University of Louisiana at Lafayette Read this article, “Robert Martinson and Nothing works”


1. Robert Martinson is mentioned on page 1 of your text. Read this article, “Robert Martinson and Nothing works” at 

A. What did Martinson claim? B. What did he later say he really meant by those comments? For this, you will need to click on Martinson Repudiated “Nothing Works!” ? link at the bottom of the article. C. How did this flawed information effect social and criminological attitudes (and, therefore, tax dollars and legislation) about rehabilitation? D. What was the fate of Mr. Martinson? 

2. Between 1980 and 2010, what was the increase in the state and federal prison population in the U.S? 

3. Did rates of recidivism decrease because of mass incarceration? 

4. For those released from prison, how many of them are rearrested within 6 months of release? 

5. Overall, what percentage of people released from prison are:

A. Rearrested?

B. Re-convicted?

C. Re-imprisoned with a new sentence? 

6. Lastly, according to your text, why is reentry important? 

All posts must include copy/pasted questions, in-text citations~ including page numbers~ references, and only 2 sentences of quoted material is permitted. 

A thorough response is required. It is not possible to “over-answer” a question but is easy to “under-answer” one. I will grade according to content, quality, grammar, spelling, accuracy of answer to the questions based on the reading and not opinion, correct citations, and thoroughness of each post throughout this semester. 

Correct citation formatting: 

In-text citations: 

“Sociological jurisprudence is the view that part of law should be devoted to making or shaping public policy and social rules. It is the view that law should be responsive to the changing conditions of our society (Hartley et al., 2018, p. 14).”

Protocol for Evidence Collection


Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious. Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They are considered the most common type of respiratory protection. These masks are considered to be disposable and should be discarded ­after one use.

It is imperative that all personnel involved in entering and processing the crime scene wear personal protective equipment (PPE). This consists of items of clothing that are non-porous, such as crime scene suits, nitrile gloves (double gloving recommended), face masks, and eye protection. These items will protect the CSI from exposure to blood-borne pathogens, most chemical and drug residues, and other contaminants that are health hazards. In addition, hair nets and booties over the shoes will help avoid contamination of the crime scene.

Research the following points, and write a paper fully explaining each point:

Identify and explain 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule established by the U.S. Supreme Court that allow for the search and/or seizure of evidence without a warrant.

Patent medicines used to be dispensed by pharmacists in powder form using a pharmacist’s or druggist’s fold. Explain this method of packaging and why it has been adopted by Crime Scene Investigators for packaging trace evidence.

  • How should investigators handle trace evidence that is stuck on an object found at the crime scene? Explain the exception to this procedure.
  • When a motor vehicle, boat, or aircraft is present, what special considerations should the Crime Scene Investigator take?

Valid enforceable contract


Midwest Grains, Inc. (Grains) is a large, privately-owned Iowa-based supplier of various grains to manufacturers and retailers throughout the country. 

National Bakers, Inc. (Bakers) is a large, family-owned corporation based in New Jersey with operations in 15 states.

On August 30, 2020 representatives for Grains and Bakers verbally agreed for Grains (1) to sell 1000 lbs. of wheat grain to Bakers for market price, to be shipped via truck to the Bakers’ warehouse in New Jersey by September 12, 2020, and (2) to sell 100 lbs. of ground corn to Bakers for market price, to be shipped via truck to the Bakers’ warehouse in New Jersey by November 1, 2020. 

Grains and Bakers have engaged in previous business sales transactions and always commit their verbal agreements to signed written contracts via email.  On September 3, 2020 Grains and Bakers completed a written contract to reflect their agreement for the sale and shipment of grains.

Write a valid enforceable contract that reflects the September 3 agreement between Grains and Bakers, as described above.

This is to be your own work, not use a standard form contract from the internet.

Assume that beginning in the summer, 2020, there is an oversupply of grain that is driving prices down. Consequently, on September 1, 2020, US Congress enacted a law, popularly called the Limited Grain Act (‘LGA’), that temporarily bans the production and sale of all grains in the US, and provides for payment of a subsidy to farmers for not growing grains. 

