus with diagonals that intersect at point S. Angle WSX measures 3 x plus 12 degrees Find the value of x.
    rhombus YWXZ with diagonals WZ and XY that cross at point S

2 points

Question 25

  1. Triangle LMN is congruent to triangle HIJ. Angle L measures 35 degrees angle M measures 65 degrees and angle J measures 2x + 10 degrees. Find the value of x.

2 points

Question 26

  1. Triangle LMN is congruent to triangle HIJ. Angle L measures 35 degrees angle M measures 65 degrees and angle I measures 2x + 10 degrees. Find the value of x.

2 points

Question 27

  1. Triangle ABC is similar to triangle FGH. Angle A measures 42 degrees. Angle G measures 49 degrees. Find the measure of angle H.

2 points

Question 28

  1. Triangle ABC is similar to triangle XYZ. Side AB measures 2, side BC measures x + 5, side CA measures x + 7, side XY measures 4 and side YZ measures 5x – 5. Find the value of x.

2 points

Question 29

  1. Point C is the center of the circle. The measure of angle ACB is 15x + 20. Arc AB measures 20x – 10. Find the measure of arc AB.
    circle C with points A, B, and D on the circle and central angle A C B drawn

Stats Lab Homework using r

Question Description

Lab homework using r instructions below



#save your plots as an image file and upload separately (export > save as image)

#save them as png with filename your_name_(question number)_(histogram/plot)

#You are told that in Providence Rhode Island the height of women averages 64 inches (5’4″) with a standard deviation of 1.5 inches.

#Of the 178 thousand people in Providence Rhode Island, 52% are women.


#1.1) Simulate the population described above. Call the population variable popri

#1.2) Compute the mean and sd of this population.

#How does this mean and sd compare to the true mean (64) and sd (1.5)?

#1.3) Plot a density plot of this population. What does this distribution look like?


#2.1) Take a random sample of popri containing 10 people and call the variable sam10

#2.2) Compute the mean and sd of the sample sam10

#2.3) Take a random sample of popri containing 1000 people and call the variable sam1000.

#2.4) Compute the mean and sd of the sample sam1000

#2.5) Which is closer to the true population mean and sd; the sample with 10 people or the sample with 1000 people? Why?


#3.1) Create a matrix called samsri containing 200 random samples of 500 subjects in each sample from the population variable popri.

#HINT: Declare an empty matrix and then use a ‘for loop’ to fill it

#3.2) Create a vector called samsri200means that contains the means for each column (sample) from samsri.

#3.3)Plot a density plot of samsri200means (0.5 pt). What does this distribution look like?



#Lab 4-Contents

#0. Review of Normal Probability Distribution Functions

#1. Simulating Populations using Random Variables

#2. Taking Samples from a Population: The sampling Distribution

#3. Programming in R: Using Loops

#4. Programming in R: The apply function

#5. Sampling Distribution of the Uniform Distribution


# 0. Review of Normal Probability Distribution Functions


#Last week we learned how to calculate:

#1) Probabilities from a Normal Distribution using pnorm(Z, mean, sd)

#Ex: What is the probability of a student getting a 75 or less on the exam

#2) Quantiles from a Normal Distribution using qnorm(Z, mean, sd)

#Ex: What score would a student have to achieve to be in the top 10% on the exam


#EXERCISE 0-1: What is the probability of a student

#getting a 75 or less on the exam given that

#the scores on the exam follow a normal distribution

#of mean 78, and standard deviation of 10?


pnorm(75, 78, 10)


#EXERCISE 0-2: What score would a student have to achieve

#to be in the top 10% on the exam given

#the scores on the exam follow a normal distribution of mean 78,

#and standard deviation of 10?


qnorm(.9, 78, 10)


#1. Simulating Populations using Random Variables


#The difference between a population and a sample:

#Your sample is the group of individuals who participate

#in your study, and your population is the broader group

#of people to whom your results will apply.

#Therefore: “population” in statistics includes all members of a defined group.

#A part of the population is called a sample.


#Last week (Lab 3), we used the command rnorm()

#to create a variable with a normal distribution

#Random Normal variable: rnorm(n, mean, sd)

#NOTE: We can specify how large our population is,the mean and SD.




