ADA Disability Accommodations List for complex combined medical issues


I would love assistance (preferably from an attorney /disabilities advocate) to assist with listing the accommodations needed below in a proper legal manner by letter. I will list the general accommodations needed below and will need you to write them to be more formal in an adadisability accommodations letter request to provide to my doctor to sign and utilized so forth Specifically currently to help in graduate school program (I’m in my final internship in a full time online program…however internship typically is combined in person so I just need to turn in accommodations do the school and field supervisor can support me fully virtually.Issues/disability request- 1. Due to this students Ada dysability medical this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a virtual at home internship and school option permanently. 2. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided individual support and and schoolwork option permanently.3. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an audio option and verbal method of providing schoolwork /tevera and any internship needs option permanently to accommodate the medical symptoms and Ada disability needs she has. 4. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option for all learning to be video, audio or in checklist format. 5. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option to complete school work anytime as she is medically able to permanently as each day. 6. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a permanent option for all meetings virtually to be without the camera on at times due to medical disabilitu symptoms. If the student cannot be present please accommodate her permanently for meetings as she is medically able to even if this means extending the semester to provide additional time /months /year until she is able to medically attend and provide an alternate virtual home option. 

criminal justice



A two-year-old child was found crawling in the middle of a two-lane country road by a woman who happened to be driving by at the time. The woman picked the child up out of the road and called the police. The child was only wearing a diaper. Two police officers went to a nearby home and found the child’s mother who appeared intoxicated. A seven-year-old boy was also found in the home asleep on the couch. The police found fentanyl and drug paraphernalia in the home on a coffee table in the living room. However, very little food was found in the home. The mother was arrested and placed in jail. Social services placed the children with their paternal grandmother after taking them to the hospital for an exam. 

From this scenario, write an essay from the point of view of you being an investigator answering the following questions:

Who should you interview in the investigation and why? ( Remember that important witnesses may not be mentioned directly in the Case Scenario. Remember to list both who you should interview and why. Ten points will be deducted if the essay does not list why the witnesses should be interviewed in the investigation of child maltreatment)

Choose one essential witness you want to interview and describe how you would properly conduct that interview.  (Remember to include at least three aspects of how you would properly conduct the interview such as the setting, phases, etc. You may also want to review  who would be considered an essential witness such as the suspect, victim, reporting source, and others who saw or heard what happened. Ten points will be deducted if that witness is not an essential witness to the allegations of child maltreatment.)

List five important things you would want to find out from the essential witness. (These do not have to be in question form, but information from the essential witness that you would need to know as the child maltreatment investigator. )

From the facts given, what types of possible child maltreatment are present? (Give the basis (ie. sign or indication) for each type based on the facts given.)

ECPI Creating Grouping Labelling and Placing your Shopping List in Order Questions



Step 1: Begin by making a “shopping list”.  Use a word or two to describe each point that is covered in the scenario until you have a list of all the ideas covered. (Upscale apartment, assault call, bloody nose, red marks, etc.). 

NOTE 1: Names, addresses, and other such facts should be written out completely.

NOTE 2: The facts that you gathered and are now making a list out of will not be in the order that you will use them in your report.

NOTE 3: By making your shopping list, you have started to put the information from your notes into a manageable form.

Step 2: Now that you have created your shopping list, the next step will be to group by similar ideas, facts, or information that logically fits together.

Note: Statements made by a particular person should almost always be placed in a group by themselves.

NOTE 2: Give yourself plenty of room in which to work. Using a pencil and eraser can make the task easier, but do not worry about neatness.

NOTE 3: This is for your use only in planning your report.

Step 3: Your next task is to name or label each of the groups that you have established. (At a minimum, you should have the following labels: Responding officers; victim’s information, suspect’s information, apartment crime scene).

NOTE: Use from one to five words to describe the major topic of the group

Step 4: You are now ready for the final phase of the planning process: placing the labeled groups in a logical order.

NOTE 1: The groups should be put in an order that makes the most sense, assists your reader in understanding the report, or puts emphasis on the message that you are trying to impart.

NOTE 2: Often, the groups are arranged in chronological order. Keep in mind that every report needs three things: an introduction, a body of information, and a conclusion (Much like that of a research paper). 

NOTE 3: The body of your report comes from your labeled groups.

Once all the steps are completed, students will submit a Word document outlining their labeled shopping lists grouped together in a logical flow. 

Terroris, and homeland security


Assignment 1: Our readings this week identify some strategies and challenges for using intelligence-led policing (ILP) to fight crime.  At the federal level, nearly every agency with federal law enforcement officers has some type of intelligence support.  However, the ILP we discuss this week is focused on city & state law enforcement organizations.

