Criminal Justice POL 217


Part 1) 1- Please read this article from last week on the NYT website. You should have access to 3 free articles per month, and if you cant open it try doing so in a private browser. Please discuss this article including the effects of crime on politics, who has ultimate control over crime policy, and whether you think this trend if crime being a major political issue for voters will increase in future elections.

2- Plea and Charge Bargaining
In New York City over 98% of cases are settled by a plea bargain, not a trial. During a plea bargain, the defendant gives up certain rights including the right to a trial, to call witnesses in their defense, to challenge evidence, the right to an appeal, and a variety of other constitutional rights. In exchange for pleading guilty and saving the Prosecutor’s office the expenses, human resources, and time of going to trials which can take weeks or months, the person is offered a more lenient sentence. Giving up one’s right to a trial in order to receive a lighter sentence in known as the “trial penalty” and many have argued that people are being pressured into waiving these and other rights by prosecutors who hold all of the cards. In the case where a person does not want to admit their guilty and instead opts for a trial, prosecutors have historically sought a much harsher sentence that carries substantially more prison time. A critique of the Khalief Browder case, and others, is that defendants are pressured into taking a plea because the costs of going to trial are so high.

At the same time, trials are imperfect, can still result in wrongful convictions and longer sentences, and often take years to be scheduled as lawyers are busy and dockets are full. Many argue that there is simply no realistic alternative to plea bargains and that if everyone had a trial the system would explode.

1) Read the PDF ” Plea and Charge Bargaining” on the Materials Page first.

2) Then read the article from the Atlantic listen to the Voir Dire Podcast “The Trial Penalty” for questions about NYC.…

Answer the following questions.

  • From “Plea and Charge Bargaining” What are the summary findings of the study of Federal Plea Bargains? What are the Policy Implications?
  • Given that there are hundreds of thousands of arrests in NYC every year, is it reasonable to completely do away with plea bargains? If everyone got “their day in court” what might happen?
  • Do you believe that prosecutors have too much discretion and that defendants incur a “trial penalty”? How might this be made more fair?
  • Your textbook argues that with “bargained justice” (Plea Bargains), victims are often disappointed as those who commit serious crimes are able to receive relatively light sentences. How does plea bargaining contribute to both excessive convictions and wrongful convictions as well as criminals escaping justice for serious crimes that injure members of society. Can we reconcile this contradiction under the existing system?

3)Read the PDF on Blackboard entitles “Bail Discovery and Speedy Trial Reform”. What changed in New York’s criminal procedure law in 2020 and why? Why was the former system considered unfair?

Read the following article about Bail reform what was changed under the law and what crimes are now eligible for bail?

Part 2) 1- Discuss Shane Bauer’s Piece “My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard”. What is his central argument? How did working at the private prison change him? Can private prisons be reformed or should they be closed? What were some of the issues the author raised with the private prison system? What does John Pfaff say about private prisons in “Locked In.”

2) Watch and discuss the content of the “College Behind Bars” Documentary on Netflix. What parts of this film did you find the most interesting? Do you think this program should be expanded? What other programs can we offer to people behind bars who may not be interested in education? Is it worth funding these programs? If so, how do we get public support for this?

Criminal Justice Question


Criminal justice professionals in management positions are accountable to the public and to their teams, supervisors, and subordinates for the decisions they make in the line of duty. Individuals in every branch are expected to analyze the complexity of different situations and to determine ethical ways of responding to them. As a manager, you will need to be ready to speak to the ethical factors that inform decision-making strategies used in various criminal justice environments.

Imagine that you manage a team at an agency that has been invited to participate in a focus group for the ethics board. The focus group plans to compile a report on best practices in ethical decision-making to manage situations and dilemmas. For this assessment, you will prepare a response that you would present in the focus group.