# Create a normally distributed population variable called pop

# that consists of 10,000 subjects with mean of 15 and sd of 2



pop = rnorm(n=10000, mean=15, sd=2)

#Let’s verify that this did what we wanted.

hist(pop); mean(pop); sd(pop)


#Thought Question 1: Why is your mean and sd for pop slightly different

#than mine OR rather, why is noones exactly a mean of 15 and sd of 2



# Now, let’s pretend this variable x is a population of

# undergrads + graduate students at USC who have ever used marijuana

#Thought Question 2: Considering that USC is ~20k students,

#In reality, could I actually collect this information from every USC

#student to form this distribution? What should I do instead?



#2. Taking Samples from a Population: The sampling Distribution


#All (most) research studies deal with samples

#We can take a sample from data we consider to be our population

#by using the sample() function in R


#Random sample:sample(x, size, replace=TRUE)



#Example 1: Let’s pretend we are researchers.

#While ideally we would like to study the POPULATION of marijuana users

#at USC, we realize that we only have funding to ask 200 students.

#We can see what our data might look like if we take a sample from

#the population variable pop.


sam = sample(x=pop, size=200, replace=TRUE)


#Exercise 2-1: Calcualte the mean and SD of the sample sam.

#How do these results differ from the means

# and SDs in the pop variable?


mean(sam); sd(sam); hist(sam)


#Exercise 2-2:

# A) Create a random sample called sam20 from pop containing 20 subjects.

# B) Create a random sample called sam750 from pop containing 750 subjects.

# C) Compute the Means and SDs for sam20 and sam750. Create Histograms for both.

# D) How do the means from each sample compare to the true population mean of 15?

# E) Is there an association of the number of people in the sample with the magnitude of

# the difference from the populaton mean?



sam20=sample(pop, 20, replace=TRUE)


sam750=sample(pop, 750, replace=TRUE)


mean(sam20); mean(sam750)

sd(sam20); sd(sam750)

plot(density(sam20)); lines(density(sam750), col=”red”)


abs(15-mean(sam20)); abs(15-mean(sam750))


#As the number of people in the sample goes up,

#the mean becomes closer to the true population mean


#3. Programming in R: Using Loops


#In practice, as researchers we almost always have samples

#and NEVER really know the true population

#Simulating a population and taking samples from it can tell us something

#about how well a given estimator (mean, trimmed mean, median etc.)

#represents a distributions (eg. normal vs skewed)

#To begin to understand how taking samples can give us information about an estimator,

#we need to take MANY samples from our simulated population.

#Let’s say we wanted to have 100 different samples of pop with 200 subjects in each sample.

#We could do this two ways:

#1) Write the function sample() many times

sam1=sample(pop, 200, replace=TRUE)

sam2=sample(pop, 200, replace=TRUE)

# …

sam100=sample(pop, 200, replace=TRUE)

#2) Or use a loop


#Loop over ii: for (ii in X:Y) { # ii is the counter

#COMMANDS WITH ii # X is the first value the counter

#} # Y is the last value of the counter


# x=23+24;x


#Here is a simple loop going from a value of 1 to 10

for (jj in 1:10) {


} #NOTE: When executing the loop,

#you MUST highlight and run the entire loop from { to } including the brackets.

# ii will take the values specified with the “in 1:10” argument

#At first ii = 1, but then will increase by 1 (1,2,3,4,5…) until it reaches 10

#Also we can change ii to be whatever we want.

#Below I’ve used my name to demonstrate this

for (kk in 1:15) {



#Back to our goal:

#We want to be able to take 100 different samples of pop with 200 people in each sample

#A good way to do this is to first create an EMPTY matrix to put our data

#into using the matrix() command

mysams = matrix(, ncol=100, nrow=200) #? Why ncol=100 and nrow=200?

