Code of Ethics Presentation

Question Description

Referencing this week’s Code of Ethics discussion, create a 2-slide PowerPoint® presentation on the following agencies’ codes of ethics:

  • Correctional Code of Ethics

Include the following in your presentation:

  • A properly formatted title slide
  • Each organization’s code of ethics
  • The governing organization that established the code
  • An analysis of how organizational leaders influence the development of and adherence to the code
  • An explanation of ethics theories that are evident in the codes

include reference slide, footnotes, pictures, in text citations

write an 250 word essay answering the following questions.

Question Description

Trademark and copyright are distinct types of intellectual property (IP). write an essay addressing the following:

1. Explain the difference between trademark and copyright.

2. Briefly describe the legal process for obtaining each under federal law.

3. Provide a real life IP example of each.

You must provide APA in text citations in your essay and full APA citation references at the end. Failure to provide reference sources will result in a -0- for this question.

CCJ3117 5 page paper due Tuesday 9/24/19

Question Description

5 page paper on filicide using some of the names on the instructions posted below in the picture. No Wikipedia artifacts. Google scholar articles preferred. 1st page cover sheet then 3 full pages on the topic and the reference page last which will equal 5 pages. APA format, double spaced, 1 inch margins. Stay away from the words( they, I , them, etc). The attachment picture has the instructions as well.

Crime Occurrence Review

Question Description

Review your response in the Week 1 Personal Crime Occurrence Evaluation assignment. Based on what you learned in this course:

List the crime theory or theories you think best explain the occurrence of crime.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary.

Provide theoretical support where needed, to include recommendations on crime control and crime reduction policies you would implement based on your crime occurrence explanation.

Provide APA citations and reference page consistent with APA guidelines.

answer the short answer question.

Question Description

Create your own fact pattern to illustrate an example of a violation of the First Amendment in the public school setting. Please avoid the school prayer examples that we discussed in the forums.

Just remember, a fact pattern is a made-up story that illustrates a legal issue without actually discussing the legal rules raised by the fact pattern created. Your answer to this short answer must be at least 150 words.

Ethical code

Question Description

write a 175 word summary and include proper grammar, intext citation, and references

  • What are the similarities and differences of the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, Court Code of Ethics, Correctional Code of Ethics, and Private Security Code of Ethics?
  • Which is better for a criminal justice agency to have: a strict written code of ethics or employees who possess a high personal code of ethics? Why?

Police – Past and Present

Question Description

Compare and contrast the police of the nineteenth century with the police of today. How have public attitudes toward police changed, or have they? Is the police job much different today from what it was 100 years ago? Your essay must be at least 750 words and utilize two sources. Please be sure to cite your sources in APA format.

View your assignment rubric.

disscusion post – 300 word count

Question Description

Please discuss how community supervision in the United States has changed over the years. What factors have brought about these changes? How do you envision community supervision changing in the next twenty years?

Remember that your post must be at least 300 words

Make sure to:

  • Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Decision-making and problem-solving skills are essential for those working in emergency management, but what are the traits of effective decision-makers and problem-solvers? What are the differences between decision-making in unstructured environments and structured environments? What obstacles or challenges might emergency management personnel face in stressful situations? What proactive steps can they take to reduce that stress?

What is the “dark figure” of crime, and what measures have been developed to address this biased description of crime in the United States?

Question Description

Instructions: Make sure to answer all parts of the question or questions. Your original posting must be at least 500 words and all material must be cited IAW APA. Also, you are required to respond to at least one other students posting. Your reply must be at least 200 words and all material must be cited IAW APA.