Criminological theory and stats

Question Description

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing the relationship between criminological theory and statistical data. Focus on how statistical data can be used to support or refute criminological theory.

Discuss the pros and the cons.

Include at least two peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Ethical Stewardship

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Who should hold leaders accountable for failures in financial reporting and budget discipline? How can an agency mitigate damages from an unethical monetary situation? How does an agency build trust after poor public stewardship of monies?

Outline: The surprising reason our correctional system does not work

Question Description

This assignment is based on the attached video. I need a DETAILED outline giving the reasons and details for your viewpoint on the statement, “The practices of punishment are too interconnected to the goal of rehabilitation”. NO PLAGIARISM.

discussion post- 300 word count

Question Description

What factors might explain why probation officer’s recommendations are so highly correlated with actual sentences imposed by judges. Also what factors have brought about the use of victim impact statements in a PSI report?

Remember that your post must be at least 300 words

Ethnicity and criminal justice

Question Description

Should the make-up of law enforcement and security organizations be in parity with the ethnicity of its citizens? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of policy for criminal justice and security organizations?

Include proper grammar, intext citation and references

social contract

Question Description

write a 175 word summary of the following….

  • What is social contract theory, and how has it affected the U.S. criminal justice system?
  • What are the ideological difference between Locke’s, Rousseau’s, and Hobbes’s versions of the social contract?

include proper grammar, intext citations, references

Criminal Justice Funding

Question Description

What are some differences between public sector and private sector budgets? Provide examples? Given the perpetual imbalance between funding and needs in criminal justice, what are some possible new sources of funding for a police department, municipal court, and/or a state prison?

LAW-402: Law of E-Commerce Assignment One

Question Description

  • Identify one issue from the weekly reading and create a Legal Issue Brief.
  • Your brief should be no more than one page and follow the format provided below:
    • Title (Issue in 2-5 words)
    • Student Name
    • Issue (1-3 sentences)
    • Facts (3-4 sentences)
    • Student position (2-4 sentences)
    • Rationale (5-7 sentences)

Employment Law wrap up

Question Description

This is a summary or wrap up of the last four lessons. In no less than 300 words (total), answer the following questions. Please organize your answers accordingly so that they are clearly organized for review (e.g. A…B…C…). (see attached)

Complete Short Criminal Law Question (PRATER)

Question Description

The next question is An excuse admits that the act was criminal;however, it declares that the action committed should be excused . Select and describe at least 4 of the seven excuses that are recognized by law. 200 words min.