Grains and Bakers were unaware of this ban when they signed the September 3 contract for the sale of grains.

Lehman College Criminal justice POL 217


part 1)Please read Jared Diamond Chapter 2 (the PDF on the Course Content section) about traditional justice in New Guinea and answer/ respond to the following questions.

-How is justice different in New Guinea than in western industrialized societies like the US, Canada and Europe?

-What were the consequences for the driver if the victims family did not accept his apology and peace offering?

-What is Jared Diamond’s critique of modern western justice systems?

-Which system is better for victims? Traditional justice, or modern western justice systems?

-What can the US and other countries learn from this example?

Part2) The summer of 2020 saw a surge in violent crime in NYC and nation wide and many competing theories emerged to explain this violence. Listen to the Podcast “A Surge in Shootings” from August 24th, 2020 .

According to the podcast, what are the three competing explanations for what was driving the surge in violent crime in NYC that summer? Which of these theories do you find more convincing, and have you seen any evidence from news stories or your personal experience as to why this might be driving crime up? Do you feel that any of these theories is more or less compelling 2 years later?

Debates about the root causes of a rise or decrease in crime are important because they influence policy decisions about what the police, courts and government should do. What are the policy implications of the theory you find most convincing for the rise in crime and do you think that this will address the root issue?

Research Methods


For this discussion, you will explain how you’ve narrowed your general research question from Week 1 (or replaced it) down to a testable hypothesis. [You may want to refer to my notes on Section 3.1 for this]. With your hypothesis in hand, use the library databases to identify an empirical research report (a journal article with statistical tests) that tests your hypothesis (or a very similar one). 

In your post, provide a properly formatted APA reference page citation for the article. What precisely were the hypotheses and variables evaluated in the study? How were they measured? What are some of the strengths of this study? What are some weaknesses? What conclusions did the authors reach about the hypothesis? Did they make recommendations for future researchers (you) to consider? If you were to conduct this research as a student, what would be your major limitations? (too much time, money, statistical expertise, etc.). How could you work around some of these limitations?  

For your response posts (make at least two), try to help out your fellow students by evaluating how they could go about testing their hypothesis if they were actually to do the research as a student (without millions of dollars in grant funds). Where could they get data? What are some pitfalls that they should be concerned about? Keep in mind that the goal here is to show me that you can apply the information in this module to a real-world project!

criminal justice Grambling State University the numbered questions and include the references after each question


1. Durkheim treats deviance and crime as objective, measurable social facts. Deviance is both normal (ALL societies have patterns of deviance/crime) and pathological (patterns of deviance/crime are statistically infrequent compared to conforming behavior patterns). Explain how recreational marijuana use may be both normal and pathological social behavior. If most people have used marijuana (“normal”), how can it be defined as deviant (“pathological”)?

2. Erikson argues that deviance is NOT an objective quality of behavior; rather, social audiences label deviance based on directly or indirectly witnessing such behavior. In short, deviance is less about statistical evidence and more a quality of social reaction. Using drunk driving as an example, how does audience reaction establish boundaries between recreational drinking and drunk driving, especially the legal response to the latter? In your answer pay particular attention to age of offenders as an important boundary.

3.Discuss Merton’s concept of anomie (the disjunction of cultural goals, institutionalized means, and the actual distribution of opportunities (e.g., educational, economic) to achieve the cultural goals. What is the most important cultural goal according to Merton? Define and discuss the five individual adaptations to anomie Merton identifies.

4. Define and discuss Hagedorn’s ideal types of “homeboys, dope fiends, legits, and new jacks” (p. 57). Pay particular attention to how each of these types represents Merton’s five adaptations to anomie. How does Hagedorn update Merton’s theory with the addition of racial discrimination as obstacle to goal achievement?

M2 6134 Discussion


John B., a therapist in a small town, agreed to see a new patient who was also the mother of a friend of John B.’s child. He knew the family had financial issues. Wishing to be of service, John B. decreased his fee to accommodate the patient.

John B. saw the patient for six months, never receiving payment for the sessions. He sent several notices that went unpaid. Finally, he and the patient agreed to terminate their arrangement due to the patient’s inability to pay his fee. The patient agreed to pay his fee in installments and, once paid, they would revisit the possibility of treatment.