Select one of the following criminal justice environments at the state or federal level as your focus for this assessment:

Interaction between law enforcement and the community

Crisis scenario or disaster situation

  • Pretrial assessment
  • Pretrial detention
  • Correctional facility (e.g., prison, jail, juvenile detention center)
  • Clinic with diversion program for individuals with mental health issues
  • Parole environment (e.g., halfway house)
  • Research a case that calls into question the ethical conduct of a criminal justice professional within the selected criminal justice environment. Choose a real case published in the media and investigate the ethical considerations in the situation. Research best practices for handling similar issues.
  • Assessment Deliverable

Create a 15- to 18-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation as if you were a criminal justice manager presenting to a focus group on best practices in ethical decision-making to manage various situations. Your presentation should include the following information supported by evidence from your research:

Summarize the case that you selected and explain the ethical considerations in the situation. Describe the environmental and cultural factors involved and relevant background information.

Identify the originating causes influencing the dilemma. Determine ethical solutions for addressing these causes and preventing similar issues in the future. Summarize the protocol or process that the individual should have followed and identify any process changes since this incident.

Explain how you would respond to the situation and how you would apply ethical decision-making strategies in a similar situation.

  • Conclude with a statement about your level of confidence to make ethical decisions in a managerial role. Summarize your expectations for the ethical conduct of your team.
  • Cite the appropriate Code of Ethics for your selected criminal justice environment in your response and at least 2 peer-reviewed sources according to APA guidelines.
  • Formatting Requirements
  • Download and review the Presentation Template. This template has been customized to reflect the required components of your presentation and will help you get a better idea of how to organize your presentation so you can focus on the slide content. Inputting your content into this presentation template is optional; you can use presentation software and design layouts of your choice to customize your presentation’s appearance (e.g., color, images, font). Ensure you have faculty member approval in advance to use other software.

Whether you use the presentation template example or another template of your choice, include the following slides and topics in your presentation:



11–13 content slides



  • Presentation recording link (if recorded with video software)
  • Format citations and references for any sources and images according to APA guidelines. Include citations either within the slide’s content or in the speaker notes for the slide on which they are mentioned. Use the references slide to list your references. Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed sources.
  • Record yourself delivering the presentation either by:
  • Recording narrations within the presentation slides without appearing on screen: If you record narrations for each slide within the presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, you do not need to record a video.
  • Recording a video or screencast of yourself delivering the presentation: If you record a video of yourself delivering the presentation, either by appearing on screen or by recording a voiceover, paste the link to your completed video on the presentation recording link slide at the end of your presentation.

power point



For this assignment, you will be asked to put yourself in the role of the Human Resources (HR) trainer for your law firm. You have been asked to provide a PowerPoint presentation for new employees in which you must discuss some of the important rules of professional responsibility. Seeing that these employees are new to your firm, you want to be sure to convey accurate, clear, and concise information at the initial orientation for employment because there could be “real world” implications.  Understand though that, oftentimes, the ethical dilemma may arise from the shadows around the seemingly clear rules.  If you see that, be sure to address such “shadows” to help the new employees avoid them.

In order to prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the American Bar Association Rules of Professional Responsibility.

You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation. The assignment requires a minimum of 10 slides, not including a title slide and reference slide. Your slides should include the following:

Part I consists of a defining and describing the unauthorized practice of law.

Part II consists of a discussion of confidentiality and the attorney client privilege.

Part III consists of defining and discussion conflicts of interest.

Part IV consists of a discussion of fees and sharing.

You must reference a minimum of two sources following APA (if you are not a Legal Studies student) or Bluebook (if you are a Legal Studies Student) format. 

Please do not copy and paste the rules of professional conduct. You need to incorporate the rules of professional conduct into your presentation, but your presentation must show creativity and originality to earn full credit. To create as perfect as possible presentation, be sure to review the rubric before you begin your work.  Pay close attention to the Exemplary column so that you will know the standards that you need to meet or exceed.

*****YOUR MATCH PERCENTAGE TO TURNITIN CANNOT BE OVER 50% . Student effectively communicates policy concepts and ideas. The project is creative, cohesive, organized and operates in a multimedia fashion. i created this outline to speed things up you are free to do it however you see best but this is to help

Title: “Professional      Responsibility in Law: A Guide for New Employees”

Slide 2: Introduction

Brief introduction to the      importance of professional responsibility in law.

Overview of the American Bar      Association’s Rules of Professional Responsibility.

  • Mention the goal of the      presentation: to ensure understanding and adherence to these rules.
  • Slide 3: Unauthorized Practice of Law (Part I)
  • Definition of unauthorized      practice of law.
  • Examples of what constitutes      unauthorized practice.