#Then we can use a loop to place each of our samples into a column of this empty matrix called “mysams”

for (ii in 1:100) {

mysams[ ,ii] = sample(pop, size=200, replace=TRUE)


#Look to your right and double click over ‘mysams’


#4. Programming in R: The apply function


# We just learned how to use a loop to take MANY random samples

# from a population variable. While the purpose of this

# may not be clear just yet, it will be later on in the semester.

#Once we have our dataset containing 100 samples of 200 people, I’d like to find out the mean of each sample

#I could do this two ways:

#1) By manually doing it





#2) By using a loop

for (jj in 1:100) {

print( mean(mysams[,jj]) ) #I have to use print() here because things in loops don’t get output to the screen without it


#However, I don’t just want to KNOW the means of each sample, instead I’d like to have a variable

#where each observation is the mean of a given sample so that I can analyse the means of the samples

#We can do this by first creating an empty Vector of length 100

sam100means = numeric(100)

#And then using a loop to populate the vector

for (jj in 1:100) {

sam100means[jj] = mean(mysams[,jj])


#With this, I can examine the average (mean) of the means for each sample


#And their distribution


#There is an easier way to get this sam100means variable,

#We can use the apply() function!


#Collapse Data (apply): apply(X, MARGIN, FUN)

# X=dataset; MARGIN: 1=Rows, 2=Columns; FUN=Function


#I will create a variable called sam100means2 containing the column means of mysams

sam100means2 = apply(X=mysams, MARGIN=2, FUN=mean)

#In the above: MARGIN=2 tells R to do the operation on the columns

#FUN=mean tells R to take the mean

#A Density plot of this:



#Exercise 4:

# A) Create a variable called sam100sd that contains the standard deviations of each

# sample from mysams. Use whatever method you prefer to do this.

# B) Show a density plot of the SDs from mysams



sam100sd = apply(X=mysams, MARGIN=2, FUN=sd)



for (i in 1:100) {

sam100sd1[i]=sd(mysams[, i])





#5. Sampling Distribution of the Uniform Distribution


#While we’ve seen that the distribution of means

#from random samples taken from a NORMAL population

#are normally distributed, what if our population is not normally distributed?

#Let’s see for example the uniform distribution

# which can be created using the runif() function


#Random Uniform variable: rnunif(n)


#I’ll create a uniform population distribution of 10,000 subjects

popunif = runif(10000) #Unifor distribution

#This distribution looks like:



#Exercise 5:

# A) Create a matrix called unifsams that contains 150 random samples of 250 subjects from popunif

# B) Create a variable called unif150means that contains the means for each of the 150 samples

# C) Create a density plot of means in unif150means. What does this plot look like?



unifsams = matrix(, ncol=150, nrow=250)

for (ii in 1:150) {

unifsams[,ii] = sample(popunif, 250, replace=TRUE)



unif150means = apply(unifsams, 2, mean)


plot(density(unif150means ))

#Normally Distributed remember the Central Limit Theorem.

# Read from the book section 5.3.2 to get a theoretical explanation about this last excercise

#Section:5.3.2 Approximating the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean: The General Case

6.00 semester 1 exam

Question Description

Question 1

  1. Which of the following is an example of a function?

2 points

Question 2

  1. What is the inverse of y = 4x – 2?
    y equals one-fourth times x plus one-half
    y equals one-fourth times x minus one-half
    y equals four times x plus one-half

2 points

Question 3

  1. What is the range of the following function? Point at (negative 2, 1) and then a straight line from the point to (0, 2), (2, 3), (4, 4).

2 points

Question 4

  1. If f(x) = 2x and g(x) = 5x then f(x) º g(x) is 7x.

2 points

Question 5

  1. What is the solution of 4x – 1 = -17?

2 points

Question 6

  1. The solution of quantity of x plus 5 divided by 2 equals 15 is 25.

2 points

Question 7

  1. The only solution to |r+3|=1 is -2.

2 points

Question 8

  1. What is the solution of |-1+x|=5?

2 points

Question 9

  1. Find the slope between points (4, 6) and (-2, 6).
    one quarter

2 points

Question 10

  1. What is the slope of the following linear function? Linear graph. Points include (negative 2, negative 5), (zero, negative 4), (2, negative 3), (4, negative 2)

2 points

Question 11

  1. What is the equation of the following linear function? Linear graph. Points include (0, negative 4), (1, 0), (2, 4)

2 points

Question 12

  1. What is the equation of the line which includes points (1, 1) and (1, 5)?

2 points

Question 13

  1. The equation of a line with slope m = – quarter and including point (-3, 5) is y = – quarter x – 4.

2 points

Question 14

  1. The following is a graph of y = -3x + 6. Graph of the line through the points (negative 1, 9), (0, 6), (1, 3), (2, 0), (1, negative 3).

