Law Case Study

Question Description

Please make sure that all websites used to look for a felony offense is government website. Avoid using fake or not legal site in my case planning. Make it three pages and please make sure to always proof read the work. I need someone who speak proper English. I provided two files as examples. Also, make sure that the probation plan has all the steps needed and provided on those files that I uploaded. For further information, please contact me by email or through this website message. Thank You!

Review the Help Guide to Probation Case Planning. Help_Guide_for_Probation_Case_Plan_112508_aas.pdfPreview the document

Choose a felony offense. Write a probation plan with conditions, programs to be completed, and so on for each crime.

You may be able to find a sample probation plan online to help with the formatting. A format may look similar to this: (Links to an external site.)

Criminal victimization

Question Description

Answer each question minimum 300 words. Must use provided material (PDF book) along with (2) other sources to help answer questions. Reference/site in APA format. Here is the reference for the PDF: Karmen, A. (2016). Crime victims: an introduction to victimology (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. WILL EXTEND TIME LIMIT ADDITIONAL 6 HOURS IF NEEDED.

1.) Find out from insurance company’s websites or other internet sources the makes, models, and years of the top ten vehicles most often stolen in your state and in your nearest metropolitan area. Chart your results.

2.) Read the auto theft paragraph in box 5.1 on page 141 of your text. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Give the rationale for your stance.

3.) As a victim rights advocate, draw up a comprehensive checklist of all the victim oriented services that could and should be offered by user friendly police departments.

Forensic tools and industry standards in digital forensics in the criminal justice system

Question Description

Complete the following questions below in detail. Please discuss thoroughly and substantively in your post.

1) Discuss in detail why you need to use a write blocker (either hardware or software) in your examinations, whether for a criminal case or a corporate case.

2) Imagine you are a computer forensic examiner receiving a suspect hard disk drive from a detective in your department. The drive was seized properly during a legally executed search warrant. The detective signs the chain of custody log and hands you the drive. Your job is to accept the drive, conduct an analysis, and maintain the drive until trial. Please explain the steps you would take, from receipt of the evidence until testimony, including the reasons why you would take each step. For example, what would you check for when you sign for the drive on the chain of custody document?

Media law

Question Description


Begin to research and write a two-page analytical essay in which you identify and explain how your Country X defines and punishes media defamation.

Make sure you being your essay with a strong thesis statement, explaining your main idea.

You have to have a thesis statement ( direct and concise; no feature writing!!)

Show how the US defines defamation( use Noli, Legal terminology)

Show how your country X defines defamation. ( Show the laws that define it and the laws that control it in a media context)

Show examples ( media examples) of how Country X courts investigate and punish it

five to six paragraphs of clear writing.

SOURCES: Use only government and academic ones for legal concepts and laws. However you can include media examples showing application of a law in your country X.


The Models of Corrections Policy

Question Description

In Chapter 3 the authors describe a progression of changes in corrections from The Reformatory Movement (1870s to 1890s) to the Crime Control Model (1970s to Present), a total of five models in all. Briefly discuss the five models and describe in detail where we are today in correctional policy. Give examples and provide a narrative of what changes might be ahead in corrections philosophy.

Write a 2 page APA style paper. Outline the historical evolution of correctional organizational management in the United States.

In your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the online library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the body of your essay.

View your assignment rubric.

read islamic thinking and the internationalization of human rights and answer the questions below

Question Description

Read the article titled below andanswer the questions regarding the reading.

Islamic Thinking and the Internationalizationof Human Rights by Mahmood Monshipouri

A. Read Monshipouri’s Islamic Thinking andthe Internationalization of Human Rights, available in Course Materials, Folderon Families of law; I will ask some of the content for the midterm and final.

B.Answer the following questions and post them on BB.

1. Compare the “Western” and the “Muslim”perspectives, according to the text (.50).

2.Is Islamic law (Shari’ah) static or evolutionary? Why? (.50).

3.Are external influences to obtain change in Islamic law effective? Why/why not?(.50).

4.Name the most influential figure, according to the text, who proposes aninternal approach to obtain change in Islamic law. What does he propose? (.25).

5.In your opinion, what are the advantages/disadvantages of “internalcross-cultural dialogue”? (.50).

6.According to Monshipouri, what position does the Muslim world adopt vis-à-viswomen, religious freedom, democracy and economic rights? (.50).

Legislating morality

Question Description

Short answer is only needed on this one. 150-200 words will suffice. No cover page or reference page needed. BUT put in your own words and not copy/paste. Thanks!

Laws have always been used to attempt to correct moral dilemmas and to right historical wrongs. FLSA and the NLRA are no different. However, I wish to discuss another law that impacted labor and employment and legislated morality.

The Civil Rights Act was both a moral victory and legal victory.

Moreover, this was not government’s first attempt at legislating morality. Continuing with my civil rights for example, did you know that there were three statutes passed?

The first in 1866 (, again in 1875 ( ) and the last one in 1964 (

Why did we, the USA, need three statutes to legislate this morality?

Emergency Management Response Analysis Paper, Part B

Question Description

Refer to the same event you wrote about in the Wk 1 assignment, Emergency Management Response Analysis Paper, Part A, and the selected articles about Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill from the Week 3 University Library Readings.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the work of the secondary responders (i.e., non-law enforcement, such as EPA, Coast Guard, engineers, etc.) in the aftermath of the emergency. Exclude details about police and fire response, as they are primary responders. In your paper:

  • Detail roles within structured command (ICS).
  • Outline applicable crisis response objectives.
  • Discuss decision-making strategies and challenges faced by leaders in working through the event.

Include at least 2 academic sources in your paper.

No more than 20% of paper shall be outside sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

week 4 assignment part 1

Question Description

Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic:

  • Should police departments train sworn police officers to complete financial reports and prepare budgets or hire civilian personnel for these tasks?
  • Do civilians have enough knowledge of policing to properly prepare good budgets addressing policing needs?
  • Can sworn officers fulfill this task without proper degrees/education?

***** All three topics must be covered in your debate paper. *****

Create a single document that includes both Part I and Part II of the debate as listed below:

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

2 Criminal Justice Theory Discussions

Question Description


Consequences of Power and Authority

Based on this week’s readings, discuss the consequences of power relations in organizations. What can you say about the political nature of power in organizations and the strategies criminal justice officials can employ to maintain their power positions?


Course Reflections

Discuss how you will apply your understanding of theory in this course to your professional practice or research in the criminal justice field. You may refer to theories, concepts, research knowledge, or how you would apply course content and experiences to your work life. Describe how you have grown personally and professionally as a result of completing this course.

For your concluding paragraph in this discussion, write a brief self-reflection that demonstrates how the Writing Coach and other writing resources at Capella facilitated your growth as a writer in this course.