Types of offenders

Question Description

Locate current crime statistics in your area for one of the offenses:o Contact offense against childo Non-contact offense against a childo Contact offense against an adulto Non-contact offense against an adultWrite a 525- to 700-word paper on the specific type of offense.Include the following:o Research this type of offense. What are the typical motivators for the offender?o Describe the characteristics of offenders who typically commit the selected offense.o Describe the victim’s profile (as connected to an offender’s victim pool). Include common reactions of a victim related to a sexual offense.o Describe the different types of laws related to the selected offense and how the offense is normally prosecuted.o Describe the effectiveness of statutes and laws in reducing the occurrence of sex crimes.Minimum 2 sources

Your term paper proposal should outline your selected topic for the term paper. Some example topics being: Societal Reactions Deviant Behavior, What is Deviancy?, The Evolution of Drug Laws, etc,

Question Description

Your term paper proposal should outline your selected topic for the term paper. Some example topics being: Societal Reactions Deviant Behavior, What is Deviancy?, The Evolution of Drug Laws, etc,.

The proposal should also explain how it ties to this course-Course is Seminar in Deviant Behavior

Your proposal should be complete and well thought out (between 250 and 500 words in length).

The full paper will not be due until December. So whatever topic you chose will be what the final paper will be over. The full paper should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length.

This is just the OUTLINE. If it gets approved then I’ll submit another ticket for you to work on.

Complete 500 Word Business Law Task (COOK)

Question Description

Business Law I – Week 2 Assignment

Business Tort of Negligence

Dewayne, a driver for Speedy Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while making a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a nearby gas station pump, igniting a fire that spreads quickly to a construction site a block away. A burned wall collapses onto a crane, which falls on Fazio, a bystander, and injures him.

What must Fazio show to recover damages from Speedy Delivery? If you are the attorney for Speedy Delivery what would be your best defense argument?

Your paper should be between 500-750 words, with at least two cited external resources.

Prepare an online posting based on the case study prepared in the previous assignment. The posting should include relevant background information, a discussion of the individual’s current symptoms, whether the client meets criteria for substance abuse or

Question Description

Prepare an online posting based on the case study prepared in the previous assignment. The posting should include relevant background information, a discussion of the individual’s current symptoms, whether the client meets criteria for substance abuse or dependence, and a discussion of risk and protective factors. The posting should clearly outline your paper. Students will be expected to select two of their peers’ case studies and generate comments regarding the case including a discussion of how to differentiate between the signs and symptoms presented as well as indentifying important information missed that may have positively contributed to the conceptualization of the case. Discussion questions are thoughtful and include meaningful feedback for selected cases.

criminal discussion post

Question Description

As we know, contagious disease not only spreads

from human to human, but from animal to animal,
and in some cases, animal to human. Although
regulation of these industries both domestically,
and via import trade would not bring Homeland
Security immediately to mind, in the above
context, it could certainly apply.

Please choose a position and make a roughly 300
word argument that HS either has or has not been
granted this authority in some fashion and cite the
authority or lack thereof for the government to
regulate trade as part of its Homeland Security
function? Respond to a similar post with a 150
word counter argument with citation. Remember to respond to a second one of your classmates’ posts as well.

discussion post – 300 word count

Question Description

  • Review your textbook’s discussion re: Another Human Being Requirement.
  • Internet Activity 1:

Many jurisdictions recognize the unlawful killing of a fetus as murder. For a discussion and listing of state laws, consult the National Conference of State Legislatures webpage, http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/fetal-homicide-state-laws.aspx and search fetal homicide. Focus on Florida. Review the statutes listed.

  • Based on your research and utilizing proper terminology from your textbook, answer the following questions:
    1. Does Florida follow the common law definition of “human being.”? Explain.
    2. What is Florida’s position on fetal homicide? Is it a crime? What degree is the offense? Explain.
    3. Do you agree with Florida’s position on its treatment of crimes involving the death of a fetus? Why or why not?

answer the short answer

Question Description

Fully explain the potential liable partners and their respective potential liability for the following facts:

A junior high baseball player aged 14 is warming up in the batter’s box while standing next to another player doing the same. The two are acting against school policy but at the direction of their coach.

While one is watching the pitcher the other bends down to tie his shoe. The one watching the pitcher takes a full swing as the other is standing up. The bat connects with the rising players head, shatters his batting helmet and injures him.


Please remember to list your references in Bluebook format.

Policing Strategies

Question Description

A recognized goal of law enforcement is to “protect and serve” the community. Law enforcement agencies use various methods to attain this goal. Many agencies focus on community policing strategies in carrying out law enforcement duties.

For your written assignment, prepare a 1-2 page paper that describes and explains community policing as a policing strategy. Be sure to include specific examples of community policing strategies.

Please be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.

Read the Policing Strategies Scoring Rubric to review the grading criteria for this assignment.

Emergency Management Response Analysis Paper, Part A

Question Description

Using the selected articles in the University Library, research and review various government and academic reports detailing the emergency management response to either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

  • Choose either Hurricane Katrina or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
  • Select 1 or 2 examples of initial responses specifically related to the emergency management event (police/fire) within the first 24 hours of the event.
  • Summarize the timeline of the response.
  • Integrate terms related to emergency management utilized in the article(s).
  • Critique the overall outcome of the response(s) by assessing the impact of emergency management.
  • Develop a logical argument for 2 alternative courses of action.

Provide support.

Complete two Criminal Law Questions (CSU)

Question Description

1. Define larceny and embezzlement. Are both of these crimes considered theft? Why or why not? What are the differences between larceny and embezzlement? Why are the differences important?

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words, not counting any repetition of the question.

2. What is computer crime? What are examples of this type of crime? Provide a short description of one of the early cases of computer crime. Explain at least two federal statutes which are relevant to crimes committed with or against computer equipment. Describe the four elements of computer tampering.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words, not counting any repetition of the question.