Respond to each of the following questions with no more than 350 words?

Question Description

Organized Crime Worksheet

Respond to each of the following questions with no more than 350 words.

  • Based on this week’s readings, how would you describe or define organized crime? How would you describe or define terrorism? What are the similarities and differences between the two? Explain your answer.
  • Based on this week’s readings, what key characteristics and behaviors are associated with organized criminal behavior? Discuss at least two.
  • An organized crime group can be structured in a variety of ways. One such structure is a bureaucratic structure. Define and explain the bureaucratic organizational structure. Another such structure is a criminal network. Define and explain the criminal network organizational structure. Compare and contrast the bureaucratic and criminal network organizational structures. In what ways do criminal organizations operate on the same principles as legitimate businesses?
  • Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation. ​

    Question Description

    Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation. Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation. Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation. Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation. Prepare a 150-word FACTS executive memo explaining how courthouse will implement changes necessary to comply with requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act or related legislation.

    is journal, criminal justice class

    Question Description

    In 250 words or less, answer the following questions:

    In 1996 the U.S. Congress passed the Female Genital Mutilation Act, which, among other things, criminalizes circumcision of females under 18, requires federal health agencies to educate immigrants on health risks, and impose economic sanctions on countries that fail to take steps to prevent practices.

    While many Americans are in agreement with the law, do you believe a country has the right to impose sanctions on another country for practicing a religious belief? Why or why not? And, at what point is intervention from perhaps another country or the United Nations warranted? Finally, do you believe it is possible to balance the sometimes competing interests between religious legal tradition and the pressures posed by modernization? Please provide examples to support your assertions!

    course project intervention

    Question Description

    In a 2 page paper, analyze in detail why Intelligence-led policing along with Compstat would be more effective at crime prevention than traditional crime control methods in communicating the problems of drug use and sales in a specific neighborhood.

    The analysis paper should include the following:

    • Title page (not included in the page count)
    • Section Headings
    • Compare traditional crime prevention methods (reactive and not sharing information) to contemporary methods of information sharing, use of Compstat, and rigorously follow up for crime detection.
    • Discuss how these two methods differ.
    • List which method you believe would be most effective at reducing the criminal activity
    • Reference page in APA format (not included in the page count)

    NOTE – Be sure the paper displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.


    500 word business Law Task (COOK)

    Question Description

    Business Law I – Week 6 Assignment

    Entity Formation

    Carla plans to open Carla’s Pets Store, a pet sales and pet supplies outlet, and to hire Quimby and Ruth. Carla will invest only her own money. She does not expect to make any profit for at least two years and to make almost no profit for the first three years, but she hopes to expand eventually.

    Which form of business organization would be most appropriate?

    What are the main characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of this form of business organization?

    If Carla wants to obtain additional capital to expand the business, but does not want to lose control of the company, what is her best option?

    Your paper should be 500-750 words, with at least two cited external sources.

    The Prison Culture

    Question Description

    In Chapter 11, the authors discuss the prison experience, often referred to as prisonization. Research this phenomenon, and explain how the prison subculture works to develop the norms and values of the inmates.

    Instructions for Writing Your Paper:

    Write a 2 page APA-style paper. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement (title page and references are in addition to the 2 pages).

    In your paper, cite at least 2-3 references using the APA style guide format for in-text citation.

    Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the Grantham University online library (this includes EBSCOHost and the Gale Criminal Justice Collection).

    View your assignment rubric.

    Police and Civilian Budget Preparation

    Question Description

    Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should police departments train sworn police officers to complete financial reports and prepare budgets or hire civilian personnel for these tasks? Do civilians have enough knowledge of policing to properly prepare good budgets addressing policing needs? Can sworn officers fulfill this task without proper degrees/education?

    Create a single document that includes both Part I and Part II of the debate as listed below:

    Part I

    Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

    Part II

    Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

    Community Corrections Control Strategies

    Question Description

    In Chapter 9 of the text the authors discuss four general types of control strategies used in Community corrections. Chose two of the four types of control strategies and discuss how they work and how effective they are. Give your opinion as to whether they should remain as an option in alternative sentencing.

    Write a 2 page APA style paper. In your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the online library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the body of your essay.

    View your assignment rubric.

    Sampling Technique

    Question Description

    In 2016, Australian researchers conducted the following study on the fear of crime:

    Chataway, M. L., & Hart, T. C. (2016). (Re)assessing contemporary “fear of crime” measures within an Australian context (Links to an external site.). Journal of Environmental Psychology. 47, 195-203.

    Read this study publication and, in a well-organized essay, answer the following questions:

    • Discuss the sampling technique used by the original researchers andwhy they chose that technique (based on the information in thischapter).
    • Summarize the findings from the statistical tables presented in the textbook (based on the information in this chapter).
    • What final statistics were utilized to determine any correlations?
    • What conclusions do the authors make? Do they find support for their original hypothesis? Explain your answer.

    answer the following questions in 250 words.

    Question Description

    Your essay should be a minimum of 250 or more words with proper citation to your sources.

    Same facts as in Question 29. Plus:

    Joe Alien appears before an immigration judge while detained in ICE custody. He does not dispute the charges contained in the Notice to Appear, but wants to apply for relief from removal. He submits a request and application for Cancellation of Removal for nonpermanent residents and Asylum.

    In his asylum application, he claims he is afraid to return to Mexico because of his Uncle who has threatened to kill him in the past.

    Is Joe Alien statutorily eligible for Cancellation of Removal? Asylum? Does Joe meet all the requirements to be eligible for these forms of relief?