2 points

Question 15

  1. The following is the graph of y = -x – 6. Linear graph. Points include (negative 10, 4), (negative 8, 2), (negative 6, 0), (negative 4, negative 2), (0, negative 6), (2, negative 8).

2 points

Question 16

  1. Write the inequality of the following graph. Dashed line including points (negative 2, 9), (0, 3), (2, negative 3), (4, negative 9). Shaded to the left of the dashed line.

2 points

Question 17

  1. The following is the graph of the quadratic parent function. ImGraph including points (negative 2, 4), (negative 1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4).

2 points

Question 18

  1. What is the a value of the following function? Graph including points (negative 3, 3), (negative 1, one third), (0, 0), (1, one third), (3, 3)
    1 third

2 points

Question 19

  1. The following is the graph of f(x) = 3(x – 3)2 + 1. Graph including points (2, 4), (3, 1), (4, 4).

2 points

Question 20

  1. The following is the graph of function g(x) if h = -4 and the parent function is f(x) = x2. Graph including points (negative 6, 4), (negative 5, 1), (negative 4, 0), (negative 3, 1), (negative 2, 4).

2 points

Question 21

  1. Find the solution to x2 = 36

2 points

Question 22

  1. Solve the quadratic equation y2 – 5y = -4 by factoring.

2 points

Question 23

  1. Solve the quadratic equation x2 – 3x – 10 = 0.

2 points

Question 24

  1. Determine the number of solutions of 2x2 – 3x – 5 = 0.

2 points

Question 25

  1. The solution of x2 = 15 + 2x is {3, 5}.

2 points

Question 26

  1. The solution to x2 + 4x – 1 = 0 is

2 points

Question 27

  1. Determine the zeros of the function x2 – 9 = 0.

2 points

Question 28

  1. What is the vertex of the function f(x) = 2x2 + 16x + 21?

2 points

Question 29

  1. An object is launched upward at 45 ft/sec from a platform that is 40 feet high. What is the objects maximum height if the equation of height (h) in terms of time (t) of the object is given by h(t) = -16t2 + 45t + 40?

2 points

Question 30

  1. What is the range of the following function? Graph including points (1, negative 5), (2, 0), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 3), (6, 0), (7, negative 5).

2 points

Question 31

  1. Find the equation of the quadratic function with zeros 10 and 14 and vertex at (12, -8).

2 points

Question 32

  1. Find the equation of the quadratic function with zeros 16 and 18 and vertex at (17, -2).

2 points

Question 33

  1. The following is the graph of f(x) = x2 – 8x + 15. Graph including the points (0, 10), (1, 4), (2, 0), (3, negative 2), (4, negative 2), (5, 0), (6, 4).

2 points

Question 34

  1. Write the equation for the area (A) in terms of length ( Imported Asset ) of a playground if the width (w) is one half as long as the length ( Imported Asset ). You do not need to solve the equation.
    A = 2 Imported Asset
    A = 2 Imported Asset 2
    Imported Asset
    Imported Asset

2 points

Question 35

8.04 Geometry Unit Exam

Question Description

Question 1

  1. The opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.

2 points

Question 2

  1. In a rectangle, the opposite sides are congruent.

2 points

Question 3

  1. If a parallelogram is a rectangle then the diagonals are congruent.

2 points

Question 4

  1. The following is a rhombus, therefore angle CDA is congruent to angle BDA
    parallelogram ABCD with diagonals BD and AC

2 points

Question 5

  1. If a quadrilateral is a kite, then its diagonals bisect each other.

2 points

Question 6

  1. ABCD is a parallelogram. If AE is equal to one-half b plus 1 and EC is equal to b – 15, find the measure of AE.
    parallelogram ABCD with diagonals BD and AC that cross at point E

    Question 7

    The diagonals of rhombus FGHJ intersect at point K. If side GK is equal to 3x – 5 and side JK is equal to 4x – 8, find x.