Consequences of engaging in      unauthorized practice.

Reference: ABA Rule 5.5 –      Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law.

Slide 4: Ethical Dilemmas in Unauthorized Practice (Part I Continued)

Discuss “grey areas”      and ethical dilemmas.

Case studies or hypothetical      scenarios.

  • Importance of seeking guidance      when in doubt.

Slide 5: Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege (Part II)

Define attorney-client privilege      and confidentiality.

Explain their importance in legal      practice.

Reference: ABA Rule 1.6 –      Confidentiality of Information.

  • Slide 6: Navigating Confidentiality Challenges (Part II Continued)

Discuss potential challenges and      ethical dilemmas in maintaining confidentiality.

  • Examples of permissible      disclosures.

Importance of discretion in      sensitive matters.

  • Slide 7: Conflicts of Interest (Part III)

Define conflicts of interest in      legal practice.

Explain the types of conflicts      that may arise (personal, financial, etc.).

Reference: ABA Rule 1.7 –      Conflict of Interest: Current Clients.

Slide 8: Identifying and Resolving Conflicts (Part III Continued)

  • How to identify potential      conflicts.

Procedures for resolving      conflicts.

  • Emphasize the need for      transparency and integrity.

Slide 9: Fees and Sharing (Part IV)

  • Discuss rules regarding fee      arrangements and sharing.

Emphasize the importance of fair      and reasonable fees.

  • Reference: ABA Rule 1.5 – Fees.

Slide 10: Ethical Fee Practices (Part IV Continued)

Discuss common ethical dilemmas      related to fees.

Importance of clear communication      with clients about fees.

Guidelines for sharing fees with      other professionals.

  • Slide 11: Conclusion

Summarize key points.

  • Emphasize the importance of      adhering to these guidelines.

Encourage employees to ask      questions and seek guidance.

  • Slide 12: References

List the minimum two sources      cited in Bluebook format.

Include additional resources for      further reading. 

Scientific Investigative Techniques in Arson Investigation


You are a senior member of the Prometheus City Arson Squad. It is 3:00 a.m., and the temperature is below freezing. Your unit is called to an active fire scene. Your team consists of you and 3 others. Upon arrival, you discover that the fire is at the Acme Hardware Store. There are 2,000 of these stores in the United States, and they are very successful. This store is a three-story building. There is a customer elevator in the front of the store that only services the first and second floors. There is a freight elevator in the rear loading dock area.

The fire scene commander reported to you that there is a crowd of about 100 onlookers who are braving the cold to watch the fire incident. In addition, the fire scene commander provides you with a large plastic 3-gallon gas container, the type used for putting gas in lawn mowers. The container has a residual amount of liquid, which smells like gasoline. The spout is attached, and the cap is off of the tip of the spout. One of your investigators takes it as evidence.

The battalion chief said that the fire had 3 points of origin. One point of origin is on the third floor in the rear storage section, one on the second floor in the paint department, and one is on the ground floor, just inside the loading dock entrance, in the rear of the store, where the outdoor and garden section is located. It is clearly an arson fire, due to multiple ignition locations. The fire scene commander advises that the fire will be under control in about 45 minutes, and she will release the scene shortly after that. You are aware, from local media sources, that this chain of stores has had employee-relationship problems, specifically with gender inequality, and the company recently laid off 11 women for complaining about inequity issues.

Prepare a report on the details of the Acme Hardware Store arson fire. You should include the processing of evidence, provided in the scenario, and the processing of evidence found at the points of origin of the fire. This includes how and why you recorded the artifacts and the scene. You should include safety equipment and precautions you took during processing.

Explain your probable cause for getting a warrant for the scene.

Review unit materials for this assignment.

What are 2 actions that can be taken pertaining to the crowd of onlookers that might help you identify the offender(s)? Explain.

What are 2 areas you would check to ensure the scene can be searched safely? Explain.

What personnel records and other business papers should you subpoena from the Acme Hardware Store? Explain why.

  • What are 3 artifacts of a fire that would indicate the heat of the fire and points of origin? Explain.

What are 2 elements of evidence you would expect to find in the scene? Explain.