He sent one, two, three billing notices to the client’s home without response. Getting frustrated, he finally sent notification to the client’s fax machine at her office, but the client did not report to work that day. The bill was titled “psychological services rendered” and handwritten in large print was “Third Notice—OVERDUE!!” with the client’s name. This notice sat in an open access mail tray of the busy office all day.

For your original post, answer the following questions:

  1. What should the worker have done in the beginning of the professional relationship?
  2. Discuss at what point the social worker could have intervened to avoid the conflict? If this produced a dysfunctional outcome, state why.
  3. What are duties and obligations of the worker in this case? Refer to the NASW Code of Ethics, where applicable.

Timeline and Project Management Plan


As an old saying goes, “Plan the work and work the plan.” Every successfully funded initiative starts with a well-thought-out plan of action that shares with the funding agency the vision for accomplishing the work. This component of a grant proposal is a plan aligned with project goals and objectives that outlines the activities that will need to be completed, as well as identifies the people and time needed for success. Planning these resources will help you as you build your budget.

In this assignment, you develop a timeline of activities and a project management plan of the resources involved with the project. You will include these components in the Wk 5 Summative Assessment: Grant Proposal.

Assignment Deliverable

Write a summary of the plan for accomplishing your criminal justice initiative as if you were a grant writer seeking approval from the Chief or other designated officer for including the plan in a grant proposal. 

Create a timeline of key activities and tasks for the initiative. You may use a list, a table, or a spreadsheet to show the items in the timeline. Include the following for each activity or task in the timeline:

Determine the duration of the individual activity and any sub-activities.

Allocate a key staff individual or key staff role to the activity and identify any relevant partnerships or collaboration associated.

  • Denote materials or resources needed for the activity or task.
  • Submit your summary and timeline for your assignment.
  • Assignment Support

CJS-1105-500 Sinclair Community College – Week $ – Inchoate crimes


Now that you’ve studies the inchoate crimes of attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy, complete the following tasks in a Discussion post:

In your own words, explain the crime of attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy (pick one). Be sure to identify each of the elements of that offense that must be proven by a prosecutor.

Describe a hypothetical scenario where a person who has committed that offense, and didn’t complete commission of the target offense, should be punished as severely as a person who did complete commission of the target offense (e.g., a situation where a person who conspired to rob a bank with others but didn’t actually rob the bank, but should be punished as severely as if they had actually robbed the bank). What specific facts would make the inchoate offense just as severe as if the person had committed the target offense?

  1. Describe a hypothetical scenario where a person who has committed that offense and didn’t complete commission of the target offense should be punished significantly less severely than a person who completed the target offense (e.g., a situation where a person who conspired to rob a bank but didn’t actually rob the bank should be punished less severely than they would have if they actually robbed the bank). What specific facts would make the inchoate offense significantly less severe than having actually committed the target offense?

Comparative Analysis of Offender Decision-Making in Burglary and Auto Theft Question


NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resources you need to complete assignments are to be found in the assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use of ChatGPT, Bard, and other forms of AI to complete coursework is defined as a form of cheating (With the exception of the editor function in Word, which you are encouraged to utilize.).

Chapters three & five assignment:

In your own words, respond to the following. Make sure you write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count.

  1. Offer a brief summary of each of the two articles. Here I am looking for two well-developed paragraphs for each of the two articles. Make sure to cover the following: Compare and contrast these two articles. On which points do they converge? On which points do they diverge? What is the single most important point made in each article?

Your submission should be a minimum of six well-developed paragraphs. Remember, a well-developed paragraph consists of at least five complete sentences. Proofread prior to submission.

Chapter 3 article is : Deciding to commit a burglary Richard T. Wright and Scott H decker

Chapter 5 article: Auto Theft and Restrictive Deterrence Bruce A. Jacobs and Michael Cherbonneau.

The required book is Cromwell, P. F., & Birzer, M. L. (2016). In their own words: Criminals on Crime (7th ed.). Oxford University Press.