Do participation in an afterschool athletic program influence college readiness for Chicago Public high school students


The research question is: How does participation in an afterschool athletic program influence college readiness for Chicago Public high school students?

For this required assignment, you will develop a fictitious in-person, phone, or online interview to address the research question above. There are two parts to this assignment (3 to 3.5 pages total not counting references; do not exceed):

Methods essay

Interview protocol (only protocol; not need to conduct)

Part 1 – Methods Essay

In this essay, include:

  1. The specific research question you were looking to answer with this research (What specifically are you looking to answer in .How does participation in an afterschool athletic program influence college readiness for Chicago Public high school students?)
  2. Who are you interviewing (students? if so who? staff members? If so who). 

What were the benefits of this methodology (interview) in answering your question.  What were the limitations?

If you were to conduct additional interviews, would you revise your protocol?  Why or why not?

What would you learn from your interview?  How does what you would learn inform your research question?

  • Part 2 – Interview Protocol

criminal justice Belhaven University Criminal justice


Part 1

Instruction: Read Chapter 1 in its entirety carefully and

1. Discuss why study justice administration?

2. Discuss the various views or perspectives on the criminal justice system:

a. criminal justice process view

b. criminal justice network view

c. criminal justice nonsystem view

d. a true criminal justice system

3. Discuss the consensus versus the conflict perspectives on the right of the government to punish offenders.

4. Discuss crime control through due process

5. Discuss public versus private sector administration

Part 2

Class Discussion/Activity

  1. From your understanding of Chapter 4, how does poverty cause delinquency? Do middle-class youths become delinquent for the same reasons as lower-class youths? Why or why not? Discuss with your classmates supporting your position.

2. What if Scenario?

What if you are a juvenile judge in delinquency court? Very shortly into your job, you find that the majority of juveniles who come before you have highly delinquent parents. Does knowing this and the information you know about social process theories change the way you deal with these youths? Why or why not? Discuss with your classmates.

trauma m6 CTE


You are a child welfare worker and you have been contacted by a local school guidance counselor who has expressed concern that something might be wrong at home. You are informed that shortly after the school year started, Jimmy’s teacher referred him to the guidance counselor, who contacted dad because Jimmy had been behaving oddly in class. Jimmy still doesn’t have friends and is combative with peers. The guidance counselor shares that she is concerned that Jimmy might be depressed or having a hard time at home. At school, Jimmy’s acting apathetic. Jimmy doesn’t seem to care and has told the guidance counselor and teacher repeatedly that it doesn’t bother him if he gets bad grades. You are asked to assess the situation and determine which intervention will help Jimmy while preserving the family, if possible.

Include the following:

Identify the suspected causes of Jimmy’s behaviors.

Explain what the treatment goals are for Jimmy.

  • Identify an evidence-based intervention to be implemented.
  • Explain how this intervention will help address Jimmy’s needs.



Discussion post and one response to peer

Please read your Chapters 8 and 9 in your textbook and review the ICANN Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policies. Next, outline the requirements for a successful complaint for canceling or transferring a domain name under the ICANN policies. Next, please consider that the Coca-Cola Company that owns the domain name and the trademark for the drink, Coca-Cola, is seeking to cancel an allegedly wrongfully obtained domain name of registered by a John Jones who has no relationship to the Coca-Cola Company or their trademarked drink. Please analyze this case based on the ICANN dispute resolution policy requirements and tell us whether you think the Coca-Cola Company will prevail in an ICANN arbitration. Be sure to describe the reasons for your decision on who should win. Be sure also to respond to at least one student with a response of at least 25 words


Violence in America Mod 3


General Instructions:

  1. Use only MS Word or Google Docs to complete writing assignments.
  2. At least two academic sources (think Google Scholar, not Google) should be cited both in-text and in the reference list.
  3. No contractions (i.e. couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t, won’t, don’t, etc.)
  4. No questions.
  5. No quotes. You must put everything into your own words and cite the source from which you got the information.
  6. 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a clear and easy-to-read font like Times New Roman, 12-point size. Double-space your entire paper.
  7. Use the free version of to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  8. Remember that the reference list does not count toward the word minimums!

Choose one of the explanations that work from the textbook and discuss why it is a better indicator than the one you chose for the last assignment. There will be all kinds of academic research on these actual legitimate explanations of criminal behavior. This should be at least 250 words.

Southern Arkansas University Tech Criminal Law 2


Measuring violent crime is a complex and multifaceted task that requires a comprehensive approach. In no less than 250 words, you should choose one method used to measure violent crime, discuss the strengths and limitations of that method, and the challenges involved in accurately measuring violent crime.

General Instructions:

  1. Use only MS Word or Google Docs to complete writing assignments.
  2. At least two academic sources (think Google Scholar, not Google) should be cited both in-text and in the reference list.
  3. No contractions (i.e. couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, can’t, won’t, don’t, etc.)
  4. No questions.
  5. No quotes. You must put everything into your own words and cite the source from which you got the information.
  6. 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a clear and easy-to-read font like Times New Roman, 12-point size. Double-space your entire paper.
  7. Use the free version of to correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  8. Remember that the reference list does not count toward the word minimums!

ECPI University Investigating Careers Questions



In this assignment, you will select an article that presents information on one of the below forensic careers. The article must be from the last twelve months and contain information on how an individual from one of the forensic careers below was able to affect a criminal case. ARTICLE SELECTION IS: FIREARMS EXAMINER.

Draft responses to the questions below, which will address the information found in the public investigations article you selected for this assignment.

  1. Provide a brief summary of the skills, education, and training necessary to go into this forensic profession.
  2. Explain the role that this forensic profession has in the investigative team in crime scene management and forensics.
  3. Examine whether or not observation plays a critical factor in this investigative team member’s daily duties. Explain.
  4. Describe the impact issues with methods used to collect evidence (legally or procedurally) could have on this role’s analysis of the evidence. Justify your opinion

Havard university question


Darin is experiencing personal financial problems. The amount of income he receives from his corporation is barely sufficient to cover his living expenses, the payments due on his mortgage, various credit-card debts, and some loans that he took out to pay for his son’s college tuition. He would like to file for Chapter 7 liquidation just to be rid of the debts entirely, but he knows that he could probably pay them off over a four-year period if he really budgeted and used every cent available to pay his creditors. Darin decides to file for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 7. Are all of Darin’s debts dischargeable under Chapter 7, including the debts incurred for his son’s education? Given the fact that Darin could foreseeably pay off his debts over a four-year period, will the court allow Darin to obtain relief under Chapter 7? Why or why not?

Brics constitution


1. Please refer to the U.S. Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

2. Please refer to the French Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

3. Please refer to the Russian Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

4. Please refer to the Indian Constitution…pdf and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

5. Please refer to the Chinese constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government 

Chicago 20 Plan for homelessness Logic Model revision


Could you revise the logic model to include the following modifications-

1. Please split out Activities from Outputs (as in make it its own section).
2. Get more specific on Activities and Outputs- but please be concise.
3. Elaborate and expand on the “Assumptions” and “External Factors” here? What might we include based on what we know thus far?
4. Lastly, can you include a very brief summary of the program somewhere up top. (refer to example logic model of green share to see how the summary is on the top left hand corner).
5. Choose different colors for the columns. For example the summary, problem, and priorities can be light blue, inputs can be light orange, activities can be light green, outputs cane be light purple, outcomes can be orange in general with short term, mid-term, and long being different shades of orange. Just a suggestion.