Engagement assignment need help

Question Description

I need to find 25 houses online then

  • Construct and interpret a correlation matrix for your data.
  • Show the stepwise process of determining the best regression model to predict PRICE. EXPLAIN the process as you move from the full model to your final model.
  • Using your final model, select values for the independent variables and predict the house’s sales price.
  • detail please see attach

write a paper

Question Description

In your reflective writeup, take 3-5 pages to discuss the methods introduced in the class (regression, forecasting, foresight, and agile strategy). Specifically, what new insights did you gain? Which one(s) will be most useful in your career? What are potential applications for the methods in your current position? Have you begun using any of the methods outside the class?

about math 1a

Question Description

Final Exam Take Home portion

Show all steps “A” through “G” as covered in class and also covered in Section 4.5.

A. Domain B. Intercepts
C. Symmetry D. Asymptotes
E. Intervals of In crease or Decrease F. Local Maximum an d Minimum Values G. Concavity and Points of Inflection


Neatness (writing clearly, use graph paper, staple pages, ….) is 30% of your grade


Aleks Pre Calc Questions 25-30 pre calc questions

Question Description

1) Go to https://www.aleks.com/

2) Sign in on right hand sign of the screen

Username: Ctullman3

Password: Qwer1234!

3) Click “Math 115 Pre Calc”

4) Click “continue my path”

There will be 13 topics.

Each topic has 2-3 question depending on if you get the answer correct.

So probably anywhere from 25-35 Pre Calculus questions.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

QM Course Reflective Write-up

Question Description

In your reflective writeup, take 3-5 pages to discuss the methods introduced in the class (regression, forecasting, foresight, and agile strategy). Specifically, what new insights did you gain? Which one(s) will be most useful in your career? What are potential applications for the methods in your current position? Have you begun using any of the methods outside the class?

Conceptual Assignment

Question Description

Recent Concepts:

For this assignment, you will write a document explaining the connections between the following course concepts:

. Spanning set of a vector space

. Linear dependence / independence of a set of vectors

. Basis of a vector space

. Dimension of a vector space

. The 4 subspaces of a matrix

Quiz 3 – Quick

Question Description

show all work following standard mathematical practice:

1) Each step should show the COMPLETE expression or equation, not just a piece of it.

2) Each new step should follow logically from the step above it, following rules of algebra.

3) Each new step should be beneath the previous step.

4) The equal sign ( = ) should only connect equal numbers or expressions.

Comment 2 Topic 4 DQ 1

Question Description

Experimental research design deals with constructing research that is high in causal (internal) validity. As such randomized experimental designs provide the highest levels of causal validity while quasi‐experimental designs have a number of potential threats to their causal validity. Non-experimental designs – correlational research is however low in internal validity.

Please make a two-parragraph commenting the text above.

Complete Business Math WORKSHEET (CRTUCH)

Question Description


The purpose of this assignment is for you to create a line graph by using data within a table, and then analyze the data to determine any trends occurring toward profit. Click here to access the template for this assignment. Save all of your work to the template before submitting it in Blackboard for grading.

Comment 1 Topic 5 DQ 1

Question Description

We know that knowledge obtained through investigation provides evidence on which we base our procedures, practices, and policies. This can no doubt improve care and safety of both within communities as well as among individuals.

So, how do observations we make help control diseases or health concerns? How could we have quality investigations in efforts to achieve this?