News Article Analysis

Question Description

locate a news article that outlines an incident involving a criminal justice or security professional in which ethical concerns were raised about the procedures or techniques that were used.

Write a 525- to 700-word analysis that outlines the ethical implications of this incident on society and explains the following:

  • Summary of the incident
  • Law(s) broken or moral standard(s) violated
  • Consequences (if any) incurred
  • Relationship between law, morality, and ethics in the context of this incident
  • Influence of social norms and consequences on the incident

include a title page, in text citations, proper grammar,reference page, page headers and page numbers, headings

Constitutional rights

Question Description

Answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements. Discuss the imprint terrorism has had on policing. Outline the rules that govern police interrogations and confessions. Using a U.S. Supreme Court precedent that you have read or locate on your own, provide two examples of police acting improperly or infringing a suspect’s Constitutional rights in obtaining a confession. Make certain to cite the cases

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this court decision says it.

Question Description

On April 18, 2016, The United States Supreme Court denied apetition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in thecase of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2ndCircuit 2015.

That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals whichcan be found at the following website: last accessed July 9, 2016. last accessed July 9, 2016.

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this courtdecision says it.

Document need to be in APA format with proper in-text citations and references per APA guidelines.

discussion post 300 word count

Question Description

    1. Do you believe the verdict in Zimmerman’s trial was based on the “Stand-Your-Ground” law? Why or why not?
    2. Do you believe that Florida’s Stand-Your-Ground law needs to be repealed or amended? Why or why not?

criminal hw

Question Description

In 3-4 pages answer the questions concerning the role of Federal Agencies in Designing a Nationwide Homeland Security Enterprise:

  • What are the primary documents explaining the underlying purpose and missions of homeland security?
  • How would you describe the difference between the Department of Homeland Security and services agencies?
  • In your opinion, what practical options exist for coordinating national defense institutions with homeland security agencies?

Remember to conduct research from credible sources (scholarly), no news websites or articles. Support your opinions with evidence and written in third person narrative. Cite and reference your sources per APA.

answer forum question

Question Description

Part One:

(A) Read over the three tests for constitutionality of religious issues addressed in the textbook. Which one of the three tests do you think is the most appropriate to determine if an organized pre-game prayer by a public high school basketball team in its locker room would be successfully challenged?

(B) Would there be any difference if the pregame prayer was made over the loudspeaker before the game?

Part Two:
How would a rule that demands all football coaches in a particular state must have played organized team football be challenged?

Modify code of ethics

Question Description

the code of ethics from the text – also found here: (Links to an external site.)

you will select (find on the internet), draft (write your own), or modify some code of ethics you find on the internet that will be as good as or better than the one provided by the Texas Police Association.

you will provide a two-page analysis that supports or justifies your analysis and choice(s) in APA format (four pages: one of cover, two of your analysis, one page of references).

criminal homework

Question Description

Identify an event in modern American history where a state of emergency was declared domestically. Research the governmental response to the emergency event and describe how the government sought to save lives, mitigate threats, and solve any unique problems posed by the emergency. You could choose an event like a natural disaster such as a hurricane, or a terrorist attack, or a deadly infectious disease outbreak.

As always, ground your main substantive post for the week in references to relevant sources to help support and inform it.

How do crime control and due process models show the dichotomy between the roles of the court to punish and to provide legal protections that guarantee a defendant’s rights

Question Description

How do crime control and due process models show the dichotomy between the roles of the court to punish and to provide legal protections that guarantee a defendant’s rights? How do crime control and due process models show the dichotomy between the roles of the court to punish and to provide legal protections that guarantee a defendant’s rights? How do crime control and due process models show the dichotomy between the roles of the court to punish and to provide legal protections that guarantee a defendant’s rights

Article Critique 2, Critique 2 peer reviewed articles on 2 historical supreme court cases.

Question Description

Attached are 2 peer-reviewed articles that discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases and review the presentation titled: “Courts (Part 1)” found in the Module/Week 4 Reading & Study folder. This historical case-law can be related to: search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches for evidence, or police interrogation and confessions. Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings of each article. With respect to the specific case law you have analyzed, defend constitutional democracy and the issues raised in case-law. Minimum of 4 pages no more than 5.