criminal law


Select one of the following prompts concerning homicide and answer it in a paragraph or two  .

Start your discussion by letting us know which question below you are answering. This discussion is worth up to ten points. For extra points include any citations, data, resources or links that help illustrate your point or may be a good resource for other students interested in the topic.  Think of yourself as contributing to a conversation.

PROMPT ONE- ALTERNATIVES: In class, before beginning the formal study of homicide law, we considered alternative approaches to violent crime with an emphasis on preventive measures. Slide twenty-eight of the presentation lists several alternatives. Select one of these alternatives or identify your own alternative preventive response to violent crime. Tell us why you selected this measure and what thinkers and authors have written about the idea. Do you think this measure is or will be effective?

PROMPT TWO- DEBATE ON PROVOCATION DEFENSE: In Kadish Chapter 5 in the Notes following the Girourd and Maher cases, the authors raise a series of social and political issues with the provocation defense such. In note number 3 the textbook includes sources debating whether the provocation rule should be abolished. Do you think that the provocation should be abolished? State why or why not.

Crime Victim Processing – DB


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Assignment Details

Computer technology has provided the criminal justice system with a number of benefits such as program algorithms that identify scanned fingerprints and facial recognition. It has increased intelligence and record keeping capabilities. However, it has provided literally millions of potential victims of crime. It started out with financial crimes (such as fraud and ransom software), and it progressed to luring victims to locations for murder, rape, and kidnapping. Victims of computer crimes include the criminal using social media as a weapon.  

The commander of a newly formed cyber-crime unit is very knowledgeable about fraud and various financially motivated viruses. The one thing he is not that familiar with is the impact that social media has on victims of crimes such as cyber bullying and cyber stalking.

The commander has you temporarily attached from the human trafficking and sex crimes unit to bring his cyber teams up to date on how to understand what cyber victims of stalking and bullying are going through and how best to approach them for maximum effective investigation.

Devise a plan on explaining the aspects of cyber bullying and cyber stalking to the cyber-crime unit.

trauma m6 response


Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a well-researched intervention that is effective in helping individuals cope with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. 

TF-CBT is an organized, short-term treatment model that successfully improves a range of trauma-related outcomes in 8-25 sessions with the child/adolescent and caregiver. It involves components such as psychoeducation, relaxation techniques, affective modulation skills, cognitive coping, trauma narrative, conjoin child-parent sessions and processing, in vivo mastery of trauma reminders, and enhancing future safety and development. 

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how TF-CBT works:
1. Psychoeducation: The therapist educates the client about trauma and its effects.
2. Relaxation techniques: The client learns techniques to manage stress and anxiety.
3. Affective modulation skills: The client learns to understand and manage emotions.
4. Cognitive coping: The client learns to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns.
5. Trauma narrative and processing: The client tells their trauma story in a safe environment, which helps them process their experiences.
6. In vivo mastery of trauma reminders: The client gradually faces situations that remind them of the trauma, which helps reduce avoidance behaviors.
7. Conjoint child-parent sessions: The therapist works with the client and caregiver to improve communication and support. 8. Enhancing future safety and development: The client learns skills to help them cope with future challenges. 

Hudson Community College Interviewing as a Social Research Method


Conduct an interview with a colleague at the college or a coworker to learn about how they balance their daily demands and expectations of work, school, family and social relations

  1. List your questions before you set up the meeting with that individual. Keep in mind that questions come in two different categories. One centers on demographic variables such as age, gender, race, education level, employment status, marital status, income, and the like. The second category of questions are subject-related and center on specific questions relating to the topic at hand. In this case, the questions should refer to the balancing acts of daily demands, stress, and type of work, family expectations and the like. Your questions should cover these two categories. Note that the quality of your questions and how they are raised determine the quality of your research results.
  2. Highlight important features of interviewing as a research method.
  3. Describe the interview setting including time and place.
  4. Describe the interview process and questions and answers.
  5. What conclusions have you reached about this individual and their stress level and how they balance their daily activities.
  6. Which sociological theory or theories have guided your questions and the interview?
  7. What lessons have you learned about yourself as an interviewer and a researcher?

NPC Use of Force JW v Paley Discussion


The public’s perception of Use of Force is different from those who are in law enforcement.  Unfortunately, we are in a time where police officers are constantly encountering individuals who want to resist arrest, fight or obstruct a law enforcement officer’s ability to safely complete their job.  It is imperative that law enforcement officers recognize that they have the authority to use the necessary reasonable amount of force to effect an arrest, to prevent an escape, or to overcome any resistance as authorized by the Penal Code.  For the safety of a law enforcement officer and for the well-being of fellow law enforcement officers, it is vital that law enforcement officers know the laws that govern the use of force and how to articulate themselves if they must use force.  