    Question 8

    A rectangle ABCD has the following sides. Find x and y.
    rectangle ABCD, side AB measures y, side BC measured y minus x, side CD measures 3 and side DA measures 4

    Question 9

    ABCD is a parallelogram. If angle B is equal to (2x)° and angle A is equal to (-x + 120)°, find x.
    parallelogram ABCD

    Question 10

    ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB is equal to 2x + 1 and CD is equal to x + 13, find x.
    parallelogram ABCD with diagonals BD and AC that cross at point E

    Question 11

    Triangle ABC and DEF are congruent. Find x.
    triangle ABC, side AB measures x plus 6, side BC measures x, side CA measures x plus 4, triangle DEF, side DE measures 3 x minus 5

    Question 12

    Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DFE. Find x.
    triangle ABC, side AB measures 10, side BC measures 20 and side CA measures 12, triangle DFE, side EF measures x minus 13

    Question 13

    Triangle RSV is congruent to triangle TVS. Find x and y.
    triangle RSV similar to triangle TVS, side RS measures y, side RV measure 1, side TV measures negative x plus 4 and side ST measures 4 x minus y

    Question 14

    Triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DFE. Find x.
     triangle ABC, angle A equals 33 degrees, angle B equals 100 degrees and angle C equals 47 degrees, triangle DFE, angle F equals 2 x plus 1 degrees

    Question 15

    Triangles QVS and RTS are similar. Find side VS.

    triangle QVS similar to overlapping smaller triangle RTS, segment QV equals 16, segment VS equals x, segment RT equals 8 and segment TS equals 20

    Question 16

    Triangles WSR and TVR are similar. Find x.
    triangle WSR similar to larger triangle TVR, segment WS equals 8, segment RW equals x plus 8, segment TV equals 12 and segment RT equals x plus 14

    Question 17

    Triangle ABE is similar to triangle ACD. Find y.
    triangle ABE similar to larger triangle ACD, segment AB equals 4, segment AC equals 6, segment BE equals x, segment AE equals y, segment ED equals 7 and segment CD equals 3

    Question 18

    Triangles MOP and MNQ are similar. Find x.
    triangle MOP similar to smaller triangle MNQ, segment MQ equals 15, segment QP equals x, segment MN equals 12 and segment NO equals 5

    Question 19

    Find x.
    circle S with inscribed triangle PQR, side PR goes through point S, side PQ is congruent to side QR, angle P equals 6 x minus 6 degrees, angle R equals x plus 9 degrees

    Question 20

    Find x.
    circle S with inscribed triangle PQR, side PR goes through point S, side PQ is congruent to side QR, angle P equals x minus 10 degrees, angle R equals 2 x plus 10 degrees

    Question 21

    Point C is the center of the circle. Angle ACB measures 56 degrees What is the measure of arc AB?
    circle C with central angle ACB and point D on the major arc

    Question 22

    Point C is the center of the circle. What is the measure of angle ACB if arc ADB measures 250 degrees ?
    circle C with central angle ACB and point D on the major arc

    Question 23

    Point C is the center of the circle. What is the measure of arc AB if angle ACB is equal to 80 degrees ?
    circle C with central angle ACB

    Question 24

    Point C is the center of the circle. What is the measure of arc ADB if angle ACB is equal to 102 degrees ?
    circle C with central angle ACB and point D on the major arc

    Question 25

    Angle C is an inscribed angle of circle P. Angle C measures x plus 8 degrees and arc AB measures (-8x) negative 8 x degrees . Find x.
    circle P with inscribed angle ACB

    Question 26

    Point C is the center of the circle. If angle ACB measures
    4 x plus 12 degrees and AB measures (x + 13) x plus 13 degrees , find x.
    circle C with central angle ACB and point D on the major arc

