Use the following link to write a short essay based on the instructions posted below

Question Description


While viewing this site, you will explore the controversial issue of racial profiling. Read at least one of the many interesting articles on the topic. Be sure to include the title of the article that you chose to do your essay on.

Use an example from your research on this site to describe racial profiling in law inforcement. What are some methods that can be used to prevent racial profiling?

Please use simple grammar as my first language is not English.

APA format is not necessary for this assignment however provide the link for the website below and state the article that you have chosen from the website.

two questions-discussion posts

Question Description

make sure to use references and back up with in cite qoutes , make it a lengthy paragraph or two.

1. What is meant by informal organization? How does the informalorganization affect the formal organization? Discuss the approaches bywhich a leader can foster cooperation between informal and formalgroups within an organization.?

2.Community Oriented Policing (COP) has served as the vehicle to developpartnerships between police agencies and citizens in solving crimeissues common to both of them. Recently there has been a certain levelof controversy as to the effectiveness of COP programs. Discuss whereyou see the future of COP programs going, and what changes you wouldmake in order to make them more effective.?

criminal justice homework

Question Description

In your paper (3 to 4 pages) compare and contrast both sides of the civil liberty and homeland security debate.

  • What are the primary issues at the center of the debate of how much civil liberty to give up for security?
  • How would you describe the differences between those who question homeland security policies and those who believe they are absolutely necessary?
  • In your opinion, are any of these positions more persuasive than others? Less persuasive?

Research from outside sources, title and reference pages are not included in page count. Use citations and references per APA. Even “opinions” are supported by evidence and should be written in third person narrative.

WebEOC question

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The Web Based Emergency Operations Center (WebEOC), is an online system created to assist emergency decision makers by providing real-time data and streamlining the coordination of valuable resources.

Watch the WebEOC videos located in the Week 2 University Library Readings.

Reflect on what you watched, and respond to one or more of the following prompts:

  • Do you support a national standard for communication equipment for emergency management? If not, why not?
  • How would agencies pay for interoperability communications?
  • How often should agencies practice communicationskills and incorporate training? Periodically or annually?

Provide citations and references on the material(s) you discuss.

incident Action Plan

Question Description

all i need is onjective one of the restoration phase completed. the document is attached

Directions: The restoration phase will illustrate the short-term restoration strategy of 1) the government, 2) the community, and 3) commerce.

Select three objectives, and explain how you plan to achieve each of them. Suggestions for this section include restoring power, restoring water, temporary housing, food distribution, and medical facilities.

Remember, for the recovery phase to begin, basic infrastructure needs must first be operational.

  1. Objective One: Click here to add objective 1.
  2. Click here to add supporting statement.
  3. Click here to add additional supporting statements as needed.
  4. Click here to enter text.

Policing Strategies (450 words)

Question Description

A recognized goal of lawenforcement is to “protect and serve” the community. Law enforcementagencies use various methods to attain this goal. Many agencies focus oncommunity policing strategies in carrying out law enforcement duties.

Foryour written assignment, prepare a 450 words paper that describes andexplains community policing as a policing strategy. Be sure to includespecific examples of community policing strategies.

Please be sureto prepare your assignment following APA citation and formatrequirements. You must include proper citations to any source you reliedon for information that you include in your paper.

Read the Policing Strategies Scoring Rubric to review the grading criteria for this assignment.

Public Stewardship Paper

Question Description

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper outlining the critical need for public stewardship in budgeting.

Detail the needs and methods for training public officials and staff members for ethical public budget preparation and maintenance strategies.

Include the following:

  • Detail the need and importance of public stewardship in budgeting
  • Ethical requirements for leaders to consider for proper public stewardship
  • Consequences of unethical or poor public stewardship

Consider utilizing a recent current events article for reference to a recent incident of unethical public stewardship of budgetary monies.

Include at least two academic sources in your paper, including one from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Debate: Centralized Budgeting

Question Description

Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should budget authority be granted across multiple levels in a criminal justice organization or centralized by a separate city or government unit?

Create a single document that includes both Part I and Part II of the debate as listed below:

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Week 4 Assignment part 2

Question Description

Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic:

Should budget authority be granted across multiple levels in a criminal justice organization or centralized by a separate city or government unit?

Create a single document that includes both Part I and Part II of the debate as listed below:

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

I have a research paper due for a victimization class on the topic bullying

Question Description

Its a research paper, my topic is (Bullying) I need it by 11/05/2019. It must be in APA style, 8-10 pages long, a reference page with all sources and in-text citations. It is for a law class so lots of evidence and statistics would be useful.

Identify the type of crime and victim it produces.

Look at how the different components of the criminal justice system respond to these individuals.

Discuss any laws and/or programs that have developed or need to be developed in response to these victims of bullying

Give views and opinions on the subject.