Choose a city or state in the United States and select a position (do you believe it would be effective or not) and write a policy paper providing recommendations to implement ILP, or not to implement it ( or remove it), and explain why.  Whichever choice you make, you will need to analyze both sides of the issue. Some people see great benefits in information sharing, and some people see huge problems with civil rights and civil liberties abuse.  You are writing this for the Chief of Police in the town of your choosing. This is not a history paper. The Chief knows the history.  Explain WHY you recommend or do not recommend using ILP.

Name:  Jane Smith

Subject (One sentence):  Keep it short and to the point.  (e.g. Development of Intelligence-Led Policing in Alaska)

Goal Statement (one paragraph):  Identify exactly what the goal is. 

Issues & Analysis (1/2 -3/4 page): Identify TWO issues which must be addressed if ILP were to be implemented or not implemented and write 1-2 paragraphs on each.

Insert a small title in front of each paragraph (e.g. Need to Hire Intelligence Analysts; Cross-train injured Police Officers; Cross-Train Crime Analysts; Leaking of Privacy Data; Security Clearances).  Analyze whether it could or could not work. 

Consider the decision-maker’s point of view. Is cost an option?  Training?  Civil rights and civil liberties? Legal challenges?  Will the workforce push back?  Do you need more people or funding?  Can workers be cross-trained?  

Recommendation (1/2-3/4 page): Based on the issues above, explain how to make ILP work, or the benefit of not using it.  The above section is much more in the weeds about the two issues you select.  In this section, you want to be more macro-level, or strategic, about your recommendation and the impact on the city.

Organizational Development 1C


For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a criminal justice organizational issue. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.
The following elements should be included in your essay:

During the last few years public confidence in the criminal justice system has declined significantly. Elected officials and criminal justice leaders have been tasked with initiating a wide variety of reforms and revisions to criminal justice practices, policies and systems.
Using this situation as a backdrop select a criminal justice entity of your choice either law enforcement, corrections or courts. Develop a proposed strategy to reform either some part of the organizational structure or a policy. The following elements or concepts should be included in your reform proposal: 

   Summarize the rationale or justification for the proposed reform. Provide some basic facts to support the change. Discuss what performance or outcome measures will be used to gauge the success of the reform.
•    Discuss the concept of organizational frames. Describe any that might be useful for developing this proposed reform.
•    Describe how the hierarchy of the organization might need to be modified or refocused to achieve the desired outcomes of the reform?  
•    Elaborate on any management or leadership changes to the organization that would be needed to implement the proposed reform?
•    Explain the open and closed systems theory as it applies to management. Discuss how these systems might affect the success of the proposed reform.
•    Discuss any complex internal constituencies that might need to be considered to ensure success in the proposed reform.

BCC planning discussion


In my previous field placement, I had the privilege of working with a fantastic field instructor who had a unique hands on approach to teaching. One of the essential elements that contributed to my learning the most was her willingness to go out into the field with us and take on new tasks without any hesitation. For example, when we were tasked with contacting clients’ family members to provide them with free glasses, my instructor would demonstrate the right way to reach out to clients on the phone, providing us with valuable guidance. Then, as a student, I had the opportunity to practice reaching out to clients myself, putting my newly acquired skills to the test.

Another approach my instructor took was to provide us with a PowerPoint presentation on the demographics of the clients we served. This was incredibly beneficial as it prepared us for how to communicate with our clients effectively. Lastly, I found that participating in professional development days and site visits was an invaluable experience. It gave me an opportunity to learn more about the operation of domestic violence shelters, for example, and how they are run. Overall, my field instructor’s hands-on approach to teaching and willingness to take us out into the field greatly contributed to my learning experience.

During my time in the field, I was fortunate enough to not encounter any negative experiences. However, there was one emotional moment that caught me off guard. While I was on a field placement, one of my clients unexpectedly passed away. This was a situation that had not been discussed in my classes yet, so I felt unprepared to deal with it. It was a difficult time, but it taught me how to navigate life situations like this. Looking back, I wish I had been better prepared for such an event.(Tiffany)

ECPI IBR Police Sullivan Report


Police officers complete reports for every call to which they respond. These reports record important details of an event and are the foundation for ongoing investigations, prosecutions, and supplemental reports. It is then of utmost importance to the officer to be as factual and clear as possible when filling out these reports.