  • How would you collect them for evidence? Explain in detail.
  • What is 1 method for search, other than visual, you would use to identify the presence of an accelerant? Explain the process.
  • What are 2 items of equipment that will be absolutely necessary to conduct the arson crime scene search? Explain.
  • Provide a theory, based on facts and not on emotions, on the circumstances surrounding this arson investigation. Be as creative as necessary but support all statements accordingly.

CJ 140 Module Two Practice



In this course, you have learned the importance of different communication styles, methods, and approaches. Now, you are learning about crisis communication techniques and how to use them to effectively communicate. This assignment will help you practice identifying when to use different crisis communication techniques in different situations.


For this assignment, you will need to choose which crisis communication techniques you would use at different points of time in two different scenarios.

Scenario One

You are working as a Department of Children and Families (DCF) counselor, and you are meeting with a young, single mother at the DCF office. The mother is present with a close female friend, and you, as the DCF caseworker, must deliver a custody order from the family court. The mother has been deemed temporarily unfit to care for her daughter, who is two years old. As the meeting begins, the mother is seated in a chair, holding her daughter. The mother thought the meeting was a regular monthly meeting and does not know that she is about to lose custody of her daughter. You tell the mother about the custody order stating, “I am sorry about this, but this is the best for your daughter, and you, right now.” The mother begins to cry loudly and is refusing to let go of her daughter.

At this point, what crisis communication technique would you use to immediately handle the situation, and why?

An hour has passed; the mother still will not comply.

You now need to change your choice of crisis communication technique to handle the situation. What crisis communication technique would you use now, and why?

Scenario Two

A security officer (SO) at a local power plant responds to a report of a small group of protestors at the main gate to the property. The SO observes five demonstrators with signs demanding cleaner plant emissions, and they want to deliver a letter to the president of the power company. When asked, they state they will not leave until they deliver the letter. The ages of the demonstrators range from 65 to 80 years old. The SO advises the group, “You are trespassing on private property. I have called the police, and you will be subject to arrest if you do not leave.” The group responds loudly, “Hell no, we won’t go!” When the police arrive, the group is again told to leave. In response, they begin to blow bubbles at the officers.

Acting in the role of the police officer, what crisis communication technique would you use in this situation, and why?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

Identify a crisis communication technique to immediately handle the situation in Scenario One.

Provide a rationale for the identified technique to immediately handle the situation in Scenario One.

Identify a new crisis communication technique for Scenario One.

Provide a rationale for the new crisis communication technique for Scenario One.

Identify a crisis communication technique for Scenario Two.

Provide a rationale for the identified technique in Scenario Two.

6134 M1 Response


I see a mistaken use of values by the social worker in this particular case instead of a use of knowledge. The social worker’s decision to change the locks on the elderly man’s apartment was based on a value of protecting him from harm, which is commendable. In my opinion this intervention failed to address the underlying issue of the man’s vulnerability and his continued willingness to engage with the abusive young woman. The social worker may have lacked knowledge or understanding of the dynamics of elder abuse, including the complexities of abusive relationships and the challenges of breaking free from them. The dysfunctional outcome is evident in the man’s continued victimization and the persistence of the abusive cycle (Levy-1974).

In my opinion the mistaken actions taken during the intervention were due to a lack of understanding of the dynamics of elder abuse and the complexities of the client’s situation. Issues overlooked but needed to be explored are providing education and support to the client about the dynamics of abusive relationships and the warning signs of exploitation as well as connecting the client with resources and services, such as counseling, support groups, and legal advocacy to address the underlying issues contributing to his vulnerability and to help him develop coping strategies and safety plans.

The positive intervention with this client would begin by conducting a thorough assessment to understand his unique circumstances, needs, and goals. This would involve exploring factors such as his social support network, cognitive functioning, mental health, financial situation, and capacity to make decisions. Understanding human behavior and life stages can help inform the social worker’s understanding and intervention with the client. Knowledge of the aging process and common challenges faced by older adults, such as social isolation, cognitive decline, and physical frailty, can help the social worker recognize the client’s vulnerabilities and the factors contributing to his susceptibility to abuse (Levy-1974). In addition, awareness of the impact of past experiences, trauma, and attachment patterns on current behavior can help the social worker understand the client’s decision-making process and his willingness to engage with the abusive young woman despite the harm she causes. Understanding the developmental tasks and transitions associated with late life, such as retirement, loss of loved ones, and changes in living arrangements, can help the social worker contextualize the client’s experiences and identify opportunities for intervention and support (Gordon-1965).

