Advance In GPS Technology: Working Principle, Applications, And Future Scope

Working Principle of GPS Technology                                                             
This assignment mainly focuses on advance in GPS system. Previously tracking a device was difficult however, with the advancement of technology and discovery of the GPS system, tracing a device …

Virtual Private Network (VPN): A Complete Overview

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?The VPN or the Virtual private network can be explained as the service that helps in establishing a secure connection between two remote locations using the public internet services. The virtual private network helps in the process of enhancing the security services with the use of the secure medium.  The Use of the VPN is one of the most secured network transmitting protocol that can be used, but it …

SAP Implementation For Ford Motor: Analysis, Risks, Opportunities

Background of Ford MotorThe report is created for Ford Motor that have a requirement of implementation of SAP in their current business process for the management of the growth of the organization. A cloud based web application is selected for deployment such that the initial investment cost of the SAP system should be kept minimum (Chang 2016). The risk and the advantages of the implementation of SAP in the current business process is analyze…

Review Of Journal Articles On Business Management

Article 1This report aims at reviewing the five journal articles of business management provided by different authors. Each article is related to an important business function or area. The review is based on the major findings of the articles and their uses for the managers as well as for the researchers. The review is provided along with the information of the author’s name, the title of the article and also the title of the journal in…

Strategic Analysis Of BHP Billiton: Controversies, Criticisms & Environmental Essay.

Strategic Development of BHP BillitonBHP Billiton, commonly known as BHP, is the largest natural resources company in the world. The company is headquartered in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It was formed in the year 2001 by merging Billiton PLC and BHP Limited. The dual structure if the structure of the company comprising of BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton PLC operates as one business which has combined assets known as BHP Billiton, h…

Interview With Lankan Filling Station Restaurant Manager About Managerial Roles In Hotel Industry

Challenges in Managing the Hotel IndustryAn interview is a conversation between two or more people where one asks questions and the other responds. In the normal interview process, the interviewer asks questions while the interview responds allowing notes to be taken.  This is thus a transfer of information where the interviewer seeks to understand a few things about the respondent. Interviews are used in research because they allow the r…

Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Of Indian Customers Towards Organic Apparel: An Analysis Using TpB Model

Importance of TpB model in analyzing green consumer practices in Indian market1.The given article attempts to understand different factors which affect the intention of Indian customers towards purchasing the organic apparel. The given literature reviews the opinions and studies of different authors and most significantly, Theory of Planned Behavior Model is applied to analyze the purchase intention of Indian consumers to organic cloths. In th…

Poetry Analysis Of ‘Those Winter Sundays’ And Other Selected Poems

‘We Real Cool’ by Gwendolyn BrooksThe light and dark in the “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden implies the parental sacrifice to rise of the family. Dark implies the challenges that father go through to cater for the family. In the first stanza, cold represents the distance love relationship between the father and son who will never be reconciled (Hayden 9). The speaker in the poem is helpless due to the fears existing from the …

Financial And Non-financial Performance Analysis Of British Heart Foundation

Financial Performance AnalysisThe non-profit companies is centered on attaining a special mission as well as balancing cost efficiency with program efficiency that can facilitate in realizing the most suitable social returns. “British Heart Foundation (BHF)” is positioned as a UK based charity whose vision is to maintain a world within which people does not face pre-mature death or suffer from severe ear disease (Altman, Iwanicz-Dr…

Population Policies In Australia: Should The Government Take An Active Role?

Factors Contributing to Population Growth in AustraliaGlobal population rise is one of the major issues that the world is facing in the modern times. Of late, there have been various arguments about the effects of population rise in different government and other regulatory bodies all over the world. Monitoring the population trends and responding accordingly has been the key adaptive method of the government bodies all around the world. The r…