Before you begin, be sure to review the following resources:


After watching the video provided above that involves a routine police call/investigation, use the blank Incident Report Form Download Incident Report Formfrom the fictitious state of Barnett, as well as this List of Codes Download List of Codes to correctly fill out the incident report form for the bank robbery incident above.

Please note that you will need to download the form and open it in Excel in order to see the complete list of codes. In addition, the report form requires you to provide a narrative report, so be sure to follow the rules for a narrative report as discussed previously to complete this part of the assignment.

Do not enter any information in the grayed-out areas of the form. The other areas will either allow you to type text or there will be a drop-down menu where you will select the correct answer based on the materials provided.

Important Note

  1. Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Police reports become part of the public record and may be used in court. You want to make a good impression to be considered knowledgeable and reliable.
  2. Consider your audience. Use Standard English (not slang, police codes, or abbreviations) so that anyone reading the report understands the meaning clearly.

Organizational Development


For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a criminal justice organizational issue. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

The following elements should be included in your essay:

You are a governmental manager who is responsible for supervising a chief executive of a criminal justice agency (You can choose either law enforcement or corrections). You have just been forced to fire that executive for their leadership lapses which led to a scandal involving misconduct by their employees. You need to hire a replacement to restore confidence from both the community and the members of the department.
• Using the concepts from this week’s Read sections draft a job QUESTION that will be part of the job advertisement for hiring the new chief executive for the agency.
• Discuss what leadership traits you will be looking for in the newly hired chief executive. Incorporate discussion of the leadership theories from our text to support these choices.
• What types of experience should this person possess to be successful in this new executive position?
• Describe how you will evaluate this new executive after one year on the job. What performance measures do you intend to measure to assess their effectiveness as a leader. Provide four specific areas that you will expect to see improvement in the leadership of the agency. How will you measure these areas?

M1 6401 Response


I learned that I would need a detailed QUESTION of the subject to create single-subject research. To move forward with this research, I would need to gather info about this student’s issues through watching his behavior in the class room over time, and then create measurements around this behavior. Again, this research would be measured over time. Having the social worker observe this client for two weeks as indicated can help him/her create proper measurements and find the information needed to assess the client, and then come up with appropriate interventions.

The data might indicate the child acting increases during the week and then is better at the start of the week. This information could explain that something is happening in the classroom and not at home that might be affecting his behavior. 

The cause indicated may be ADHD. At this point, no one really knows why the student is behaving this way. We are at the beginning stages of this case, where we are exploring and doing research. I think after some testing, observing, research and information gathering, the student might be diagnosed with ADHD. If diagnosed, there are methods that can be used and services the boy might qualify for in his district. 

I would also like to know about his relationship with is family at home. Does he get attention from his mother? Is it negative attention or positive? Also, what was his attachment style like as an infant? Did he get attention as a baby? I would like to know how he is treated by this teacher in the classroom. Is he supported, heard and validated? I would like to know if he can qualify for special services like tutors and SIEDs.  (ilana)

ECPI The Beltway Snipers Claassens Case Summary


The 7 “S’s” of Crime Scene Management

Thanks to recent television dramas, such as CSI Las Vegas and its various spin-offs, the world of a Crime Scene Analyst has become one of fascination and glamour! However, the reality of the profession is one of tedium, research, keen observation, and well—filth! The analyst (often mistakenly referred to as a CSI) is only one small piece of a much larger process known as crime scene management.

Crime scene management is a sequential process performed by an investigative team to ensure all forensic evidence is properly recovered from a crime scene. Regardless of whether it is a minor scene or a major incident, scene management activities must be handled effectively. If the evidence recovery process is carried out in an efficient and logical manner, it will ensure the least amount of evidence contamination or compromise. Additionally, this process will establish professional credibility and examination impartiality to members of the court. In general terms, the 7 “S’s” (or stages) of crime scene management are:

  1. Securing the Scene
  2. Separating the Witnesses
  3. Scanning the Scene
  4. Seeing the Scene
  5. Sketching the Scene
  6. Searching for Evidence
  7. Securing and Collecting Evidence

This course project will require you to perform a summary analysis of a famous criminal case and examine the crime scene management techniques used throughout the case. You will also prepare a written analysis of your findings. The project is worth 20% of your overall grade (4% each). 

Project Overview

Prior to starting, you will select one of the cases below with which to begin your research:

  • John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo (The Beltway Snipers)
  • Dzhokhar and Tamerian Tsarnaev (The Boston Marathon Bombers)
  • The Murder of Elizabeth Short (Black Dahlia)
  • Phillip Markoff (The Craigslist Killer)
  • The Death of Laci Peterson. Instructions