    Question 27

    Circles M and K are congruent, arc QR is congruent to arc LN . Find the length of segment QR .
    circle M with chord QR, measuring 4 x minus 10, circle K with chord LN measuring 2 x plus 2

    Question 28

    Circles M and K are congruent, arc QR is congruent to arc LN and arc OP is congruent to
    arc VW . Find x and y.
    circle M with chord QR, measuring x plus 5, circle K with chord LN measuring 2 x plus 10

    Question 29

    Circles M and K are congruent, arc QR is congruent to arc LN and arc OP is congruent to
    arc VW . Find x and y.
    circle M with chord QR, measuring x plus 2 and chord WV measuring y, circle K with chord LN measuring y and chord PO measuring 2x minus 1

    Question 30

    Circles M and K are congruent, arc QR is congruent to arc LN and arc OP is congruent to
    arc VW . Find x and y.
    circle M with chord QR, measuring 8 and chord WV measuring 2 x, circle K with chord LN measuring 3 x plus 4 y and chord PO measuring 5 y minus 3

    Question 31

    Find the measure of arc BC if angle A is equal to 18 degrees and measure of arc DC measures 48 degrees .
    circle with points B, C and D on the circle, point A outside the circle, line ABC through the circle and line AC tangent to the circle

    Question 32

    Segment AB and segment BC are tangent to circle D. Find x if Segment AB = segment BC and segment BC = 7. Find x. circle D with points A and C on the circle, point b outside the circle, segments BA and BC are tangent

    Question 33

    Segment AB and segment BC are tangent to circle D. Find x if Segment AB = -x + 6 and segment BC = 3x + 1. Find x.
    circle D with points A and C on the circle, point b outside the circle, segments BA and BC are tangent

    Question 34

    Find x.
    circle with points A, B, C, and D on the circle, segments AC and BD crossing at point E inside the circle, arc BC is 65 degrees, arc AD is 80 degrees and angle BEC is x degrees

    Question 35

    Find angle A if measure of arc DE is equal to 23 degrees and measure of arc BC is equal to 15 degrees .
    circle with points B, C, D and E on the circle, point A outside the circle, line ABC through the circle and line ACE through the circle

stat quiz please answer

Question Description

In a normal distribution, ____________ of the data values lie within ____________ standard deviations of the mean.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 25 pts

The Empirical Rule applies to ____________ distributions, whereas Chebyshev’s Rule applies to ____________ distributions.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 35 pts

The ____________ normal distribution has the largest mean. The ____________ normal distribution has the largest standard deviation.

Normal Distributions.PNG

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 45 pts

In a ____________ distribution, ____________ data values are ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 55 pts

In a normal distribution :

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 65 pts

The ____________ under the ____________ of a normal distribution is always ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 75 pts

For a normally distributed set of values with a mean of 80 and a variance of 16, approximately 68 % of the values fall between ____________ and ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 85 pts

In a normal distribution, the mean is 200 and standard deviation of 10. Then, about ____________ of data values fall between ____________ and ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 95 pts

In a normal distribution with mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 5 , what percentage of data values are bigger than 105 ?

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 105 pts

A normally distributed data set has a mean of 15 and a standard deviation of 3. Then, about 95 % of the data values fall between ____________ and ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 115 pts

In a normal distribution with mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 5 , what percentage of data values are between 90 and 110 ?

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 125 pts

A normal distribution has a mean of 25 and a standard deviation of 3. Then, about ____________ of data values fall between ____________ and ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 135 pts

A normal distribution has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10. What percent of data values lie between 80 and 120 ?

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 145 pts

In a data set, Q1 = 700, Q2 = 720 and Q3 = 800. Then the value 430 is ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 155 pts

If a data value x lies between the lower and upper fences, then x is ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 165 pts

In a data set, Q1 = 700, Q2 = 720 and Q3 = 800. Then the value 935 is ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 175 pts

In a data set, Q1 = 700, Q2 = 720 and Q3 = 800. Then the extreme lower fence is equal to ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 185 pts

In a data set, Q1 = 700, Q2 = 720 and Q3 = 800. Then the value 120 is ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 195 pts

The Five Number Summary does NOT contain the ____________.

