Risk management assignment

Question Description

Risk Management

  1. Identify 7 the potential loss exposure that occurs on a college campus. Specify what type of loss (Property, Liability, Business Income, Human resources, Crime, Employee benefit, Foreign). Please do not include intangible property loss exposure
  2. Identify how frequent this loss will occur and the potential severity that it may have
  3. Select the appropriate combination or solo techniques for treating the possible loss exposures? (avoidance, loss prevention or loss reduction)
  4. Are there any government regulations or challenges that may be associated with treating each of the possible loss exposure

Wk 5 Grant Guide

Question Description

Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word grant writing guide that highlights the most important parts of the grant writing process from beginning to end, including submission guidelines and addressing post grant activities.

Note: The guide does not have to be in APA format, but the information you include from outside sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

This assignment provides you with complete creative control. You can create a paper, PowerPoint presentation, brochure, or any other creative ideas you can think of for this assignment.

Submit your assignment.

justice hw

Question Description

From the material within the text and other outside sources (if you wish), please do the following in essay/paragraph format…

1. Explain the fourth and fifth amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

2. Discuss the Bill of Rights and what it was and is intended to accomplish.

3. Specifically discuss in detail, police stops, searches, seizures and interrogations and how they are governed.

Requirements…3 full typed pages, no cover page necessary, 12 font in Times New Roman, proper grammar and spelling, APA formatting and citations, and reference page.

Create a 2 slide power point where one slide will explain the issue of two policies of your choice regarding domestic violence in the U.S and the second slide, create a simple chart or table that compares of each policy side by side. e issue

Question Description

Complete an in-depth comparative analysis of two policies developed on Domestic Violence. It can be a comparison across state policies on an issue, or a comparison of the evolution of a policy.

Create 2 slides Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. Use complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation, to fully explain each slide as if you were giving an in-person presentation.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Create a chart or table that compares aspects of each policy side-by-side.
  • Answer the following questions:
  • What is the issue?

LP5 Assignment: Police Chief

Question Description

Assume that you are a police chief. OUTLINE and EVALUATE what techniques and strategies you would use to improve productivity and maintain it at an optimal level.

* Include at least three academic or professional sources to support your work. One of the academic sources must be the class text.

Answer the directions below in no more than 1,500 words. The assignment should be submitted using Microsoft Word with default margins, using 12 point Times New Roman black font, be double-spaced, and be in essay format.


Question Description

label the running head:

Module 05 Course Project – Findings and Conclusions

see attatchments

Write one or two pages about your survey findings including:

  • Report how many answers you received.
  • Analyze the survey answers as they relate to your topic.
  • Organize the research answers and compare the answers tothe research questions. Draw a conclusion from your results.Explain your findings based on the answers from your survey.
  • Compare your survey answers to that of your otherresearch. Do your survey answers support the hypothesis? Explainyour findings.

Government Branch Analysis

Question Description

You will be analyzing this Branch that I have chosen and do research on it

The branch’s name is El Cajon Police Department- LINK IS ATTACHED BELOW




WEEK ONE : http://video.sdsu.edu/nas/capture/2019/pfrosio/PA3…

WEEK TWO: http://video.sdsu.edu/nas/capture/2019/pfrosio/PA3…

WEEK THREE: http://video.sdsu.edu/nas/capture/2019/pfrosio/PA_…


Nevada Territory short essay

Question Description

How might southern Nevada’s fate have been different if it had remained part of Arizona? What would Las Vegas have become if it had been part of a state where gambling is limited to tribal areas? Given how much of Nevada’s population and economy is in southern Nevada, what might this have meant for the rest of the state? Describe what Las Vegas and rest of the state would be like economically, politically, and culturally given this hypothetical.

​Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words?

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Criminal organizations can use a variety of structures. One of these structures is the bureaucratic structure that is also used by police departments and corporations.

  • Based on the readings, what exactly is organized crime? What kind of examples can you give of organized crime?
  • Based on the readings, what are the various models that explain the structure of organized crime groups? Are there differences in the types of structures?

Introduction to law

Question Description

California has adopted the Uniform Commercial Code. (Links to an external site.)What is the basis of the UCC? How does California benefit from the UCC? Do all U.S. states have the same commercial laws? Does any U.S. state not follow the UCC?To receive credit, you must post a thoughtful, well-worded response of at least 5 sentences. Make sure to answer all of the questions. One of the questions asks for your opinion, please support your opinion with evidence.