According to research a useful intervention for this client could involve a combination of individual counseling, support groups, and case management services tailored to his specific needs and circumstances. Individual counseling could help the client process his experiences, identify his strengths and coping strategies, and develop skills for setting boundaries, assertiveness, and conflict resolution (Linzer-1992). (Denisha)

CJA 3230-Police Organization and Administration


“We are born in organizations, educated by organizations, and spend most of our lives working for organizations. We spend much of our time…playing and praying in organizations. Most of us will die in an organization and when the time comes for burial, the largest organization of all—the state—must grant official permission” Amitai Etzioni, Modern Organizations.

What are some organizations you are a member of? (list at least 4, its ok just to list these)

  1. Search the web for news stories on traffic ticket quotas and read two or three. I suggest you start with these sites, but you are welcome to use others: and Describe your thoughts after reviewing these resources in the form of two paragraphs including the following:

What is your opinion of traffic quotas?

As an administrator, would you enforce traffic ticket quotas at your agency?

  1. If yes, explain how you would answer critics who say quotas are unfair, etc.

If no, explain how you would adequately judge/encourage officer performance

Conduct a web search for one of the following cases (Mapp v. Ohio | Gideon v. Wainwright | Escobedo v. Illinois | Miranda v. Arizona). Describe your thoughts after reviewing this resource in the form of three paragraphs including the following:

  1. Summarize the case in one paragraph.

Discuss the significance of the case you chose as it relates to the concept of due process and its application to law enforcement (e.g., how has this situation affected law enforcement).

Examine the role of government in policing where you grew up, or where you want to work. Does the community politics take the form of a Strong Mayor, City Manager, or City Council? Describe your thoughts after locating this information in the form of two paragraphs including the following:

Identify the community and how you know its politics. Please don’t rely on personal or past knowledge, seek websites, documents or contact the city and ask. 

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the political system to law enforcement.

  1. Which would you prefer as a police administrator and why?
  2. Public interest organizations play a significant role in police accountability. The ACLU and NAACP are just a few. This website list over 100 organizations. Visit a few that seem interesting to you. Describe your thoughts after reading this information in the form of two paragraphs including the following:

Which sites/organizations did you read about?

  1. Did they have anything in common?
  2. Did they appear anti-police, if so how did that make you feel? / If not, what were the goals of the organization?

Do you believe that these organizations are an essential part of policing, explain?

  1. Consider joining an organization. 

Trauma response


The early life experiences that were explained in Dolores’ case show a concerning picture of the well-being and development of her children, Johnny and Angela. It is understood that “neglect, chaos, attachment disruptions and traumatic stress all impact the development of the brain, and result in complicated and heterogeneous functional presentations in children, youth and adults” (Perry & Dobson, ND). Through Dolores’s story, we can see various moments of chaos, neglect and stress which could have created multiple effects on the children. 

To start, Johnny’s speech delay and observable developmental delays could be seen as manifestations of the stressful and unstable environment in which he is growing up. Extensive research underscores the pivotal role of early childhood experiences in shaping neural connections and developmental trajectories (Perry & Dobson, ND). Johnny’s exposure to neglect, inconsistent caregiving, and traumatic events, such as witnessing his mother yelling and experiencing the intrusive behaviour of the aunt, could have made a significant impact on his cognitive and socio-emotional development.

Angela, although she seems on a typical cognitive developmental track, faces her own set of challenges due to the isolation within her home environment. Social interaction with peers is foundational for a child’s acquisition of social skills, and the limited exposure to such interactions can hinder Angela’s ability to develop crucial interpersonal competencies. Moreover, witnessing the volatile interactions between her mother and aunt may shape Angela’s understanding of healthy relationships and emotional regulation, which may potentially influence her social and emotional well-being in the long run.