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Flag this QuestionQuestion 205 pts

A ____________ is a graphical display of the ____________.

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stat research report

Question Description

Descriptive Statistics Project:For this project you will be collecting data on some type of group difference and performing avariety of descriptive statistics using SPSS and the skills learned in class. First, you will need to collectdata on some type of group difference. For example, a group difference you might want to investigate isgender differences. In society there are many perceived gender differences. Some of these perceivedgender differences may exist and others may only be false stereotypes. If you want, you can use genderas one of your variables and then select a second variable you wish to investigate. Choose a variable thatis of interest to you such as academics, a hobby, or even a stereotype you believe may be inaccurate.If you are not interested in gender differences, there are many other groups that you couldinvestigate. For example, you could examine students in a Greek organization versus students not in aGreek organization. You could study students who live on-campus versus students who live off-campus,or even people who exercise daily versus people who do not exercise at all.First, select the two groups of people you want to study (eg., men & women). Then select avariable you wish to investigate (e.g., number of study hours per week a freshman studies). The morecreative you are, the better! Further, collect data that you might be able to utilize for future projects in thiscourse. (**Please note that RR#2 is an Independent Samples t-test. Therefore, we would hope thatyou could use your same data for RR#1 AND RR#2. Using Interval or Ratio data for a DependentVariable is necessary. Nominal or Categorical Data for your Dependent Variable would not beappropriate)!**Make sure that your dependent variable meets the Institutional Review Board’s (IRB)criteria. Pages 212-216 of the Homework Packet provides information on which variables andtopics are NOT exempt from receiving automatic institutional approval.Collect data from exactly 16 people in your first group, and exactly 16 people in yoursecond group. (So if you are investigating gender differences, for example, collect data from exactly 16females and 16 males). Ask each participant your question or get your measurement. Please try andkeep the subject responses confidential (you will be more likely to get honest and accurateanswers—this also protects the subject). Record your data in a table that includes the participants’group and their response.2**When completing this project, please watch for differences between the project guidelines, theversions of SPSS, and the instructions in the Homework Packet**Complete the following:1. Write an introduction explaining the following: (3 points)a) how and where you collected your datab) what you controlled for and could not control for as a researcher(That is, explain what other influences or independent variablesthat you could/did not control that may have resulted in your data set notaccurately representing your groups. [That is (for example), what kindsof factors can control how much sleep a person gets? Were thosefactors that you could control or did not have control over whilecollecting your data?]c) why you are studying these particular variablesd) what you expect to find, and WHY!e) **be sure to add a copy of your data**2. What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable? For each variable identify thefollowing: a) type of data: categorical or measurement (2 points)b) scale of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratioc) Is the dependent variable discrete or continuous?3. Using SPSS, construct a frequency distribution for each group. Include output here. Discuss yourfindings [For example, what scores did most of your participants get; were the scores groupedtogether, or all spread out; etc…]. (1 point)4. Using SPSS, construct a histogram for each group. Include output here. Be sure the axes are clearlylabeled. Based on the graphs, describe the shape and modality of each distribution. (Hint: You willneed to split your file in SPSS) [For example, are your distributions normal? This could impacthow you answer question 5c] (1 point)5. Using SPSS calculate the mean, median, and mode for each group. Include your output. Based onyour findings, answer the following: (2 points)a) What is the average score in each distribution?b) What score corresponds to the 50th percentile in each distribution?c) Which measure of central tendency is the better one to report for each of yourdistributions and explain why?6. Using SPSS, calculate the range, variance, and standard deviation for each distribution. Include youroutput. (1 point)a) Interpret the standard deviation for each group.b) Do you have much variability in your data?c) Which distribution has more variability?7. Using SPSS create a z-distribution for each group. Include/provide your output. (3 points)a) What raw score best corresponds to the top 20% for each distribution?b) What raw score best corresponds to the 30th percentile for each distribution?(Hint: Look up the corresponding z-scores in your tables and find which values in each ofyour distributions best (is closest to) the z-score you looked up)[Using Howell, find the z-scores at the 30th percentile, and the top 20% or 80thpercentile. Now look at your z-distribution for each of your 2 groups and find the zscores that are closest….what are the corresponding raw scores?]8. Summarize your project. In your summary, make sure that you address all control factors that youdiscussed in your introduction. Further, provide insight on why you got the results that you did.(2 points)

Data Set Exercise

Question Description

Data Set Exercise – 20 points each
Use the Data Sets found in Appendix A in the back of your book to complete the following exercises.