Select a case where you think that law enforcement officers used force.

Explain the case and its outcome.

Do you think that the force that was used in the case that you selected was justifiable?

  • What gives law enforcement officers the authority to use force? 
  • What would be the consequences of injuring a third party?  
  • What authority does the injuring of a third party come from?

Crime Victim Processing – IP


As a victim advocate, your best friend became a victim of a crime of violence after being stalked for several months, and that incident changed your life. You provided comfort and support to your friend during the judicial process and you guided that friend through the criminal judicial process. Your efforts were successful in obtaining the help needed and criminal justice outcomes desired by your friend.

The new prosecutor for whom you have been working as a victims’ witness assistant has had several calls from victims of stalking. Some cases seem more serious than other cases; however, one case that no one in the office thought was serious resulted in the victim’s death. Everyone thought that the couple was just going through a difficult breakup. This case had a tremendous impact on the entire office, especially you.

To help make sure that the office does not minimize a potentially dangerous situation again, the prosecutor has asked you to put together an intake, evaluation, and assessment instrument to be used in taking information on stalking situations. Be sure to check stalking statutes, and cite the elements of the crime of stalking in your documents.

CJ93000Final Week 4 Impact policy on Modern of reoffenders


Compete for the following. In my dissertation, the dissertation is one of the attachments. If you need someone else, I will get the PhD outline. Please information. and make you the information is put into my ppt presentation. 

1. Your Table of Contents is not correct according to APA. Please correct it according to APA guidelines.

2. Your abstract needs to cover the 7 items listed in the checklist (check the PhD checklist on the Walden doctoral website)

3. Your pagination is not correct according to the dissertation template.

4. Chapter 4 is out of alignment with Chapter 3 – you indicate the research was conducted by a ‘team’ and say ‘we,’ it should just be you who conducted the research and ‘I’ in those instances.

5. You discuss the importance of demographics in the proposal, but it is not well covered in Chapters 4 and 5. Please try to elaborate a bit more on the importance of demographics in Chapters 4 and 5.

6. He wants you to have some charts in Chapter 4 to illustrate the findings and draw connections (such as between demographics and themes).

Police agency


Police agencies give their officers freedom. This freedom is known as police discretion.  Police discretion governs and influences the actions of a police officer.  For example, if an officer pulls someone over for speeding, they can use their discretion on whether or not they want to give that person a citation or written warning.  

Post in this discussion  where you discuss the following: 

How do you believe the concept of police discretion impacts the relationship between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve? Does it contribute to building trust or raise concerns about potential bias?

In what situations do you think it’s crucial for police officers to exercise discretion, and are there instances where its application may be more controversial or prone to misuse?

  • To what extent do external factors, such as public opinion or media scrutiny, influence the exercise of police discretion, and should they play a role in shaping law enforcement practices?
  • In your opinion, how can the balance be struck between allowing officers the flexibility to make decisions in the field and ensuring accountability to prevent potential abuses of discretion?

M2 6134 conflict between client


In this module, we have been discussing conflicts that arise between the social worker and the client around religious values, boundary issues, and conflicts of interest.

Once you have posted your case, select another case and reply to it, addressing the following:

  1. Identify and describe the value conflict in the case to which you are replying.
  2. Identify the values of the parties involved in the value conflict, using the NASW Code of Ethics. Identify any personal values that may also be present. You do not have to describe how you would resolve this conflict.
  3. Your final short paragraph will be to highlight any misjudgments that may have been encountered where values were mistaken for knowledge, or knowledge was mistaken for values.

Criminal Justice Ethics and Administration


Each assignment will be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, using default font and margins. When using outside sources, be sure to cite them using APA format. No more than 10% of your paper should be direct quotes. Paraphrase and write in your own words to demonstrate your comprehension of course material. Remember the course you are in Criminal justice Administration and Ethics. I expect you to integrate material from the course into your written assignments. Outside sources such as government reports and reputable newspaper articles are appropriate to use in Assignment 1. Otherwise, you should be using only course materials.

In assignment 2, you will apply the course concepts to explain how it happened, why it happened, and what may be done to prevent or reform the organization.

You will address the following areas in your second assignment 

1.Using the case that you identified in Assignment 1, apply course concepts to explain why and how the situation occurred or was allowed to continue.

2.Provide suggestions based on course materials or research to reform the organization or prevent further similar actions.