The overall household environment, marked by neglect, squalor, and a lack of consistent caregiving, creates an atmosphere that can contribute to toxic stress for both children. For human brains, usually the secretion of stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol, in response to an acutely threatening event promotes and improves memory so that the individual can stay out of trouble in other future predicaments. However, when stress is repeated over many weeks, as can be seen in this story, neurons can be impacted fear can be enhanced and bigger problems can occur (McEwen, 2004) In this case it is essential to address their immediate environmental concerns, but the intervention strategies must go beyond that. There must be an established stable, nurturing, and supportive environment in addition to targeted interventions to address Johnny’s developmental delays and efforts to enhance Angela’s social interactions. Finally, a holistic approach that integrates mental health support, parenting education, and community resources is critical in mitigating the potential long-term effects of their challenging early life experiences.(Billie) 

BCC Chronic Stress and Diffusion of Responsibility Discussion


Dolores Jones had been described by former social workers as a disgusting hunk of humanity. Everyone agreed there was little that could be accomplished and that her prospects were poor for keeping her children given the conditions they were living in and her neglect of herself and them.

Dolores is a mixed race 22 year old woman who had dropped out of school in the sixth grade. She had become pregnant twice by men old enough to be her father and was receiving public assistance for her two children; Angela, aged 5 and Johnny, aged 3. Dolores lives in a small apartment adjacent to her aunt’s home, in Addamsville, an urban center 5 miles south of the center of the city.Upon arriving at Dolores’s apartment, a partially converted garage, you notice that the windows are shut tight, the shades drawn, the immediate grounds are strewn with garbage, the grass overgrown, and the paint was peeling around the doorframe. You knock several times as there is no doorbell, but she does not answer. You are getting ready to leave when you notice an older woman coming towards the apartment and you ask if she knows if the tenant is home. She responds angrily, “She’s in there. Just keep pounding loudly.”Dolores eventually comes to the door; she is unkempt, obese, in a dirty bathrobe and looks much older than 22 years. You immediately notice she is covered with unsightly sores and she seems barely awake, even though it is past noon. She warmly invites you into her home as the older woman leaves with a snide comment. The main room of the apartment is both a living room and a bedroom for Dolores; small, dirty, and dark, even though it is over 80 degrees outside and the sun is shining, the heat is going full blast.You introduce yourself to Dolores as the new social worker and she smiles sweetly at you, pleased to see you and delighted to introduce you to her children, who were currently being watched by her aunt, the older woman you encountered.Dolores goes to retrieve the children and explains that she had been sleeping, and that her aunt frequently helps out when she cannot be available. The children are quite lovely; Angela is a sweet little girl, very alert, yet shy and Johnny is warm and outgoing, but does not appear to be fully engaged.

Planning preference


What population and field of practice am I interested in for my internship? It is helpful to think about the skills you will be able to learn or expand upon versus finding an opportunity that is your passion (e.g., people with disabilities rights), so you will only seriously consider these types of opportunities.

Do I want to broaden my experience regarding the size and type of program? For example, if you have always worked or volunteered in large, complex social service organizations, maybe you should consider a small, non-profit program. Or, if you have only worked or volunteered in host agencies like hospitals and schools, maybe you should consider a larger social work organization.

Do I want agency-based or community-based? Do I want in-home work or outpatient? Are you dreading the thought of doing a home visit, causing you to avoid those programs? Field work is a great opportunity to stretch yourself and experience settings, populations, and fields of practice that will enhance your skills and exposure to new settings.

  1. Do I want a setting that is interdisciplinary? Do I want work in medical settings, educational settings, or military settings?

Do I want an agency that has experience working with graduate social work interns?

  1. Do I want to challenge myself and work with a population that I hope I never have to work with? A student knows she has an “attitude” regarding homeless men and decides to challenge herself and intern with this population. She remarks that it is the best thing she ever did for herself because her biases were challenged and eliminated. Field work is a good opportunity to challenge yourself in these ways.

How can this field placement broaden my social work background? If you have only worked or volunteered with children and youth, you may want to consider interning with adults.

  1. Some individual “nuts and bolts”:

How far can I realistically travel?

  1. Will this program fit my schedule, i.e., will my schedule allow me to be at the internship during important meetings, client reviews, etc.?

Is there a lot of traveling involved in this internship or will I be agency-bound and never leave my office?

  1. Will I have a space to work, i.e., desk, office, phone extension, access to the computer, etc.?