1. Refer to the Real Estate data, which report information on homes sold in the Goodyear, Arizona, area last year. Consider the following variables: selling price, number of bedrooms, township, and distance from the center of the city.

a. Which of the variables are qualitative and which are quantitative?

b. Determine the level of measurement for each of the variables.

2. Refer to the Real Estate data, which reports information on homes sold in the Goodyear, Arizona, area during the last year. Select an appropriate class interval and organize the selling prices into a frequency distribution. Write a brief report summarizing your findings. Be sure to answer the following questions in your report.

a. Around what values do the data tend to cluster?

b. Based on the frequency distribution, what is the typical selling price in the first class? What is the typical selling price in the last class?

c. Draw a cumulative frequency distribution. How many homes sold for less than $200,000? Estimate the percent of the homes that sold for more than $220,000. What percent of the homes sold for less than $125,000?

d. Refer to the variable regarding the townships. Draw a bar chart showing the number of homes sold in each township. Are there any differences or is the number of homes sold about the same in each township?

3. Refer to the Real Estate data, which reports information on homes sold in the Goodyear, Arizona, area during the last year. Prepare a report on the selling prices of the homes. Be sure to answer the following questions in your report.

a. Develop a box plot. Estimate the first and the third quartiles. Are there any outliers?

b. Develop a scatter diagram with price on the vertical axis and the size of the home on the horizontal. Does there seem to be a relationship between these variables? Is the relationship direct or inverse?

c. Develop a scatter diagram with price on the vertical axis and distance from the center of the city on the horizontal axis. Does there seem to be a relationship between these variables? Is the relationship direct or inverse?

The software that is recommended to complete these exercises is MegaStat for Microsoft Excel. This was developed by J.B. Orris and is a full-featured Excel add-in that is available at www.mhhe.com/megastat. It will work with Excel 2003, 2007, and 2010. After you access the website you have 10 days to successfully download MegaStat on your local computer. Once installed, MegaStat will remain active in Excel with no expiration date or time limitations. The software performs statistical analysis within an Excel workbook. It does basic functions, such as descriptive statics, frequency distribution, and probability calculations as well as hypothesis testing, ANOVA, and regression. Screencam tutorials are included that provide a walkthrough of major business statistics topics. Help files are built in, and an introductory user’s manual is also included.

However if you use and have access to Minitab, SPSS, or JMP you can use these software tools to solve the business statistics exercises in the text.

Submit the completed Assignment to your Faculty Mentor. Make sure to label the files correctly.

A.1 Data Set 1-Goodyear, Arizona, Real Estate Sales Data Variables Selling price in $000 Number of bedrooms Size of the home in square feet Pool (1 = yes, 0 = no) Distance from the center of the city in miles x, x, Xe = Township x, = Garage attached (1 = yes, 0 = no) X. Number of bathrooms 105 homes sold 263.1 4 2,300 0 17 5 2.0 182.4 4 2,100 194 0 2.0 242.13 2.300 1 12 3 2.0 213.6 2,200 1 16 2 2.5 139.9 2 2,100 281 0 1.5 245.4 2 2,100 11 2.0 327.2 6 2,500 1 15 3 2.0 271.8 2 2,100 921 2.5 2213 2,300 0 18 0 1.5 266.6 4 2,400 13 41 2.0 292.4 4 2,100 4 3 1 2.0 209.0 2 ,700 1 270.8 6 2,500 1 7 1 2.0 246.1 4 2,100 18 3 1 2.0 194.4 2 2,300 3 0 2.0 8 4 11.5 281.3 3 2,100 16 2 2.0 72.7 4 2,200 0 16 3 2.0 207.5 5 2,300 0 240 2.5